Beyond the Bases
Page 13
I don’t tell her that the chances are I’ll spend more time staring at her mother than watching the game. “Doesn’t matter who we watch as long as I get to hang out with you.”
She places one of her hands on my cheek. “I like it when we hang out with you. Mommy said after I had to take a nap. Can you nap with me?” she asks.
“Paisley—” Larissa starts, but I cut her off.
“You know I love me some naps, P.” I tweak her nose, and her face lights up.
“Come on in.” Larissa steps back and opens the door for me. “I was just making popcorn. What would you like to drink?”
“Water’s fine,” I say. “Let’s go help Mommy get these in water.”
“I want mine in my room. Can I, Mommy?” she asks.
“Sure, P. Let’s get them in some water first.”
I follow Larissa into the kitchen and sit Paisley down on the counter. “What can I do?” I ask.
Larissa opens the cabinet and pulls down two mason jars. “You can put the flowers in these and I’ll start the popcorn.”
“Can I help?” Paisley asks.
“Sure, but it’s a really big job. You sure you’re up for it?” I ask. Her head bobs up and down. “Okay, so it’s really important, once I get water in the jars, to hold it really still. That way when I put the flowers in, it doesn’t tip over.”
“I can do that. I’m good at helping, right, Mommy?”
“You sure are.” Larissa smiles over at her.
“All right. Here we go.” Grabbing the smaller mason jar, I fill it halfway with water and place it on the counter next to Paisley. “Hold it still for me,” I tell her.
She nods, her face as serious as I’ve ever seen her as she turns sideways on the counter and places both hands on the jar. I unwrap the flowers and place them in the jar. “You did it!” I say excitedly. Her sweet smile lights up my world.
“I’m real good at helping,” she tells me again.
“That you are. Let’s move this out of the way.” I slide the jar she’s still holding onto down the counter.
“Shew,” she says, shaking out her hands as if she’d been holding onto the jar for hours. I guess in her four-year-old mind, it might as well have been.
“You ready for the other one?” I ask her.
She shakes out her hands and holds them up for me to see. “Ready.”
I place the larger jar on the table. “I don’t know how I would have done this without you,” I tell her as she wraps her tiny hands around the jar.
“I know,” she agrees, and I have to bite back my laugh.
Unwrapping the larger bouquet of flowers, I place them in the jar and then move it down the counter next to the other one. I hold my hand up for a high-five, and she slaps hers into mine. “Great job.”
“I’m ready to rewax,” she says dramatically.
“Let’s do this.” I hold out my arms, and she leans into me. Settling her on my hip, I grab the three waters sitting on the counter and head to the living room. I drop Paisley onto the couch. Not hard enough she could get hurt, just enough that she bounces and cackles with laughter. I settle in, and she scoots up next to me.
“Look at you two all snuggled,” Larissa says a few minutes later, joining us with a large bowl of popcorn.
“We worked hard,” Paisley tells her. “We needed to rest.”
Larissa laughs. “I bet.”
What else do you say to an adorable four-year-old? You agree with them. “Let me take that.” I reach for the popcorn.
“I can hold it. I’m in the middle, and we can share like a family.”
I know it’s all kinds of wrong, but I love it when she calls us a family. I’m sure Larissa is freaking the hell out, concerned we’re moving too fast, but I’m not afraid of it. In fact, the sooner she hops on the speeding train, the better. “Ready for some baseball?” I ask. I want to hug her and tell her that I would be honored to be her family. To step in and fill the shoes of the father she lost before she even had a chance to meet him. I bite my tongue and pretend as if her comment didn’t faze me, when in reality it’s all that keeps running through my mind. I know it’s going to take time for Larissa to get to where I am, but damn if I wish it would happen already.
Not ten minutes into the game and Paisley is over it. “When do I get to see you again, East?” she asks.
Glancing at the TV, I see where we are in the line-up. “I was already at bat, so it’s going to be a minute. This inning dragged on. It’s a few minutes,” I say, trying to appease her.
