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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

Page 13

by Jason Trinklein

  We started out with the ball for the second half and we were on fire in this half. We had chance after chance after chance. We just didn't find the goal. About 15 minutes passed then Diza scored a goal. Brady played the ball across the face of the goal and Diza was there to put the ball in the goal. We were now up 3-1 and we were not quite yet finished. We got a penalty kick when the hand balled it in the box. Brady took it and slid the ball in but it had a lucky bounce and went in. There was ten minutes after Brady scored and I had a goal left in my sleeve. Norton gave me a great pass and took my first touch forward and I kept going then the ball had a weird jump and I kicked the ball passed the goalie and I followed and I tapped in the ball for the final goal of the game. We held them to no shots for the rest of the game. We won 5-1 as the final result. We were all happy and proud of ourselves.


  Coach announced, "Congrats on the win. I think that it was a well played game and I loved how five different people scored our five goals. We have two games tomorrow so get rest and drink plenty of water. You are free to go and be ready for tomorrow." We all left tired and proud of how we played in the game.


  The next day, we had our first game kind of early in the morning so we had to get there an hour before the game started. A lot of us were sore from the day before, but we were still ready for the game. We did our warm-ups and we were prepared to out max for this game. Coach said, "Alright. You guys know that you are better than this team. This is a very winnable game and I know you guys are better at a lot of things then this team." The starting line-up was the usual and we took the field for the game to start.


  They started out with the ball for the first half. We started out on fire and we were playing to our highest ability and we had chances everywhere. Our first chance took about eight minutes to get but Nico just hit it wide of the net and we just kept going on with our chances. They scored first after about 28 minutes and we were a little shocked, but that didn't get to us so badly. We just kept playing like we do and we did that until the Ref called for halftime. Coach shouted, "Come on guys! You guys are much better then you are showing right now. You guys need to finish your opportunities that you get. This game could easily be 5-1, but you guys aren't scoring. We are going in the way we started. Justin, I need you to play to the bet of your ability." I said, "Okay." We took the field and were all pumped for the second half to start.


  This time we started out with the ball and we did exactly what we did in the first half. We kept getting chances, but we didn't finish. We just kept the pressure on them and we were shooting here and there all the time. Then we gave them a corner. We were able to clear in out and it went right to my feet and I turned and took my space dribbling. I went down to the eighteen and cut it inside because a defender committed to me and I took a shot from outside the eighteen. I thought it was going in but it hit the post although it bounced in the direction of Nico and he placed the ball in the goal for the equalizer and we were all happy. We held the game to this and we finished the game tied. We all knew that we should have won that game but we were satisfied with the draw. Coach said, "I expected better but good job playing. We have a game in an hour so don't run yourselves done. See you in a little bit. Be here 45 minutes before this game." We all got together by the next field and ate a snack that was like a lunch. Before we knew it, it was time for our next game.


  We were more sore then the game before. We knew that this was going to be an easy game so it was kind of a fun game to play. The main reason why it was a fun game is because we were going to play positions that we don't usually play. The first half's line up was really different. Anthony and I were center defenders. Marc and Tanner as the outside defenders. Hekker and Brady in the center midfield; Nico and Dom on the outside midfield; and Ricardo and Dylan up top. We were prepared for this game, but it wasn't really going to be a competition. Coach said, "Alright this a very easy for you guys to win this game, but if you are too cocky they will be able to get past you easily. Let's get out there and have a good time, but show we mean business. We took the field and were ready for the game to start.


  The first half was slow, but we scored after about ten minutes of play. Ricardo had his first goal with DISA and he was happy about that. He dribbled from the left side and cut inside and took a shot from the penalty spot and placed it in the diff corner for the first goal of the game. About five minutes later, we had our second goal from a cross from a free kick. Brady played in the ball from the right and Dylan got the ball turned and shot the ball through the goalie's legs and in the back of the net. We were all having a great time. We went into halftime up 2-0. Coach said, "We should be up like 7-0. You guys are just missing your chances we are going in the way we started but Anthony, you’re going up top with Norton. Ricardo, you’re going to take a rest and Justin you’re going to be in the back because Sam needs a few minutes of rest." We all took the field for the second half having a good time. We had a penalty kick shortly after the kick off and Sam took it and slid it home for the third goal. We were all enjoying ourselves and we just played to what we could. Then they scored a goal but coach said that it didn't matter because they can't score any more before the end of the game. I had two great shots before the game ended. My first shot was outside the eighteen and I got under it and it just went wide of the upper right corner of the goal. My second one was like the first but that time I didn't even mean to do it a second time. We won the game 3-1 at the end of the game. Coach said, "Great job! I could see that you guys were having a great time. We could really take this far into the season and make all the way to State Cup at the end of the season. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and be ready for practice on Tuesday.”

