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His Buttercup (The May Flowers Series)

Page 2

by Laney Powell

  And you both need to fuck yourself silly tonight and still sleep, I thought cynically. But I was happy for him. I’d never seen him happier, and Harper was more than a match for him. “Thanks for coming in. I’m glad someone who likes me gets to see the place before we blow up.”

  “I think you’re going to,” Harper said. “I don’t mean to be nosy, but was that girl you spoke with Elspeth Crandall?”

  My brows furrowed. What was this shit? “Yes. Do you know her?”

  Harper was looking over at the table where Mariah and Elspeth sat. “I think I do. Not well—we grew up as kids together. Hey, excuse me for a minute,” she said to both of us, although her eyes sought out Darius.

  “Sure,” he said.

  I noted that he watched her carefully. Darius was jealous and protective. I got it. If I had a Harper, I would be too.

  Although I wouldn’t have a Harper. I liked my women a little softer. No less strong, but softer.

  Like Elspeth? My sneaky mind conjured up a vision of her looking down, a slight hint of pink in her cheeks.

  Yes. Like Elspeth.

  Over across the dining room, Harper and Elspeth were talking, and Elspeth got up and hugged the other women, both of them laughing. Apparently they did know one another.

  “Where is Harper from?” I asked.

  “Bristol, in Rhode Island.”

  I shrugged. “That’s not really that far from here.”

  “I think she’s one of the girls,” Darius looked around, and then up, obviously trying to remember. “Uh… shit. What the hell does she call them? The Spar something… Spar Island. That’s what it is. She has this group of friends, and it’s a never ending group. There is a cast of literally thousands. If that chick,” he nodded at Elspeth, still standing with Harper, “is one of them, be prepared, man.”

  “What, is it something bad?”

  “No, but every one of them that I’ve met is fierce, and takes no shit. It’s like a sorority, but worse.”

  “Harper doesn’t seem like a typical sorority row girl.”

  “She’s not. This is a group of girls that grew up in the same town, and hung out on boats all summer,” he smiled. “Consider yourself warned.”

  “Well, there’s nothing to worry about,” I settled back on the banquet. “I only met the girl. It’s not like we’re going out or anything.”

  Darius laughed. “Yeah, I’ve heard that before. Coming out of my very own mouth.”

  I laughed with him. Not much else to do. I wasn’t in the market for anything other than a regular fuck. Too much work to do. Elspeth didn’t seem like the kind of girl who would be one phone call away, with me making the calls.

  I respected that—but it wasn’t for me. Not now.

  Harper returned, her face beaming. “It was her! She’s one of the girls I grew up with.”

  “Darius was just telling me about them. The Spar Island girls?” I asked.

  She glared at Darius. “You mean he was sort of making fun of them. Shut up,” she told him. “Kane, thank you for dinner. Your place is amazing. I think you’re going to be rolling in filthy lucre from this venture. Darius, we were leaving?” Her look promised a mild tirade on the ride home.

  “See what I mean?” Darius said to me in an undertone as he rose from the table.

  “I’m right here,” Harper tapped her foot, still glaring.

  He laughed. “I know you are. Your foot tapping is adorable.”

  “Leave my girls alone.”

  Darius threw up his hands. “I haven’t done anything. Outside of letting Kane in on one of the more interesting aspects of your childhood.”

  Harper smiled and then turned to me. “Thank you for listening to Darius drone on. He doesn’t get it, not having any friends growing up.” She shot side eyes at Darius, who was laughing again.

  “All right, all right! Truce?” Darius asked.

  She glared for a moment longer and then laughed. “Truce.”

  He swooped in and kissed her and then turned to me. “Thanks for dinner. I owe you one.”

  “Anytime,” I said, watching them walk away.

  Their heads were together, and they were both still laughing, still obviously teasing one another, and for a moment, I felt a hot shaft of envy again.

  Then I looked to my bar, the bar that was starting to fill up with lovely young women in barely there dresses.

