If Love Dares Enough (The Montbryce Legacy Medieval Romance)

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If Love Dares Enough (The Montbryce Legacy Medieval Romance) Page 19

by Anna Markland

  Even Ram de Montbryce stood open-mouthed, but recovered quickly. “Tell us what you have discovered about Renouf de Maubadon.”

  Isembart cleared his throat. “Sir Renouf de Maubadon is not what he seems.”

  Ram nodded. “We have already been made aware of his treachery. Is there more to know?”

  Isembart hesitated. “There is one who can speak more forcefully than I.”


  “His wife.”

  Wife echoed around the chamber.

  “But his wife stands before us, accused of adultery.”

  “She cannot be an adulteress. He already has a wife.”

  Pandemonium broke out and the King had to call for order several times.

  When Ram was able to continue, he asked, “Where is this woman? Can you prove what you claim?”

  Isembart nodded. “She waits in the antechamber—with her children.”

  Hugh glanced over to Renouf, who looked like he wanted to crawl under the bench on which he sat. Devona was staring hard at Renouf, her eyes full of anger.

  Ram asked permission for the woman to enter and the King nodded. A few minutes later, a woman appeared, four children in tow. Hugh estimated she was a woman of about two score years, the children all under ten years of age. They were afraid and clung to their mother. It was evident they recognized the wretch trembling in the plaintiff’s chair. The woman didn’t look afraid. Her spine was ramrod straight, and her clothing and manner bespoke wealth and breeding.

  Ram approached her. In a gentle voice he asked, “Madame, please give your name and station.”

  In a clear, unwavering voice the woman said, “I am Beatrix de Malbadon, a proud Angevin, wife to Renouf de Malbadon and the mother of his children.”

  Uproar ensued. The children stood transfixed. Renouf could not seem to look at his Angevin wife.

  He’s afraid of her!

  When quiet was restored, Ram said, “Renouf de Maubadon claims the woman you see here in the novice’s habit is his wife.”

  Beatrix glared at Devona, then in a cold voice averred, “If he has lain with this woman, he has committed adultery.”

  “I have not lain with her,” Renouf suddenly babbled, on his knees. “I have not—I did not take her maidenhead—I did not. I made sure I did not. Tell them, Devona. Tell them. I have not committed adultery. It’s a sin, it’s a sin. I only—” He broke down, sobbing.

  Hugh was desperate to demand that the children be removed, that they not have to suffer the spectacle of their father’s degradation and madness, but his attention went to Devona. She had swooned and was being supported by two men-at-arms. He wanted to rush to her, to hold her to his body, to soothe away the pain of so many years at the hands of the pitiful monster who now lay on the floor.

  King William raised his hand and calm was restored. “Lady Beatrix de Malbadon, I fear you’ll be returning to Anjou a widow. This court cannot condone the crimes your husband has visited on my personage and on innocent men and women gathered here.”

  Lady Beatrix sneered. “I’ve learned to prosper without him. He has not been a good husband or father. We have lived off my dowry.”

  William nodded to a guard. “Remove him so his children won’t be shamed further.”

  Renouf was dragged out, wailing for mercy. The King turned to Ram. “Rambaud de Montbryce, I thank you for your persistence in uncovering the truth of this matter. Your brother Hugh is released to you, as is Lady Devona.” Then he looked directly at François de Giroux. “This trial is over and done. I find no evidence of adultery, and the Bishop of Caen will ensure that the unholy marriage is annulled. There will be no further persecution of Hugh de Montbryce, nor of Lady Devona Melton.”

  The Bishop steepled his hands in a gesture of prayerful agreement. Ram stepped forward. “And Lady Devona’s mother, your Majesty?”

  William nodded, rose and left with his entourage. Everyone bowed.

  Lady Beatrix and her brood were escorted from the chamber. Ram slapped a grinning Isembart Jubert on the back. “Good to see you, Isembart. Merci.”

  “It’s good to see you too, milord Comte. I am proud to have aided the family that has sustained mine for so long. When will you return to live in Normandie, at Montbryce?”

  Ram sat and exhaled a sigh of relief, running his hand through his hair. “Would that I could, Isembart.”

