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The Billionaire's Sexy Little Secret: An Erotic Novella

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by Lara Simon

  “No way!” she said, rubbing his erection. “Does it feel the same as before, kind of tingly?” she asked.

  “Yeah, real tingly,” he said. Suddenly David was on top of her on the couch. Just like in the bedroom, he came quickly—the first time. And just like in the bedroom his cock stayed hard after the first orgasm and he was able to cum again and again. When Marisa was so sore that she could barely walk, she and David headed to bed and relaxed exhausted into each other’s arms.

  “Honey?” David whispered as she was about to fall asleep.

  “I can’t anymore, Sweetie,” she said, worried that David was once again ready to go. It was the first time in a long time that Marisa had pushed him away, usually it was just the opposite.

  “No, no,” he said. “It’s not that. I was just thinking—if this stuff really works, then we have a gold mine here. Can you imagine how many people would buy this product? Guaranteed performance and multiple orgasms for men? It would fly off the shelves.” Marisa smiled and thought about his words as she was swept into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 4

  “Goddamn it!” yelled Ned, barely recognizing the fury in his voice. “What do you mean there is nothing for that problem?” Ned’s physician looked a bit shaken as he backed a few steps away from him.

  “Ned, I told you,” the man said. “Viagra and the like will not work for this problem. You have no issue getting hard, right? It’s just that you can’t keep it hard. I mean, I am not trying to be indelicate here….”

  “You know what Don? No, I do not have any issue getting hard, as I told you before. Jesus Christ! We golf together-- fuck indelicacy,” said Ned, now pulling his pants back up. He really felt like shit for telling one of his friends and colleagues about his problem. Talk about embarrassment. Not only had he revealed his innermost secret, he’d acted like a petulant child when he wasn’t given the solution he’d expected. Now at the country club, every time Ned heard snickering, he would be sure it would be about him and his premature jizz and bad behavior. “I have to go,” he said, as the doctor sat down on his chair and began writing in his patient folder.

  “I’m sorry Ned, I—“ but Ned didn’t hear the rest. He stormed out of the office in disgust.

  “Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!” Ned got in his car and punched the dashboard in disgust. He was pissed off, yes, but Ned Demilla wasn’t one to take no for an answer. As soon as he started up the SLS-AMG convertible he dialed up his office. His administrative assistant answered promptly on the first ring, just as he’d instructed her. “Yes, Mr. Demilla?” she asked.

  “Candace, get everyone together. In my office-fifteen minutes,” he said.

  “Everyone?” She asked. The company currently had more than two hundred employees.

  “No—the management team. Sal, Matthew, Lisa, Jonathan and Curtis. Tell them to cancel their morning meetings, get their asses to the conference room and wait for me. I’m on the way.” He hung up the phone and sped down the interstate towards his office in downtown Miami.

  A few minutes later Ned strode into the office and marched directly into the conference room where he let himself in unannounced. Just as he’d asked, his management team was assembled, sitting quietly waiting for him. The group, each one of whom had been handpicked and trained by Ned himself, was impeccable in looks and credentials. They were all also young, under forty, well-dressed and attractive. Most spoke multiple languages and all were Ivy-league educated. They were the best of the best.

  “Good morning, everyone,” said Ned, not exactly sure how he was going to frame his next statement. Even though it would be more of a personal project for him than most, he knew that he had to emphasize the immense potential for profitability in the project instead of putting down to a personal issue. “I have made an important decision about the direction of our next venture capital investment.” Everyone at the table leaned forward a bit at this news, Ned’s ideas always meant huge money for the management team, and they smelled the blood in the water. “Today I have decided that we are going to begin investing in the medical field, specifically in pharma.” The team waited patiently for the explanation, which Ned was quick to give. “Now, we all know that the drug business is hugely profitable. The business of treating the sick is one of the only sectors in the economy that remains one hundred-percent recession-proof. Not to mention the fact that new discoveries and treatments can save lives and better the human race. However, we are not going to be in the business of saving lives. Now-- in the last century there was one treatment introduced that became by far the most profitable and widely-used in the globe. Does anyone know what drug I’m referring to?” He looked around the room.

