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Demolition: Twisted Mayhem, Book Three

Page 19

by Cat Mason

  “Can’t have that,” I grunt, patting her back.

  Pulling back, she holds me at arm’s reach, looking me over. “You look like hell,” she says, shaking her head.

  “You should she the other guy,” I blurt, realizing the heaviness of my words the moment they leave my lips. “I mean—”

  “You did what you had to do,” she says, squeezing my hand.

  “Yeah, I know.” I nod, but my words lack conviction. “I really don’t feel like talking about it. What I want is sleep. Lots of it.”

  “Okay.” She hugs me to her again, this time Ro and Shy join in. “Get some rest. We can catch up tomorrow.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh, hugging her tight to me. “I want to go see Jace, too.”

  “I figured you’d want to go,” Shy says, giving me a small smile. “Maybe after breakfast.”


  “Rest,” Colt says, his hand coming to rest in the small of my back. “Shy? Would you throw something edible together for Henley and me?” he asks, looking her way. “Who the hell knows how long it’s been since she ate.”

  “Yeah,” Shy blurts, already heading for the kitchen. “Give me twenty minutes.”

  “Thanks, darlin’,” Colt calls after her.

  Colt and I avoid a bunch of time spent in long conversations, recapping everything that happened. Getting down to his room, I kick off my shoes on my way to the bed. Sliding beneath the covers, I wait until Colt settles beside me, then lay my head on his chest. As usual, his hand moves to my hair, fingers stroking through the strands. Wrapping my arm around him, I tuck myself into his side, loving the way we fit together.

  His hard edges to my soft. His calm control to my off the wall crazy. Every inch of him mine. All of my salvaged heart belonging to him after weathering its past demolition.



  His fingers slow, sliding down to rest on my back. “Know you say you’re okay, baby, but I know you. You’re not gonna come out and say when you’re strugglin’ to work through shit. You may not wanna talk it out now, but at some point you need to air it out. Want you to know I’m here for that when you’re ready.”

  “I killed someone,” I breathe, saying the words out loud for the first time, to the only person that I trust enough to see that deep into my soul. Looking up at him, I blink back the tears. “It happened so quick, Colt. All I wanted to do was get away.”

  “You did what you had to do to survive,” he assures me. “You fight. That’s what you do, babe.”

  Sniffling, I nod. Settling against his chest once again, I close my eyes, breathing in everything that is Colt. “That’s what we do.”



  Five Months Later

  “For the love of my fat ass!” I shout, looking myself over in the mirror. “What have you done to me?”

  Stepping out of the bathroom, Colt chuckles. “Your ass isn’t fat,” he argues, gripping said ass with both hands and squeezing. “It’s knocked up.” His hands slide around to my belly. Not quite huge yet, but just fat enough that nothing fucking fits without making me look like I should be doing six shows a day at Sea World. “And fuckin’ beautiful.”

  Covering his hands with my own, I roll my eyes. “I sure hope you feel that way when I’m waddling through this damn place like a penguin.”

  “Woman,” he grumbles, pressing a kiss just below my ear. “Had you sittin’ on my face not even an hour ago. Had my cock buried deep inside that sweet body twice today already. Keep talkin’ shit, I’ll make it a triple play before the bride says ‘I do’.”

  “If we’re late to the wedding, Cheyenne will have your ass,” I groan when his fingers slide down my body, slipping beneath the hem of the purple and silver dress she picked out for me to wear today. A dress that matches Ro’s.

  “You’re probably right about that,” he agrees, his fingers skimming over my panties. “They’ve waited long enough.”

  With Huck’s death, Jace’s rocky recovery, and Donnie’s trial, Shy and Schrader pushed the wedding back, wanting to wait for things to level out. I couldn’t blame them. After all the sadness and worry hanging around the last several months, I could only imagine that some of that would inadvertently carry over onto their special day.

  Meeting his eyes in the mirror, I smile at my man. He has traded in his stained jeans for all black ones today. His trademark too tight t-shirts, have been replaced with a white long sleeve dress shirt, beneath his leather. He even cleaned up his beard and trimmed away some of the excess. While I love all that hair, and hope to hell it never goes anywhere, I’ll admit my hormones went on overdrive seeing the finished product.