  Sybilla sagged into Antoine. Hugh raced across the chamber to gather Devona into his arms and cradled her against him. She clung to him and sobbed into his chest.

  Ram’s men eased their departure from the chamber. It seemed that now Hugh had been exonerated, everyone wanted to be his friend. A castle seneschal approached them, deferring to Ram. “Milord Earl, His Majesty has instructed me to take milord Hugh and Lady Devona to chambers provided for them, close to your own. He does not wish them to return to the Abbeys.”

  Hugh breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Ram. “Lead on, seneschal. We thank His Majesty for his thoughtfulness.”

  Devona was leaning heavily on Hugh. He needed to get her to a place where he could hold and comfort her. She was too pale.

  She clutched his hand. “My mother,” she whispered.

  The seneschal overheard and assured them a messenger had been sent to the Abbaye aux Dames to fetch Lady Wilona to the castle.

  Ram moved to help Hugh support Devona. “I will accompany you.”

  Antoine, his arm around Sybilla’s waist, told them he would take his wife to their own chambers where Oda awaited them with Denis. “They will be worried, and though we have a wet nurse, Sybilla prefers to nurse Denis.”

  Devona suddenly stopped and turned to Antoine’s wife. “I thank you from my heart, Lady Sybilla.”

  Sybilla nodded and embraced Devona, then left with Antoine. As Hugh watched them leave, he hoped fervently that his faithful brother would find happiness with Sybilla. He and Ram half carried Devona to the opulent adjoining chambers the King had provided.

  “A maidservant will be along shortly to take care of Lady Devona,” the seneschal explained.

  “Merci. We won’t need her for a short while,” Hugh told him.

  Ram helped Hugh get Devona to the bed in her chamber then took his leave. “I will make some arrangements for a wedding,” he said with a smile. “I’ll wager the King is anxious to see you two wed. I know he’s relieved things turned out the way they did. Imagine—the sadistic brute—married to a harridan! I certainly never foresaw that. We must find some suitable reward for our one-armed friend.”

  Hugh agreed. “Indeed. We are still alive because of him—and you. Thank you, my brother. I know the king’s wrath could have fallen on you and Mabelle as well. I’m sorry.” He embraced his brother. “You know, Antoine had a feeling all along there was something Renouf was hiding.”

  When Ram had gone, Hugh climbed onto the bed and cradled Devona in his arms, rocking gently. She seemed to have fallen into a stupor. Gradually he became aware that she was making barely audible mewling cries. He held her more tightly. Soon she was weeping.

  “You’re safe now, my love,” he crooned. “We can be properly married. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again.”

  “But—Hugh—I—” Another sob tore through her.

  “Hush, hush,” he soothed.

  She struggled to sit up then coughed uncontrollably. She reached for the hem of the rough chemise given her by the nuns and wiped her eyes with it. “How can you wish to marry me now? I almost got both of us killed with my stubborn refusal to admit my dishonour because of Renouf’s perversity.”

  Hugh put his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me, Devona. You are already my wife. We gave each other our pledge. I understand why you did what you did, and I have to admit that I wanted to shout at you to tell them, but it makes no difference to my feelings for you.”

  He looked into her eyes and remembered his conversation with his brothers and his readiness to criticize Ram and Antoine. Had he ever told Devona he loved her? Actually u
ttered the words? His actions to rescue her had shown his love, but—

  He took hold of both her hands. “Devona, I love you with all my heart. I’ve loved you since the moment I set eyes on you at Melton.”

  Devona gasped. “I know you love me, Hugh. I’ve known from the beginning. At first I was afraid of loving you, afraid that Renouf may have made me incapable of being a woman who could love a man.”

  She reached to put her fingertips on his lips, and he was immediately aroused, but dreaded what she might say next. He took her hand from his lips and pressed it to his heart. “I will understand if you cannot love me. It will break my heart, but I will understand.”

  Devona looked startled. “Not love you? Godemite, Hugh—you make me want to swear like a peasant. Of course I love you. I’m consumed with love for you.”

