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Truth of Touch (Templer Series 2)

Page 7

by Dakarai, Duka

  I take another large swig of beer, breathe deeply before continuing:

  “I tried to ignore what had happened and I managed it for a while. But then one day, my manager spoke to my mother about my ‘behaviour’ saying I was acting very sexual around the male models and photographers. She tried to talk to me and even took me to a doctor twice but by this time I had shut down, blacked it out. I didn’t see that photographer for nearly two years so I could almost pretend it never happened. I fooled myself. Then one day I got another shoot with him. I messed up the shoot, first time ever, and they sent me home early. He followed me out of the studio and into a side room where he attacked me again…..this time, he was rougher and bruised me badly. That time, I decided to go to the Police but before I could give my statement, he was found dead in his apartment from a drugs overdose. I never made it to the Police Station. I thought the pain and the memory would pass in time…..” The words have spilled out of my mouth in frenzy, my mouth now dry and hoarse. I take a sip of beer, holding the bottle in both shaking hands.

  I glance at Jake to see his chest is heaving, almost in time with my own. His mouth is cut in a hard tight line, his eyes dampened with tears he is trying desperately not to shed. He opens his mouth to speak but I halt him.

  “I need to finish, please, Jake. I can’t explain it or know if I even understand it but those experiences made me what I am today. I use sex as power. It gives me a sense of control so I can never be vulnerable or hurt… you see? I can’t trust men…….that’s why I won’t have a relationship…..sometimes I dream that I could make love…..have tender sex…..have what Tilly has. Underneath, I’m just a girl who wants these things but it will never happen…..not for me. Do you see? Do you see?”

  And with those last words, my body breaks… demons curse and rake through my body, huge sobs retching out of my lungs. I need air. I need space. I launch myself onto my feet, aware of Jake trying to pull me to him, I lash out and run……..


  Strong arms engulf me and wrestle me to the soft sand. I don’t know how long I’ve been running but I have little strength left to fight. I give in allowing the heat and comfort of the weight of his body to hold me in place. He cups my face with both hands desperately kissing away the tears from my cheeks. I can taste the saltiness of his tears mixed with my own. For a length of time, we lie there as we kiss and cry together emptying ourselves before we will let each other go.

  When we can cry no longer, he releases his hold on me and shifts his body off mine. The loss of his body on mine feels like grief so I crawl into him, wrapping myself tightly into him. I need words. I need to hear him say something.

  “Jake? Say something. Please”

  He unfolds my arms from his body and slowly sits up. He smiles a watery smile at me before speaking.

  “I want to talk. I need to tell you something but I don’t think now is the right time. I don’t want you to be scared…… or how you will react….fuck, now is not the right time” He shakes his head in frustration.

  “How I will react? If you’re shocked by what I just told you, I will understand. I don’t expect anything from you after I told you about me…..I’m sorry……I should not have said anything. I have burdened you and that’s not fair….” I start to get onto my feet. Maybe I should go. I have said too much. After all, he’s a player…..he doesn’t do this heavy shit. What was I thinking………

  He grabs for my hand, gesturing me not to leave. He inhales deeply.

  “You didn’t burden me, Mia. And of course I am shocked…..and angry…..and hurting for you. But I’m glad you told me too. But now it is harder to say what I want to say…….and when the time will ever be right.”

  Confusion and anxiety fight in my brain. I am exhausted with thinking. I can feel the tension in the air between us fuelling my anxiety further. He looks as weary and rung out too. I wish Tilly was here……

  We sit in silence for a long while, both avoiding each other, instead watching the waves lap against the shoreline. I am lost in the sight watching each roll and swell of the wave, the continuous motion bringing its own comfort. Suddenly, the silence is broken by a loud cough from Jake.

  “I have to say it, Mia. Please don’t freak out…..but I need to tell you”

  I take a deep breath. What can he possibly want to say that will freak me out? My neck tightens as I turn to face him. “I can’t promise anything, Jake. Just say whatever it is.”

