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Romance: Western Mail Order Bride Bethany's Love -Clean Christian Historical Romance (Western Mail Order Bride Short Shorties Series)

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by Catherine Woods

   Copyright 2016 by Catherine Woods - All rights reserved.

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  Included in this book are a number of other bonus books for your reading pleasure. Feel free to scroll through them in the Table of Contents to find your favorite Cleanl Mail Order Bride Romance!

  Make sure to check my Amazon #1 Best Sellers!

  Table of Content

  Bethany’s Love


  Bonus Stories

  The Orphaned Mother

  A Leap of Faith

  An Unexpected Union

  From Debt to Love

  Finding Elizabeth Harbin

  An Education at Ryan Ranch

  A Race for Maxine

  The Ideal Bride

  A Nurses Faith

  Amazon #1 Seller

  Noemie’s Hope

  The Girl Who Went West

  Broken Road

  Bethany’s Love

  A Tale of a Widow’s Love

  By: Catherine Woods

  Bethany’s Love

  Chapter 1

  Lawrence, Kansas

  “Drew, get down here and have your breakfast. You’ll be late for school.”

  With her hands full, Bethany yelled from the kitchen, heating a pan on the stove and cracking eggs into a bowl. She whisked the eggs hastily and poured them onto the hot pan, scrambling them with a wooden spoon. Turning around she rummaged through the cabinet and took out Drew’s favorite glass and poured him some milk. The milk bottle was half empty now, Bethany noticed.

  She had been feeling weak and nauseated yesterday and had not been able to go to the market after work. She had a feeling she was coming down with a cold. She’d made herself some onion soup last night and ended up feeding it to the kids as well. The small pantry in the kitchen was almost empty now, with only onions and leeks left. Waking up today, she felt a little better and reminded herself to go to the market first thing after work. She had very little money left to spend. Bethany worked as a part-time sewer in one of the garment factories in town, owned by the infamous Richard ‘Richie’ Jones. Working the first shift was a blessing for her since she had kids to look after, all by herself. Working long hours wasn’t possible for her, not until her kids were old enough to fend for themselves, which they weren’t. Young Drew had turned five only last week whereas the twins, Alice and James would be three next month.

  Bethany placed the scrambled eggs on their small dining table along with some bread left over from yesterday. Drew came hurrying down the stairs and almost fell on top of James who was sitting at the bottom of the stairs playing with a wooden ship.

  “Go play in the living room, Jamie.” Bethany smiled at James who glanced up at Drew and his mother, then picked up his toys and ran into the living room.

  Sitting down at the table, she split the bread by hand, placing one half on Drew’s plate while she munched on the other half.

  “Ma, can I have some butter with my bread?” Drew asked before eagerly sipping his milk.

  Bethany gazed at her son, pitying herself for not being able to give him what he wanted. “There’s no more butter, Drew. I’ll get some today after work, along with some vegetables and milk. Does that sound good?"

  Drew looked at his mother and knew it was best not to ask for anything else. If she was being honest with herself, being ill was not really her reason for not going to the market. She barely had enough money to get through the rest of the month, having paid Drew’s school tuition and groceries. Keeping her kids fed and sheltered was her first priority.

  Life hadn't been kind to her. It had stolen away the only man she had ever loved, the man who had loved her completely, her late husband David. She had lost him last year when one of his ship was attacked by pirates in the Atlantic. David was a successful trader, always personally guaranteeing that his goods were delivered to his clients. It was tragic that someone as young and beautiful as Bethany had been widowed so early on in life. David and Bethany had gotten married quite young, Bethany being only nineteen while David was twenty-one. She used to thank her lucky stars for having met David, who had been so caring and kind to her. It was at the Annual Fair in their town held on New Year’s Eve. The Fair attracted people from all over the town. Some came to have a good time or to buy and sell at the flea market. Bethany had her own stall that year, which she shared with her friend Denise. They both had a talent for sewing and stitching. Bethany was especially good at needlework, creating beautiful patterns and embroidery on table covers, napkins, handkerchiefs, scarves and much more. There she stood, looking radiant as ever, her beauty and grace catching wandering eyes. David had visited the Fair on his sister's insistence, having recently started his trading business. His sister Sarah had stopped to buy an embroidered handkerchief when David first laid eyes on Bethany. He was mesmerized by her and didn’t leave her stall for the rest of the day. They chatted about unimportant things, slowly opening up to each other. It was only a matter of weeks before he started courting her. One day he proposed to her. Bethany accepted his proposal wholeheartedly. Soon they were wed, with Bethany's father giving her away at the church. Six years later, both her father and David were gone.

  Drew was finished eating his breakfast. Cleaning his hands with a napkin he quickly gave his mother a peck on her cheek and ran outside, carrying his satchel to the carriage waiting to take him to school. "Goodbye, Ma," he shouted, closing the door behind him. Bethany stood up and cleaned the dishes. Making her way over to James who sat on the carpet, she held her hand out to him and Alice who was sitting quietly by his side coloring a piece of parchment paper. "Mama don’t leave us at Mrs. Baileeeey's again." Anna cried, her brother nodding along beside her. "Take us with you, Ma."

