If Love Dares Enough (The Montbryce Legacy Medieval Romance)

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If Love Dares Enough (The Montbryce Legacy Medieval Romance) Page 20

by Anna Markland

  “You’re right, husband,” Sybilla replied, wiping Antoine’s brow. “This is the first time I haven’t felt nauseous in three months.”

  “Same for me,” Devona said with a smile.

  “Not to worry, Antoine, we’ll soon be ashore in England,” Hugh said, slapping him on the back and giving his shoulder a brotherly squeeze.

  “Your hand no longer trembles,” Antoine remarked.

  Hugh smiled at Devona. “Non, the tremor has gone.”

  Antoine looked at Sybilla, already showing signs of carrying his babe, and said to Hugh. “The power of love. Isn’t it amazing?”

  Hugh nodded and tightened his grip around Devona’s waist, putting his hand protectively on her belly. They all watched in silence as the cliffs came into view. “I’m anxious to see East Preston,” Antoine enthused. “Barat assures me it’s in much better shape.”

  Hugh laughed. “I hope so. You cannot take Sybilla and little Denis to a rat infested ruin. If it’s not ready you can stay at Melton with us.” He glanced over at Devona, seeking her agreement. She was close to tears as the men brought the longboat ashore on the south coast of England.

  He lifted her down to the beach. “I thought I’d never return to my homeland,” she murmured. “It will be good to see my mother and sisters again. Although it’s only a month since they went home, I’ve missed them.”

  Hugh put his arm around his wife’s waist. “Your grandfather will be waiting anxiously, not to mention Boden and Brigantia.”

  Devona rested her head on her husband’s shoulder and watched as the horses were unloaded. When all was ready for the ride to Sussex, she turned to look at Antoine standing next to Hugh. Her brother-by-marriage had one arm draped protectively around his wife and in the other he held Denis. His cloak protected his family from the brisk sea breeze. She looked up at Hugh and her smile told him they were both thinking the same thing.

  He pulled her closer. “I don’t think you’re the only Lady Montbryce who’ll be rocked to sleep this night,” he whispered.

  Devona’s face reddened as she turned to Sybilla with a broad smile and said, “Welcome to my homeland, sister.”

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  If you’d like to know more about Hugh and Antoine’s role in the Norman Conquest, or how Ram de Montbryce and his wife, Mabelle, met (non too auspiciously), read Conquering Passion, Book I of The Montbryce Legacy.

  You’ll discover things about Ram de Montbryce in Book I that will lead you to read Book II of The Legacy, A Man of Value (don’t want to say too much and spoil it for my readers!)

  If you’d like to follow Robert and Baudoin, the next generation of Montbryces, read Passion in the Blood, Book IV of the Legacy.


  A complete glossary for Ms. Markland’s novels.

  CP=Conquering Passion (Montbryce Legacy, Book I) © Anna Markland 2011

  AMOV=A Man of Value (Montbryce Legacy, Book II) © Anna Markland 2011

  ILDE=If Love Dares Enough (Montbryce Legacy, Book III) © Anna Markland 2012

  PIB=Passion in the Blood (Montbryce Legacy, Book IV) © Anna Markland 2012

  DP=Defiant Passion (Sons of Rhodri, Book I) © Anna Markland 2012

  DB=Dark and Bright (Sons of Rhodri, Book II) © Anna Markland 2012

  WTH=The Winds of the Heavens (Sons of Rhodri, Book III) © Anna Markland 2012

  CA=Carried Away (FitzRam Family, Book I) © Anna Markland 2012

  Abbaye aux Dames—An abbey for women built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbaye aux Hommes—An abbey for men built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbey—Agneta’s mare in AMOV

  Abbot—Caedmon’s roan stallion in AMOV

  Adam de Montbryce—Son of Antoine and Sybilla PIB

  Adelaide—Daughter of King Henry I CA

  Aediva Melton—Sister of the Saxon heroine in ILDE

  Agnes—Norman Scullery maid at Domfort Castle in ILDE

  Agneta Kirkthwaite—English Heroine of Danish and Saxon descent in AMOV

  Aidan Branton FitzRam—Son of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Blythe; named for Agneta’s brothers who were slain at Bolton. AMOV, CA

  Alexandre de Montbryce—Eldest son of Robert and Dorianne. Heir to the title Comte de Montbryce. Born in Caen during his father’s incarceration PIB

  Alnwick—Located in Northumbria. Site of a battle in 1093 between Roger de Mowbray, Earl of Northumbria, and Malcolm, King of Scotland. Malcolm and his son were killed. Agneta rescues Caedmon from the battlefield and tends his injuries. AMOV

  Andras ap Rhys—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Aneurin ap Norweg—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Angeline Hugo—Norman peasant, rape victim of Arnulf de Valtesse CP

  Anjou—Geographic area of France south of Normandy. Its people are called Angevins. Normans and Angevins were traditional enemies. ILDE

  Annalise de Vymont—Heroine of DB. Niece of the Earl of Chester.

