Sea of Slaughter

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by Farley Mowat

  Gridley, Col., 401–2

  grizzly bear, 136–45

  groundfish, 206, 212–13, 215, 216, 222

  grouse, 102

  Grzimek, Bernard, 472

  guillemot, 34, 52–53

  Gulf of Bothnia, 114

  Gulf of Maine, 5, 27, 54, 101, 117, 245, 282

  Gulf of Mexico, 28, 80, 167, 169, 179, 240, 263, 284, 306

  Gulf of St. Lawrence, 4–6, 57, 389–91, 435

  beluga whales in, 350–53, 356–57

  birds in, 26, 27–34, 36, 80, 99

  cod in, 208, 209, 390

  fish in, 205, 219–21, 226, 229, 389, 390

  fishing industry in, 13, 214, 221

  grey seals in, 390, 410–11, 413–16

  ice seals in, 436–39, 456

  porpoises in, 345–47

  seal hunt in, 464–65, 491–92, 520

  walrus in, 389–403

  whales in, 261, 262, 264, 284, 290–91, 319, 343, 390

  whaling in, 269, 271, 286, 291–93, 297, 311

  white bear in, 116–17, 119–20, 128

  gulls, 18, 34, 52

  guns. See firearms

  Gunson, John, 202

  habitat destruction

  of birds, 52, 57–58, 80–81, 93, 515

  of fish, 219, 227, 228–29, 236, 248

  of fur-bearing animals, 152, 154

  of grizzly bear, 145

  of whales, 278, 306

  haddock, 210, 213–14, 244, 517

  hake, 517

  Hakluyt, Richard, 23, 116, 171, 393

  Haldiman, Lieut., 397–98, 400–402

  Haliburton, Thomas, 416

  halibut, 6, 205, 215, 218, 517

  Hamilton Inlet, 142, 190, 417, 442, 445

  harbour porpoise, 344–45, 349

  harbour seal (dotar), 376, 408–11, 414, 417–20

  extermination of, 425–26, 486, 494

  as scapegoat, 417–20, 426–27

  white bear and, 119, 125

  harlequin duck, 95

  Harp and Hood Seal Protocol, 481

  Harper, Francis, 144

  Harpoon Cape, 264

  harpoons, 259, 283

  explosive, 271–72, 312–13, 315, 319, 332, 334, 338, 361–63, 518

  harp seal, 6, 119, 338, 376, 409, 416, 421, 436–53. See also beaters; bedlamers; ice seals; raggedy-jackets; whitecoats

  extermination of, 417, 429, 450–52, 511

  killing of, 442, 447–49

  migration of, 436–37, 440, 442

  on moulting patches, 439–40, 450, 464

  as scapegoat, 425

  skin of, 439, 443

  as source of oil, 440, 443

  on whelping patches, 438–39, 444–49, 452, 456–61, 465, 479, 492

  Hawkes Harbour, 322, 337n

  hawks, 104, 105, 111

  Hayes, Edward, 30

  heath hen, 102–3

  Henry III of England, 114–15

  Henry IV of France, 386, 388

  Henry VII of England, 183

  herbicides, 105, 106, 515

  Herjolfsson, Bjarni, 380

  Hermitage Bay, 312, 314, 321

  herons, 98, 99–100, 407

  herring, 36, 209, 218–21, 517

  as whale food, 308, 334, 335, 352

  herring gull, 52

  Higginson, Francis, 179, 249

  History of Nantucket (Macy), 286

  Holland, 285–86, 295–97, 299, 332, 458

  Holt, Sydney, 511–12

  hood seal, 119, 376, 409, 416, 454–57. See also bluebacks; ice seals

  extermination of, 429, 455–56, 511

  as scapegoat, 425

  survival of, 500n

  on whelping patches, 454, 456–61, 464, 479

  Hopewell, 394–95

  Hore, Master, 23–24, 99, 116

  horsehead. See grey seal (horsehead)