“Maybe we should watch a princess movie instead. I get to see you now.”
“Paisley,” Larissa scolds her.
“It’s fine,” Reaching around Paisley, I place my hand on her shoulder. “A princess movie is fine with me.”
“Actually, it’s nap time,” Larissa says.
“Aww, Mom, do we have to? East just got here.”
“Yes, we do have to. You have practice tonight.”
“Okay. East, will you lie down with me?”
“Sure, kiddo.” I stand from the couch and stretch. When I turn around, Larissa’s eyes are on my waist where my shirt has lifted, and Paisley is holding her arms in the air for me to pick her up.
“You can walk, P,” Larissa reminds her.
“I know, but East is so, so tall. I like it when he carries me.”
“Where do princesses takes naps?” I ask her.
“In my room, silly,” she laughs.
“Oh, yeah, can you show me?” My eyes dart around the room, taking in their space. I can see so much of Larissa’s personality from the color on the walls to the pillows on the couch. There are baskets of toys in every corner, telling me this house is lived in. It’s a home. Something mine is missing.
She points down the hall and we head that way. When we get to her room, there are posters of all the Disney princesses on her walls. “That’s my daddy. He’s in heaven,” she says, pointing to a picture on her nightstand.
“You know what that means, right?”
“That he’s up there.” She points to the ceiling. “But I can’t see him. Momma says that’s not how it works.”
I swallow the lump in my throat. This little girl has my heart. “That’s right, but that also means that your daddy is now your guardian angel. Do you know what that is?”
“He’s an angel?” she whispers.
“He is. He’s looking over you. So no matter if you are having a good day or a bad day, he’s always watching you.”
“I wish I had a daddy here,” she says, hugging her unicorn shaped pillow to her chest. It takes everything in me not to tell her that I’ll be her daddy. Fuck, I’d be honored for her to call me Dad. “Will you read me a story, East?”
“How about I make one up?”
“Yes!” she cheers.
“Climb in,” I say, holding the covers back for her, thankful we’ve moved on to lighter conversation.
“When I get big, I’m not taking naps.”
“No? Naps are good for you. They give your body new energy so you can run and play.”
“Are you taking a nap too?”
“I took one on the plane,” I lie. It’s just a small white lie, but I need some time with her momma. “I promise to be here when you wake up.” I’m hoping Larissa doesn’t kick me out before then.
“Are you coming to my practice?”
“We’ll have to ask your mom and see if it’s okay.” I want to tell her I’ll be at every single practice I can make it to, but I know that’s crossing the line.
“Story,” she reminds me.
“Right. Once upon a time, there was this beautiful princess, her name was Clarissa.”
“That’s like my mommy’s name,” she points out.
“I know.” I wink at her.
“Clarissa and her daughter—”
She interrupts me before I can go on. “Paisley!” She giggles.
“Maisley,” I correct her, causing her to laugh. I have no idea
if it’s a real name, but it rhymes with Paisley so I’m going with it. “Anyway, Maisley and her mom, Clarissa—”
She cuts me off again. “Maisley and her mommy, Clarissa, were living without a daddy,” she says, breaking my damn heart.
“Hey, whose story is this, mine or yours?”
“I’m helping. I’m so, so good at it,” she says.
“Okay, go on,” I say, even though I’m not sure my heart can take it. Not where this little girl is concerned.
“Maisley and her mommy didn’t have a daddy. One day, Maisley meets,” she stops. “What whimes with East?”
“Beast?” I ask, seeing the Beauty and the Beast poster on her wall.
“Yeah!” she says like it’s the best idea she’s ever heard. “One day, Maisley meets Beast, and he becomes her friend.”
“This story sounds awfully familiar,” I say, tapping the end of her nose.
“East, I’m telling a story. You’re ’posta stay quiet.”
“Sorry, carry on.” I hold my hands up in surrender.
