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Striking Distance: Love Undercover, Book 2

Page 5

by Shaw, LK

  “All the time I spent at your house as a kid was because I was hiding from my parents. Well, I guess I wasn’t so much hiding as much as avoiding them. They did nothing but scream and argue with each other until finally they got a divorce. You'd have thought it would end there, but it didn’t.”

  I paused and remembered how happy I’d been after they split up. No kid should be glad their parents weren’t together any longer.

  “After the divorce, it just got worse, because then they used me to play games against the other. I was nothing but a pawn, a tool, in a war I wanted no part of. Being a teacher gives me the ability to make sure that each and every kid who steps through my classroom door feels special. Loved. Especially if they’re not getting that at home. It was the best way I knew I could do that.”

  Victor reached across the table and laid his hand over mine.

  “Based on what I saw that first day in your classroom, you’ve done exactly that. I could instantly tell how much you love those kids. How much they love you, as well. You should be proud. Any kid would be lucky to have you for their teacher.” He was so earnest, I actually believed him.

  “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I’m only speaking the truth.”

  We stared at each other, Victor’s warm hand clasping mine. Everything around us faded away, and it was just the two of us sitting here. It was like I was seeing him for the first time. I was acutely aware of his thumb caressing my knuckles, and it sent a warm, tingling sensation up my arm to settle low in my belly. I didn’t want this feeling of contentment to go away, but I knew it wouldn’t last. Nothing ever did.

  Knowing I’d let it go on for too long, I slid my hand from beneath his and dropped it into my lap with my other one.

  Victor frowned. “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Pull away and shut down.”

  There wasn’t any point in denying what he said. “I have no desire to be another in a long line of conquests. I’m not exactly sure what it is you want from me, but I know I can’t give it to you.”

  Chapter 10

  It stung to hear Estelle’s low opinion of me. While I was by no means a monk, I certainly wasn’t the man-whore she seemed to think I was.

  “That is entirely presumptuous. If you don't know what I want, which, by the way, is not another ‘conquest’,” —I emphasized with air quotes— “whatever that means, how do you know you can’t give it to me?”

  “How many long-term relationships have you been in?”

  I drew back. “I don't know what that has to do with anything.”

  “Just answer the question.”

  “Fine. I haven’t been in any.”

  “Exactly,” Estelle said emphatically as though that proved some point she was trying to make. “You’re twenty-eight years old, and you’ve never been in a single one. Ines has told me stories about all the different women you’ve dated. Who’ve come and gone through a revolving door.”

  For a brief second, I swore she sounded jealous. A light bulb went off.

  “You’re jealous.”

  She scoffed. “Not hardly.”

  “You are. You’re also wrong. Date doesn’t mean fuck. I’ve dated plenty of women I’ve never slept with. The ones I did, I wouldn’t call conquests. And the only thing I’m asking you for is a chance.”

  “A chance at what? For you to break my heart?”

  I sat forward, rested my forearms on the table, and lowered my voice. “What happens if you break mine? Have you ever thought about that?”

  Estelle didn't say anything. She merely worried her lip.

  “Look, I’m not asking for anything more than taking the time to really get to know each other.”

  “Where’s this suddenly coming from? We don’t even like each other.”

  My eyes locked onto hers. “You and I both know this isn’t sudden. It’s been brewing just below the surface for the last ten years. Waiting to be acknowledged. I can also guarantee that we like each other more than either of us have ever admitted.”

  I sank back against my chair. Finally, after all these years I actually put it out there. It was freeing to admit there had been something there, simmering between us all this time. Like my father said, when I wanted something, I went after it. It was time Estelle understood that she was who I wanted. I knew she wouldn’t make it easy for me.

  I couldn’t push her though. If there was one thing I’d observed about Estelle over the years, it was that she was stubborn. The last thing I wanted to do was push her even further away.

  “You don't have to give me an answer today. Just think about it.” I glanced at my watch and saw the time. “We should get going.”

  I gave her some space as we walked to the truck.

  “Thanks for getting me out of the house for a bit. I really do appreciate it,” Estelle said quietly once we were on the road.

  “You’re welcome.”

  She stared out the window after that. I hoped it was because she was thinking on everything I’d said. Turning my attention back to my surroundings, I glanced into the rearview mirror in time to see a black SUV directly on my ass. Shit, he was going to hit us.

  “Hold on,” I yelled and braced myself for impact.

  My head snapped forward and a searing pain shot up my neck. I gripped the steering wheel hard to maintain control.

  “You okay?” I shouted at Estelle, looking back and forth between the road in front of me and the reflection in the mirror of the vehicle behind us.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Damn it. He’s going to do it again.” I spared a quick glance in the side mirror. I jerked the wheel hard to the right, prayed no one was in my blind spot, and slammed on the gas pedal. I continued with several more evasive measures, but the vehicle stuck right on my tail. Tires squealed as I skidded around the next turn and headed toward the police station only a few blocks away.

  “Reach into my pocket and get my cell phone.”

  With only a second of hesitation, Estelle did as I asked. I raised a hip to give her better access.

  “Call Manuel. We’re in his precinct, and near his station house. Tell him what’s going on.”

