Book Read Free

Remember Me

Page 8

by Jennifer Foor

  “Woman, I just bought us a house. I think I, at the least, deserve a kiss.”

  I shook my head and kept a straight face as I refused him.

  Shayne climbed over the island, landing right in front of me. It was so fast that I didn’t have time to move away. He was standing there with both hands on my hips. I turned my head when he tried to kiss me.

  “You think you’re funny don’t ya?” His hands found the collar to my shirt and pulled me closer. “Do you have any idea how turned on I get when there’s a chase?”

  My hands connected after my arms were around Shayne’s neck. I pecked him before smiling fully. “You don’t have to chase me. I’m already yours.”

  With little movement his hands were on my ass. I felt myself being lifted on the counter. My legs wrapped around his waist and I pulled him into me. Shayne wasted no time tugging down my shorts leaving my bare skin to sit on the cold stone surface. He pulled away from my legs, only to be able to slide off the rest of the fabric that was keeping him from getting what he wanted. “Tell me, Ash. I want to hear you say it.”

  “What do you want to hear?” I played dumb. I knew he wanted to hear that I loved him and that no matter what he’d decided for us, I’d support him.

  “Don’t play around. Tell me.” He pulled me off the edge of the counter and started pulling down his shorts. The smell of his freshly showered skin filled my nostrils when he leaned in for a kiss. I tasted the toothpaste he’d used when he brushed his teeth.

  “I love you. Happy now?”

  Then he entered me, not slow like he did our first time. He was determined and with that came a sudden urgency. I kept my legs around him, pulling him into a steady groove. The next time our lips met it was faster, our teeth clanking together while our tongues teased and played with one another.

  “Are you happy?” He slowed his pace and bit my bottom lip, pulling it as he waited for my answer.

  “Of course. Please don’t slow down.”

  Just as he started back to the same rhythm we heard a tiny cry coming from the baby monitor. Shayne leaned his forehead against mine. “I’ll go.”

  He started to separate us, but I grabbed him and pulled him back. “We’ll pick this up tonight?”

  “If not tonight, then tomorrow when I take you to see the new house.” He winked as he finally walked toward the twin’s room.

  For a couple seconds I just sat there with no pants on listening to him talk to one of the twins. He was so patient and even through the monitor I knew he was giving whichever baby it was a big kiss. I heard him whisper how much he loved them and my heart felt so full.

  When I saw him carrying Beka over, he held up her little hand and made her wave at me. “Say hi to Mommy.”

  It would be a few months before something like that would happen, but for some reason I knew he’d still be around. I don’t know how I knew it, but I trusted in Shayne’s promises to me. I believed that no matter what we went through, he’d always be there.

  Chapter 13


  Maybe buying a house was a little compulsive. I guess some would say that quitting my job was about the same. For me, it was a no-brainer. I always went with my gut and considering all that I had to be thankful for, I was doing pretty good.

  Luckily I had great credit and the Baker house had been on the market for three years. In that time the value had depreciated and I picked it for less than the property it sat on was worth.

  After four separate visits to my bank, I secured a loan with enough equity to renovate and still pay less than I was paying monthly to rent. I knew that I should have hinted to Ash about what I was doing, but honestly, I wanted to see the look on her face when she found out what I’d done.

  Sure, the house was dilapidated and for the most part probably could have been torn down. I could see the potential in it and knew that with enough work, we could make it something special.

  Ashley had always grown up in a nice house. Her father was a councilmen, with some high-paying government job, and I guess some would say she lived a very spoiled childhood. All that changed last year when he’d pretty much written her off. I supposed there were people that thought she’d made the biggest mistake of her life, being unwed and having twins. We heard the whispers when we went places and neither of us were wearing rings. Hell, we even caught a few people talking in the doctor’s office.

  None of that mattered anymore. We had each other, and no matter what anyone thought, our life worked for us.

  The shock on Ash’s face when I pulled up to that house was something I would never forget. She appeared to be searching to find words. I could tell she was grasping at straws to say one nice thing about my purchase. Her opinion didn’t change when I took her inside. Well, first we had to get through the broken screen door. Then, as if we entered into a horror movie, We walked through a giant cobweb as we entered into the foyer.

  Ash screamed and jumped all around, as if the cobweb would come out of her hair faster if she did that. I’d managed to drag her into the living room before she even calmed down. “Baby, look. We can knock out that wall over there and open it up into the kitchen. I’m thinking about doing a service opening in between that kitchen wall and the dining room. Wouldn’t that be cool, to hand the food right through the window?”

  She kept looking around and curling up her lips as if she were disgusted. “Shayne, are you sure about this?”

  I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up the creaky steps. Some of them were loose and we had to be careful not to step on the edge. The musty smell was stronger on the second level and Ash covered her nose while walking down the hallway. The first bedroom was the master. Originally everyone shared one bathroom, but somewhere along the line someone had made a tiny bedroom a big master bath and a walk in closet. Though the condition was wretched, it was still there and plumbed out, which would save me a ton.

