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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

Page 3

by Jason Trinklein

  Sunday goes smoothly and when he goes to sleep that night, for the first time in a while, he’s looking forward to school the next day.

  Chapter 6

  Monday started off well. James didn’t get made fun of on the bus this time. Kenny didn’t either. No one tried to trip them or steal their books from them today. But even though they weren’t being made fun of, Kenny still looked like something was bothering him. He looked kind of sad. James asked him what was wrong. “There’s a kid in my neighborhood whose been bullying my friends. On Friday I told him to cut it out, and to leave my friends alone.” explained Kenny. “Well, he did. But then he started pickin’ on me twice as bad as he was to my friends.” “What kind of stuff does he do?” asked James. “At first it wasn’t that bad. It started out with him just calling me names, but then on Saturday when I was riding around on my bike, he pushed me off and stole it.” James started to get angry, but then he began to come up with a plan. As it all came together, a smile crept across his face. “Why are you smiling?” asked Kenny. James told him the plan. Kenny started to smile, too.

  When they got to school, James and Kenny called their moms to make sure it was okay if James went over to Kenny’s house after school that day. They got permission. After school when they were walking to Kenny’s house from the bus stop, the kid who was bullying Kenny stopped them. The kid was tall, maybe six feet. He looked pretty strong, like he spent a lot of time his benching. He had short, dark hair, and he already had a small beard. He was a lot older than they were. “Where are you going, Kenny?” he asked like he was in control. Kenny looked at the ground nervously. “He’s going home.” James said calmly.

  “I didn’t tell you to talk.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re about to get a fist in the face.” said the kid. So he threw a punch at James. Before his arm was even fully extended he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and what was even more surprising to him was that James wasn’t where he was before. James was a step to the left. So then the kid tried to use his arm like a club and he swung it strait down at James. James blocked his arm and kneed him in the stomach. He doubled over and started coughing. This went on for about a half an hour with James dodging and then hitting the kid, and the kid being hit. Finally, the bully gave up. He gave Kenny his bike back and promised to be nice to the kids in the neighborhood. Then James and Kenny went and did their homework. They didn’t have to worry anymore.

  Chapter 7

  The next day, James had a Math test, a Religion test, an English test, and a Science test. He knew they would be hard because they were the last major grades before exams, but he wasn’t worried. Those were all his strongest subjects, and he had studied really hard with Kenny the night before. He had a good feeling about the tests and Kenny did, too. Kids were complaining that they didn’t have enough time to study for everything and about how bad they were going to do. They were just nervous, because most of them did really well on everything. For the first time in his life, James got the highest grade in the class for every test.

  Things just kept on getting better. The exam reviews were really easy, and both James and Kenny finished each one on the same night it was assigned. They were nominated for the Youth Court by their teachers, and they both got in. James made High Honor Roll along with Kenny and was tied for the highest average in the grade. His teachers all congratulated him on his improvement. Other kids congratulated him, too.

  He and Kenny aced all of the exams and were asked to take the SAT that year. The kid who had bullied Kenny had apologized to them and they all became good friends. James had a lot to do over the summer, and even more to do the next year.

  The End

  Bridgett Hicks

  Chapter 1: The audition

  The steps ran through my head, “Assemblé, croisé attitude pirouette, tombé, glissade, arabesque (stay 5, 6, 7, 8), fifth position, 16 fouetté turns.” “Selena Rodriguez,” announced the man. It was my turn, I knew all my steps, and I was ready. The music began to play, and I began my dance. Let’s rewind, to the first day my life began its big change. It was the day I tried out for my studios local Nutcracker performance. I was turning 15 soon, and I was hoping for a big role. I was one of the best in my age group, I was the only one who had been dancing since I was little, I think I was four. Two of my dance instructors taught some combinations from the ballet pieces. I felt like I had them down packed and was going to get an awesome role. As I watched the other girls audition, I had a flashback from when I was first on stage. I could hear the parents chuckling, cameras clicking, and kids pointing and laughing. My face turned bright red like a tomato. I wondered if it could be me that had messed up. I looked down the row of dancers, and to my surprise noticed the red head girl on the end twirling in circles. She was on her own rhythm. Finally I realized what the laughter was all about. She twirled so many times that she tripped over her own two clumsy, pink ballet shoes. It was as though she was dancing in front of a mirror in her room and only she could see herself. She had no idea the crowd was laughing at her. I never wanted to be this red headed girl. I couldn’t bear the thought of such embarrassment. Then, as my stomach began to feel like it was tied in a knot, I snapped myself back in to reality. This was my turn. I wasn’t four years old anymore. There was no red headed girl who was going to stand in my way. I was getting the role I dreamed of. The woman called, “Number 68, come to the front stage.” I looked at the paper safety pinned to my leotard. It read-# 68.