  Without waiting to see if she followed my instructions, I made several quick turns down city streets. What crazy bastard tried to ram a vehicle, a truck especially, in the middle of the day?

  I could hear Estelle on the phone while I kept my eyes on the vehicle behind us. Were they slowing down? Everything happened at once. My truck spun from the impact of something crashing into the driver’s side. The screech of metal against metal and Estelle’s scream echoed through the air. My entire body jerked to the right, and glass shattered around me. Stinging pain pelted the side of my face. I slammed my foot on the brake, and we came to a screeching halt.

  I shook my head to clear the dizziness and blurry vision. Fuck. Estelle? My gaze shot to her.

  “Estelle, baby, are you okay? Estelle?”

  She groaned. Goddammit.

  I looked out the windshield. We were smack dab in the middle of the street, sitting cross ways, blocking the flow of traffic in both directions. I unclipped my seatbelt. Wincing, I jerked open the glove compartment and pulled out my gun.

  My head swiveled from side to side as I looked out. There were lines of stopped cars on either side of us. There was no sign of the black SUV or of whatever vehicle hit us.

  “Is everyone all right?”

  I jerked my arm up and pointed the gun at the face peering through the hole where my window used to be. The man leapt backward with his hands up.

  “Whoa, hey now, I’m just making sure you guys are okay. I called 9-l-l, and the police and paramedics are on their way.”

  Ignoring the man, I turned back to Estelle. She shifted and moaned in pain as she reached up to cup her head. Gently, I laid my hand on her arm.

  “Talk to me, honey. You okay?”

  She slowly turned toward me, and I cursed at the blood dripping do
wn the side of her face.

  “What happened?” Her voice trembled.

  “Someone rammed into us. Sit tight, baby, help is on the way.”

  The sound of sirens grew louder. I placed the gun back in the glove box and yanked my shirt up and over my head. I leaned across the middle console toward Estelle.

  “Here, move your hand.”

  I pressed my shirt against her forehead to try and slow the bleeding. She sucked in a sharp breath. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of blue flashing lights.

  “You’re safe now. No one is going to hurt you again.”

  “Shit, Victor, are you guys all right?” My head snapped to the side, and over my shoulder I spotted my brother, Manuel, standing outside the vehicle. I saw the fear in his expression.

  “I’m fine, I think, but Estelle’s hurt. She’s got a head wound that’s bleeding like a motherfucker. We need an ambulance.”

  “One’s on its way.”

  I turned back to her. “Hold this tight, right there. I’ll be right back.”

  “Victor?” She trembled in fear, and I cupped her jaw. “I’m just coming around to your side. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

  She nodded. Once I saw her put pressure on the makeshift bandage, I jumped out of the truck, practically pushing my brother out of the way, and raced to the other side of the truck. The panicky sensation in my gut wouldn’t go away until I knew Estelle was taken care of. I opened her door, trying to remain calm, but seeing so much blood on her face had rage and fear running like wildfire through my veins.

  She turned toward me.

  “I’m here. See?”

  I replaced her hand hold on my shirt with my own and cupped her cheek with my free hand. I needed to touch her and reassure myself that she was all right. Whoever was responsible for hurting her was going to pay.

  I don’t know if she sensed how on edge I was, but she laid her hand over mine. “I’m okay, Victor. It probably looks worse than it is.”

  “What happened?” Manuel asked from behind me.

  I’d completely forgotten he was here. My eyes didn’t leave Estelle’s. “We’d just left Cold Scoops and were on our way home when a black SUV rear-ended us. I tried losing them, but they stayed on my tail. I was headed to your station house, which is why I had Estelle call you. Out of nowhere, somebody tore through the intersection and sideswiped us.”

  “Did you get a look at the vehicle that hit you?”

  I shook my head. “No, it all happened too fast. It had to have been big, though, to knock out my truck like that.”

  More sirens blared and soon an ambulance pulled up. Two paramedics jumped out. They swarmed us with their medical equipment, and I reluctantly stepped away from Estelle so they could assist her.

  I stood, helplessly, running my hands through my hair, frustrated I couldn’t do more to help.

  “I’m going to take a look and see what we got going on here.” He pulled my shirt away from her face.

  Each time she winced, a stabbing pain shot through my heart. She could have been killed today.

  “It looks like the bleeding has already slowed.”

  I watched the paramedic clean off the blood and tape a piece of gauze over the wound. Once he was done, he packed up all his supplies and stepped away. In an instant, I took his place next to Estelle.

  “The bandage should do for now, but you hit your head pretty hard. Why don’t we get you over to the hospital, so you can get checked out better. Make sure you don’t have a concussion.”

  “No, I don’t want to go to the hospital.”

  “Este—” I started.

  She grabbed my hand. “I’m fine. Please.”

  I sighed but turned to the paramedic. “She doesn’t want to go. We appreciate your help though.”

  The paramedic studied me and then nodded.

  “Don’t get the bandage wet for at least twelve hours. If you get headaches or blurred vision, you really should see your doctor.”

  Estelle nodded. “I will.”

  He and his partner returned to the ambulance and left the scene. Several more police vehicles showed up.

