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Truth of Touch (Templer Series 2)

Page 3

by Dakarai, Duka

  “FUCK…..Mia!” His body slams into his orgasm with such force, his hips spring back releasing his cock from within me. His arms and legs buckle from beneath him, collapsing him, crashing him onto my body.

  We lie, entangled, panting and retching for air…..holding each other tight…..our mouths kissing every spare inch of flesh of each other’s bodies, needing this moment not to end.

  Eventually, calmness descends. And reality. Like a sledge hammer. We both sit up in unison, looking at each other unable to find words. Jake searches my face, willing me to speak first. I say the first words that spring out of my mouth. Words that are so practiced for me.

  “We are not relationship people…..let’s not get messy with our heads, ok? This has got to be the last time. Agreed?”

  “Agreed” He nods slowly. “I’ll see you at breakfast” And with that he gathers up his clothes, quietly shutting the door behind him.


  I crawl under the duvet, pulling its comfort tight up to my chin. Why do I suddenly feel so crap? I want to roll back the minutes to when we were still entangled, kissing……loving? A sob catches at my throat slowly releasing a tear to roll down my cheek. I curl up tight into a ball letting the tears fall freely.

  Jake slams his body against the hard coolness of his suite door. He scrapes a hand slowly down his face and sighs deeply. He feels a weird heaviness in his chest. The smell of sex….of her…..surrounds his nostrils. He drags himself across the room and heads towards the shower. She’s right……we don’t do relationships…….so why do I feel so crap? He decides not to shower…..wanting the smell of her, the taste of her to last just a little bit longer.

  Chapter Six

  Something is badly wrong. I know Tilly, maybe even better than I know myself, and I know she would never send that text.

  I lied. I don’t love you. It’s over.

  Tilly had to leave early the morning following the Hotel opening to attend a breakfast meeting. She’s an event planner for a number of charities, and like me, needs all the commissions she can get. So instead she is missing breakfast with Drew, Jake, Amber and I.

  I am trying to make light conversation, hoping that Drew and Amber will not notice the tension between myself and Jake. We should never have slept together again, but hopefully, after we leave here today, we can return to normal…..well, until Drew received that text from Tilly. And I know something is badly wrong. I’ve never seen Tilly so happy, so in love. This text doesn’t make any sense. And now Drew is distraught, Jake is spitting venom at me and Amber is staring at me with wide eyes, hurting for her brother.


  I try calling Tilly’s phone but it is switched off. The others have stormed off heading back to Cornwall. I need to find out what the fuck is going on. Something is badly wrong. I can sense it and I’m scared but no-one will believe me. I spend the next few hours constantly ringing her phone but there is still no answer. I ring her family but no answers. I try to ring Jake but he won’t listen to reason. Drew is drinking himself into oblivion back at Mawgan Porth. He has also rung her phone constantly. The chauffeur, Thomson, has had a constant watch on Tilly’s cottage but she is nowhere to be seen. Now I’m freaking out. This is not Tilly. This is the kind of crazy shit that I would pull, but not her.

  I call Jake again….He must listen to me. Something is badly wrong.

  “Please, Jake……something is really wrong……I’m scared. This is not Tilly. She adores Drew, you know she does……Please, Jake. Something is wrong” My voice breaks with tension, needing someone to believe me.

  “Ok…..I believe you…’re right. This is not Tilly. If we don’t hear anything by morning, we’ll contact the Police, ok?” Jake lets out a deep sigh.

  “I’m coming down there. I’m getting a flight first thing.” I sob out each word, already booking a flight on my laptop. I was going to Cornwall whether Drew and Jake believed me or not. Thankfully, he now did.

  “I’ll get Thomson to pick you up. Text me the flight details. And Mia? You will stay here at Drew’s house”


  24 Hours Later

  The time has passed like a whirl wind. But it has also dragged like a snail through treacle. If that is even possible. Drew is a mess. He hasn’t slept or eaten, constantly pacing between rooms. I am trying to keep it together….for Tilly. She is now officially missing.

  Jake has taken control. He has been in constant contact with the Police and Tilly’s family. And on occasion, he has patted my arm or given me reassuring words. It is an agonising waiting game.