  He scrapes a shaky hand across his face, inhales sharply before speaking.

  “I love you, Mia. I’m in love with you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  I don’t freak out. I don’t do anything. I am aware of my mouth opening and closing of its own accord but there are no sounds. Instead I am struck dumb, eyes wide, staring at him as I see for the first time a look of vulnerability painfully imprinted on his face. I can see in his eyes that he is freaking out, inwardly, but still I am not. I am confused by my sudden feeling of calmness. This is entirely new to me. Again I sense my mouth opening and closing but no sounds.

  Unexpectedly, the deafening silence is broken by the sound of my mobile ringing in my bag. I don’t register it for a moment as I am lost still staring at Jake’s face. The shrill of the sound continues until I snap myself back and reach robotically for the phone. I don’t bother to even look at the caller ID, not breaking eye contact with Jake.


  “Mia! Thank God……are you ok? Drew told me what happened and I’ve been worried sick. Mia, can you hear me?” It is Tilly.

  “Yes, sorry. I’m here. I’m ok. I’m with Jake. We’re on the beach.” I say the first words that spill out of my mouth, aware I can’t seem to look away from his face… his beautiful, handsome face…

  “Are you really ok? You sound spaced. How is Jake….he must be so angry and freaking out?”

  All cognitive reasoning leaves my brain. Again, I open my mouth and say whatever stumbles from my lips.

  “Jake is beautiful…..I mean handsome……he’s sat here with me….” I can’t look away from him, watching a stunned expression slowly creep across his face. A smile begins to twitch at the corners of his mouth.

  “What? Jake is beautiful? I thought…..oh, I don’t know what I thought…..are you ok?” Tilly’s voice has raised a couple of shrill octaves.

  “I’m ok. Tilly, I have to go…I think I’m going to……no, I am going to……kiss your future brother in law…..”

  I can still hear the gasps from Tilly’s mouth as I click to end the call.


  The feel of his lips caressing mine, the slow sensual stroke of his tongue as it circles and dances with mine, the taste of him, all send gentle shudders through my body. I feel as though I am kissing him for the first time, as though this is my first real kiss with anyone. I let myself feel, let myself melt into him.

  He groans softly into my mouth. The sound of his pleasure directs sparks of electricity to every nerve ending causing warmth to pool and draw down through my stomach, and pulse in my sex. I exhale a long slow moan. I nibble and suck at his bottom lip, consuming the taste of him, my fingers locked into the silk of his hair. He cups my jaw with both hands holding me tenderly. We are breathing in unison, connected. I don’t want this to end and I sense neither does he.

  We slowly break apart, both reluctant to end the contact. He reaches a hand to stroke my face, a huge smile stretching across his jaw.

  “What happens now?” He bows his head a little, hesitant at my response.

  “I don’t know. I really don’t know. What do you want to happen?” And I speak in honesty. I really do not know. I want him. I need him. But that is as far as my heart will let me go.

  “I want……I want to be with you. I want to try.” He lifts his head now, eyes looking at me intently. “Do you feel the same? Do you have feelings for me?”

  “I have feelings but I don’t know what they are yet. I know I want you to be the person who makes love to
me. Is that enough for you? I….I can’t give you more than that”

  He nods slowly. “Will you let me try? Will you give us a chance? I’ve never wanted anyone before. But I know I want you”

  “I don’t know, Jake. I don’t know how to trust. How can you suddenly change? You’re a player. You’ll hurt me…’ll be tempted by other women….I’m scared”

  “Then I’ll have to prove it to you!” He smiles broadly, pulling me up to my feet and lifting me into his arms.

  He starts to walk towards the pathway which snakes towards the chalet encampment. I’m wriggling in his arms.

  “Jake….what are you doing?!”

  “Proving it starts right now.” He says in a deep assured voice.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You can’t be serious?” I look at his smiling face and back at his mobile which moments ago he thrust into my hands. Upon entering his chalet, he slid me down his body and sat me on his bed. Seconds later, he snatched his phone out of his pocket.

