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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3)

Page 3

by Jessie Donovan

  She raised her chin. “I’ll shift, but first, I want another kiss. And not just a peck on the cheek either, but one to please my dragon.”

  Grinning, Ross cupped her cheek. “I knew you couldn’t resist my charms, lass.”

  Lorna rolled her eyes. “I could do without the cockiness.”

  “Aye, maybe you could. But I like to think it adds to my appeal.”

  “Hurry up and kiss me, you old fool, or I’ll rescind my offer.”

  Leaning down, Ross murmured, “We can’t have that, now, can we?” He nipped her bottom lip. “Brace yourself, love. Your dragon is going to like this.”

  Taking Lorna’s lips in a rough kiss, Ross wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He explored her mouth, taking in her taste and heat. Lorna was sunshine mixed with cream.

  He took the kiss deeper, stroking possessively against her tongue. No matter how long it took, he’d keep kissing her to please her dragon. And then maybe a wee bit longer for himself.

  Chapter Three

  Lorna allowed Ross to dominate her mouth for a moment before she pushed back and battled his tongue.

  The human sure knew how to kiss. Not that she’d ever tell him. It would go straight to his head.

  Her dragon spoke up. Stop thinking and just enjoy it. Our human clearly desires us.

  Ignoring her beast’s words about their human, Lorna ran a hand down Ross’s back to his bum cheek. He squeaked a second before growling into her mouth. The vibration sent a thrill through her body, straight between her legs.

  Her dragon chimed in again. Yes, yes. I want more.

  Not now. Things are complicated.

  How? You want him. He clearly wants us. Take him.

  Ross broke the kiss to murmur, “Stop thinking so hard, woman.”

  “Don’t tell me—”

  But Ross interrupted her with another kiss. Both human and dragon halves liked this new side to Ross.

  Moving his hands from her face to her back, Ross cupped her rear and rocked her against his erection. Lorna gasped at the contact.

  Ross chuckled. “Just wait until you see me in all my glory, lass. Then you really will gasp.”

  “I call bullcrap.”

  “Oh, aye? Then maybe we should settle this once and for all. It’s a wee bit chilly out, but I’m sure we can find somewhere to put this to rest.”

  She tried not to smile. “I’m not about to canoodle in an abandoned cottage, Ross. You might break your hip.”

  He nipped her bottom lip. “Cheeky wench.”

  Chuckling, Lorna leaned down to lick the skin of his neck. “For that, I should let my dragon out. She’ll demand some gymnastic-level maneuvers and then I can laugh when you do break your hip, old man.”

  Ross leaned back until he could meet her gaze. “As much as I want to try that, I think it’s time to show me your dragon form, Lorna. Because there won’t be any more kisses until you do.”

  She raised her brows. “I’ve survived years without kisses. I’m not sure if that’s much of a threat.”

  Her beast huffed. But I want more kisses. And much more. Let’s just shift and show him. We don’t have to fly.

  Lorna hesitated. She hadn’t stood before a male unrelated to her and shifted since her Jamie had passed. The act would almost be a final good-bye. Lorna wasn’t sure if she was ready for that.

  Her dragon’s voice was soft when she said, Jamie will always be with us. He would want us to be happy. Ross might finally be able to give us that. Then we’d never be lonely again.

  As much as Lorna loved her children and her nephew, there had been many nights when she’d needed the warm embrace and soothing words of a mate. She’d always thought it would never happen, but when Ross kissed her, argued with her, or even teased her, it all just felt… right.

  Ross’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “We’re too old to hesitate, my dear. I might keel over in the next minute. So, what’s it to be?”

  “You’re not going to keel over anytime soon.”

  “Aye? So, you can predict the future now?”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  Ross grinned and then winked at her. His dimple came out and weakened her resolve a fraction. He replied, “So, what’s it to be? I know my kisses are pretty spectacular, so I’m leaning toward you shifting.”

  She rolled her eyes. “At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if I sprain a muscle rolling my eyes since you make me do it so often.” He lightly pinched her bum and Lorna squeaked. “That was uncalled for.”