  I’d be fine.

  I didn’t even glance where Elspeth sat. Better she is far away and safe from me.


  “I can’t believe we ran into Harper,” I said to Mariah as I watched her walk out with her boyfriend. Darius Black. She said he was a big finance guy. He looked like he was a big guy in something, in addition to being a big guy.

  I felt bad I hadn’t recognized her. I was too busy not staring at Kane Raventon. We also hadn’t been close, but we were friends growing up and knew a lot of the same people. She was one of the Spar Island girls. In Bristol, Rhode Island, where we were both from, there’s a small group of little islands. They’re barely islands, but they’re called the Spar Islands, out in Mt. Hope Bay. We used to go out to them every summer, with people bringing their parents’ boats. We’d stay out all day, eating, drinking too much soda, and beer, as we got older, and getting a tan. It was a small amount of privacy as kids in a small town. Harper was two years older than me and had graduated when I was a sophomore. And now here she was with a handsome boyfriend who looked like not only a million bucks, but several million, and happy as could be.

  I was happy for her.

  A lot of my Spar Island friends were pairing up. I’d just heard Lyssa had met Prince Charming, and so had Nat, and Nat’s brother with Cate—it was in the water, or something.

  Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to be the water I was drinking.

  “She is one lucky girl. Darius Black is hot as hell. This is a good sign, El,” Mariah said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is where the hot men are going to come to. Men like Kane bring in the women, and the women bring in more men like Kane.”

  There wasn’t anyone like Kane. I was pretty sure of that. I kept that to myself and said, “Well, I think you’re going to get lucky tonight. You look stunning, Mariah,” I added.

  She was wearing a silver dress that had iridescent sparkles all over it. She loved her glitter and sparkle, which is why I had a gold dress with similar treatment. Her dark hair was pulled into a messy up do, and she looked like a bottle of champagne.

  At least tonight, while I wasn’t totally comfortable, I didn’t feel like the drab wall flower next to Mariah.

  “I’m going to need it. I told you, this is the hottest invite around right now. Are you ready to go over to the bar?”

  I nodded. “I am.”

  The waiter had assured us our bill was taken care of, so we walked back to the lobby. Mariah led us to the hostess stand once more, asking where the VIP party would be. There was another tall, cool blonde—where did they get these women, I wondered—and she led us to an area of the bar that had a half-wall around it. You had to walk up a few steps, and there was a large man standing at the top of them.

  “This is Miss Barrington and her guest,” the hostess said.

  The doorman checked her name off on a list, then smiled at Mariah. “Right this way, ma’am.” He had straight, white teeth as well that went perfectly with his chiseled features, and I felt Mariah nearly purr at the unabashed appraisal in his gaze.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You can have a seat, and the bar is open tonight,” he showed us to a small round cocktail table.

  “Thank you,” Mariah said, giving him a come-hither look.

  He stumbled as he walked back to his place at the stairs.

  “You really shouldn’t do that,” I said, laughing. “The smolder isn’t fair when people aren’t expecting it.”

  “That’s the best time to use it. Now, what are we drinking?” She picked up a small m
enu on the table. “We need to try at least four. You don’t have to drink them all, but I’m going to be writing about it later, so I want to know how they do their drinks.” Her professional mask slipped down as she studied the menu. She was a total foodie, which is why her job as a food critic was perfect for her.

  That also meant I’d have whatever she was having and not have to drink much. I preferred that. I’d only gotten drunk a couple of times in college, and I didn’t like the way it felt. Too out of control.

  “We already know the mules are divine,” Mariah continued. “So pick out a couple more.” She perused the menu.

  A movement near the entrance of the VIP area caught my eye. It was Kane Raventon, talking with the bouncer. Kane glanced over to where we were sitting, and I met his gaze. But only for a moment, because his eyes kept moving.