  He laughs gently. “Yes, I’m deadly serious. Delete all the female numbers apart from yours, Amber’s and Tilly’s. If you don’t then I will”

  “Then you do it.” I lay the phone on the bedside table.

  He promptly picks it up, sits down beside me and begins to delete number after number. And there are a lot of numbers. “There. Done”

  “Am I expected to do the same?” I reach for my bag but he halts me.

  “No, baby. Only when you are sure and not before then”

  “Oh. So what now……I suppose we jump into bed and have sex?”

  “No, baby. We’re going to make love.”


  Jake slowly reaches across and kisses my neck before untying each strap of my dress, letting it fall around my waist. He stands me gently nudging the material passed my hips and holds my hand as I steady to step out of the folds. Each movement is slow and sensual. He plants soft kisses upon each breast before releasing each strap of my bra, unhooking and again letting it fall. He trails a line of kisses down from my neck through my collarbone and down through my navel. As he reaches my panties, he grips a side strap with his teeth and pulls then down inch by inch with his teeth.

  This is without a doubt the most erotic thing I have ever experienced. The intensity and agonising slowness of each movement is making every sexual nerve in my body pulse and ache for touch. His tenderness springs emotions I do not recognise feeling my eyes fill with tears. He rises and thumbs away a tear as it trails down my cheek, planting feathery kisses down the wet line. I feel a tremble vibrate on my bottom lip.

  His warm tongue strokes my bottom lip, before he begins to nibble it so softly it causes an exquisite shudder down my spine. I feel the heat start to rise in my sex. No-one before him has made my body react the way his touch is doing right now. I gasp against his mouth.

  He trails soft feathery kisses down my neck, collar bone and further to my breasts before beginning to circle his tongue around each nipple. I arch into the sensation. He suckles each nipple, repeats to circle with his tongue, before gently biting, and suckling again. I arch again, seeking more. More kisses now, down across my ribcage, intervening with long, slow licks. I can feel the ache build in my sex, arousal fluids beginning to flush the folds.

  He continues to trail kisses and licking down past my pubic area and onto my inner thighs, ignoring my sex. I arch again, wanting him there…. needing his tongue on my sex. My legs feel weaker now, trembling with pleasure. Kneeling before me, He holds my sex against his mouth, cupping my ass with each hand, pulling me tighter into his mouth. He gently moves my feet further apart as he licks and sucks on my pubic area. I’m aching so much one circle of my clit will send me over the edge. I’m arching and groaning, desperate for his tongue, aching for release.

  He plunges his tongue straight into my folds and I buck in response.

  He groans his own pleasure, the sound so erotic making me pant with anticipation. My legs are trembling more now, visibly shaking in his hands.

  Again, plunging into my folds again, in, out, in, out, making love with his tongue. He releases, beginning small circles around my clit. The tightness and pull of imminent orgasm is almost unbearable, pain and pleasure combined. He quickens the pace of his circling before taking my clit whole in his mouth, sucking hard, taking me there….taking me over the edge.

  “Jake! Yes!” I arch crying out my release, legs collapsing beneath me.

  He lifts me up onto the bed, straddling his muscular frame over me, leaning over me with strong solid arms. He lowers himself down towards me, finding my mouth. Planting his lips upon mine, he kisses deep and slow, his tongue tasting all around my mouth. He begins to rock deliberately against me, stroking his erection through my sodden pubes and up the flesh of my stomach, slow, gentle rocks driving me insane with the intensity. I want him inside me, ache for the fullness.

  “Jake…Please” I pull at his body, opening my thighs to reach his shaft.

  “Not yet, baby…..not yet.” He leans in to kiss my neck, my jaw….still rocking his powerful body, stroking his cock up and down my body. I can see the muscles twitching and jerking in his arms as he holds his control, small beads of moisture forming on his brow.

