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Page 10

by Amelia Grey

  She held up the lamp and steadying herself against the rocking, headed for the door. Her hands and feet turned cold as she made her way down the darkened, narrow hallway to Austin's cabin, the lamp light flickering as she went. She held on to the wall to steady herself as she walked the four doors down until she came upon Austin's door. Leaning a hip against the wall to keep from falling, she knocked lightly. There was no answer. Thunder rumbled outside and she quickly knocked again, louder the second time.

  Fearing he may not have heard her or that he might not be inside, she reached and opened the door.

  "Austin," she called, stepping inside the room.

  She saw him bolt upright in bed, his bare skin gleaming in the lamp light, a mat of dark, curly hair covering his chest. He blinked rapidly.

  "Chelly? What's wrong? Is it Bo?" He reached and grabbed his breeches at the end of the bunk, then threw the covers aside. By the time she realized he was nude and slipping into his breeches, he had them pulled up and was walking toward her, steadying himself with outstretched arms. His hair, loose from its queue, fell to the top of his shoulders.

  "What's wrong?" he asked again, blinking against the offending light from her lamp.

  Her eyes widened. She was speechless for a moment. She wasn't in the habit of seeing men without their shirts on and with their breeches unbuttoned. Austin's open breeches showed much more of his flat belly than what was intended for a woman to see.

  It was crazy, she knew, but she wished she had the time to just look him over and examine his body. She would have liked to reach out and touch his skin, run her hand over it, feel the hardness of the muscles that showed beneath his taut skin. She'd wondered what Austin looked like beneath all those clothes he always wore, and she liked what she saw.

  Maybe it was the danger she felt from the storm and the comfort she sought that caused her sensual reaction to Austin. Whatever it was, she had to tamp it down.

  "Why the devil are you walking around holding that lamp with the ship pitching like a buoy. Let me have it before you're thrown against the wall and catch yourself on fire."

  He took the light from her and hung it on a bracket on the wall. He was not happy she'd awakened him.

  She had no reason for why, but she felt safer just being near him. "It's raining."

  "Raining?" He looked back toward his porthole in time to see lightning streak across the darkened sky and shimmer off the pelting rain. "Is that all? You came in here and woke me in the middle of the night to tell me it was raining."

  "All right, it's storming. Is that better?" she asked, flustered that he seemed to be angry with her. "I think we're in the midst of a dangerous storm. Haven't you heard it? Didn't it awaken you?" She was trembling from the chill in the air. "I just want to know that we're going to be all right."

  Why had she come here looking for anything from this man? Hadn't he already shown himself to be a man who didn't care about a woman's feelings? But as soon as she thought that, Austin's features softened and he gently took hold of her arms.

  His eyes searched her face. "Hey, you're really upset, aren't you?"

  "Yes," she said, trying to collect herself, hating to admit that weakness.

  "Everything is going to be all right. You nearly scared the life out of me, coming in here like this. Are you sure Bo is all right? I thought for sure something had happened to him."

  Suddenly the ship pitched and threw Austin into Chelly, knocking her against the wall. Austin stretched his arm out behind her to keep her from hitting the wall hard as his body was thrown against hers.

  "Damn!" he mumbled, regaining his footing, holding himself against her.

  Austin's gaze swept down her face, and hers swept up his. Their faces were so close she felt his breath. Their chests were so close she was sure she heard his heartbeat. Their bodies were so close she felt the arousal of desire in his lower body.

  He bent his head and lightly placed his lips on hers. A thrilling tingle of something she'd never felt before swept across her breasts and then tumbled its way down into her lower stomach. He lifted his head a little and then he kissed her again, adding more pressure to the kiss before once again lifting his head. She held her breath and remained motionless, looking into his beautiful, grayish-green eyes.

  Lightning flashed.

  Thunder rumbled.

  The ship rocked again.

  Austin moved away from her.