  The day Tilly went missing should have been her wedding day to Simon. Both the Detective in charge of the Missing Case and I believe this is significant. The Met Police are waiting to speak to Simon. Maybe he knows something.


  “Hey…..come on, hold it together. We’ll find her.” Jake clasps a hand over mine. It feels warm, and safe.

  “I hope so……oh, Jake” I feel myself start to crumble, my lips trembling, trying to fight another round of tears.

  As a sob reaches my throat, he folds strong arms around me, holding me tight. He strokes my hair, letting me break around him. A knock at the door jerks us both apart as we all rush to answer. It is a young Constable, looking stern. I can feel my legs weaken, my chest tightening, restricting my breathing.

  “Mia Fox?”

  “Yes, that’s me! Oh God, what’s happened?” I push forward in front of Drew and Jake.

  “Ma’am, we have heard back from the Met. Miss Teague’s ex fiancé….” He checks his notes on a pad before continuing. “Simon Clifford? He appears to be missing also. He has not been at work for the last two days and there is no response from his apartment.”

  I’m trying to take in this information but the clogs of my brain are straining with exhaustion and stress. “What - what are you saying……?” She can’t be with him……

  “We followed up the address of the Charity that you informed us Miss Teague was visiting yesterday morning. It doesn’t exist…just a bogus website. The office suite appears to have been rented by Simon Clifford three days previously. We have also now received reports of witnesses recording seeing a distressed lady seemingly being forced into a car outside of the same office block.”

  Drew can feel the blood draining from his face. The cunt has got her….the cunt has got her….He catches Jake’s look and he knows he is thinking the same thought.

  Realisation dawns on me too but before I can utter a word or even a scream, blackness falls….


  Another 24 Hours

  “I’m trying to think! Stop screaming at me…..think, Mia, think!” I’m banging my hand in frustration against my forehead.

  Drew and Jake are sat on their haunches in front of my chair. Occasionally, Jake strokes my face reassuringly, willing me to remember anything that will help find where Simon may have taken Tilly. Drew thrusts himself up into a standing position, his hands running through his hair.

  “Please, Mia…..anything…..anywhere he would take her” Drew knows his constant pushing me is not helping but he’s holding on to the cliff by his fingernails. His head is pounding with the stress of thinking what the woman he loves might be enduring.

  A scream breaks through from my mouth. “Oh my God! Honeymoon! HONEYMOON!”

  Drew and Jake are frozen in puzzlement.

  “He was taking her to Scotland to a secluded Lodge….they….they would have been there now…..on their honeymoon…..maybe…..maybe…” My mind is working too fast, each word spilling out.

  “Where, Mia? Think!” Drew has grabs me by the arms, gently shaking me. “Where in Scotland?”

  “Craig…something….the Lodge was called Craig something….near Edinburgh…..Fuck, Craigmere!….Yes, Craigmere!” Tears of relief, stress, exhaustion streaming from my eyes.

  Suddenly, Drew is grabbing his phone and wallet. “Mia, ring the Police….tell them everything you remember about this Lodge. I’m going there.
Jake, ring ahead….get the Jet ready” And with that he fires out of the door. Jake is tearing after him, his phone clamped to his ear, barking orders down the line.

  “Drew, I’m coming with you!” Jake launches himself at the car.


  Simon is pacing the Lodge, ranting and pulling his hands through his hair. Tilly can see his anger building. She doesn’t know what is the best thing to do or say. She is sat huddled on the sofa, her anxiety growing by the minute. Should I lie and tell him I love him….will he release me then……maybe he will try to force himself on me…….She can barely move. Every slight movement of her restrained wrists causes the raw skin to rub more and the bleeding to start again. Tears prick at her eyes. She knows she must not aggravate the situation further.

  Sirens….She can hear sirens in the distance. But she is so hungry and exhausted her mind is playing cruel tricks on her. But then, the shriek of the noise gets louder. It is sirens….they are getting closer….please be for me….please

  The screech of tyres outside snaps her into reality. Simon lunges at her and throws her against the wall beside the window, pinning her across her mouth with his hand. “Stay fucking quiet, bitch!” He spits at her.

