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Claiming Ana

Page 6

by Brynna Curry

  “Howl, come and stand with me.” Ana moved away from the window.

  He slid out of bed and stood before her.

  She held out her hands for him.

  He went willingly into his witch’s arms.

  Ana smiled and allowed her power to shimmer over and around him, enveloping him in the magic she’d created.

  “I love that I can share this with you without fear. Magic is a beautiful, special gift. I’ve never shared the workings of it with another.”

  “Not even Jace?”

  “No. Only you.”

  “Thank you for sharing this with me, for trusting me with this part of you,” he whispered and rested his forehead against hers. The rain and wind now wrapped them in a giant unbroken circle. “How could this be anything but treasured? You’re wonderful.” The pleasure of it nearly orgasmic, he wrapped her around him, lifting her off her feet.

  She laughed and threw her head back in rapture. “You’re trying to distract me.”

  “You like it. Continue, sweet witch. Pay me no mind.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  Howl moved inside her heat, feeling in return the slightest tremor of her body around him. “Ummm. Sight unseen, place un-shown, be he wolf, be he man. To me alone shall he be known.” The wind whipped harder. Howl and Ana became enclosed in a sheath of water. “To me alone shall he be shown.”

  Howl slid his hands lower, lifting until he was buried deep inside her warmth. Enraptured and enthralled, he took her standing in the circle of magic that was their love and her power.


  Dishes remained unwashed in the sink. He had left the back porch light on. Raven hadn’t come home last night, or the night before. I searched the woods. No body. There should have been at least the shell of his body and there is no blood in the house. “Where the hell is that damn wolf!”

  Wait. Did he hear footsteps on the porch? A key rattling in the doorknob alerted him. He quickly slipped into the pantry and held his breath. If it’s Raven... He watched from his hiding place in the pantry closet, where he’d dove when he heard footsteps on the old porch. The knob on the kitchen door of the old farmhouse turned.

  A woman, tall, curvy, dusky-skinned and sexy as hell, walked into the house.

  Nice legs, I wonder if she’s Howl’s new tart.

  Legs held the door wide, waited a minute, then closed it tight. She surveyed the kitchen, seemed to talk to herself and then walked down to the cellar.

  He had found chains and shackles fixed to the basement wall when he had toured the house looking for the wolf. Van waited in the darkness, hoping Howl would show. Only moments passed before he heard her heels clicking down the hall and upstairs.

  He’d considered following her up, just to sooth his curiosity. What was the woman doing alone in the house Raven was renting? Several minutes passed. Legs came back and left as quietly as she’d come, alone and carrying a bundle. What had been important enough for Howl to risk exposure? Damn, him. He should be dead by now!

  Van walked upstairs. The already-tossed bedroom was no less messy, but there was a shaving kit missing, clothes, socks, and shoes. Why didn’t the woman scream or call the cops when she saw the trashed room? The answer was simple and left only one conclusion in his mind. She was expecting it. Raven is alive.

  Raven had sent his hot little slut to gather his things. Going on the run again. He’d bet Howl wouldn’t leave town until he’d settled things with Legs. Who was she? No time like the present to find out. Get to the bitch and Raven will come around soon enough. Van shoved his pistol into the back waistband of his jeans and slipped out into the night after her.

  * * * *

  Ana jumped at the shrill pealing throughout the cabin. Unnerved, she’d forgotten about the outage. The phone company must have finally gotten the lines working again. She picked up the cordless handset off the kitchen counter where she’d left it while tending Howl. A wave of sadness washed over her. She’d barely left him, was still warm from his body.

  Will I ever see you again? Hold you? She’d asked him those questions only an hour ago.

  You’ll find a way. If anyone can, it is you. Howl had pulled her into his embrace and kissed her. I’d never forgive myself if I…

  You wouldn’t. I love you. Ana had fastened the iron shackles around his wrists and ankles, pressed one more kiss to his lips and watched the pain of the change cloud his eyes.

  Love you too. Now go! I’ll come to you in the morning.

  Her heart cried out for him now. To find love and lose it in a day was cruelly ironic.