  Lisa looked around the room of men, and when they didn’t speak, chimed in. “Of course you’re talking about Viagra, Ned.” Lisa had been pre-med at Yale before she came to work for Ned.

  “Yes, Lisa, thank you. Viagra has helped millions of men achieve the ever-elusive erection, proving men’s sexual health to be the most profitable and marketable sector of health care. Now, the reason I’ve called you together is because there is a gaping hole in the men’s sexual health market. Men can now take a little blue pill and get an erection, but there is nothing to treat another huge problem, plaguing an almost equally vast portion of the world’s men: premature ejaculation. Now, on the market today there are a number of creams, herbs, pumps, and other witch-doctor and sucker treatments. They do not work. What we need to do is find something that does. That is what I am tasking you with. I don’t care how you do it, I don’t care how much it costs—I am putting the full financial backing of the firm behind this project. Just. Make. It. Happen.” Ned looked around the room, feeling the intensity of his own glare emanating from his eyes. Some of the members of the management team were taking notes, others just looking at him and nodding. “I want your initial reports on my desk by Friday, no exceptions.” Ned walked out of the conference room, slamming the door on his employees’ faces.

  Chapter 5

  That Friday morning Ned headed into the office, more excited than ever. His team had been working doggedly all week, and he felt optimistic that someone would be able to accomplish the impossible and find someone to help him fix his problem. He had already been masturbating furiously every day since the meeting in the conference room, uncontrollably turned on by the promise of fucking someone without the shame of the early finish. He was looking through his email addresses and picking out all of the hottest women he’d met in Miami over the last couple of years but never had the balls to ask out. The woman he finally picked for his first post-cure fuck was Jenna Cabrera, a notoriously single supermodel whose lingerie spreads and conquests in the bedroom were equally legendary.

  Ned had always wanted to screw Jenna but because she had the reputation around town for bragging about who was good in bed and ruthlessly shaming who was bad, Ned hadn’t wanted to risk it, even though she flirted with him mercilessly every time he ran into her at a club or social event—grabbing his crotch or flashing him a pert little nipple. Yes— it had to be Jenna. Ned was getting hard just thinking about pounding her wet little pussy while she screamed his name in pleasure. He was going to fuck her into submission, then his reputation would be set. Every hot piece of model ass in Miami would want Ned’s cock, and he would serve it up willingly.

  But the meeting with his partners was a complete disaster. No one had anything of promise—nothing even worth looking at. Sal had brought in a packet of information about a scientist in Northern California who was working on a pill for bovine impotence, and claimed that it had made the bulls mate longer and with more frequency. “Fucking COWS, Sal? That’s all you have?” Ned had bellowed when he heard Sal’s pitch. He threw the packet back at Sal roughly and turned to Curtis. “NEXT!” Curtis opened his laptop and began showing Ned a presentation about a rare berry from the Amazon, that when turned into a cream was supposed to both enhance male fertility and virility. “Tried it- doesn’t work!” Ned screamed. “This has
been on the market out of Japan for three years, Curtis—Do your MOTHERFUCKING research!” Curtis hung his head in shame. Jonathan handed Ned a business card of a research group out of Atlanta.

  “They have had some strong data in women’s orgasm enhancement when implanted with a small spinal electronic pulse,” Jonathan said hopefully. Ned glared at him.

  “Scam!” he screamed, ripping up the card and throwing it in the garbage. “Does anyone else have anything?” he said, looking around. The partners shook their heads, looking petrified. “Listen up you second-rate imbeciles—all of this…GARBAGE, that you’ve given me I would have been able to find on Google within five minutes. And ALL OF IT IS BULLSHIT. I don’t know what the hell you’ve been doing all week, but you should be embarrassed of your piss-poor performance today. When I ask for results, I expect them. Now GET OUT OF MY OFFICE.” The Partners tucked tail and fled Ned’s office, almost pushing each other down in their hurry to get out of the way of Ned’s rage. Ned was still shaking when the door closed behind them.