  Chelly cleared her throat and moistened her lips. She'd wanted him to kiss her. Her breathing became laborious. How could she be concerned by the fact that they had kissed her when the ship was rocking violently?

  "Bo's all right," she said too quickly. "He's sleeping like a babe. I guess I'm the one who's fretful tonight."

  His eyes didn't leave her face as he gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry I didn't realize earlier you were worried." His voice was gentle. "You didn't tell me you were afraid of storms when we spoke about your making this journey."

  "Storms don't worry me when I'm on land. It's the storm on water that bothers me. I've heard about ships that are lost at sea and m—my sister's husband sailed on one that never returned. I'm not frightened, really," she lied. "Just a little concerned and wanting to know that everything is going to be all right and that we're not in danger of sinking."

  Austin cupped her cheek and said, "We're not going to sink. The storm is not that bad. I'll finish dressing and go on deck and talk to the captain, see what I can find out. Will that make you feel better?"

  She smiled and nodded.

  "All right. But to put your mind at ease right now, I'll tell you that if we were in any real danger, Hammersfield would have already awakened me. So try not to worry until I get back." He lifted her chin with the tips of his fingers. "Give me a smile."

  How could she be worried when he spoke so softly, when he stood so near, when he promised her they would be safe? She couldn't. How could she not trust him when he looked at her with his beautiful eyes? She felt calmer already.

  The backs of his fingers raked down her cheek."Go back to your room and wait for me there. I'll have a look around on deck and come back and let you know what I find out. All right?"

  She nodded. "Thank you," she whispered. Shaking from the effects of his touch, from the passionate kiss, she held onto the wall and hurried back to her room. She trembled, but not from fear. She'd actually wanted Austin to kiss her again! How could she be attracted to a man she knew to be so cruel as to kidnap a child? But, she reminded herself, he'd said he had good reason.

  No, now she was trying to make excuses for him because he hadn't thought her silly for being frightened, because she liked him, because she was attracted to him, because she had kissed her and made her feel for the first time in her life that she wanted more than sweet kisses.

  "No," she whispered to herself. She couldn't think that way. No reason was good enough for what he'd done.

  Just because his first concern tonight was for Bo when he saw her in the doorway doesn't mean anything, she told herself. Of course he worried about the child. He wouldn't get whatever he'd been promised by the Bonapartes if Bo wasn't delivered safely.

  But why would a family like the Radcliffes need blood money?

  She shivered as she set the lamp back in its safety lock. She'd feel better once daylight brightened the sky and the sun chased the storm clouds away.

  * * *

  Austin climbed the small stairway to the deck. He pulled up the collar of his raincoat and settled a wide-brimmed, oil-cloth hat over his head before opening the door that led outside. The cold, pounding rain hit him immediately. A vicious wind blew rain in his face, almost blinding him. Waves crashed against the side of the ship, tossing it from side to side.

  There was no brightness in the sky. Only darkness. A light shone through the night from the helm. The captain and two of his men stood at the wheel. Austin ducked his head against the raging elements and grabbed the line the captain had rigged so no one would go overboard as they
moved about the deck.

  The ship tossed and pitched on the rough seas, making him almost lose his footing a couple of times on the slippery, rain-slick deck.

  "You didn't have to come out. We have everything under control," the captain yelled above the roar of the crashing waves and driving wind and rain as Austin drew near him.

  "What do you think we're in for?" Austin asked, the wind whipping his words away.

  "There's always a chance we could be in for a bad one, but I don't think so," the captain said, water dripping from his beard. "If it doesn't get any worse than this, we'll be all right. Bishop awakened me 'bout an hour ago when the wind kicked up and the swells started surging. He said it has been lightning most of the night. The clouds we saw late this afternoon have caught up with us."

  "Maybe it's too early in the year for a severe storm," Austin said, hoping that were true.

  "Unusual that's for sure, but freakish things have been known to happen."

  Lightning flashed and Austin saw the rain pelting the deck in what looked like solid sheets of water. Thunder crashed overhead and reverberated in his ears. "Are we off course?"