  “We can talk about how you liked it later. Right now, I want to see your dragon, my dear. So, what will it be? I let you go and you walk away. Or, you shift and then receive more kisses from me once you’re human again.”

  The corner of her mouth twitched. “I’m almost tempted to say you need to kiss my dragon’s snout before you get any more kisses from my human form. I’m fairly certain your cockiness would fade when I flashed my long, sharp teeth.”

  “Stop stalling and make your decision. If I wait any longer, I might lose all my hair.”

  A retort was on the tip of her tongue, but her dragon spoke up again. Enough with the human games. Let’s shift and then I can play with him.

  At the image of her beast dangling Ross in the air, Lorna mentally chuckled. Aye, I’d like to see that.

  Then let’s shift.

  What the hell. It’s only Ross.

  She pushed against the human’s chest, and he released her. Lorna walked about ten feet away. “Turn around.”

  Crossing his arms across his chest, Ross smiled. “I’d rather not. Besides, I thought dragon-shifters didn’t care about nudity.”

  He was right, the blasted human. Yet having Ross’s single-minded attention, as his gaze raked from her head to her toes, caused her heart to beat double-time.

  Rather than admit she was nervous, Lorna drew on her formidable strength and unzipped her coat. “Fine, but if I hear so much as a chuckle or see a look of horror, I’m going to lift you into the air and drop you into the freezing loch.”

  He motioned with his hand. “Understood. Now, get to it, woman. Show me your beautiful dragon.”

  Ross’s words rang with honesty, not fake platitudes. Combined with the warmth and anticipation in his eyes, Lorna kicked off her shoes. “Right, then stand back.”

  It was time to show Ross Anderson her dragon form.


  Ross couldn’t stop smiling. After all these months, Lorna was finally going to share her dragon with him.

  Of course, he didn’t think too much more on it as the woman tossed aside her jacket and moved her hands to the bottom of her jumper.

  With a twinkle in her eye, Lorna raised the jumper inch by inch, slowly revealing the pale skin of her abdomen. Just as she would expose her breasts, she paused. “Are you sure you can survive this? I don’t want to give you a heart attack.”

  He grinned. “It will be a hell of a way to die.”

  Sighing, Lorna muttered something he couldn’t hear, apart from the last bit of him being “a pervy old human.”

  He half expected her to stop and change her mind. Or, at the very least, to tell him to turn around. But something flashed in Lorna’s eyes and she tugged her jumper off in one swift motion. Her large breasts were encased in a black, lacy bra. He itched to touch them and feel their weight in his hands. But since he didn’t want to scare the dragonwoman off, he met Lorna’s eyes and chuckled. “Look who has fancy underthings.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Lorna raised her brows. “There’s nothing wrong with wearing things to make me feel pretty.”

  “Love, you could be wearing nothing and still outshine the stars.” At the skepticism in Lorna’s eyes, Ross added, “Why are you stalling? You’re the one always complaining about the cold. The sooner you’re naked, the sooner you can shift into a dragon. Dragon’s don’t feel the cold as keenly, or so your children say.”

  Lorna said nothing for a few seconds, and he
wondered if he had said too much. Then the dragonwoman wiggled out of her stretchy leggings. Ross drank in every curve and valley of her form. “Lovely.”

  Rather than reply, Lorna shucked her panties. Lorna hooked a finger under her bra, and Ross licked his lips. He’d spent many a night dreaming about those breasts.

  Whatever shyness Lorna had possessed in the beginning was nowhere to be found as she slowly lowered one bra strap and then the other. Reaching behind her, Lorna smiled right before her bra fell to the ground. Ross’s mouth watered. Lorna’s plump skin was topped with pointy nipples. He couldn’t wait to take one into his mouth.

  Lorna cleared her throat. “My face is up here, Ross.”