  “Candace!” He screamed. His assistant rushed into the office with a nervous look on her face. She’d seen the mass exodus of partners and must’ve known there was a problem.

  “Yes Mr. Demilla?” Her voice was trembling.

  “I’m leaving the office for the weekend. Please forward all of my calls to voicemail. I’ll be at the Standard for the rest of the afternoon.”

  “Yes, sir,” said Candace. Ned was already getting up to leave.

  Chapter 6

  “Hey Babe,” David called to Marisa as she opened the door. He sounded excited. “I have a surprise for you.” His voice was sing-song as Marisa walked into the kitchen and put down her purse and briefcase. “Close your eyes,” David commanded. Marisa did as she was told and put her hands over her eyes. She could feel David close to her as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach.

  “What is it?” she asked him as he slid his hands upwards until they were cupping her full breasts.

  “Well, you’ve been working so hard, and I thought we could maybe get away for a night. Say, to your favorite poolside bar in Miami?”

  “The Standard?” she squealed. Marisa and David had frequented the bar before the baby was born, and she was aching to return for a nice Friday night of relaxation and fun.

  “Open your eyes!” David called, and as Marisa opened her eyes she saw a small white box wrapped up in an orange ribbon. “Go ahead,” David said as she began to pull apart the ribbon. Inside the box was a small orange card. Marisa picked it up—room 402, it said on the back.

  “You got us a room at the Standard?” she asked.

  “Yup,” said David, looking proud of himself. “And don’t worry, Michael is with your sister for the night I got a really good deal. Marisa was delighted.

  “Well,” she said, looking at David, “let’s go!” She rushed into the bedroom and packed a bag. David threw his bathing suit and toiletries in the bag, and as Marisa was zipping it up he pitched in the purple container of baby formula.

  “Don’t want to forget my secret weapon,” he said, smiling. Marisa leaned up and gave him a kiss.

  “No we don’t,” she said, smiling.

  Chapter 7

  Ned had already been sitting at the pool bar for a few hours when the couple came in and sat down next to him. It was still pretty early for a Friday and Ned had been by himself, drowning his sorrows in strong margaritas and baking in the sun. He was getting a bit bored of reading the newspaper on his iPad, so when the man and woman sat down, laughing and flirting, it caught his attention. The bartender came up and the woman ordered a raspberry mojito, a drink that Ned knew as one of the best and strongest mojitos in town, so Ned was surprised when the man ordered only a glass of water with no ice. What seemed even stranger is that when the man got his water, he reached in the woman’s purse and pulled out a large round purple container. Ned watched him as he took off the plastic lid and scooped out some white powder from the container and mixed it in his water. The look on the man’s face as he drank down the now cloudy water was agonizing. It must have tasted like shit, Ned thought. But when he had drained the cup, the man looked up at the woman and they gave each other knowing smiles. When the bartender came back over, the man ordered himself a mojito as well. Within a few minutes, they were both drinking mojitos and talking and laughing. Ned noticed the wedding rings on their fingers, but they were acting like a new couple. After the first round was drained and they got their second mojitos the woman kept reaching down into the man’s crotch with her foot and rubbing it, teasing him, asking about his ‘magical drink.’ Finally, Ned’s curiosity got the best of him.

  “Excuse me,” Ned said to the couple. Marisa and David looked up from their mojitos and turned and looked across the bar. Who was this random guy interrupting their date?

  “Yeah,” said David, annoyed. Maybe he needed directions or something?

  “I have to ask,” said Ned. “What was that white stuff you drank earlier?” By now Marisa was really feeling her first mojito. Because she didn’t drink much anymore, the rum had gone straight to her head. She looked over at the good-looking stranger, then gestured with her finger for him to get closer. When he leaned in, she whispered.

  “That’s my husband’s sexy little secret.” The man looked up at her and she continued. “It makes him, you know, cum—over and over.” Ned felt his heart start pounding.