  Hugh lunged and kissed her fiercely, his heart beating rapidly. She opened her mouth and twirled her tongue around his. When they broke apart, he feathered kisses along her chin. “Let’s get you out of this nun’s habit,” he growled. “I want to kiss you—all over.”


  As soon as Antoine and Sybilla reached their chambers, Oda came to her feet, her features tight with worry.

  “All is well, Oda,” Sybilla exclaimed, taking Denis from her maidservant’s arms. The babe smiled. “We discovered Renouf de Maubadon already had a wife before he met Devona Melton. He has four children.”

  Oda’s mouth fell open. “No doubt soon-to-be-fatherless children.”

  Antoine nodded grimly, watching Sybilla preparing to nurse Denis. “Oui, King William was less than pleased with him. He has been taken to execution.”

  “And Hugh and Devona have been freed,” Sybilla said.

  “So they will soon be wed?” Oda asked, clasping her hands to her bosom in an uncharacteristic gesture. “Another Montbryce will marry his soul mate!”

  Antoine and Sybilla both looked at the woman, then at each other. He noticed his wife was blushing. Could it be? No one knew Sybilla better than Oda, who had raised her since birth. What was Oda trying to tell him?

  He cleared his throat, and said, “Oui, Ram is arranging the marriage as we speak.”

  For several long minutes he watched his wife suckle her child, wondering if he would ever get to put his lips on those dark nipples. He could foresee he might go mad if this went on much longer. Suddenly, he remembered his conversation with Ram and Hugh. Could it be true that Sybilla hadn’t loved her husband and had feelings for Antoine?

  He sauntered over and knelt on one knee beside her chair to gently caress the baby’s head. “Sybilla,” he rasped. She turned her mismatched eyes on him and his growing erection intensified. “I thank you from the depths of my being for what you did today for my brother. I am in your debt.”

  Sybilla opened her mouth to respond, but Antoine continued. “I need to ask you a question—about your babe’s father.”

  “About Sancerre?” she asked warily.

  Antoine came to his feet, unsure if he wanted to know the answer or not. He paced for a while and then glanced over at Oda, sitting quietly in the corner. The expression on the maid’s face told him he should ask. He came back to Sybilla and hunkered down beside her. “Did you love him?”

  Oda snorted. Sybilla shot her a reproving glare, and shifted the child to the other breast. “I won’t dishonour the father of my child, but you are my husband now, Antoine, and I cannot lie to you. Not only did I not love Denis, I didn’t like him. He was a cantankerous old man.”

  Crouched like a cat, Antoine wanted to leap up and pounce on her. Hope rose in his breast. He reached out to touch Sybilla’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “I will try not to be a cantankerous husband.”

  Sybilla laughed so loudly, it took him unawares and he lost his balance. He’d never seen her laugh before and it sent heat rushing through his veins. This stunningly beautiful redhead was his wife. “I’m in love with you, Sybilla,” he blurted out, feeling his face redden.

  Apparently sensing his mother’s agitation, Denis started to cry and fuss. Oda rushed over and took hold of him. “Come with me, young man,” she said, “you’ve feasted enough. Let’s leave your maman and papa alone.” She whisked him off to the antechamber.

  Antoine found he like the sound of the word Papa. “I will try to be a good father to him,” he promised.

  Sybilla touched her hand to Antoine’s hair. “I know you will, my dark, handsome knight.”

  She twirled her fingers through his short hair and Antoine saw tears in her eyes. “Don’t cry. I know there are many reasons why you cannot love me, Sybilla—Ouch!” he cried as she pulled on his hair.

  “Not love you? I’ve longed to hear you tell me that you loved me, but I was afraid you’d married me to save your brother.”

  “And I was afraid you married me to save your son. Is it possible you might love me someday?” As he spoke, Antoine became aware that he was staring at her breasts spilling over the opened front of her gown and chemise.

  Sybilla smiled at him, and in her eyes he saw the need of a woman in love. “You do love me, don’t you?” he said with a grin.

  “I do.” She took his hands and placed them on her breasts.