  Chapter 6

  After the CESA weekend, we lost to the best CESA team, lost to Discovery, beat the 98 Lexington team, lost to the 97 Lexington team, beat the Palmetto Columbia team, and lost to the best Mount Pleasant team. We qualified for the State Cup Qualifiers and we were going to play the Columbia Elite team for the first game of State Cup. We lost to this team earlier in the season due to a late goal they scored that resulted in a 2-1 loss for us. This time we are prepared for the game and we are seeking revenge for the loss that they gave and we look to return the favor. The last time we played them was Ricardo's first game with us so he won't be as nervous as he was the first time. This game is a very good game on paper but the game isn't played on paper. This time we are looking for a win and we want to play another weekend. If we win we go on to the next round in Rock Hill, SC. We are all looking forward to the game this weekend and we are all determined to win. We had a scrimmage on Thursday against U-14 Mount Pleasant Classic and we were prepared for the game. We won the game but we game back from a 1-0 deficit and we thought we were going to do great for that State Cup game that Saturday. They game came sooner than we thought and we were fully prepared.

  Before the game started, Coach told us, "No matter what the final score is today, I want you guys to know that you took this season to a great level and you guys really did well. I just need you guys to just work hard and the chances will come. Let's take the field on fire and to the best to our able." We took the field with confidence and we were prepared for the game. We played with intensity but we just couldn't get our chances we went into the half down 2-0. We didn't come back and win like we usually do and we lost the game 3-0 and our great season to end. We jogged to the parents and gave them a hand for what they did for us and we are just going to come out with same intensity next season and will take it even farther. We were all disappointed in our performance but that get to us to badly. We were going to have try-outs that following weekend and into that week. Nico, Jake, Dom, and I influenced some people to try-out for our team next season. That was Ricardo's last game with us because he's moving back to Chile and we won't have a game before he moves so we were really upset but we than
ked him for playing with us. Our glorious season came to a close but we knew it was only going to get better next season.

  Chapter 7

  The following week after the game we lost, we had tryouts for the fall season. Only two people from our original team weren’t trying out this season, those people are Sean Hekker, and Connor Hall. Dom, Nico, and I convinced some of our classmates to try out for our team. Those people were Ross Miller, Joel Bunting, and Eduardo da Costa. They already play together on another team, but they decided to join our team for this coming year. If we have enough people that tryout this year, we are going to have an A and a B team this year. Due to the reputation we made in the spring season, we might have a lot of people that try out with us and our team is really going to change. Even though our glorious season came to a close, we were determined for the next season. That week Dom and I kept talking about how the team would be different in many ways. The tryouts were going to be a blast for everyone that was trying out.

  The first tryout day was on Tuesday and we had a lot of people show up and we were all pumped for the first evaluation day. The main things we did were possession and passing and we did a small sided scrimmage afterwards. We were all having a blast. Some of the original players weren’t there, but we were thinking that they would come on Thursday’s tryouts. The next day at school we were all talking about how the tryouts were the day before. Joel and Eduardo had a good time at the tryouts. All of us were saying that we were going to play harder in Thursday. Coach said, “Thursday was going to have more people at practice because Mount Pleasant doesn’t have tryouts on Thursday and we were going to look forward to the many new players coming to tryout.

  Thursday’s practice was a lot of fun and there were some new faces at the tryouts we all played to the best of our ability and we were all tired afterwards. We were also playing with some older kids. WE were all talking about the experience that day brought to us and we were looking forward to who was going to be on the new fall team for DISA. Everyone has a great chance based on how they played in the two days. The next tryout day was Saturday and we were curious for what that day was going to bring.

  Katie Ryan

  Chapter 1:

  Today, our story takes us to a little town in South Carolina, called Charleston. There was a girl that lived there and her name was Ellie. She was 13 years old and in the 7th grade. Ellie just had a normal life, nothing out of the ordinary. She lived with her parents, sister and two brothers. Ellie did very will in school and was a very kind and genuine person. She loved to swim. She was the best swimmer on her team. She would swim every day and all day long if she could. But there was one thing she loved more than swimming. That one thing was Justin Bieber. She was a Justin Bieber fanatic. You could also call her a Belieber! Ellie knew everything about Justin Bieber. She knew that his favorite color was purple, that his birthday was March 1, and that he has two younger siblings. She also knew where he was going on tour next. Ellie's room, you could definatly say that it was Bieberfied. Her room was purple with white strips. She had posters all over her walls. She probably had every poster of him ever made. She even had the book that he wrote, and she has read it twice.

  One day ellie was at swim practice and she over heard one of her friends talking and saying that Justin Bieber might be comming to her town of Charleston! She was very excited!

  Chapter 2:

  So, when Ellie found out that Justin Bieber might be coming she couldn't sit still. She was just so excited. Ellie couldn't believe that Justin Bieber might be coming to her hometown of Charleston, South Carolina.