  Which may have had me climbing him like a damn tree the minute he came out of the bathroom this morning.

  Not that I don’t do that regularly anyway.

  “We’ve got time.” His fingers slip into my panties. “Spread your legs for me, Hotness.”

  “Colt,” I breathe, covering his hand to stop him. “They’re probably starting without us.”

  “I doubt that. I’ve got the rings.” My eyes flutter closed when he circles my clit with his middle finger. “You need me?”

  “I always need you,” I reply, my hold on his hand loosening.

  “Love you, Hen,” he says, the words making my heart race like it did the very first time he said it.

  “Love you, too,” I moan, feeling his fingers slide inside me.

  “Perfect.” The word rushes over my skin. “Open your eyes, Henley. Watch how beautiful you are when you come for me.”

  I do as he says. Though I can’t help my gaze moving to him, watching his eyes rake over me hungrily His other hand slides up, palming my breast through my dress. His hardening cock pressing against my back as he rocks into me. “God, baby,” I pant, feeling myself climbing toward my orgasm.

  Grinding his palm to my clit, he shifts his fingers, finding that sweet spot he works so well. His arm drops to my waist, keeping me upright when I start to wobble in my heels. Turning my face, I capture his mouth with mine. Our tongues tangle, his name falling from my lips as I come against his hand.

  “There’ll never be a time when I won’t need this to feel whole,” he says, nuzzling my neck. “You’ve got me. You’re carryin’ my babies.” His hand caresses my belly lovingly. “And the moment you stop givin’ me shit about wearin’ my ring, you’ll have my last name.”

  “Baby,” I smile, looking at us again in the mirror. “Ask me again when I haven’t just fucked your hand.”

  Laughing, he removes his hand from my panties. “Noted.”

  After cleaning myself up and righting my underwear and dress, Colt and I head upstairs for the wedding. Outside, the lot has been completely transformed, thanks to Nita. While she had always been excited about the wedding, I think that throwing herself into the planning like she has this last few months, helped ease the sting of being without Huck. It has given her something happy to look forward to, and busied her with the task of making it a beautiful day for everyone. Especially Shy and Schrader.

  Colt and I have gone out to their farm several times for dinner and to help with the horses, since Jace has been out of commission with recovery and therapy for his legs and back. Learning that Huck was his father took some time to fully process for Colt. He spent some time angry at the fact that so much was left unsaid, and I know he still accepts some of the guilt over what happened. He wanted more time. Don’t we all?

  My fear of losing Colt the way Nita lost Huck hasn’t fully gone away. I have my good days and bad days, especially with the pregnancy hormones from hell that make me crazier than usual. While I still have my freak outs, they have lessened since things have died down. I am working to take the good with the bad, while choosing to allow myself the happiness that I deserve.

  My last panic attack was the morning before my brother was sentenced to three years for the trespassing and assault charges he was facing after attacking Daniel at the
country club. Thankfully, with everything coming to light about my ex-husband, Rachelle was able to get the gun charge thrown out, along with a lesser sentence at a minimum-security prison instead of the previous maximum sentence they were pushing for, due to the circumstances of the case. At the rate he is going he will be home after doing around eighteen months.

  Things are shifting into a new normal. Something manageable. A life that has its struggles, but is undeniably exactly what I need.

  “You look amazing,” I choke out, my fucking hormones steamrolling me the moment I see Shy in her dress.

  It isn’t anything flashy or super fancy. It is a long, white, strapless dress that clings to every curve. There is a purple belt around her waist that matches our dresses. It is one of a kind and perfect for Shy.

  Shaking out her hands, she takes a deep breath. “Okay.” Turning to face the aisle, she looks down and spots Schrader standing at the end, beside Colt and Jinks. “I’m marrying that man today,” she says, exhaling. “Can you believe it? This is happening.”

  “I know,” I snort, nudging her with my hip. “I got the invite.”

  “Very funny,” she deadpans, slapping my arm.