  horses, wild, 369, 373

  Horwood, Harold, 142, 253, 331, 455, 465

  Hudson, Henry, 295

  Hudson, W.H., 89

  Hudson Bay, 111, 403

  lowlands of, 127, 134

  whales in, 284, 287–91, 302–4, 354–56

  Hudsonian curlew. See whimbrel

  Hudsonian godwit, 78–79

  Hudson River, 171, 239

  Hudson’s Bay Company, 64, 140–42, 303, 354

  Hughes, Tom, 477

  Humane Society, 471, 474, 477, 496

  humpback whale, 271, 309–12, 330, 337, 343

  extermination of, 324, 326

  killing of, 310–11, 321

  protection of, 339, 341n

  Hunter, Martin, 142

  hunting, 120, 128–29, 194. See also commercial hunting; poaching; sport hunting; specific animals

  of birds, 51, 53–54, 81–82

  Hut Island, 422

  ibises, 98, 99

  Iceland, 41–43, 114, 261, 284, 331n, 362, 381

  ice seals, 376. See also harp seal; hood seal; whitecoats

  extermination of, 458–60, 463–65, 469–70, 475–76, 487–92, 496, 499–500, 520–21

  killing of, 460, 467–69, 477, 482–85

  Île aux Coudres, 233, 351, 353, 396

  Île des Démons, 116–17

  Île Madame, 392

  India, 166

  Indian Ocean, 273, 326

  Ingram, David, 28, 117, 169–70

  insecticides. See pesticides

  International Commission for the North Atlantic Fishery (ICNAF), 475–76, 479, 481–82, 489, 490. See also North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO)

  International Convention on Trade in Endangered Species, 428

  International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 425

  International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), 479, 483, 490, 495, 501–4, 512

  violence towards, 497, 506, 509

  International Whaling Commission, 233, 275, 279, 339, 342, 364, 519

  Inuit, 160, 187, 194, 441

  and birds, 20, 60–61

  and caribou, 143, 194

  and grizzly bear, 139, 143–44

  as sealers, 441, 450

  and walrus, 404–5

  as whalers, 259, 298, 305–6, 357–58, 518

  Ireland, 432

  isinglass, 77, 235

  Islefsson, Sigurdur, 43


  market for, 387–88, 400, 404, 406

  medicinal use of, 358, 394

  jack curlew. See whimbrel

  jack snipe, 84

  James, Thomas, 168

  James Bay, 126–27, 134

  Jan Mayen Island, 295, 458


  fishing by, 211, 221, 241–43, 254

  as market for marine products, 222, 241–43, 275, 338, 363, 364

  as market for pelts, 114, 134, 505, 511

  whaling by, 275, 279, 332, 341, 342, 364, 519

  Jasper National Park, 149

  John A. Macdonald, 498–99

  Josselyn, John, 28, 101, 150, 232, 235, 352

  Jukes, J.B., 447–49

  Kamchatka, 128, 274

  Karlsefni. See Thorfinn Karlsefni

  Karlsen, Karl, 338, 341, 363, 463–65, 475, 482, 483, 496–97

  Karlsen Shipping Company, 338, 464, 497

  Kean, Abraham, 450

  Kennedy, William, 141

  Ketilsson, Ketil, 43

  killer whale. See orca (killer whale)

  kittiwake, 15, 18, 48, 52, 513

knot, 83–84

  Korea, 134, 278, 279

  krill, 254, 307, 308. See also plankton

  Kurdistan, 56

  Kuril Islands, 114, 128

  Kyokuyo Hogei, 339

  Labrador, 46, 80, 187–88, 403

  bears in, 121–24, 129–30, 139–45

  fish in, 210–11, 226

  fur-bearing animals in, 151, 152, 159, 188–89, 190

  sealing in, 457, 469

  whaling in, 257–61, 264–68, 292–94, 297–99

  Labrador duck, 96–97

  Lac St-Jean, 117

  Lahontan, Louis-Armand, Baron de, 101, 119, 153, 162, 208

  Lake Champlain, 234

  Lake Ontario, 228, 234, 410

  lake sturgeon, 234, 235

  Lancaster South, 56

  Lark Island, 26

  La Roche, Marguerite de, 116

  La Roche, Troilus de, 386

  La Ronde, Louis Denys de, 195

  La Salle, René Robert, Sieur de, 172

  laughing gull, 52

  Laurin, Jean, 354

  Lavigne, David, 482, 507

  Lawrence, Jesse, 415

  Leach’s storm petrel, 49

  least sandpiper, 75

  leather, 165–66, 174

  from beluga whales, 350, 355

  from buffalo, 166

  from walrus, 379–80, 400

  leatherback turtle, 234

  LeBlanc, Roméo, 427–29, 485–92, 494, 511

  LeClercq, Chrestien, 182

  Leefe, John, 432–33

  Leif Eriksson, 224

  Leigh, Charles, 207, 249, 394–95

  Lescarbot, Marc, 30

  lesser yellowlegs, 85–86

  Liberal Party of Canada, 487, 504, 509, 512

  Life Histories of North American Shorebirds (Bent), 34, 83

  The Life History and Ecology of the Gray Whale (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), 279