  I felt myself deflate a little. He wasn’t interested. How could you be, with people like Mariah and all the tall, cool blondes he had working for him? I was foolish to think I stood a chance with someone like him.

  That didn’t mean I couldn’t look at him, though. He had an air that swirled around him—the cocky pirate air. I sighed. I’d let him board and conquer me. The thought made me smile.

  “Stop mooning over Kane Raventon,” Mariah said without even glancing away from the menu. “What are you drinking?”

  A waitress came over at that exact moment, and by the time I’d ordered my Cosmo, Kane had disappeared.

  Probably for the better.


  I watched the restaurant, the bar, and the club from the hostess podium. Every room was full. The loud hum of conversation filled the air. There was a subtle beat from the club. We’d put the speakers back from the door and soundproofed the walls between the bar and the club. But the door to the club was a long pane of glass, so that people could see the shadows and the light show and the dancing. It pulled them in like moths to a flame.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whirled around. It was Mariah. And with her was Elspeth in the golden dress.

  “Thank you so much for your hospitality, Kane,” she said with an inviting smile. Although Mariah was flirtatious, I didn’t think it was directed at me.

  “Well, I hope you enjoyed it, and you’ll share that with as many people as possible,” I said with a wide grin.

  She smiled, more genuine this time. “I will. We’re going to go dance for a while, and then we both have to get home. But I wanted to thank you in case we didn’t see you again.”

  “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” I turned my gaze to Elspeth, who looked like a radiant sun. But she wasn’t fierce like the sun. She was gentler, softer.

  Like a buttercup.

  The thought came to my mind as I squelched it. I did not need to be thinking about Elspeth or any other woman this way.

  “We are,” Elspeth said quietly.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you,” I stepped back a little, dismissing the conversation. It was dangerous to be too close to her. I could feel her pulling me in and she wasn’t even trying.

  Mariah smiled, recognizing the move, and walked past me, taking Elspeth’s arm as she did so. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched them walk away, loving the way that Elspeth’s hair moved as she walked and the sway of her ass in her shimmering dress.

  Then I shifted my gaze and did my best to forget her. It was better that way. Fortunately, there was plenty to see and plenty to do. I made my way through the whole building, checking on all the moving parts that made this place run.

  I found myself back in the club, and my eyes sought out the woman with the golden dress. She and her friend were near the back close to the DJ. I saw Mariah lean in and then she walked off, leaving Elspeth still dancing.

  Just as I told myself to fucking look away, I saw a man approach her, and practically engulf her. She whirled around and pushed him away.

  He didn’t let go, leaning down to speak to her. He pulled her closer, and she pushed him again.

  I was moving before I knew it. I made it to where she stood and heard her trying to get rid of him.

  “No, thank you!” Elspeth said, nearly shouting. “I’m not interested!”

  “Hey, baby,” the guy said. “Let’s just—”

  I stepped in, sliding my arm around Elspeth’s waist as I gripped his forearm and removed it from her.

  “Sweetie, is everything all right?” I asked with a smile that those who knew me would recognize. They called it my ‘wolf smile’ because I smiled with all my teeth, and I was ready to rip someone’s heart out. “Do you know this man?” I turned to Elspeth, throttling my voice down.

  She gazed at me wide-eyed for a moment, then shook her head. “I think it’s a case of mistaken identity,” she said.

  I was pleased to see that her voice didn’t tremble, or shake. She might be reserved, but she wasn’t a trembling flower. If anything, she was angry, but she was polite. She didn’t want to make a scene.

  “Then there’s nothing else to say, is there?” I looked back at the guy, who knew what I meant.

  He held up his hands. “I’m sorry, you’re right, I thought it was someone else, I—”

  “Leave,” I growled. “And don’t make the same mistake with anyone else, or you’re out on your ass with a ride home in a cop car.”

  He looked like he wanted to say something, but at that moment, another guy came up.

  “Hey, Mr. Raventon, sorry about that, come on, Josh, let’s go,” the guy pulled at his friend.