  Chapter 2: The Phone Call

  My audition turned out great that day. I went home feeling like the president of the United States, the Queen of England, the ruler of the world. One week passed and my normal life went on. The usual: get up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to dance, and go to bed. Of course, in between my day’s activities, I would eat; well, at least dinner. This one week was one of the worst weeks of my life. It seemed to go on forever. I had not gotten a phone call or even an email saying the parts would be on a list outside the studio, nothing! Not one word, and I was going insane. I was nervous, scared, and excited all wrapped up in one emotion, if that is possible. Finally, on a dreadful Wednesday, I entered my house from school and the phone rang. A million things ran through my head: Is it the studio? Did I get the part? What part am I? Or is it just mom calling again? I stopped myself for a moment and said out loud, “first things first get the phone!” I ran to the office, and straight to the computer to find the phone, only it wasn’t there. “Where’s the phone?” I shouted in anger. I ran around the house in circles till I found it wedged between two couch cushions. I had spotted it from the kitchen, so I dove over the love seat to catch what could be my call. It was the last ring when I got it, and I answered out of breath, “hello”. “Hi, this is Mia form the Nutcracker audition, is this Selena?” asked the lady on the other end of the phone call. I had to catch my breath. Then I finally got the words out, “yes ma’am”. “Well I would just like to inform you that you did make it into the show. The roles will be posted outside the studio Friday morning. But also Selena, I was told to give you an important message. A member from the American Ballet Theater was at our auditions observing you girls. They asked me about you. They said they would like to speak to you about trying classes in New York with them. I gave them your number and information. Is that ok? ” I was speechless. Did I just hear this woman correctly? American Ballet Theater? New York? I was so overwhelmed I answered very child like with a “thank you and yes ma’am that’s fine.” I think she could tell I was excited so she quickly said, “Congratulations and don’t forget to look at the list on Friday. Let me just go ahead and give you the ABT number. Do you have paper?” I ran to the office desk once more for a paper and pen. “Yes ma’am, I am ready,” I replied. “646-983-2457,” Mia responded. The call ended with a thank you again and good byes. I set down the phone and just stared down at the numbers on the sheet of paper. After a
few minutes, I woke up from my daze. I did not know what to do next. To calm myself down I went to get a snack and soda, my favorite. I sat at the kitchen table eating, but also trying to take all this exciting news in. A door opened and then a voice said, “Selena I’m home. Where are you?” It was mom. “I’m in here, the kitchen.” She walked in to see me with a huge grin on my face. The moment she came in, I began to explain my whole after school phone call with Mia. After that, nothing else exciting happened. I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and did everything almost the same, but I was planning to get a ride from one of my friends to the studio to check the list. I got a ride from one of my friends, Sophie, who had just turned 16 and gotten a car. We walked from school to the parking lot and got in her convertible. It was purple with white rims. Her family is very wealthy, if you did not get that. She turned on the radio and she must be a Justin Bieber fan like me because Baby came on she blasted the music. The whole way there we sang along and danced. Although on the outside I was having a great time inside me was nervous. No, I was scared to death. I couldn’t wait to know the part I got. We drove to the studio, parked, and got out. I scanned the list. L…..M…..N….O….P….Q….R “Rodriguez”. Selena Rodriguez,” I said aloud to myself and Sophie. I was scared but excited all in one.