  With one last look, he met Lorna’s whiskey-colored eyes. Her pupils flashed to slits and back. His voice was husky to his own ears as he replied, “I’ve had months to memorize your face, Lorna. From the slight tilt of your left eyebrow to the mole near your jaw. I may need a few months to similarly memorize the soft skin of your breasts, your abdomen, and that lovely arse of yours.”

  Lorna’s cheeks flushed, and Ross’s ego went up a notch.

  In the next second, Lorna’s skin glowed a faint green before her nose elongated into a snout, wings sprouted from her back, and her form stretched to a height over ten feet.

  Ross barely had time to shut his dropped jaw before Lorna stood in the clearing in her green dragon form. As if wanting to add a little drama, she flicked her wings up and out. The wingspan had to be more than twenty feet.

  As he continued to stare, Lorna shook her head, and it broke the spell.

  Not wanting Lorna to change her mind and shift back, Ross walked slowly to her side. He moved his hand until it was an inch from her green-scaled side and met her large dragon eye. “I just want to make sure you’re not going to bite me if I pet you.”

  After she flashed a grin, Lorna’s chest rumbled with what he assumed was a dragon chuckle.

  The question had been more out of curiosity, but it seemed to have broken the tension. Ross gently ran a hand down Lorna’s side. The green, grooved scales were sleek but tough like hardened leather.

  He kept his hand on Lorna’s side as he moved down her body. Once he stood under an outstretched wing, he reached up, but couldn’t quite make contact with the bat-like appendage. Lorna lowered her wing until he could lightly brush the thinner membrane between her wing bones. While tough, the skin was softer than her scales.

  Chancing a glance over his shoulder, he found Lorna watching him with curiosity. The dragonwoman was trying to hide it, but the tension of her body told him she was nervous. He needed to make her feel more at ease. “Don’t try to hurry me, woman. You’ll learn to appreciate my attention to detail later on. Believe me, I like to investigate every inch of your woman form. Maybe even with my tongue.”

  Heat flashed in Lorna’s dragon eyes, and Ross resisted a chuckle. He didn’t want to push her too far.

  He reluctantly lowered his arm and continued down her body to her tail. Lorna flicked it at him but stopped a few inches before it would hit him in the bollocks. At the sound of another dragon chuckle, he frowned and looked over his shoulder. “Smacking me there would be quite the loss for you, lass. Besides, we don’t want to risk breaking my old hip, now do we?”

  He winked and Lorna shook her head. Ross could just imagine what the woman wanted to say.

  Just as he stepped over her tail, Lorna wrapped the long appendage around his waist. She lifted him into the air and rotated until he was upside down. With a gentle shake, his keys and wallet fell out.

  But he couldn’t be cross at the amusement dancing in Lorna’s eyes. He bet it’d been years since she’d played with anyone in her dragon form.

  He still couldn’t believe she was sharing it with him.

  A second later, he was back on his feet, and she released him. Ross moved to her head and petted Lorna’s snout. As he stared at the lovely green dragon in the late afternoon light, Ross murmured, “Thank you for sharing your dragon with me.”


  Lorna was on the verge of tears. The usually stubborn, opinionated Ross Anderson was being kind and gentle. He’d even smiled as she dangled him from her tail.

  For years, Lorna had wondered what she’d feel if she ever shared her dragon with a male she cared for. Would she feel guilty? Shy? Or, even angry for betraying her dead mate? Yet as she gazed into Ross’s eyes, it seemed all of her worries had been unfounded.

  Her beast spoke up. Of course they were.

  I needed the time to heal, dragon. Jamie was our true mate; it wasn’t easy getting over him.

  I know, but you just needed the right male to share it with.

  Eyeing Ross as he continued to pat her nose, Lorna knew her beast was right. Seeing Stuart earlier had been nice, but the mere thought of shifting into a dragon and flying in the air with him made her stomach twist. Maybe Ross was what she needed. Being human, he was different from Jamie. That made it easier.

  Her dragon huffed. Whatever the reason, it’s now time to coax him into bed.

  Not yet.

  Why not? You know him well. He’s attractive and likes us. What else is there?

  The children.

  Her dragon grunted. Fraser might never accept it.