  Lillie, Harry, 450

  lobster, 244, 246, 249–53

  loggerhead turtle, 234

  Lok, John, 169

  long-billed curlew, 75–76

  Long Island, 67, 88, 272, 285–87

  loon, 97–98, 223

  Lowe, A.P., 142, 190

  lynx, 182–85

  MacEachen, Allan, 504

  MacKay, Barry Kent, 492–94

  Mackay, George, 83

  MacKenzie, Deborah, 517

  mackerel, 36, 218–21, 347. See also tuna

  mackerel shark (porbeagle), 216

  Maclean, John, 141

  Macy, Obadiah, 286

  Macy, Thomas, 286

  Magdalen Islands, 78, 116, 207, 246, 392–97, 400–403

  great auk in, 24

  sealing in, 471, 506, 509

  seals in, 6, 412, 414, 415, 416, 422, 429

  walrus in, 391–92, 406

  Maine, 163–64, 411

  Malcolm, Heather, 356

  mallard, 93

  Malouf, Albert, 511

  The Mammals of Canada (Banfield), 292

  Mammals of North America (Cahalane), 190–92

  Manana Island, 28

  manatee, 233

  Manitoba, 111, 134, 136, 159, 354–56. See also Churchill

  Mansfield, Arthur, 425

  Manuel I of Portugal, 391

  marbled godwit, 78

  Marigold, 26, 99, 188, 411


  and the environment, 333–34

  for marine products, 221–22, 240–44, 275–76, 338

  for pelts, 114, 134, 505, 511

  for seal products, 490, 492–96, 500

  for sealskin, 443, 451, 455–57, 466–70, 478, 481–82, 488, 495–96, 505

  for whale products, 259, 363, 364

  marten, 151–52, 157, 162

  Martha’s Vineyard, 103

  Martyr, Peter, 207

  Mary Margaret, 280, 293

  Mason, John, 31, 208

  Massachusetts Bay, 82, 262, 388

  Mather, Richard, 261–62

  Mavericke, Samuel, 286

  Mayflower, 261

  McDonald’s, 493, 504

  McKay, James, 175–76

  McKenzie, Peter, 142–43

  McNally, Robert, 275, 333

  Mecatina Islands, 116

  Melville, Herman, 327

  Menendez, Pedro, 168

  Mercer, M.C., 486

  Mercier, Yvon, 499

  Merriam, C. Hart, 137–39

  Merrimac River, 235

  Micmac people, 26

  fishing by, 231, 246–47, 352

  and seals, 413, 415, 430

  as trappers, 151, 163

  Migratory Birds Convention Act (1917), 95, 96

  Millais, J.G., 315–24

  Mingan Islands, 396, 441

  mink, 162, 354–55, 371–73

  minke whale, 308, 325, 337, 363–66

  extermination of, 338–43, 362

  uses of, 325, 363, 365, 373

  Mink Island, 164

  Minnesota, 196, 202

  Miramichi River, 225, 231, 238

  Miscou Island, 72, 391, 396, 414, 415, 430

  Moisie River, 410

  Monhegan Island, 28

  monk seal, 411n

  Montagnais people, 140

  Moodie, Inspector, 303–4

  moose, 145, 154, 170, 172, 174, 180

  Moose Factory, 77

  Moravian missions, 121, 140, 141, 142, 143

  Morgan, James, 496, 511

  Mother Carey’s chicken. See petrels

  mountain goat, 145

  mountain lion. See cougar

  mountain sheep, 145

  Mowat, Farley, 197, 325n, 340–41

  and seal hunt, 427, 429–30, 438, 450, 474, 477, 478

  Mowat Environmental Institute, 515

  muktuk, 355. See also blubber

  Munk, Jens, 121

  murres, 15, 18, 24, 32–33, 52–54

  fishing and, 46, 55–56, 58

  Muscongus Bay, 27

  Muscovy Company, 280, 384–85

  Muskeget Island, 83, 422

  mussels, 153, 246, 247, 378, 513

  Nansen, Fridtjof, 358–61

  Nantucket Island, 66, 81, 88, 283, 286

  Narjes, Karl-Heinz, 495

  narwhal, 357–58

  Nascopie people, 60, 72, 124, 140, 144