  Antoine de Montbryce—Norman hero of ILDE; brother of Rambaud and Hugh

  ap Owain—Welsh patronymic—son of Owain

  Arnulf de Valtesse—Norman half brother of Mabelle de Montbryce, heroine of CP. Bastard son of Guillaume de Valtesse. Murdered in CP by Simon Hugo

  Ascha (Bronson) Woolgar—Saxon mother of Caedmon; in CP and AMOV

  Barat Cormant—Norman steward brought to England by the Montbryces for Sussex properties; ILDE; son of Michel, brother of Théo.

  Baudoin de Montbryce—Norman born in England; second son of Ram and Mabelle de Montbryce; becomes 2nd Earl of Ellesmere; marries Carys verch Rhodri; appears in CP, AMOV, DP and PIB.

  Bemia Melton—Saxon sister of heroine of ILDE

  Bernard Chauvelin—Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle PIB

  Bernard de Montbryce—Father of Ram, Antoine and Hugh. Dies in 1066 while his sons are fighting in England.

  Bileaud—Norman steward at Domfort Castle ILDE

  Blythe Lacey FitzRam—Daughter of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Aidan. Born in AMOV. Heroine of CA

  Boden—English mastiff in ILDE

  Bolton—Village in Northumbria; location of Kirkthwaite Hall

  Bonhomme—Normans; family name of the stewards of Montbryce and Ellesmere.

  Brigantia—English mastiff in ILDE

  Brindis—Horse belonging to Ram de Montbryce in CP

  Caedmon Brice (Woolgar) FitzRam—Illegitimate son of Ram de Montbryce and Ascha Woolgar. Appears in CP, PIB & CA; hero of AMOV

  Caryl Penarth—Welsh healer; appears in CP and DP

  Carys verch Rhodri—Welsh; healer; daughter of Rhodri and wife of Baudoin de Montbryce. Becomes 2nd Countess of Ellesmere. Appears in PIB, DP and DB

  Catherine de Montbryce—Daughter of Robert and Dorianne PIB

  Commote—A Welsh area of administration, similar to a county.

  Cormant—Normans; family name of stewards at Alensonne in CP and at East Preston in ILDE

  Coventina Brightmore—Saxon; friend of hero and heroine in AMOV; marries Leofric Deacon

  Curia regis—Latin for King’s Court ILDE

  Dda—Welsh surname of Rhonwen and Myfanwy; CP and DP and DB

  de Valtesse—Maiden surname of heroine of CP

  Denis de Sancerre—Angevin; son of Sybilla and adopted son of Antoine de Montbryce; dwarf ILDE & PIB

  Devona Melton—Saxon; heroine of
ILDE; marries Hugh de Montbryce

  Dieter Von Wolfenberg—German hero of CA; married Blythe FitzRam

  Dorianne de Giroux—Norman heroine of PIB; marries Robert de Montbryce

  Earl of Chester—Hugh d’Avranches. Historical figure. Known by the Welsh as Hugh Vras (the Fat) PIB, DB

  Edgar the Aetheling—Saxon; historical figure. Claimant to throne of England taken by William the Conqueror. Aetheling is a Saxon term for “next in line”; appears in CP and AMOV

  Edwin FitzRam—English; brother of Blythe, Aidan and Ragna; son of Caedmon and Agneta

  Elenor de Giroux—Norman; mother of Dorianne de Giroux; wife of Francois. PIB

  Ellesmere—Location of castle given to Ram as a reward by William the Conqueror. Ram and Mabelle eventually turn a derelict Anglo-Saxon earthwork into a vibrant, thriving castle.

  Emrys—Cook at llys Powwydd. DB

  Enid—Saxon maid of Ascha Woolgar. CP & AMOV

  Espérance—Cat who brings solace to Robert de Montbryce during his solitary confinement. The word means ‘hope’. PIB

  Etienne Robert de Montbryce—Second son of Baudoin and Carys; DB

  Fernand Bonhomme—Norman; second generation of his family to be steward of Montbryce Castle. Father of Mathieu and Honore. Married to Vangeline.