  “Hello?” She took the phone with her to the sofa, sat and curled her legs under her. Circe took the opportunity to resume her place in Ana’s lap.

  “Ana, tell me you are okay.” Her gran’s heavy accent drifted over the connection. Her heart ached to be a child again. She would snuggle into Gran’s side and no matter what had been wrong, her gran would make everything okay again. Except Gran can’t fix this. Only I can, but how? How do I change him back?

  “I’m fine, Gran. There are trees down, and the phone’s been out. My Jeep is squished.”

  “That I know. What kind of seer you take me for? I speak of the strange man with gold eyes. Did I not tell you he would come? Still, I sense you are sad. Love does not make my Ana happy? Then very sexy man should work harder to please my baby girl.”

  “Howl is wonderful.”

  “Good name for sexy wolf.”

  Ana laughed. It didn’t surprise her. Her gran would have seen that too. “We share the mate link, Gran.” She stated it as the fact it was, knew her gran would believe her no matter what.

  “Did he change you?” The old voice was grave.

  Hadn’t he? Deep inside, she felt different. “In some ways, yes, but not in that way. He has a blood curse on him. I dreamt of it.”

  “Can he will the shift to happen? Or hold it back?”

  “No. It’s entirely out of his control.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Chained in the basement of the old Parker farmhouse. There’s something else I should tell you. He changed outside of the full moon phase.”

  “This is very bad. Soon his curse becomes permanent. Tell me of your dream.”

  Ana relayed the scene she had observed while sleeping.

  “He should thank the hunter. To change outside the full moon without the ability to control the shift is permanent. He must find his own cure, and soon. All you can do is love him and wait. Try not to grow fur. I will see what I can do.”

  “Why him? Why now? It hurts, but I can’t seem to stop.”

  “Love always does. That is how you know it counts.”

  Ana bid goodbye to her grandmother and snuggled into the throw pillows with the old quilt that still smelled of him. Circe purred in her lap and offered comfort. Taffy lay by her feet, doing the same. Both pets in silent agreement their mistress was more important than any reservations they had for each other.

  Ana thought back on her grandmother’s words. For a man to transform out of the full moon phase, it meant his blood curse had overwhelmed him. A great physical pain might change him back once, but if he transformed into the wolf again, it would be permanent. One more and he will be wolf forever. She curled the cat closer, snuggling her warm fur, mourning her lost Howl, maybe gone forever. At least he’ll be safe from Van. Her glamour would hold until she removed the spell or left this life. Howl would still be able to find her, if he changed back to man.

  Her heart ached for the man she loved, grieved more than any other part of her. At Ana’s sob, Circe meowed softly and licked her hand.

  “How can I live without him? I don’t want to try.” I wouldn’t have to if Howl changed me. It would buy us time until I could find a way to change him. No. It wouldn’t work. Her change would be permanent, inflicted by a were, not a curse. Same problem, no solution.

  The kitchen door slammed into the wall.

  Taffy made a beeline for the space under Ana’s b
ed down the hall. Some watchdog you are, Taffy.

  Circe hissed and retreated to her babies’ basket.

  Another tree down? She went to the kitchen to see.

  She did a double take. The doorframe was in splinters around the latch. A man stood in the open doorway with his back to her. Dark hair just reached his collar. He was tall, his muscular build evident beneath the white t-shirt he paired with black jeans. His hiking boots were caked with mud.

  “Howl?” The mental link wasn’t there. Howl had worn biker boots. Clean ones. He wouldn’t have been slogging through the mud unless he was wolf. Oh, no.

  Almost at once she realized her mistake. Her body, her heart, held no ties to this man. Turning, Ana saw he could have been Howl’s twin, so close they were in body and looks, but Van’s gold eyes held something dark, avenging, and completely lethal directed at her.

  “You’re Van. Aren’t you?”

  He smiled at her. Perfect features marred with hate. She almost felt sorry for him. Howl wasn’t the only one cursed. “My cousin was always loose-tongued around pretty women. Where is he?”