  Antoine felt as if he had never held a woman’s breasts before. With great reverence he slid his hands to the underside of Sybilla’s heavy globes and lifted them free of the fabric. He grazed his thumbs against the engorged nipples and felt his wife shudder. He wanted to lick and suckle, but was it too soon? Would she be repulsed?

  She had fallen back against the chair, and her eyes had glazed over. “Antoine,” she whispered. “Taste me.”

  Now he had a dilemma. If he wasn’t careful he would spill his seed in his hose—not the first impression of his manhood he wanted to convey. He took a deep breath. “If I place my lips to your breast, I fear my shaft will be unable to control itself,” he growled.

  She opened her eyes, glanced at his groin and smiled. “It doesn’t have to.”

  He leaned forward and gently kissed each nipple in turn.

  “Mon Dieu, Antoine, you cause needs to rise in me that I’ve never felt before,” she whispered, writhing in the chair.

  “I would alleviate those needs, Sybilla, but after the babe, are you yet able—?”

  “I’m able—willing and able.”

  Gently, he drew her up from the chair and pulled her to his body. She ground her womanhood against his swollen phallus. “We must go slowly, for your first time,” he said with a smile. “I have the perfect method. Come.”


  “Devona,” Hugh said shyly as he and his wife lay skin to skin on their wedding night. “You know I’m not an expert with women.”

  “Hugh, your lovemaking is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. I don’t need you to be an expert. We will learn together how to please each other. You’ve only to look at me and I’m aroused.”

  Hugh brought his mouth to hers and she opened for him, her body tingled with renewed need.

  “I want you again,” he whispered. “You make me insatiable. Do you want to try something else? It’s a way of making love that Antoine—”

  “You asked Antoine?” she asked with a smile. She could feel her face redden and saw that he was blushing too.

  “He’s my brother. Brothers tell each other things,” he laughed. “Remember, I told you about it before? He says it takes some practice, but is worth it—especially for the woman, and I want you to have as much pleasure as I can give you.”

  He turned Devona onto her back and spread her legs gently. It amazed her that she felt no embarrassment as this handsome man’s beautiful blue eyes gazed at her most intimate places.

  “Bend your knees, my love,” he whispered.

  Using his arms to support his upper body he entered her slowly, keeping his legs together. “You are so warm and wet.”

  The urge was to thrust against him, but he whispered, “Non, keep still—as still as you can.”

bsp; He lowered all his weight on her, and then cupped her shoulders. He pulled his body up along hers, nestling his face against her neck. The head of his manhood remained inside her, but now his shaft lay against her quivering bud.

  “Hugh,” she gasped as exquisite sensations coursed through her.

  “Wrap your ankles around my calves,” he murmured.

  The warmth of his breath tickled her ear and she felt a shiver of molten heat surge from her neck all the way to her toes.

  “Rock your hips away from me, just a bit, so I stay inside you, but my shaft will pleasure your secret woman’s place.”

  A moan of delight escaped her lips as Hugh’s manhood stroked her, then he moved his whole body lower and entered her fully again.

  “Rock again,” he choked.

  It took a few attempts to get the rhythm right but then they found it. He moved his hips up as she tipped down and then down as she tilted up.

  “Antoine says the secret is to go slowly,” he whispered. “Do you like it?”

  “Hugh,” she murmured, “It’s sweet torture.”

  Soon the gentle rocking had her screaming out her fulfillment and she felt Hugh’s seed rush into her body.

  “You must thank Antoine,” she gasped when she was once more capable of coherent thought. “But don’t tell him I said so!”

  “I take it you liked it, my lady wife?” he teased, as he rolled away from her.

  “It was wonderful. We barely moved and yet I’m exhausted.”

  “Sleep then my beautiful Devona de Montbryce.”

  He turned her onto her side and curled his body against her back.

  “I feel so safe with you. I love you with all my heart,” she whispered.

  “I love you too. You’ll always be safe with me. You know, my brother Ram is fond of boasting that he’s a most unusual nobleman because he’s in love with his wife Mabelle. Now Antoine and I are smitten. I was right! It’s a family curse.”


  “It’s ironic,” Antoine complained. “Two pregnant women and I’m the only one retching into the sea.”


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