  Chapter 3: Maria

  It had been a usual Monday morning, tired from all the late hang outs over the weekend. The whole day I was not even “alive”. The day seemed so boring. Even if something interesting had happened, I wouldn’t have known. By eighth period I had to wake myself up, I had rehearsal for Nutcracker right after school till late that night. I had gotten the part of Maria. Maria was the main character in the play. It was always played by one of our professional company dancers, but this year they were giving us a chance. Two Fridays before, I had been at the studio looking at the “who got what part list”, as I say. When I saw my name next to Maria, I was about to faint. I was so excited I began jumping and screaming with Sophie; until an old lady came out of the store next to the studio to tell us to “hush up.” I was not only happy about the amazing part I got, but also that I had gotten a better role than Elaina Greenhow. She, to me, was not considered my enemy, but definitely not my friend. Elaina was very competitive. She was always out to beat me. Thank goodness she didn’t go to my school; I would have to hear, “what’d you get on that quiz, test, and homework?” She had danced with me for about three years. She was good but, we both knew I was better. I had more experience and talent. I think that is why she tried so hard to beat me. Enough about Elaina and her competitive self, let’s get back to the rehearsal. It had been a great rehearsal. I got to learn two of my solos and watch some of my other friends learn theirs. Sophie’s was beautiful. She was just so graceful and had such long legs. I thought she would have gotten the role of Maria. But then again she is very tall, and Maria is only supposed to be around ten years old. It was 8 o’clock, and practice was over. As I took off my Pointe shoes and got my bag, my teacher came up to me with a lovely smile and said, “Selena, great job tonight,” as she patted me on the back. “Thank you, I’m so excited I got the part,” I said grinning from ear to ear. “So, did you get the big news about ABT? They want to know if you want to take classes during spring break,” Mrs. Pam said proudly. “Yes ma’am, I’m very excited about that too,” I replied back, blushing a little. “They said they will call you very soon. So keep me up dated with the news,” she said shoving my arm a bit. “Will do,” I quickly said walking away. She said that they were supposed to call me soon! It had been almost three weeks, did they forget about me? Was someone forgetting to call me? Did Mia give the wrong number or email? Did they suddenly not like me anymore? My head was spinning with all of these questions. What stopped them was a tap on the shoulder. I turned around to fine Elaina Greenhow, this couldn’t be good. She said with a slight attitude in her voice, “I heard the ABT people asked about you. You got an invitation to take classes yet?” “Yes, they asked about me. I haven’t gotten an invite from them, but Mia and Mrs. Pam said they were going to ask me to take beginner classes over spring break,” I shouted with pride. “Oh well, I guess I will see you there. Well that is, of course, if they do call you.” She looked at me with the devil in her dark brown eyes and then turned around. Elaina Greenhow was going to New York too? This question haunted me for hours that night in bed; until I thought of a worse question. Why had ABT called Elaina first and not me?

  Chapter 4: Never Say Never

  It was almost Christmas break, so I always had a lot to do. All of my teachers were cramming in as many tests and quizzes as possible. It was not only my school teachers, my dance instructors too. The Nutcracker and the rest of our Christmas performances were during break, so we were having at least six rehearsals a week. I was still worried about not hearing from ABT, but life had to go on. It was not easy for that week; Elaina asked me almost every day about it. I got home one day from school, and had only a chemistry worksheet for homework. I tried everything to try to take my mind of ABT, the nutcracker, and Elaina, but nothing worked. Finally, I sat down and decided to check my email. I signed it to Gmail, “Username SelenaR34 Password: ******”. As it loaded, my heart was pounding. It finally loaded and showed 16 emails. I scanned the address names, “Mom, Sophie, Rachel, Olivia, Kasey, Margret, Ivory, blah, blah, blah….” I had hit the end of the list, none from ABT. I looked at the computer screen for another minute, then took the magazine next to me and threw it across the room in frustration. I was so desperate, I was going to check my mom’s email. It was an icon on my mom’s desktop that said “E-mail”. I clicked on it. It took forever to load all of her inbox because she has so much work emails coming in. While it loaded, I got up to get the magazine I had thrown. I pick it up the front read, “People”. Those magazines were my mom’s all time favorite. She owned almost everyone. I sat back down in front of the computer, the messages still not loaded. I skimmed the magazine, glancing at pictures and articles. Then I came across one that was titled, “Never give up….Never say Never!” Never Say Never was Justin Bieber’s new song and the title of his movie. I had never really thought of the name, “Never Say Never” till then. The article below was written by a woman named Susan Kaufman. She talked about really motivating things and how to keep hope going. Reading that article brightened the rest of my evening. But after reading that, I looked up and the inbox was loaded. I did the same as before, read the address names. I saw nothing. Then I was down to the last ten and saw something with the word ballet in the email. I did not recognize the address. I opened it. I read aloud, “Hello Selena, I am from the American Ballet Theater youth program. I am emailing you about taking lessons with us during spring break. I would like to have a conversation over the phone, and then send you more information over email. I tried calling the number I was given (843-854-321). Please email me back as soon as possible. Thank you, Marc. This was unbelievable! They had the wrong number. The 8 at the beginning was supposed to be a 3. My mom’s hand writing is not the best, so Mia must have thought it was an 8. It was the wrong number after all. I thought to myself “Never give up…Never Say Never.”