  FitzRam—Norman patronymic surname bestowed on Caedmon by Ram. AMOV

  Fleurie Mabelle de Montbryce—Daughter of Baudoin and Carys. Her mother almost dies giving birth to her. DB

  Fortis—Black stallion; Ram’s favourite mount; saves his life at Hastings CP

  François de Giroux—Norman father of Dorianne and Pierre de Giroux PIB; sworn enemy of the Montbryces ILDE

  Gallien Rambaud de Montbryce—Eldest son of Baudoin and Carys DB

  Gareth Bronson—Saxon brother of Ascha Woolgar; takes Ascha to Scotland. CP & AMOV

  Gawain Bronson—Saxon nephew of Ascha Woolgar; CP & AMOV

  Gervais—Norman soldier; Ram’s second in command; CP & DP

  Gerwint Isembart de Montbryce (Izzy)—Second son of Hugh and Devona. Named for his grandfather and great grandfather, and the rat catcher, Joubert. Prefers to be called Izzy.PIB

  Gerwint Melton—ILDE Saxon grandfather of heroine

  Gicotte—Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle; PIB

  Giroux—Norman surname of the family sworn to avenge Guillaume de Valtesse's cruelty to their ancestor; CP, ILDE & PIB

  Giselle—Norman maidservant who accompanies Mabelle to England and becomes chatelaine of Ellesmere; kidnapped with Mabelle; CP

  Glain verch Llewelyn—Welsh bonesetter in DB

  Guillaume de Valtesse—Norman father of Mabelle; his cruelty begins the feud between the Valtesses and the Giroux family; CP

  Hastings—Site in Southern England of a historic battle in 1066 that changed the history of England and Normandy CP

  Heinrich—Historical figure; Holy Roman Emperor; CA

  Hélène de Fleury—Norman wife of friend of Montbryce brothers killed at Hastings. CP

  Hugh de Montbryce—Norman-virgin hero of ILDE; brother of Antoine and Ram CP, PIB

  Hylda—Christian name of Mabelle’s mother, purported to have been strangled by her husband, Mabelle’s father.

  Hylda Rhonwen de Montbryce (Rhoni)—Daughter of Ram and Mabelle born in captivity in Wales; CP, AMOV

  Isembart Joubert—Rat catcher from Montbryce; instrumental in saving the lives of Hugh and Devona; ILDE

  Isolda verch Llewelyn—Welsh healer, heroine of WTH

  Joleyne—Norman mistress of Ram de Montbryce before he meets Mabelle; CP

  King Harald Hardråda of Norway—Historical figure; pretender to the English throne; killed by King Harold’s army at Stamford Bridge; CP

  King Harold II of England—Historical figure; Saxon brother-in-law of Edward the Confessor. Claimed the throne on Edward’s death; slain at Hastings by the Conqueror’s army; CP

  King Henry I—Norman king of England; son of William the Conqueror; known as Henry Beauclerc; succeeded his brother William Rufus on the throne. Historical figure; PIB

  King Malcolm Canmore of Scotland—Historical figure. CP & AMOV

  King William I of England—William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandie. CP, ILDE; historical figure

  King William Rufus—William II of England; son of the Conqueror; AMOV; historical figure

  Kirkthwaite—Surname of Agneta’s family AMOV

  Kirkthwaite Hall—Ancestral home of Agneta’s family, destroyed in a raid by the Scots AMOV

  Köln—German (Saxon) town, known as Cologne in English; CA

  La Cuisinière—Legendary Norman cook at Montbryce Castle; her name simply means ‘The Cook’ CP

  Lande Pourri—A wooded area outside Caen PIB

  Leofric Deacon—Saxon friend of Caedmon AMOV; badly injured at Alnwick; marries Coventina Brightmore

  Llys (plural Llysoed)—A building that served as a royal court for a commote in Wales. Stone castles were virtually unknown in England and Wales before the Conquest

  Lothar von Süpplingenburg—Saxon Duke who became Holy Roman Emperor CA

  Mabelle de Montbryce—Norman heroine of CP; wife of Ram de Montbryce; Countess of Ellesmere and Comtesse de Montbryce; AMOV, PIB, DP

  Mabelle de Valtesse—Maiden name of Mabelle de Montbryce; CP, AMOV, PIB, DP

  Margaret, Queen of Scotland (Saint Margaret)—AMOV, CP; historical figure known for her piety; Saxon; second wife of King Malcolm Canmore; sister of Edgar Aetheling.

  Marguerite de Montbryce—Daughter of Robert and Dorianne

  Martin Bonhomme—Norman steward at Ellesmere; son of Mathieu

  Mathieu Bonhomme—Son of Fernand; goes to England to be steward at Ellesmere, father of Martin Bonhomme

  Mathieu de Montbryce—Son of Antoine and Sybilla. PIB

  Melton Bernard de Montbryce—Eldest son of Hugh and Devona; named for Devona’s family name and Hugh’s father. PIB

  Michel Cormant—Norman steward at Alensonne; father of Barat, Theo and Paul; CP

  Montbryce—Noble Norman family at the heart of the Legacy

  Mont St. Michel—Abbey church of Carolingian origin built on an island off the French coast.