  Bethany sighed at their pleading looks and cupped their cheeks, and spoke to them in a stern tone: "It's only for a few hours. I will be back soon. Mama has work to do, my little honeybears." Smiling sadly at them, she nudged them forward and they walked ahead of her, their faces solemn. She left out the front door and made her way down the steps along a narrow path to her neighbor's house. Mrs. Bailey was already waiting for Bethany to bring Alice and James. Bethany greeted Mrs. Bailey and then let her take them into her house. Alice and James kept turning back to look at their Mama, hoping she would take them back home. Bethany's eyes were filled with unshed tears and she quickly turned away.

  Crossing the street she walked down the familiar path to the garment factory, her mind wandering to her biggest problem. The factory would not give her even a penny more than her normal wage. She could try to sell some of her belongings, but that would take time and effort. Her pride had stopped her from begging for money from her friends at work. Denise could help her but she was happily married, living on the other side of the country. Everything seemed like a dead en
d. Rubbing her hand across her face, she sighed loudly then suddenly remembered something her coworker had said. A loan, she thought, that would help her out of this mess. Turning a corner, she finally came to a stop in front of the factory, her mind starting to worry about what she was about to do.

  Removing her bonnet, Bethany strode past the weaving section and into the stitching area. Nodding politely at her co-workers, she approached her work table and quietly sat down, trying to look apathetic. A tense expression would only lead to people asking questions she didn’t want to answer.

  “How are you today, Beth dear?”

  Bethany glanced at Cassie who was seated next to her, her lips forming a forced smile. “I’m better. There’s nothing that good old onion soup can’t fix.”

  Cassie unfolded the fabric in front of her, placing it under the needle bar. Adjusting the lever with her left hand, she said, “Good to know. I didn’t think you would come today, especially after you almost threw up on me after lunch yesterday.”

  Bending down to pick up the assigned materials, Bethany chuckled. “It’s not my fault the gravy they served us yesterday made me want to throw up. Even if I hadn’t been sick I wouldn’t have gotten it past my throat.”

  Cassie laughed. “True. That is exactly why I’ve told you to bring your own lunch, Beth.”

  “I don’t really have the time to make something for myself in the mornings. Making sure the kids get to eat their meals on time keeps me busy.” It was a half-truth. The real problem was her empty pantry.

  Giving her a sympathizing look, Cassie said, “We could always share.”

  “That’s very kind of you Cass, but I’d rather not. My shift ends sooner than yours. You need to keep up your strength. I know how tiring this work can get.” Putting a thread through the eye of the needle, Bethany pushed down the needle clamp and began to sew.

  Over the sound of the sewing machine, she heard Cassie shout, “Fine! Suit yourself.”

  It was noon by the time they took their first break. Everyone headed off to the common room to have lunch. Bethany’s shift would end in an hour. Letting Cassie know she wouldn’t be eating anything today, she darted for the inspection department of the factory, hoping to catch Isabelle before she left. Isabelle was known as the eyes and ears of this place. She knew everything that went on around the factory, or so she claimed. Gathering up the hem of her skirt, Bethany climbed the stairs to the floor above. Upon reaching the top, she paused and stepped aside to let the workers walk past her, down the stairs to the common room. Scanning the area, she spotted Isabelle, a petite woman who looked only a little older than her. Bethany knew what Isabelle looked like but Isabelle had no idea who Bethany was. Catching up to where she stood, Bethany tapped her lightly on the shoulder. Isabelle turned around. Discerning the anxious look on Bethany’s face, she excused herself from the woman beside her who left them alone to speak.

  “You look troubled. Can I help you?”

  “Yes. I’ve heard rumors about this place. I don’t usually pay any attention to them but there is one that might just be of use to me. I think you probably know more about it than I do, and whether there’s any truth to it.”

  Isabelle took her hand and led her to a corner in the passageway outside the inspection area. To make sure they couldn’t be heard, she lowered her voice and said, “I know many things. What would you like to ask me?”

  “Well, I’ve heard that Mr. Fitch helps the workers here borrow some money if they need it, like a loan. Is that true?”

  Isabelle gazed at her obligingly and said, “It is. But Mr. Fitch is only the middleman. He too works for Richie like the rest of us. And we all know how Richie operates.”

  “Yes, but how can you know for sure it’s not just hearsay? How do you know he actually gives loans?”

  “Oh honey, I know. I’ve been one of the borrowers!” Isabelle exclaimed.