  "A bit. I can't tell you anything for certain until the storm passes. If it calms in the next hour or two, we'll be all right. Let's just pray this weather doesn't follow us the rest of the way to Europe."

  Hammersfield was his best captain. He'd never lost a ship or a man at sea. And Austin didn't want this voyage to be his first. Austin clapped Hammersfield on the back. "Do what you can."

  "The wind's not giving us much trouble and won't as long as it holds its current direction," Hammersfield said. "The seas appear to be about twelve to fifteen feet. If they don't get any higher than that, we should be all right. Go on back to bed. I'll call you if we need you. You can't do anything right now."

  Austin nodded. "I'm going to check on our passengers. I'll be back later."

  "It's best if they can sleep through the worst part of this."

  That was not likely to happen with Chelly already awake, Austin thought, but said nothing to Hammersfield as he turned and followed the line back to the doorway leading into the hull.

  At the bottom of the steps Austin took off his hat and coat and hung them on a peg. He wiped the water from his face with his open hand. Rain had dripped down his collar and wet his shirt, but his boots and coat had kept his feet and legs dry. The hull was cold and the damp shirt clinging to his back chilled him immediately.

  Remembering how frightened Chelly had appeared, he decided not to change before talking to her. He wanted to ease her mind. He wanted to let her know that she'd be all right. She and Bo were safe from harm.

  Her door was ajar, so he stopped in the doorway and looked inside. She stood by the small chest in the far corner, combing her hair. No, she was doing more than combing her hair. The slow, fluid movement of her slender arm as she stroked the silky hair with the brush tightened his whole body.

  Lamp light shone on her golden-blonde hair, making it appear more the color of gold than honey. The long tresses fell down her back in shimmering strands so thick and lush he ached to grab them in his hands and crush them beneath his fingers. Her hair looked like a solid sheet of flowing gold with a hint of silver making it glimmer and shine with each gentle motion of her wrist.

  Austin wanted to brush her hair.

  Each stroke of her swelled and hardened his manhood, twisted his insides with desire so potent he thought he might grab her and ravish her. He grew so hard with wanting, he was afraid he couldn't move. He wanted to throw her down on the bed and cover himself with the blanket of silk that was her hair. He wanted to bury his face in its loveliness and breathe deeply, inhale it. He wanted to walk up behind her, reach his arms around her waist and press her backside against his male firmness. He wanted to hold her to his chest and fondle her breasts while he kissed the back of her neck, her shoulders. He wanted to breathe in her scent, take in her essence. God help him, he wanted to make her his.

  Without even being aware he was there, she tempted him. His desire for her deepened, intensified. He wanted to pull her into his embrace once again.

  "Austin? What's wrong?" she asked when she turned and saw him standing in the doorway.

  His gaze flew to her troubled face. His hands dropped to hang and clasp in front of his breeches. The passion and the hunger she raised in him startled him. Had Chelly bewitched him? What was wrong with him? He'd never been as desperate for a woman as he was for this one. He'd never wanted to comb a woman's hair before, either. Damnation, he'd never cared one way or the other about a woman's hair until tonight. What was happening to him?

  He shook his head, wondering if it were the storm or Chelly who had him swaying on his feet. He should have taken the time to visit miss Sophie's upstairs room before sailing; but even as he thought it, he knew that right now, Chelly was the only woman he wanted. He wanted her plain and simple, but he couldn't have her. End of story.

  Just touch her one more time , his mind told him.

  His thoughts obviously weren't through with her. It didn't matter that he liked having her on board his ship. It didn't matter that he wanted to spend more time with her. She wasn't a trollop to be used for a time, and then tossed aside. She might be a woman of meager means, but she wasn't a lady he could take for his own pleasure.

  "How bad is the storm?" Chelly asked when he remained silent.

  Feeling his body relax a little, Austin raised a hand and wiped at water dripping down the side of his face as he walked farther into the dimly lit room. He had to stand legs apart to keep his balance.