  A booming knock at the door, followed by Police shouting causes her heart to leap in her chest. She kicks out at Simon with all her force. Suddenly, a voice…..Drew!

  “Kick the fucking door in….what are you waiting for!” Drew screams in frustration. Jake is pulling him back, letting the Officers do their job.

  Tilly bites hard with all her might at the hand across her mouth. It springs away and she screams “DREW! DREW!” as pain sears across the side of her head and darkness descends upon her.


  Three Days Later

  I’m standing outside on the veranda overlooking the beach at Mawgan Porth. Tilly has been back for three days now and is recovering slowly. We have all spent hours, each taking turns, watching over her, nursing her and grateful that she is safe once again. I don’t think Drew will ever let her out of his sight again. They are more in love than ever.

  And I don’t think I have ever been so scared. A shudder shakes me to the core, and once again, I feel myself welling up with tears.

  I turn to make my way back into the house. I’m returning to London today. I don’t want to go but I have one final photo shoot commitment. And I have a photography commission next week at the very Hotel that Templer Industries opened last week…..

  Jake is leaning on the door frame watching me as I turn to head indoors. He has been a rock. I can’t deny it. I feel a pang, a pull in my heart, which I must ignore as our eyes connect.

  “Hey. You ok?” He throws me a shy lop-sided smile.

  “I will be. Jake, I’ve never said thanks properly… know…..for everything” I lean in towards him, squeezing him lightly in my arms.

  I make to pull away, but he holds me in tighter, stroking a hand down through my hair. I can feel his warmth enveloping me, his solid chest pressed hard against me. I feel so safe in his arms. But I know we can’t do this….I can’t do this

  I lift my face to his. “Jake, we…..I got to go…..”

  He answers me with his mouth reaching and finding mine, brushing slightly, tenderly. My lips part and let in his warmth, our tongues gently stroking each other. He nibbles my bottom lip, soft bites causing me to melt further into him. My hands reach up to pull the nape of his neck down further towards me. His taste, his smell is intoxicating…..


  A cough from behind us breaks the moment and we spring apart. Thomson the chauffeur is shuffling from one foot to the other, trying to avoid eye contact.

  “Um, Miss Fox…..we need to leave soon if you are to make your flight”

  “Yes….of course. I’m ready” I throw a glance at Jake, noticing him running a hand through his hair. He looks awkward and frustrated. “I’ve got to go, Jake.”

  “Mia……wait!” I hear him call after me as I dash out of the door. I glance through the car window as we pull away, looking at Jake standing barefoot on the front lawn, both hands on the top of his head. I turn my face away.

  Oh, Jake, you’ll hurt me…..and I’ll hurt you………two players colliding…..

  And that is why I must never see you again.

  Chapter Seven

  Jake is restless. He badly needs to let his hair down. Chill for a couple of days. Now that Tilly is safe and Drew has relaxed his 24/7 watch over her, Jake can let his life return to normal. Well, almost….if he could only get that fucking woman out of his head. Let’s not get messy with our heads she had said….well, too late

  What he needs is to have a blow-out, some time with the guys….maybe get some pussy. Fresh pussy will take his mind off Mia. Fuck…..the taste of her….the feel of her…

  He had told Drew he was heading up to the new Hotel complex in Shoreditch for a couple of nights when he called in at Mawgan Porth last night. And now he was in the Jet heading out of Cornwall. A night in the new Hotel and then a night at the new Sex Club he’d heard rumours about in Surrey should eradicate her completely. I need this……


  I’m finally going to be shooting other models. Ok, so it is only one commission but if I do this well then surely other commissions will follow. And when I saw the hot new male model in the brief that I’ll be photographing today, well, that makes the job a whole lot of fun. And I’m getting a silly shit load of money for the pleasure.

  The location is not ideal. I was hoping to never see this Hotel again. It only holds memories for me. Sleeping with Jake (incredible but a huge mistake) and Tilly going missing (don’t even go there).


  “Hey, isn’t that Mia Fox….the Supermodel?” Tony’s eyes are wide, peering around the wide curve of the leather chair in the bar of the Hotel. “She’s so fucking hot!”