  Morwenna verch Morgan—Welsh; betrothed to Rhodri; villain; mistress of Phillippe de Giroux; CP, DP

  Myfanwy Dda—Welsh mother of Rhonwen; healer; murdered by Phillippe de Giroux; CP, DP

  Myfanwy Mabelle verch Rhodri—Eldest child of Rhodri and Rhonwen; becomes a Prioress. DP, DB

  Neuadd—The communal great hall in Welsh buildings

  Northumbria—North east part of England; site of constant conflict between Scots and Normans.

  Oda—maidservant to Sybilla ILDE

  Paul Cormant—Norman steward (Alensonne)

  Phillippe de Giroux—Norman villain; CP, DP, PIB

  Pierre de Fleury—Norman soldier; friend of the Montbryce brothers; killed at Hastings; CP

  Pierre de Giroux—Norman villain PIB; brother of heroine, Dorianne

  Ragna FitzRam—English daughter of Caedmon and Agneta; holy terror; becomes known as The Wild Viking Princess.

  Rambaud (Ram) de Montbryce—Norman nobleman; hero of Hastings; confidant to William the Conqueror. First Earl of Ellesmere; Comte de Montbryce; eldest son of Bernard de Montbryce, brother to Antoine and Hugh. Hero of CP. AMOV, PIB & DP

  Regis—Antoine’s stallion ILDE

  Renouf de Maubadon—Norman (Angevin) villain of PIB

  Rhodri ap Owain—Welsh villain turned hero. CP, AMOV, DP

  Rhonwen Dda—Welsh/Saxon heroine DP. Healer CP

  Rhun ap Rhodri—Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri. Twin of Rhydderch. Redhead. DB, hero of WTH

  Rhydderch ap Rhodri—Welsh patriot; son of Rhodri and Rhonwen. Redhead. Twin of Rhun. DB, hero of WTH

  Rhys ap Rhodri—Eldest son of Rhodri; hero of DB. Appears in AMOV

  Robert Curthose—Son of William the Conqueror; became Duke of Normandie on his father’s death; coveted his brother Henry’s throne; captured by Henry a
t Tinchebray and imprisoned for the remainder of his life. PIB

  Robert de Montbryce—Eldest son of Ram and Mabelle; born in England. Becomes Comte de Montbryce. CP, AMOV, DP; hero of PIB

  Ruyton—Location of Shelfhoc Hall

  Shelfhoc Hall—Ancestral home of the Woolgars in Ruyton, Shropshire, England.

  Sibell—Mabelle’s mare in CP

  Simon Hugo—Norman serf at Alensonne who murders Arnulf de Valtesse to avenge his daughter. CP

  Stephen Marquand—ILDE Norman neighbour of Meltons

  Sybilla de Taloche—ILDE; heroine; Angevin; widow of Denis de Sancerre, mother of the dwarf, Denis de Sancerre. Marries Antoine de Montbryce

  Théobald Cormant—Norman steward; brother of Barat

  Torod—Norman villain; thug, henchman of Renouf ILDE

  Trésor—Cook at Ellesmere. The French word means ‘treasure’.CP

  Tristan Bonhomme—Son of Honoré; steward at Montbryce

  Tybaut—AMOV; steward at Shelfhoc Hall; Norman

  Vangeline Bonhomme—Wife of Fernand; dies in 1066; CP

  Velox—Hugh’s stallion in ILDE

  Victoire—Cook at Domfort Castle; ILDE

  Wilona Melton—Saxon mother of Devona, heroine of ILDE

  Woolgar—Married name of Ascha Bronson, widow of Sir Caedmon Woolgar, a housecarl of King Harold who died at Hastings; CP, AMOV

  Wyvern—Caedmon’s horse; saves his life at Alnwick. AMOV





  Abbesse Fr. Abbess

  Ap (or Ab) W. Son of

  Arrête Fr. Stop!

  Auf Weidersehen G. Goodbye

  Au revoir Fr. Goodbye

  Bébé Fr. Baby

  Brychan W. Woven blanket

  Commote W. area of administration in Wales

  Comte Fr. Count

  Comtesse Fr. Countess

  Cymru W. Wales

  Cymraeg W. Welsh language

  Derrière Fr. Bottom, backside

  Dieu Fr. God

  Ddoe W. Yesterday

  Dros Cymru W. For Wales

  Duw W. God

  Duwiau W. Gods!


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