  "Nothing to worry about right now. No promises, but Captain Hammersfield thinks we'll run out of this in another hour or so." He deliberately embellished the captain's words.

  "Thank God we're not in any danger of sinking."

  A smile lifted the edges of his mouth. He stared into her face, not wanting to take his eyes off her.

  "You wouldn't want to be on deck right now, but there's a good chance the sun will shine by midday."

  "That's good news. I'll put in more time on Bo's lessons in the morning so we'll have extra play time when the weather clears."

  Chelly walked over to Austin. She picked up the skirt of her robe and wiped the water that ran down his cheek.

  Austin's breath quickened.

  Just touch her.

  He was reminded of the time she had given him her handkerchief and how he'd reluctantly passed it on to Thollie to wash and iron before giving it back to Chelly. He'd wanted to keep it. And now he wanted to keep her here in front of him. He felt the heat from her body, and it warmed him like a winter fire.

  Looking down into her eyes, he raised his arm and closed his hand around her wrist. Her beautiful lips parted just enough to invite him to kiss her. But, did she know what she was doing? Did she know that every movement she made, every word she said invited him to take her into his arms and love her? He heard a soft moan but didn't know if it came from Chelly or himself.

  Lightning flashed brightly and a clap of thunder shook the ship. Chelly squeezed her eyes shut. Austin's arms flew around her, bringing her up close to his hard chest.

  "Chelly, it's all right," he whispered against her ear. "You're safe. We're going to be all right. Aloof is the best ship that's made. Thunder won't hurt it."

  She felt good in his arms. He held her close and threaded his fingers through her golden curls, savoring the silky feel of her hair and the warmth of her body.

  "Oh, Austin, I've been so frightened. I wish I hadn't remembered all those horrible stories I've heard about ships going down and my brother- in-law drowning and I—I—"

  "Shh—Come here." He led her to the only chair in the cabin. "Sit down with me. I'll hold you until the storm passes."

  Knowing she should say no, Chelly snuggled tighter into the warmth of Austin's arms. Not even the damp shirt could pry her away. Tonight she didn't want to think about what was proper, she only wanted to stay in the security, the warmt
h and the excitement of Austin's arms.

  He sat in the chair and she allowed him to pull her down into his arms. She drew her legs up underneath her and covered them with the skirt of her robe. Austin wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head.

  "Your clothes are damp," she whispered.

  He stroked her hair with his hand and she found that comforting. "I should have put on a dry shirt before coming in here. Does it bother you?"

  "No." She sighed contentedly.

  A pleasing chuckle rumbled in his chest. "It feels good holding you like this. You don't mind, do you?"

  "No. I'll get you warm."

  Chelly didn't know why, she only knew she wanted to be this close to Austin. She didn't understand her attraction to him, and tonight she didn't want to deny it or run from it. Tomorrow, when the skies were bright with sunshine, she might regret this, but not right now.

  "How do you feel now, Chelly?"

  "Wonderful, safe."

  He chuckled.

  In an uncommon gesture, she raised her head and placed her cheek to Austin's. His face was scruffy with a faint beard. She turned ever so slightly so that the side of her lips caressed his skin. It was cold, damp, but it heated her blood. Through her nightgown and robe, she felt the tips of her breasts brush against his damp shirt and harden. His arms tightened around her, and she moaned softly.

  Austin moved his head until his lips met hers. Chelly had only been kissed by one other man, when she was fifteen years old. A young man who lived down the street had had her believing she was in love with him. He'd taught her how to kiss. She would have probably married him if he and his family hadn't moved away. He'd promised to send for her one day but never had. She'd soon forgotten about him.

  Chelly's lips parted naturally and Austin pressed his lips to hers, softly at first, but when she didn't pull away, he increased the pressure, moving his lips back and forth across hers. Her toes curled; her stomach muscles tightened; her breasts ached to be touched.


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