  She sidled toward the kitchen counter. Smooth as silk. As if she wasn’t the slightest bit worried about his presence, and poured a herself a cup of coffee. “I have no idea. He spent the night and said he was heading out this afternoon. He wouldn’t say where. I got the feeling he was giving me the boot. One-night stand and that sort of thing.” Ana leaned against the counter, cupped the mug to hide her shaky hands.

  Van leaned against the doorjamb, only a few feet away from her knife drawer.

  He thinks I’m a slut. I can work with his misinterpretations. Maybe I’ll get out of this alive. If I die, Howl will be unmasked.

  “I can tell you’re lying, you know. I’ll get the truth out of you one way or another.”

  “You and he look a lot alike.” Ana gathered up her courage and walked up to the killer. “Very handsome.” Distract him. That’s it.

  “Unfortunately. What are you getting at?”

  Almost there, just a few inches…

  “Oh. I don’t know. Maybe you and I could get to know each other better?”

  “Maybe we could.” Van took the mug from her hands and set it on the counter right above the knife drawer. Ana hid her wince as he slipped his arms around her and pulled her tight to him. It was strange being held by this man who looked so much like her Howl. Thank God her hands weren’t pinned.

  She slid her arms around him. Hoping for an opportunity to get a knife, she opened for his kiss.

  She moved one hand behind her, but as she reached the drawer pull, a strong arm caught her wrist. She felt herself being tossed upside down, over his shoulder. Is someone pulling up outside? Sounds like tires on gravel.

  “Never trust a slut. You’ll get fucked every time.”

  She felt the cold metal as he cold-cocked her on the temple with his pistol. Fear washed over her as she passed out. What have I done?


  Cade shut down his computer for the night and grabbed his keys out of the desk drawer as the phone rang. He answered. “Shady Creek Police, Chief Murphy speaking.”

  “Chief, ha. You grew up enough, but are still the grubby boy rummaging my kitchen for cookies.”

  He grinned, unoffended. Ana’s grandmother gave no quarter where he and his brothers were concerned. He had run tame in the old gypsy’s home just as Ana and Taylor had done the same in his.

  “It’s good to talk to you, Granny. I miss your cookies.”

  “Go check on my baby girl.”

  On alert, he asked. “Something wrong at Ana’s?”

  “Her man is roaming the woods. Trouble follows him. Ana doesn’t answer her phone. I am afraid trouble will come to her door. You be a good boy and drive out and see about my girl.”

  While he wasn’t sure about her “roaming the woods” comment, Cade heard the worry in the old woman’s voice. Other than work ethic and a clean background check, he didn’t know much about Howl Raven and he was worried about Ana spending time with the man.

  “I’ll go out there now. Do you want me to give you a call when I get there?”

  “No. You go check and she will be fine. I will bake you a batch of peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies.”

  “I’ll hold you to that. Take care, Granny.” He laughed, hung up the phone and headed out into the night to check on his friend.

  * * * *

  Paws thundering a tattoo into the forest floor, Howl ran. He was the night, dark, restless and waiting. The change was complete now, too strong for shackles to hold him. He stopped to lick the wounds on his forearms where his bonds had held him, tasting blood. No longer human in form, he was wolf. The cool wind ruffled his fur. He cocked his ears to hear a faint scuffling sound, rabbit maybe, some distance away. The anticipation of the chase washed over him. Hunt. Kill. Food. He stopped, suddenly unbearably alone. Mate. Breath heaving, the wolf scraped the forest floor with his thick claws and sniffed, tried to find her scent. Deeper he walked until he came to the tree marked with his blood.

  And he remembered. Oh, Ana.

  Human. I’m supposed to be human. Howl remembered what he should have forgotten with the last change. Ana crooning softly as she cared for him. The rain coming through the open window of the bedroom as they’d made love that morning and all afternoon. Her scent, her shape as she lay under him. Her eyes going blind as she said she loved him, when he lost himself in her. The magic she’d used to shield him and keep him safe.

  Oh, Ana! He howled in despair. His mate was human. The only way to have her was to turn her. I love Ana too much to condemn her to this life. Like a dream, she was there in his mind, linked.