  Manuel moved closer to me. “I’ll stay here with you until the tow truck comes and then I’ll take you guys home.”

  “Thanks,” I nodded, absently before turning to Estelle. “You feeling well enough to stand up?”

  “I think so.”

  She clasped my hand, and I helped her down from the truck. Her steps stuttered, and I pulled her to me. Those fuckers were going to pay for hurting her.

  “I’ve got you.”

  Manuel pointed toward his police cruiser. “Here, she can sit in my car.”

  With Estelle held tight against my side, I helped her over to the vehicle and settled her in the back seat, my blood still raging hot with a fiery vengeance. I hovered over her while other cops came and took a formal statement. The tow truck also came and loaded my truck onto its platform.

  “Come on. I’ll take you guys home,” Manuel said when the truck was out of sight.


  It was a quiet drive with Estelle resting against my shoulder. She hadn’t resisted when I put my arm around her. I needed her close, so I knew she was okay.

  We pulled up in front of the house, and Manuel opened the back door for us.

  “I’ll let Dad know what happened when I get back to the station. Take care of her. We’ll call a family meeting tomorrow when everyone’s around.”

  I nodded absently and guided Estelle inside. My brother was right. She could have been killed today. I needed to do a better job of protecting her.

  Chapter 11

  My head was throbbing, and all I wanted to do was take some pain relievers and lie down. I don’t think I’d ever been so scared in my entire life. Even now, my body trembled a little. Victor led me into the house. It felt good to have someone to lean on, even if it was only temporary.

  Considering how much my head was pounding, I was grateful for his help. We got to the top of the stairs and stopped in front of Ines’ room.

  “I want to get the rest of that blood cleaned off you. Let me throw a shirt on real quick. Will you be okay right here?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine.”

  He disappeared into his room and reappeared less than a minute later pulling a navy t-shirt over his head.

  “Come on.” Victor spoke softly, leading me into the bathroom.

  He boosted me onto the counter and I squeaked, grabbing his forearms in surprise. He reached into the medicine cabinet and pulled out a white bottle with a red label. Then he handed me two pills and a cup of water.

  “You’re probably needing these, I bet.”

  “Thank you. My head is killing me.”

  “I bet. I’ll take you to the ER tonight if it’s not any better.”

  He ran the water again and grabbed a washcloth. The temperature must have met with his satisfaction, because he soaked the cloth in it. He stepped between my legs, and I froze. With a finger, he gently turned my head to the side.

  “Close your eyes.”

  They fluttered shut, and he tenderly wiped away the remaining dried blood from my face with the warm cloth. His chest brushed against my breasts, and I stopped breathing. My nipples puckered at the touch. He rinsed out the cloth and re-warmed it several more times. I could feel his breath on my cheek and his muscled chest against mine.

  “It’s as clean as it’s going to get. I don’t want to rub too hard or get your bandage wet.”

  Slowly, I opened my eyes. Victor stared at me with an intensity that made my heart race and my face burn. He brushed my hair off my face and tucked it behind my ear. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his.

  “I’m sorry you were hurt today.” His voice was low.

  “It wasn’t your fault,” I replied just as softly. I didn’t want to disturb this intimacy between us.

  Victor’s gaze glided over my face and with the softest touch, he stroked the area around my banda
ge, taking care not to brush over it. Goose bumps pebbled my arms.

  “You’re going to have quite the shiner.”

  Self-consciously, I shifted. “I’m sure I look a mess.”

  He caressed my cheek. A shiver dashed across the back of my neck. I wanted to lean into his touch so bad, but I held myself still.

  “You’re beautiful, no matter what.” His voice washed over me like a warm blanket covering me with its heat.

  “You don’t have to say that.”

  “Since when do I say something I don’t mean? I’ve thought you were beautiful since you were sixteen. Your eyes are blue like the Caribbean, and when you smile, it lights up the room.”

  I ducked my head, feeling suddenly shy. I didn’t realize Victor was a romantic.

  My eyes raised to meet his again, and I bit my lip nervously. “Thank you.”

  His gaze locked on my mouth, and his brown eyes darkened. His nostrils flared. Could he smell my need? This was crazy. We could have been killed today. I should not be turned on right now. But was I ever.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Victor helped me down from the counter, breaking the spell. “How’s your head doing?”

  I squashed my disappointment before taking stock of my body. Surprisingly, my headache had eased. “It’s actually feeling better.”

  “Good. Why don’t you go get some rest? I need to make some phone calls.”

  Victor squeezed my hand before leaving me outside my bedroom. I watched him descend the stairs, and then I closed myself in my room. I collapsed with a sigh against the door. What the hell just happened back there?

  Suddenly, exhaustion hit me, or, most likely, the shock was wearing off. Either way, I toed off my shoes, and fell onto the bed fully dressed. Almost the second my head hit the pillow, I was out.

  * * *

  The pressing need to relieve my bladder woke me up. I laid in bed a few more minutes not quite ready to get up. There was barely any light left peeking through the slats of the mini blinds. Great, now I’ll never sleep tonight. My head twinged a bit which gave me another reminder that it was time to get moving.


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