  Ash seemed to perk up when she saw the size of our closet and she got even more excited to learn that the hall bathroom was also Jack and Jill style. Each twin would have their own sink and toilet, but share a shower and tub. The toilets had been torn out and the vanities would definitely need to be replaced, but the tub was still in great condition.

  The matching rooms on either side of the bathroom were perfect for the kids. They each had bump-outs where the dormers were in the front of the house and someone had built benches. Ash spotted them and immediately saw something she liked.

  “We could put pillows up here and they can sit and read or look outside. Of course, we’ll have to nail the windows so they can’t open them and climb out. Also we need to make sure we get those new smoke detectors that work on batteries and electric.”

  She was standing with her back to me, so I grabbed her by the back of her pants and pulled her towards me. “So, are you a little excited?”

  She shrugged. “It’s a lot of work.”

  “I’ve got three weeks before I have to go back to work. As long as Peyton comes over during the day, I can get as much as possible done then. I was thinkin’ that maybe while Parker is on break he could come and help me.” I don’t know why I’d said it, because I certainly hadn’t called him, but there it was. I’d mentioned my brother, someone that both of us tried to avoid.

  He’d never come to see the twins and I was alright with it. The last thing I needed was him saying anything about them. They were mine and there was nothing he could do about it.

  I grabbed her arm when she looked away. “Hey, nothin’s goin’ to happen. He’s my brother, Ash.”

  “I know. I just don’t want him around them. I know I must sound horrible, but he signed off on them. He made it clear that they meant nothin’ to him. Sleepin’ with your brother that night was a huge mistake. I get why he made his decision. I don’t hate him for it, but I certainly don’t feel comfortable bein’ around him either.”

  “If you want to be a part of my life, you’re goin’ to have to run into him every once in a while. You knew t
hat. Please don’t make this a big deal. If I can be around him then so can you. I’m not sayin’ you need to hug him, because that would just be weird, but at least accept that he’s my brother and there’s nothin’ anyone can do to change that.”

  Ash put her hands up to her face and started crying. It was rare for her to get emotional about something like that, so I wrapped my arms around her and tried to calm her down. “Please don’t cry.”

  “I feel so bad sometimes, Shayne. How can he look at you and live with himself? The two of you will never be the same and it’s all my fault.”

  “No it’s not. Parker made his own decisions. At first I was tryin’ to protect him, but after he signed off rights, I lost a little respect for him. Don’t get me wrong, I’d already decided that I was goin’ to be their father, but he still took the pussy move out of it. That’s fine though, because it ain’t just us judgin’ his ass. Ford, Sky, Lacey and even Joey know what he did. They also know how we’ve overcome it all. So lets try to be positive and live our future for us and nobody else. Let’s fix up this house and build a life together, not because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s what we want. What do you say? Will you be my house bitch and sex slave?”

  It was a good thing she enjoyed my sense of humor. I was beginning to think I’d ruin our day.

  “I think a house bitch cooks and cleans, so that’s probably not my kind of job, but I’ll definitely keep you happy in the bedroom,” she replied with a cute little giggle.

  “What about all these other rooms? We need to Christen each and every one of them.”

  “Not until they’re clean. I can’t do spiders, Shayne. We need to make sure there’s none before I move in.”

  I chuckled. “Seriously, it’s the country. We’re goin’ to have insects.”

  “They have services that come in and get rid of them. Put that on the list. We totally need one of those.” She was funny when she was ordering me around. I don’t even think she realized that’s what it was. Ash had a way of charming someone to do things, but most of the time it was innocent. I think people just always did them for her without making it a big deal.

  I smacked her ass. “You’re such a princess.” With another laugh I caught her giving me a dirty look. She was cute when she got defensive.

  “I am not. I’m a mom.”

  “Well, you used to be a princess, back when we were all younger and you walked around wearin’ your high-dollar, fancy-schmancy clothes. Everyone knew it. They all knew who your father was.” As she turned away I wrapped my arms around her, setting my chin on her shoulder. “But inside every princess is a beautiful queen.” I kissed the side of her neck. “You’re my queen.”

  She turned and made it easier for me to look into those blue eyes. Her arms reached around my back and she smiled. “I’m not gettin’ naked in this dirty house, if that’s what you’re thinkin’.”

  I ignored what she said and leaned in to place a single kiss on her sweet lips. Rationality went out the window the moment we made contact. When our tongues began to crash together the whole room faded away. It didn’t matter where we were, or what condition it was in.

  The mood in the room changed from disgust to lust in a matter of seconds. I picked Ash up and pressed her back against a wall. She was already reaching her hand down my shorts, trying to take hold of my erection that was pushing against her. I wanted her so much, but mostly because she said I couldn’t. My need to be inside of her grew, as did the stiffness of my cock.

  There was nothing romantic about this encounter. This was ravenous desire, possibly resulting from the stress of making such a huge leap like buying a house would do. The reason wasn’t important. This side of Ash rarely came out and I wanted to take full advantage of it.

  There was no undressing, or foreplay. Once again, we were caught up with one common goal. I entered her without a fight and quickly moved to a relentless pace. Her tight walls made every experience better than the last and I got off knowing that she was always wet and ready for me.