  Howl? Can you hear me?

  Yes, Ana. My love.

  Van is here. Stay away. He says you’ll come, and then he’ll…don’t come for me.

  Did he hurt you?

  I love you, Howl. Be safe always. As long as I live, he will never be able to find you. Goodbye.


  She was gone and would not respond to him. This time she’d blocked their link.

  I’m coming. He didn’t care if death waited for him. As long as Ana lived, he’d die a thousand deaths to save her.

  * * * *

  Van leaned against Ana’s kitchen counter, her favorite coffee mug in one hand, a .38 special in the other. Raven would show. He didn’t know how she had contacted his nemesis, but he was sure she had warned him. The gypsy woman zoned out, but she’d spoken to that damn monster. He smiled, a vicious flash of teeth. His intent as lethal as the abomination he would destroy. The wolf would come after his mate. Her pathetic glamour weakened the closer he came. He could sense him, just barely. Such a beautiful woman could do better than a were-beast.

  “Raven will come for you. It doesn’t matter what you told him to do. You are in his blood as much as the wolf now.”

  “Howl will save himself.”

  “I’ve got you figured out, gypsy. I can always track him here.” Van tapped his temple. “Now he’s a fuzzy picture. You’re in love with him. You used magic to cast a glamour, but it can’t hide him forever. When you die, so will your magic. Then I’ll have him.”

  “You are wrong. I mean nothing to him.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so. See, I’ve been hunting him a long time. If I have learned anything, when it comes to the woman he’s sleeping with, Raven plays the hero. No one touches what he considers his property. His misfortune. You really are quite beautiful. He’ll fight hard to take you from me.” His blood heated when Ana paled, her fear fueling his hate.

  “Howl will not come for me.”

  Van stood and walked in front of the chair he had tied her to. He used the barrel of the pistol to trace from her cheek down her neck, and down until the gun pointed at her heart. She fought against her bonds.

  “And what does he mean to you, Gypsy? You tried to trick me to save him. Maybe I’ve changed my mind and I’d like a taste of what my cousin enjoys. Very beautiful.

  Would the tramp deny Howl to bargain for her life? “I love Howl more than my own life. Go straight to hell.”

  “Dangerous words, considering. Such a shame to kill a nice piece like yourself. I wonder if you’d service me the way you threw yourself him?” He hooked a finger in the pocket of space created by the buttons on her blouse. Considered. He’d mostly been trying to scare her into telling him where Raven was hiding. Still, the kiss she had tricked him into had worked its way into his system; he wanted more than a taste. “Then again, I don’t think I do want you. You’ve linked with that abomination. Disgusting. There is nothing that could save you. Not even your body. I pity you.”

  “Listen to me. There is a blood curse on your line. I can break it and set you both free. Howl can’t help what he is any more than you can stop hunting him.”

  “I don’t want to hear your crap anymore. You make me sick.”

  “I feel so sorry for you. You’re already dead, Van. You just haven’t figured it out yet.”

  A large black wolf filled the kitchen doorway. Sharp white fangs gleamed proudly in the moonlight.

  “Here’s our guest, now. Say goodbye, witch.”

  The wolf growled and lunged for his throat.

  * * * *

  “No! Run, Howl! Don’t die for me!”

  She’s alive. Thank God.

  Van slapped her. “Shut up, slut.” He pointed the gun at her chest and pulled the trigger.

  Howl watched as Ana’s body jolted with the force of the bullet. Her screams tore through his mind before she slumped over in the chair.


  “Too late, Raven. She’s dead.” The words barely rolled off Van’s tongue before Howl wrapped his maw around the man’s throat. The gun went flying out of reach.

  Burn in hell, Van! I ran to keep from hurting you, but tonight you die. I will taste your blood in my throat!

  Feeling the chain holding his rage and sorrow snap with finality, Howl clawed and gnashed at his cousin. Van’s fist plowed into Howl’s muzzle. Blood seeped with the blow. Fangs ripped through flesh as easily as silk. Coated with hot salty blood, claws tore deep into the meat of legs and arms.


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