“They play catch together, and take naps. Maisley loves her new friend so, so much, the end,” she says proudly.
Leaning in, I brush her hair back from her eyes. “Can I tell you a secret?”
Her eyes grow wide and she nods. “I love you, too,” I say, kissing the tip of her nose.
Her little arms fly around my neck and she squeezes me with all her might. “You’re my best friend,” she whispers.
I hold her a little tighter than I should with her size, but I need a minute for the emotions, the happiness, the love, the want, to flow through me. “All right you,” I say once I’ve composed myself. “It’s nap time. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Standing outside Paisley’s room, I wipe the tears that I can’t keep from falling. He’s so good with her, and she loves him. Hearing their story is like someone reached inside my chest and is squeezing my heart. I want to give her that. A family, a man she can confide in, a man she can lean on. Until Easton, there has been no one. At least not that she’s met. I’ve had a few dates here and there, but nothing and no one I would consider bringing into her life. Why did I do it with him? I’ve asked myself this question more times than I count, but it’s not until now that I can give myself an honest answer. Easton Monroe is a gift to us. He’s loving and kind. He makes our lives better by just being a part of them.
“Hey,” he says, stepping out into the hall. I don’t have time to turn and hide my tears before his big hands are cupping my cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
“She loves you.”
“The feeling’s mutual. She’s a great kid.”
“What are we doing, Easton? The more time you spend with her, the harder she falls for you. Her story—” My voice trails off and I shake my head.
“I can’t tell you what you’re doing, but I can tell you what I’m doing.” He pauses, waiting for me to look at him. When my eyes are locked on his, he moves on. “I met this woman… she’s gorgeous. I mean ‘take my breath away’ gorgeous. She’s also smart as hell, hard-working, and somehow balancing working and school. She’s cast a spell on me, so much so that I can’t get her out of my head. A spell so profound that I don’t even want to. Then, one day I find out she has a kid. A little girl, who resembles her momma in so many ways. A little girl who is living, breathing proof of how amazing this woman is. She’s raised her with little help, supports both of them, and never once have I heard her complain about being tired or being ready to give up. Instead, I get this woman, who makes me want to be a better man, for her and her daughter.”
Tears fall silently down my cheeks. I can feel them as they slide over his fingers that are still holding my face.
“I’m not playing games with you or with her. I know my lifestyle can be a pain in the ass, and it’s not for everyone, but I’m asking you, Larissa. Please, let me in. Let’s make us official. I want to be able to call you mine. I want to know that I can stop by to see the two of you whenever I want. I want you to do the same at my place, even if I’m not there. Take P swimming or just be there, in my space. I want our lives so entwined that none of us will be able to remember what life was like before we met.”
I stand there, my mind racing to process his words. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and release the worry and the fear. This man is standing before me, pouring his heart out. He wants to be here, or he wouldn’t be before me now. I know that. He’s great with my daughter, and if the day comes where this doesn’t work, she will know the love of a good man. Something she’s never experienced. I know in my heart that’s what he is: a good man.
“What do you say, Ris? Can we make this thing between us official?”
Slowly, I open my eyes. He’s watching me, waiting for my answer. I can’t seem to find the words, and a lame head nod doesn’t seem to be fitting for this moment. It needs more. So I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. Before I realize what’s happening, Easton grips my ass and lifts me into the air. On instinct, I wrap my legs around his waist, and lock my arms around his neck, holding on for the ride. He doesn’t stop until we’re in my room across the hall. Easton breaks the kiss and sits me on the bed. I watch him as he walks back out the bedroom door. I can hear his footsteps throughout the house. I’m just about to go look for him to see what he’s doing when he appears in my doorway. Quietly, he closes the door and turns the lock.
“What did you do?”
“I locked the front door and moved the couch in front of the hallway.”
“O-kay,” I say slowly. “I get the front door. Why the couch?”
“Because I’m going to devour you and if we happen to not hear Paisley wake up, I don’t want her to get burned in the kitchen, or get cut, or sneak out the front door or anything else curious little girls can get into.”