  Josh looked at Elspeth, then me, and then realization dawned. “I’m sorry,” he said.

  Before he could say anything else, his friend hauled him away.

  I promptly forgot him as I turned to look down at Elspeth. She was petite, fitting nicely under my arm. But she was curvy in all the right places, and I could practically see down her dress from this vantage point. Her breasts curved gently, making my hands itch to touch them. I knew I needed to remove my arm from around her, but I didn’t want to.

  “Are you all right?” I had to lead down close to her to speak over the music.

  She sighed, and nodded. “Yes. Thank you for the added incentive to make him leave.”

  “I’ll have him thrown out,” I looked up to see if he was still in my line of vision.

  She shrugged. “He’d just had a little too much to drink, and thought I was someone named Darla,” she said. “I really do think he was just mistaken.”

  “You’re too nice. He was just an asshole. I don’t put up with that.”

  “Well, that’s good to know,” she said.

  “I’m sorry if he ruined your evening,” I said, not sure what to say. I mean, ‘Let’s go and fuck all night long’ sounded great to me, but it probably wouldn’t go over well. My cock was at attention, taking note of the warmth that radiated off her, of her floral smell, of the movement of her hair against my arm. Which was still around her waist.


  Shit shit shit.


  I wondered where the hell Mariah was. Not that I really wanted her to come back. Then Kane would let go of me and the moment would be over. His touch on me was making all my insides melt with wild, screaming desire.

  I hadn’t been interested in anyone in what felt like a long time. With Kane touching me, it felt like forever. No one had ever made me weak in the knees like he did with one simple touch of his hand.

  No wonder he had all those tall, gorgeous blonds working for him. He was divine. But not in a pretty way, although he was one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen in my life.

  In a dangerous, smoldering, manly way. I almost giggled to myself at my choice of words. It sounded so cheesy! But Kane Raventon was all man.

  Apparently he was not a jerk cave man, because he’d come over to fend off a jerk caveman for me.

  “He didn’t ruin anything. He brought you to me,” I said, the words falling out of my mouth before my brain could put the brakes on.

  Kane looked at
me, and I could see something shift in his gaze. It went from hungry to roaring inferno in the space of a heartbeat. Watching him look down at me, I thought my heart might have stopped.

  “Is that where you wanted me?” He asked, like we weren’t in a club with the bass reverberating around us.

  I moved my hair back from my face. “Who wouldn’t want you next to them?”

  Kane leaned down, letting me feel his breath against my cheek, close to my lips. “Plenty of people. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  My body was on some kind of auto-pilot that hadn’t been shared with me. My hand reached up and stroked his cheek. “Yes,” I breathed. My heart thudded in my ears, and I could feel sweat on the back of my neck.

  He made me hot.

  “Meet me in the bar in fifteen minutes,” Kane said. “If you’re sure.” His breath still curled around me, hot and sweet, and his being this close made me feel like there was no one else around but the two of us.

  “Fifteen minutes?” I was dazed and obviously missing something.

  “Your friend might wonder where you have gotten off to,” he said, and there was a promise in his words.

  How in the hell did he make even something so simple sound sinful?

  “Oh, right! Mariah! I’ll find her, and meet you,” I said.

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “Fifteen minutes,” I said.

  Kane moved, just an inch, and his lips brushed mine. I felt everything below my belly button go up in flames. “I can’t wait,” he said.

  Then he was gone, and he moved so abruptly it was as though he’d never been there. I was taken aback by the fact that he was gone so fast.

  Mariah. Shit. What was I going to tell Mariah?

  The truth. That would be the best bet.

  I headed off to the restrooms. Hopefully, she was still in line.


  I strode to the bar, looking for my manager. The VIPs were all taken care of, and any that weren’t would need to be handled by Grace, my general manager. She oversaw all three of the businesses, and then there were managers for each. But that wasn’t my problem.


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