  “Jake…..” I arch my body high to meet him, begging for release.

  He lowers himself, and in one long thrust, he pushes his cocks through the folds of my sex, filling me completely. I cry out my moan, louder than I have ever done, the echo of my own pleasure crushing through me. He groans from deep within him, lustful and raw, reeling his head back.

  He begins to quicken the pace now with his cock, thrusting deeper, up, up, rocking me towards the edge again. The tightening is intense, as my pussy squeezes hard against his cock.

  “Oh, fuck….you’re so tight and wet……I love being inside you!” He growls out a groan. “I’m going to come in any second.”

  He’s pounding my pussy now, deep long thrusts one after another. He’s groaning and panting, in, out, in, out, hot against my neck. He reaches down between my legs, taking my clit between his thumb and fore finger and gently squeezing….and I’m gone, shattering and flooding his cock, this orgasm more penetrating than the last one.

  “Oh, Jake, baby!” I scream out my release.

  He roars out a groan…..his body jerking frantically. “I love you baby....Fuck, I love you!”

  And he’s there, over the edge in the abyss….shuddering his release, thrusting and convulsing….his back and head arched back, emptying his salty spunk into me.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I click the shutter lens, a smile still playing on my lips. So last night was making love. And I like it……love it! But I think my goofy smile may be giving me away.

  It’s the last day at the development site. I can see Jake and Terry a short distance away from me, deep in discussion, leaning over technical drawings. The material of his cargo pants are stretched taught against his tight muscular ass as he leans further over the table. My mind drifts of thoughts of sinking my teeth into the flesh. I squeeze my thighs together as I feel dampness seep into my panties. I zoom the lens in his direction and click the shutter. A small moan escapes from my lips.

  “Are you ok, Mia?” Alex appears suddenly by my side.

  “Christ, Alex! You made me jump!” I feel my face flush instantly.

  He bows his head shyly. “Sorry, Mia. You just seemed lost… thought. I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  “I’m ok. Honest. Just day dreaming. Hey, you hear that?”

  The faint sound of music begins to fill the air overshadowed by the rumble of heavy tyres. A tractor is drawing near, its occupants curious at the activities at the development site. The driver pulls in and opens his door, letting out three young children. Their eyes are wide as they race in my direction.

  “Princess!” I recognise the younger boy from the other evening. He momentarily trips in his excitement.

  “Hello again.” I call to him, laughing. The
other children are fast at his heels. “And how are you today?”

  “We’re good. We came to see you before you leave. The boat comes tomorrow.” He suddenly seems almost sad, dejected.

  I cup my hand around his face, smiling at him. I catch Jake lightly frown towards the tractor driver as the music grows louder. I hear The Lighthouse Family – High drift across the through the trees.

  “Hey, will you dance with this princess before she leaves?” I curtsey playfully as he stomps a sad foot. He looks up, a wide smile shaking away the sadness.

  I take his hand as we begin to twirl and sway to the music. He laughs excitedly. The other children pull at Alex’s hand begging him to join in with the dancing. “Come on, Alex… with us!” I beckon to him.

  He shakes his head, shyly, but the children dance around him. Soon he gives in and we are all dancing, jumping and twirling, waving our hands in the air. The children are squealing with delight. We are lost in the moment.

  “Can I dance with the princess?” A deep voice jolts us to a stop. Jake raises an eyebrow at my flushed face, a sexy lop-sided grin on his face. The young boy stares at him wide eyed. Jake leans down to him. “Can you run across to the tractor and ask if he can put something real slow on. He’ll know what I mean. Can you do that?”

  The boy nods eagerly before racing across the grasses. Alex and the other children slowly move away, little sniggers escaping from the mouths of the children.

  “Something real slow, huh?” I move in close as he takes me in his arms.

  Aerosmith – I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing starts to flood the air, blasting out from the speakers of the tractor. We both laugh goofily, cringing in embarrassment as all the workers and visitors stop to watch us.


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