  Chapter 5: New York City

  School was done, spring was here, and best of all it was time to head to New York. I couldn’t take much more waiting. I had bragged for almost two weeks now; I think everyone had known by the time spring break had even started. It’s not like me to brag, but if Elaina was going to, I was. I didn’t need people thinking she was better. The first day of spring break, we, meaning my mother and I, had planned to take a road trip there. We left the first day, and stopped for a hotel. Then, we got up early the next morning to check into our condo by 12:00. My first class was at the huge ABT studio in New York City at 3pm. I arrived early to find Elaina warming up listening to her iPod. She glanced at me, but I turned before she could even open her mouth. I did the usual dancer routine, put on shoes and stretch. I looked up, and there was Elaina. She began to talk wi
th her attitude voice so I just decided to turn up my iPod louder. Next thing I know I was jamming out to “Somebody to Love”, by Justin Bieber. I couldn’t help but laugh because Elaina never noticed I had my headphones in, and she just kept talking. I think I danced my heart out that evening. I know I danced my legs, arms, and head till they were all numb. I went home with the worst headache and muscle pains that you would not believe. The next few days were ones I will never forget. I had the best experience. Every day I would get up for a morning class, and then shopped till I had my night class. I went site seeing all around New York. New York City is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. This trip was one I really enjoyed because I got to dance with a professional dance company. The only problem was Elaina: as always, she was ruining everything. My mom and I were shopping and she handed me a brochure and said, “Selena, you’re gonna want to take a look at this.” I took it in my hand and just stared. “SLEEPING BEAUTY, Auditions held April 15th.” I just knew I was destined to try out, but I was determined to keep Elaina out of the audition. That night at class, my worst nightmare came true. When I was on the bar stretching, I looked over by the dance bags and found the same brochure that I had held only two hours earlier in Elaina’s backpack.

  Chapter 6: Going home

  Soon spring break was coming to an end, four more days left. Now knowing Elaina knew about “Sleeping Beauty”, the less I was interested. With only four days left of spring break, there were going to be at least two parties going on. I had gotten millions of forwards saying, “Friday night Diana’s house….it’s a pool party, bring your suits!” My last three classes at ABT were on Wednesday, and we had our flight back home Thursday morning at 10:15. I was excited to go home to see my dad and my friends. I also couldn’t wait for the pool party. The more I thought about home though, the more I wanted to stay. The auditions for “Sleeping Beauty” weren’t till the next Friday, so I had to go home anyway. My fear was not coming back. What if I wasn’t up for traveling, or my mom? I would be giving up a chance of a life time. Then came Wednesday, I went to all three classes that day. On the last practice, everyone was saying goodbye. I saw Elaina there, and tried to give a good impression by saying “No need to say bye, I’ll see you at home.” But, all she did was reply with a, “Yeah I guess.” I didn’t mind though, short conversations are good when it comes to talking with Elaina. As I was leaving, I got a tap on my shoulder, it was an instructor. She pulled me over to the side and reached into my bag. She took out the brochure for “Sleeping Beauty.” She looked at me and said, “Are you trying out?” I nodded my head yes. Then came a long silence. Finally, she spoke with a whisper, “looks like you will have a little competition. That girl over there has already signed up. And she’s good you know.” I looked to where the lady pointed; I moved my head around and found Elaina looking into her bag. I just swallowed deep and nodded once more. She gave a wave good bye and I was off to the parking lot to find my mom. My mother and I got home safely, but our luggage didn’t. We had to wait an extra two hours for our bags; they were on the wrong plane. As we waited, we decided to grab a bite to eat. It was hard to choose with so many options in the airport, but we settled on Ruby Tuesday. We had a great meal, but best of all, it gave my mom and I time to talk this whole “Sleeping Beauty” thing over. We talked the whole two hours, not one moment of silence. There was too much to discuss. We went back and forth between going and staying home. We couldn’t decide. We paid the check and finally, our luggage had arrived. We decided we were just going to have a good normal week, and not discuss it until next Wednesday.


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