  “Breathe deep,” Ro says, handing her the white rose bouquet, held together by one of Huck’s black bandanas. “Now walk your ass down that aisle and get your man.”

  “Not without me,” Doc blurts. Rounding the corner, he takes her hand. His eyes shine with pride and love for his daughter. The smile on his face something that has been missing in the months since losing his brother. Not today. In this moment, Doc seems lighter. “Beautiful, baby girl.”

  The music starts to play, signaling Ro and I to start walking down the aisle so we can take our places opposite Schrader, Stone, and Colt. “Okay,” Ro says, looping her arm with mine. “Let’s do this.”

  I meet Colt’s eyes, the thought of it being him and I up there one day, saying our vows flashes in my mind. It doesn’t scare me like I thought it would. Or make me uneasy. After Daniel, I fully expected never to find love. I also swore that marriage was a goddamn joke and that I’d never attach myself to someone that way again. I smile, knowing it would be different with Colt. It would be right.

  The sound of tires screeching has all of us spinning around toward the gate. Unmarked black cars fly into the lot, followed by Knox County Sheriff vehicles, all of them screeching to a stop in front of us. Doors fly open, Sheriff Dobbs and several armed Federal Agents spread out, forming some kind of human perimeter. “What the hell is going on?” I ask looking to Shy and Doc for answers.

  Doc’s eyes locked on Dobbs, his stare murderous. “Ladies and gentlemen,” a man shouts, carrying a folded piece of paper. “Sorry for the interruption. At this time, we will be needing everyone to remain calm and stay seated. An agent will be with each of you shortly.” Stepping up to Cheyenne, the man smiles. “A wedding gift,” he explains, handing her the paper. “Though I’ll admit, I hadn’t expected you to wear white,” he adds, taking in her dress.

  “What is this shit, Hilster?” she snaps, looking it over. “Is this some kind of goddamn joke?”

  “Joke? No. Amusing? Very,” he replies reaching out and tapping the paper with his index finger. “This is a warrant to search the premises.” I look to Colt, searching his eyes for answers, finding none. Stone, Schrader, and Colt charge up the aisle, only to be surrounded and stopped immediately by agents. Hilster’s smile darkens. Holding up his hands, he waves toward the main building. “Tear the goddamn place apart, boys.”



  After having nearly two dozen books under my belt, it is hard not to be repetitive when it comes to who I thank. It also is difficult not to express my gratefulness enough to those who make the journey with each book such a freaking blast. All my thanks and love goes to those who support what I do, and the stories I tell.

  There are days when the stress of making sure each book is as perfectly told and flawlessly put together takes its toll on me. There are such raw pieces of me that are placed in each and every book that I feel like I am baring my soul at times. That is terrifying at times. Okay, it’s wicked fucking scary. I don’t think there is one author out there who will tell you otherwise. We all get the nerves when it comes time to let others read our ramblings. The love for my characters and stories is why I continue to write. Why I will write and publish as long as there are stories in my head to tell, and as long as there are readers wanting to read them.

  Thank you. Thank you for the messages, the shares, the support and love. There are no words that can express how much power that encouragement has on someone when they may struggle with doubts in the process.

  I hope you love this series as much as I love writing it. I am not done and there is more Mayhem coming. Along with so many other stories I have planned to tell.

  Demolition Playlst

  Bullet In A Bonfire- Brantley Gilbert

  Fire Away- Chris Stapleton

  Titanium- David Guetta feat. Sia

  Damn Girl- Justin Timberlake

  E.T.- Katy Perry

  Haunted- Taylor Swift

  Dear X, You Don’t Own Me- Disciple

  Death Before Dishonor- Five Finger Death Punch

  The Reason- Hoobastank

  Bruised- Letters From The Fire

  Read Me My Rights- Brantley Gilbert

  About the Author

  Cat Mason is a thirty year old, married mother of three. When she isn't writing; she is spending time with her kiddos or reading. She was born and raised outside of St. Louis, Missouri, just over the Mississippi River in Granite City, Illinois. Cat writes romance of all kinds with twists of humor.

  For more information visit me at:




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