  We were caught up in the moment, loud moans and other sounds escaping us as we continued rapidly grinding together. It wasn’t our fault that we didn’t hear someone walking up on the porch steps, or the creak of the old wooden front door, but we sure as hell heard it when it slammed shut.

  We both turned, my shorts around my ankles, and me still being fully inside of my girlfriend. “What the - ”

  Her father stood there, turned enough to block anymore of the scene he’d just witnessed. “Just get dressed.”

  I never looked at Ash as we refastened our clothes and turned to face him. She kept her body half behind mine, probably to avoid having to look directly at him. We were both embarrassed, but I was pretty sure she was devastated. “Sorry, sir. We were just - ”

  He turned, but wouldn’t look at me. His eyes were on his daughter. “Yeah, I know what you were doing. Excuse the interruption, but I don’t appreciate you taking advantage of my daughter in these conditions.”

  “Sir, I can explain. The house is mine. I purchased it and - ”

  “If you think you’re moving my daughter into this condemned building, you’re seriously mistaken, Shayne.”

  “With all due respect, the house is not condemned. I’ve got contractors coming here tomorrow to start renovations. By the time we move in here, it will be a new house.”

  He pointed at me and finally gave all of his attention to my face, as if he were threatening. “I’m telling you right now that you’re not living here.”

  I’d about had it with her demanding father. He could swing who he was around other people and gain respect, but it wasn’t happening with me. “Yes we are. You can’t tell me where my kids are going to live. You’ve got no damn right.”

  “You think that because you bought some dilapidated house that you can be a good dad? I know all about, Shayne Hutchinson. What I just walked into shows me exactly what you have to offer my daughter. You’re going to use her and toss her aside for a new model. Guys like you are all the same. I won’t let you take my daughter down. I won’t let you hurt her more than you already have. You’ve ruined her life, you know that?”

  Where was this coming from?

  I put my palms facing up in the air. “Hold up. You don’t know me. You don’t know shit about me.”

  “Trust me, I know plenty.”

  “I think you need to leave.” I pointed toward the door.

  He stepped forward, closing the gap between us. That’s when Ash jumped in between us. “Stop it! Please just stop it.”

  My hand touched the small of her back while I silently listened to her going off on her dad. “You can’t barge in here and expect that we’re goin’ to listen. Shayne is the father of my children. He’s taken care of me and them and never strayed. How dare you come in here and accuse him of something he’s not capable of. How could you think that I’d be okay with this?”

  “I didn’t know you’d be here,” he admitted.

  “Well, it’s goin’ to be my home. Of course I’d be here.” She pointed to the ceiling and spun her body around. “All of this is ours. If you can’t see the potential then you need to go. I’m not goin’ to let you talk to him like this. We’re a family now and there’s nothin’ you can do about it.”

  “Ashley, don’t push me.”

  “Push you? I’ve done nothing to you. This is all about bein’ in charge of my life, which you no longer are. I’m happy and you need to deal with it or just leave me alone.”

  Most of this made no sense. Through her pregnancy her father had been distant. When he called or visited, I usually wasn’t around, but Ash had never mentioned how he didn’t want her with me. It pissed me off. “I think you need to go.”

  He cocked his brow and laughed. “You’re tellin’ me to leave? I can have this piece of shit torn down within the week.”

  “You wouldn’t?” I was taunting him and he wasn’t letting down.

  “Are you challenging me? Son, you n
eed to learn to shut your mouth.” He pointed to Ash. “You’re not living in this house. Do you hear me?”

  “Please don’t call me anymore,” she cried. “Don’t come near me or the twins. I don’t want them knowin’ someone like you.”

  When I say that the man stormed out, I mean he left a crack in the wooden door from slamming it so hard. Ash jumped at the sound and then threw her body against my chest.

  Calming her down was only half the battle. Once we walked outside and I locked up, I saw the paper on my car. He’d already contacted the Health Department to check for Asbestos, which meant I couldn’t do shit in the house until it was cleared. If they found any, I’d be forced to pay out the ass to have it removed.

  Now, I was okay with having it checked for the safety of my family, but I didn’t appreciate being forced. He was stalling construction and had come to do it even before our altercation.

  With little to say to my girlfriend, we drove home in silence.

  Chapter 14


  My father had definitely ruined Shayne’s special moment. Aside from him catching us in the act, I was appalled by his new attempt to get me away from my boyfriend. My father wasn’t the kind man that everyone in town thought. He was bitter and sneaky. He pushed people’s buttons and manipulated situations for his own gain.

  I don’t really know why he didn’t want us moving into that house, or what his reason was for tampering with Shayne’s renovations. All I knew was that he was causing stress on my relationship with the one person who had never left my side.

  As frustrated as I was, I couldn’t find the words to remotely apologize to Shayne. For the rest of the afternoon he made calls pertaining to scheduling. His hopes to head over and start working were out the door.

  The twins were finally starting to sleep through the night, so by the time they went to bed, I was feeling exhausted as well. Without telling him goodnight, I climbed into bed and silently cried to myself.


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