  Jake heart drops hard in his chest. He doesn’t want to look but he can’t seem to stop his eyes searching in the direction of Tony’s gaze. This was supposed to be a lads night out… forget her…..and now, she is walking through the Lobby. He ducks his head, holding it tight against the wing of the chair. “Don’t know, didn’t see anyone”

  “Yes. It is her!” Dave Bennett, the new Director of Design Technology at Templer Industries, leaps out of his chair, pointing. “Now, she could pussy whip me any fucking day!” He roars his head back, laughing.

  Jake feels an urge to put his fist right through Dave’s stupid laughing mouth. Instead, he plasters a fake laugh. “Who cares…fucking Supermodels…..too high maintenance….”

  “You had your picture taken with her, last week! And with your arms all around her… she felt fucking nice though eh?” Dave leans across, eyeing Jake excitedly.

  “Yeah…..suppose she did…..smelt good too….” Jake grins, falsely playing along.

  “Who is the guy with her? Some pansy model probably…..he’ll probably fuck her later……” Tony grumbles an envious smirk.

  Jake springs to his feet before he can stop himself, staring across the Lobby for a sight of her. He can’t see anyone apart from an elderly couple arguing quietly over a tourist map. Slumping himself back into his chair, he scowls at the other men, who are pulling faces at him. “God knows. Who cares?” He growls.


  Oh, my God. This new guy is seriously hot. No wonder then that the Press are hailing him the new male Supermodel. All blonde waves and piercing blue eyes, with tanned ripped abs stood before me in the tightest of ripped jeans. He is a pretty boy…..unlike Jake who is male, very male and strong and stunningly handsome and…….

  I put my Cannon down for a second, giving my head a mental shake. I have a beautiful man half naked a few feet away from me and still Jake jumps into my mind at every opportunity. Sort this shit out, Mia Fox……

  “Ok, let’s go for another shot….” I walk across to the blonde loveliness. I begin to move his body into the next position, change my mind, and decide to show him wha
t I want. “Like this….that’s right….and twist your torso around a little more….good, good… look hot!” I pat his abs playfully. He moves into position, I shoot, and move toward him again. “Now, I want you to lie back…..that’s it… your legs wide so I can move in between them for a closer shot….if I lean over…..that’s fantastic…. that’s…..”


  A thundering growl from across the room makes me jump sharply, almost dropping my camera onto the chest of the model. I spin angrily around to face the familiar voice……Jake!

  “What the hell are you doing here? I nearly dropped my camera, you asshole!”

  “Why the fuck are you crawling all over him?” Jake is striding towards me, his nostrils flaring, eyes dark and slanted.

  “What the hell has it got to do with you…..what I do…..who the hell are you to barge into my shoot?” I launch myself out from the legs of the model, and stride toward Jake, equally pissed, my cheeks flushing in temper.

  Jake stares down at me. His hands fisting on his hips, chest rising and falling in deep, slow breaths. He scowls across at Blondie. “Take five!”

  The model scurries out the door, not arguing the case.

  “How dare you! You arrogant………..” I’m so wired I can’t get the words out. I want to lash out but I’m frozen in anger.

  As an irate breath puffs out my lungs, I’m gripped forcefully by the shoulders and pulled hard against his chest. His hand fists in my hair at the nape of my neck angling my face up to meet his. I splay my hands on his chest pushing away from him. His eyes are dancing, twinkling with greed. “If you try to kiss me, Jake……I’ll…..I’ll…..” I spit out at him.

  “You’ll do what, Mia? Kiss me back?” He smiles against my neck, nibbling the flesh, suckling on an earlobe.

  “Pig…’re a pig!” I grumble, already feeling myself weaken. I hate that he can make me feel like this……..want this……..

  He lifts my hands placing them around his neck, smiling down into my eyes. I scowl at him, already parting my lips, waiting hungrily for his mouth on mine. He brushes a thumb across my bottom lip, stroking me slowly, seductively, before leaning into me, licking the same spot with his tongue. I moan at the heat of him. He locks his lips across mine, pressing harder into me, his tongue searching for the comfort of my mouth. Our tongues dance and circle, tasting our arousal, our need for each other. He groans full into my mouth, pressing his groin and hardening erection against me.


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