  Regardless, I need to talk with them before I make any long-term plans.

  Fine. But there’s no harm in a little more kissing, now, is there?

  Lorna didn’t disagree. Gently wrapping her talons around Ross’s middle, she lifted and placed him as far as she could reach. When she released him, she put up a paw. Ross nodded. “Aye, I understand. While you shift, I’ll fetch your clothes.”

  As the handsome, mature human scrambled to pick up her discarded clothing, warmth tugged at her heart. Ross may not be a dragon-shifter, but he still would look after his female.

  The only question was whether Lorna would find the balance between him and her children. As much as she cared for Ross, her children would always come first.

  Imagining her snout shrinking, her wings morphing into her back, and her talons retreating to fingernails, Lorna decided she’d find out sooner rather than later.

  Standing in the chilly air, Lorna wrapped her arms around her body. Ross rushed forth and wrapped her coat around her shoulders before running his hands to her lower back under the material and pulling her close. She tried to narrow her eyes but failed. “Someone has wandering hands.”

  Grinning, Ross gently squeezed her waist. “And you say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “My breasts are off limits, for now, Anderson. Try it, and see what happens.”

  Ross chuckled. “We’ll save those beauties for later.” Nuzzling her cheek, he murmured, “But I’m impatient for another kiss.”

  Between his heat and scent, Lorna wanted nothing more than to curl up against him and revel in his long arms around her. But before she could do that, she needed a MacKenzie family meeting.

  However, she tilted her head toward Ross and whispered, “Just one and then we need to head back. Everyone is due for dinner soon, and you know what happens when the MacKenzie horde doesn’t eat on time.”

  “Aye, all hell breaks loose.”

  She lightly slapped his chest. “That is my family you’re talking about.”

  “They are, but I say it with love.”

  She snorted. “Right, if you say so. I might just take back my request for a kiss.”

  “No bloody way I’m allowing that to happen,” Ross growled before taking her lips in a rough kiss.

  Lorna sighed at his touch and welcomed his tongue. The human didn’t hesitate before dominating her mouth.

  Her dragon spoke up. Just imagine what else he can do with that tongue.

  Pervy dragon.

  That’s what happens after so many years of celibacy. When can we have him? All of him?

  Maybe tonight. I’ll talk to the kids at dinner.

  Before her dragon could reply, Ross moved a hand to her left arse cheek an
d squeezed. Lorna moaned as she pulled Ross closer.

  Now that she’d overcome her fear and guilt, Lorna was nearly as impatient as her dragon to get her human naked and above her.

  Chapter Four

  Once Lorna was dressed again, Ross threaded his fingers through hers. He waited to see if she would pull away or if she’d allow him to make such a claim in front of the clan.

  She looked down at their clasped hands and then met his gaze. Raising her brows, she asked, “Make very certain of this, Ross. Not everyone is going to welcome you with open arms. They may have tolerated you during your recovery and because of Holly, but stealing away one of their females is quite different.”

  “Are you talking about that bloke from this morning?”

  Lorna blinked. “You saw that?”

  “Aye, I did. Who is he?”

  “Well, his name is Stuart MacKay and once upon a time, I was going to mate him.”

  Ross frowned. “Before or after Jamie?”

  “Before. I dated Stu for about a year before I even noticed Jamie. Stu and I had an argument, and shortly after, Jamie snuck a kiss from me at a gathering. I hadn’t thought anything about it at the time and rather thought kissing someone else would convince me to give Stu another chance. However, the kiss started the mate-claim frenzy.”

  Squeezing Lorna’s fingers, he asked, “So you weren’t in love with Jamie MacKenzie at first?”

  She shook her head. “No. I fancied him a bit, but the love came later. Stu didn’t take it well but left me alone because I was carrying Jamie’s child. Or, rather, as we found out later, the twins.” She smiled at him. “Eventually, Stu found his own mate with a human female. The old leader kicked him out of the clan because of his human mate. He and his brother, Euan, helped to found Clan Seahaven.”


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