  The next day Ellie went to school and told all of her friends that he might be coming. They were all so extatic, they could barely sit through all of their classes. Ellie and her friends got in trouble in almost every class because they were talking about the concert. All the teachers were asking what they were talking about. She and her friends just couldn't hold back so they just started rambling off about Justin Bieber. They told the teachers all they knew about him. Her and her friends also told them about the concert and how they were so very excited to see him.

  At lunch, all they could talk about was what they were going to do before the concert. They all really wanted to go to the VIP meet and greet before the concert but they didn't think that they could get tickets to that. The VIP meet and greet is when a few fans get to go and meet Justin Bieber and ask him questions and talk to him before the concert starts and before all of the other fans start to come in. Thats what they hoped to do before the concert but they knew that was a stretch, so they decided to tyr and come up with some other ideas. Ellie and her friends came up with some other good ideas, but none were as good as going to the VIP meet and greet before. For weeks this was all Ellie and her friends were talking about.

  Chapter 3:

  So where were we last? Oh right, Ellie and her friends just couldn't sit still after finding out that Justin Bieber might be coming to there little town of Charleston. Then all of the sudden they thought about tickets. They hadn't thought about how they were going to get there tickets! Ellie said "What if we can't get our tickets?!" Ellie had no idea what they were going to do!

  Right when Ellie got home, she ran into her room and searched right away on tickets to the concert. She found out that tickets went on sale on April 8, 2011 at 12:00 PM. Her heart sank when she saw that. IF they went on sale at that time Ellie and her friends would be at school. IF they ordered them when they got home, they were sure to be sold out. Ellie had no idea what she was going to do. The next day she ran in to school and talked to her friends about it. They all didn't know what to do. They tought about maybe missing school, but they didn't know what there parents would think of that. Ellie and her friends were trying to think of there different options. They also thought about asking there parents to buy them, but they all worked and if they got them, Ellie and her friends would not be able to sit together. This was a real delema for Ellie and her friends.

  They decided to take their chances and order them after school. On Friday April 8th, they all ran to Ellie's bus and took off from school. When they came to Ellie's stop, thye hoped off the bus and ran as fast as they could to Ellie's house. When they got there Ellie and her friends ran straight to Ellie's room to see if they could get them. When Ellie got on the website and hit "Justin Bieber Concert Tickets", a huge sign came up on the screen and said "SOLD OUT!"

  Chapter 4:

  Ellie and her friends just found out they coouldn't get tickets to the Justin Bieber Concert. They could not even process this in their minds that they couldn't get tickets. One of Ellie's friends almost started to cry because she was so upset. They all just sat there for a long time without saying anything. They all had their minds set on going and seeing him perform. Ellie and her friends just couldn't believe that all the tickets had sold out in less than two hours. They all thought that the arena could hold so many people and they thought they would definatly get tickets. They all just couldn't believe that all of there computer screens said sold out acroos them and that not even one ticket was left.

  The next week at school they were all very depressed. All they could think about was how Justin Bieber was comming to their town and that they wouldn't be going. Justin Bieber was comming in less than three weeks and there was no way they could get tickets now. Some of the girls in their school got tickets because they had missed school the day they went on sale. They were all talking about what they were going to wear and how they were so excited to get to see Justin Bieber. This made Ellie and her friends even more sad. They thought it was very unfair that they got to miss school to get the tickets.

  Now there was only about a week and a half before the concert. All of the girls were still talking about the concertand how extatic they were. This made Ellie very mad. She went up to her friends and said "We ARE going to get those tickets!"

  Chapter 5:

  Now there was only a half a week until the Justin Bieber concert. Ellie stil
l had her mind set on going to that concert. She just couldn't come up with a good idea to get in. Her friends were no help to her either because they were all just so depressed that they weren't going to go. She asked everybody she knew if they had an idea but know one did.

  So the day finally came. It was Friday, May 13, 2011, the day Justin Bieber was coming to Charleston, South Carolina. Ellie and her friends still didn't have a way to get in. That night after school they went to the North Charleston Colliseum. They waited out there for hours to see if anyone had extra tickets or was selling tickets.

  Now it was 7 PM and the concert started in one hour. They were starting to lose hope. They till couldn't believe that their favorite teen pop sensation was coming to their town and they didn't have tickets. But they still hadn't seen Justin Bieber's van pull in yet.

  About fifteen minutes later, Ellie and her friends saw a black van pull up and boy jump out of it that looked exactly like Justin Bieber. They all freaked out! Now they had a little hope that they might get in. Then Justin's manager, Scooter Braun hoped out and had 4 extra tickets in his hand and was walking strait towards Ellie and her friends. He went right up to Ellie and said "Are you Ellie Ryan?" She said "Yes i am." He said "I am Justin's manager and he saw that you have been trying to get in to this concert so he wanted you to have these front row tickets for you and your friends!"

  Ellie could not believe it! She was speechless and all she could do was hug and thank Scooter!

  Chapter 6:


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