  Bethany was momentarily surprised. She knew that Isabelle was telling the truth. Feeling somewhat relieved to know she would not be stepping into unchartered waters, she opened her mouth to thank Isabelle but Isabelle cut in, her voice filled with concern. “Let me tell you this. Richie is not by any means a kind person. He thinks by letting us borrow his money he can make a profit on it later. I was told to return the amount I borrowed within two months or else I would have to pay him back along with a fine! Do you believe the nerve of that man? He doesn’t do this out of the goodness of his heart. He’s a racketeer. The worst kind there is. God knows what other awful things he does. Just be careful. Mr. Fitch will give you the money if your meeting with Richie goes well. But remember, you’ll have to return it somehow before the deadline if you don’t want to become flat broke.”

  With her lips pursed, Bethany pondered over her words. Feeling a little skeptical, she chose not to make a decision right away. Looking over at Isabelle, she reckoned she ought to thank her properly.

  “I’m grateful for the information and your insight. I will take heed of it.”

  Isabelle nodded at her and replied, “I hope everything works out for you,” then added as her eyes landed on the small cross hanging from the chain around Bethany’s neck, “Don’t lose faith even during the toughest of times. God works in mysterious ways.” Smiling at her, she walked away. Just as she reached the stairs, she half-turned and asked, “You didn’t tell me your name.”

  “I’m Bethany.”

  “Well Bethany, I’m Isabelle but you already knew my name. I just want you to know that I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.”

  Bethany gave her a small smile, feeling akin to her and replied, “Thank you.” Isabelle acknowledged her thanks with a smile then turned back to head down the stairs.

  Watching her go, Bethany walked over to the huge windows along the passage. Her indecision seemed to be making her fidgety. Looking out the window to the busy streets, she thought about Drew, Alice and James. She had not been able to fulfill their needs properly ever since she had taken this job. The money she earned was not enough for her and her family. She had managed to get by for the first few months after David’s death. He had left her some money, which eventually ran out, of course, prompting her to look for work. Lately, it had become difficult to save money from her earnings, which weren’t a lot. She had only a couple of coins left to spend, and they wouldn’t be of any use to her. Thinking of her kids she concluded that starving for the rest of the month was not an option. She had to take the money from Richie to get by. It is the only way, she told herself.

  Chapter 2

  “Mrs. Williams, if you would just wait outside please.”

  “Please, call me Bethany.”

  “Well, Bethany,” he said, arching an eyebrow. “Mr. Fitch here will talk you through the process for now. I’ll be asking you a few questions after that. I have a client inside my office at the moment so you’ll have to wait. It won’t take long.”

  With that, he walked back inside and shut the door to his room a little too loudly.

  Bethany tried to read him but couldn’t quite figure him out. Her first impression of Richie wasn’t too bad. He looked intimidating but sounded polite. Knowing first impressions should not be a basis for judging someone, she went to where Mr. Fitch was seated. His table was set just outside Richie’s office. Standing up he gestured Bethany to sit down across from him. She had seen him a couple of times roaming about the factory since she had started working here. It was his job to report the factory’s progress to Richie.

  “I presume you have something to say. Is this in regards to a loan?”

  “Yes, indeed. Can you tell me exactly how long until I have to return it?”

  “Not more than two months I’m afraid.”

  “Oh. And are there any special conditions? What if for some reason it takes me longer than that to get it back to you? What then?” she asked cautiously.

  Clearing his throat, he looked at Bethany through his spectacles. “This isn’t exactly a charitable organization, ma’am. We make money
by selling clothes. However, Mr. Richard has allowed the employee loan benefit to those of you who have money issues. Just as a bank would give a loan and set a due date after which you have to pay the fine, we’re following more or less the same approach. The only difference is we give you double the amount of time that a bank would. Our terms are quite practical if you think about it.”

  What he was saying seemed sensible enough, she thought. Isabelle had laid it on thick, her warnings seeming a bit unnecessary. Perhaps she was judging these people too harshly.

  “How much is the fine?”

  “I’m sure we won’t come to that.” said Mr. Fitch. Taking pity at her worried expression, he told her, “It’s not too much. Just a small amount is added to the amount due.”

  “I see. Can I go see Mr. Richie now?”

  “You’ll have to wait. His client will be out shortly.”

  Bethany sat with her hands in her lap, considering the situation she was getting herself into. It wasn’t by any means wrong. They were following a set of rules so that no one would just take their money and leave for good. If it meant they would profit after the deadline then so be it. At least she’d have enough to survive the two months. Drew would be done with his school session in a month; summer was coming up. Maybe she could make some embroidered accessories and sell them in the market to pay back the loan. She would so anything to keep them from adding a fee.

  The door to Richie’s office opened as he walked his client out. Leaving each other with some parting words, they shook each other’s hands and then Richie sauntered over to her. He looked impeccable in his waistcoat and tights as he came to a stop and held out a hand to her.

  Bethany hesitated a little before putting her hand in his. He brought it to his lips and gave it a sloppy kiss. He seemed like trouble. Bethany noticed various scars on his neck and face, his eyes looking bloodshot. He pulled her up from her seat then let go of her hand. “Come on in, Bethany.”


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