  net fishing, 346–47, 351–52. See also commercial fishing

  of seals, 441, 442, 447, 449, 457, 460, 469, 473

  Netherlands. See Holland

  Nettleship, David, 49, 53

  New Brunswick, 27

  fish in, 227, 231, 247

  fur-bearing animals in, 146, 151, 154–57, 159, 164, 185

  pollution in, 106, 155–57, 349

  seals in, 408, 432

  New Brunswick Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 473

  New Chelsea, 135

  New England, 36, 156

  birds in, 28, 65–68, 99, 101

  fish in, 221, 225–29, 234–36, 237, 249, 252

  fishing industry in, 46, 209, 221

  fur-bearing animals in, 146, 150–52, 159, 162, 183

  marine animals in, 233, 346, 352, 388, 411–12

  pollution in, 239, 248

  predators in, 179, 185–86, 195

  shellfish in, 246, 248

  shorebirds in, 81–84, 86, 88–89

  whalers from, 269–73, 281, 297–300, 30

  whaling in, 285–87

  Newfoundland and Labrador, 6, 53–54, 106, 187–88, 435

  Basque whalers in, 257–58, 264–67

  birds in, 36–37, 49, 62–64, 77–78, 101, 103–4, 105

  fish in, 207, 209–10, 220–22, 246, 248–52

  fishing industry in, 45–46, 55–56, 209–16, 226

  fur-bearing animals in, 151–53, 162–63, 183–84, 188–89, 190–91

  great auk in, 26, 32, 37, 39–40

  Norsemen in, 24, 115, 434–35

  and seal hunt, 486, 496, 502, 520

  sealing in, 411, 443–45, 448–56, 458–62, 464

  whales in, 271, 342, 343

  whaling in, 297, 311–12, 314–21, 330, 334–36, 364–73

  white bear in, 117–19, 129–30, 134–35

  wolves in, 195–96

  Newfoundland Industrial Development Service, 220

  New Harbour, 370

  New York Times, 509

  New York Zoological Society, 173

  Noddy Island, 27

  Norsemen, 5, 8, 16, 115, 392, 434–35

  North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), 489, 490–91, 494, 508

  North Atlantic Ocean

  harp seals in, 436–40

  whales in, 271–73, 277, 329–32

  Northern B.C. Guides Association, 198

  northern gannet, 49–50

  North Pacific Ocean, 130, 404–5

  black right whale in, 273–74, 277

  bowhead whale in, 293, 300–301, 303, 304–5

  grey whale in, 277, 279, 326

  North Sea, 380, 383

  Northumberland Strait, 267, 389, 390, 392, 396, 401, 421, 422

  Northwest River, 151

  Northwest Territories, 74, 145

  Norumbega, 169–71, 386

  Norway, 57

  and fishing, 229, 241

  and seal hunt, 458, 463–66, 469–73, 475–76

  and whaling, 279, 303–21, 325–30, 332, 334, 337–39, 361–65, 368, 519

  and white bear, 114, 132–33

  Notre Dame Bay, 443, 445

  Nova Scotia, 193

  birds in, 27–28, 32, 65

  fish in, 210, 228, 230–31, 243, 247, 248, 250

  fur-bearing animals in, 151–52, 154–57, 159, 162, 185, 186–87

  marine animals in, 345, 396

  pollution in, 106, 349

  seals in, 411, 412, 420–21, 432–33, 464

  whales in, 311, 352

  Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests, 185

  ocean perch. See redfish

  Octher, 380

  Offer Rock, 26, 335

  oil (petroleum) industry, 306, 389, 423, 515

  oil, marine. See train oil

  Okak Bay, 143

  Old Shop, 370

  Olsen Whaling and Sealing Company, 337n

  Ommanney, F.D., 313, 327

  Ontario, 134, 159, 181, 185, 228. See also Lake Ontario

  Ontario Humane Society, 474, 477


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