I try to hold back my laughter, but fail. “She knows the rules. You didn’t have to go to that extreme,” I say as I splutter with laughter.
“She’s not getting hurt on my watch,” he grumbles. He stalks toward me, leaning over the bed and pressing his lips to mine. “I take care of what’s mine,” he says before kissing me again, pushing his tongue past my lips. Leisurely, he strokes my tongue with his, reminding me of our one and only night we’ve spent together. “Tell me what you want, Ris.”
“You.” He moves to stand between my legs, and I can feel how ready he is through my thin cotton shorts.
“Tell me what we are.” His lips venture across my cheek and down my neck. “Tell me we’re official.”
“We don’t have to be to do this,” I remind him.
He stops, pulling away his eyes to find mine. “Yeah, in fact, we do. I’m not playing games here, Larissa. I meant every word I said. I want to take us beyond the bases, baby.”
My heart’s racing but I’m not sure if it’s from him and his touch, his tender kisses against my heated skin, or if it’s from the words about to come out of my mouth. “We’re official.”
“Yeah?” he asks, his dark eyes sparkling.
I nod.
“Can we tell Paisley? I don’t want to hide this from her. I’m just as enamored with her as I am you.”
She’s already attached to him; I’ve let that happen. What’s the point in holding out on him now? “Yeah, we can tell her.”
He crashes his lips to mine. “Need you now.” His hands go to my shorts and he begins to work them over my hips. I lift, making it easier for him. Once he slides them down my legs, panties and all, he tosses them on the floor. “How long does she nap?”
“We don’t have much time,” I pant. Her naps are shorter and less frequent the older she gets. I have a feeling I would have had more of a fight on my hands if it weren’t for Easton telling her naps were good.
“Then I better get to work.” Stepping back, I watch as he unbuckles his shorts, pulls a condom from his pocket, then grips and tugs down his shorts, along with his boxer briefs to the floor. My eyes are glued to him as he strokes himself. “Lik
e what you see?” he asks.
“Meh, you know how to work that thing?” I ask, and he looks horrified at the question.
“Really, Larissa?” He’s stroking himself with one hand and running his fingers through my folds with the other.
“I think you should show me,” I say, raising a brow in challenge.
He laughs and shakes his head. “I’ll show you.” He reaches for the condom.
“You had me pegged as a sure thing?”
“No.” He shakes his head vehemently. “I just wanted to be prepared. I know I can’t keep my hands off you, and on the slim chance we were able to end up in this very spot, I wasn’t letting something like protection keep me from being inside you again.” Quicker than I anticipated, he has the condom on and is bracing his hands beside me on the bed. “You’re gonna need to be quiet,” he says.
I’m just about to tell him that Paisley can sleep through anything, when he pushes inside me. My hands grip his back and my eyes close. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from crying out. She can sleep through anything, but I definitely want her to sleep through this.
Easton smiles down at me and then swivels his hips. “You still think I don’t know how to use my… bat?” he asks, smirking.
“Mmm, the jury’s still out,” I manage to groan, goading him. I know damn good and well he knows how to use what the good Lord gave him. My taunting spurs him on as he lifts my legs and sets one on each of his shoulders. Gripping my hips, he begins a relentless pace. Over and over, he thrusts inside me, and all I can do is hang on for the ride.
“C-close,” I pant, my orgasm looming. He takes that as his cue to roll his hips and speed his thrusts all at the same time. I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but whatever he’s doing, I don’t want him to stop.
My nails dig into his skin and my orgasm crashes over me. “I’m with you, baby,” I hear him say, and then there’s nothing but ringing in my ears as pure bliss takes over my body. Easton is only the second man I’ve ever been with, and nothing in my past compares to what just happened. Well, unless you count our first time together. Actually, any time with him always feels better than the time before. He’s magical that way. Then again, maybe it’s us. Maybe we’re magical together.