  “What do you mean, over and over? Like multiple times in the same…night?” He asked, trying to keep his excitement in check.

  “No,” said the woman, leaning in further. “Like multiple times in the same session.” Her eyes got wider. “He cums once, then immediately gets hard again and we keep going. Then he cums again. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to our marriage.” Ned leaned away from the woman, trying to keep his excitement in check. This was the answer he’d been waiting for, sitting right here in front of him. He pulled out his wallet.

  “My name is Ned Demilla,” he said, clearing his throat, “and this is my business card. I am looking for a product that does exactly what you’ve described, and I’m willing to pay. If you let me sample your product, and it works, I will market and sell it of you, and am willing to give you generous share of the profits.”

  “Well, it’s not exactly our product,” said David. “We just found it. We don’t own the company or anything.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Ned. “My firm will buy the company and you will still get paid the finder’s fee. I am a successful man-- this could be a very profitable venture for you.” David and Marisa looked at each other for a second.

  “Fine,” said David. “You can try it this one time-- but we are not going to tell you what the product is until we get a contract.” He was surprised at the firmness in his own voice.

  “Done,” said Ned, and they shook on it. David asked for another glass of water from the bar, and this time when he took out the purple container, he turned his back to Ned, hiding it from him. When the powder was mixed in, David handed Ned the glass.

  “I have to warn you, this tastes like shit,” he said. Ned couldn’t have cared less. He held his nose and drank down the liquid, greedily draining the glass to its last drop. “Thanks,” said Ned, feeling a slight tingling sensation in his mouth. “I’ll be in touch,” and he got up and left the bar. Ned walked directly into the hotel and booked himself into the penthouse. He hadn’t been planning on staying the night, but he had a feeling that this night particular night was going to be a special one. As soon as he checked in and got himself up to the room, he put in a call to Jenna. “Jenna, it’s Ned,” he said when she answered. “Cancel your plans tonight.” Jenna had argued for a few minutes, saying that she had a dinner date and a big party to go to and couldn’t possibly meet with Ned. But he knew that the idea of spending an evening with him in the Standard’s penthouse would be too much for her to resist, and by the time he hung up it was all set up. Then Ned emailed Angelo with a
very specific shopping list.

  Angelo turned up with a bag full of Ned’s requested items within the hour. After Ned took stock and confirmed he had everything he needed for his evening, he lay down on the California King bed and took a nap. When Jenna knocked on the door at eight-thirty Ned was ready for her. When he was in the shower he’d started to worry that the magic powder from the couple at the bar was just a hoax. Maybe his doctor or one of the partners had set the whole thing up to fuck with him? He shook his head—he was getting paranoid. He opened the door to Jenna with a glass of champagne in his hand.

  “Jenna,” he said, leaning over and kissing her gently on the cheek. Jenna looked at him playfully.

  “Ned,” she said, stepping past him into the suite. “Nice digs, just for me?” She pushed out her pouty lips. Tonight Jenna was wearing an extremely short blue dress with cut out panels under her breasts and across her back, revealing large patches of smooth tan skin over finely toned muscles. Her long, dark hair was in gentle curls down her back and over her false eyelashes her brown eyes were lined with a dark coal-colored pencil. Jenna’s long, slim legs were lengthened by her spiked gold heels. She smelled like perfume, and her skin glistened with carefully applied lotion.

  “Just for you,” said Ned, gently placing his hand on Jenna’s lower back, guiding her to a table on the balcony. They sat down and drank the rest of the champagne, then the butler appeared with two thick slabs of steak. “Rare and perfect, just like you,” said Ned, cutting into his dinner. Jenna took a few bites of her meal, but wasn’t in the mood to eat. As Ned washed his steak down with a sip of Bordeaux, Jenna stood up and leaned over the balcony, her skirt hiked up so far that she was almost showing her assets. Ned stared at Jenna’s perfect ass, longing to grab it. Jenna felt his eyes on her and shook back a forth a little bit, teasingly.


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