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The Assassin's Weakness

Page 2

by Jeanette Rico

  Cameron meets me in the living room. The room is stark and cold. There are several recliners and a large television in the center of the room. Cameron has lived alone here for many years. I remember him telling me that he was married once. His wife was a beautiful bohemian woman. They were together for five years until she was diagnosed with cancer. She died shortly after that. Cameron has been sad and alone since. That is why I stay away from relationships. Men like us are meant to be alone. The image of the girl, Jade, appears before me, but I push it to the back of my mind.

  I walk towards Cameron. He rolls his wheelchair to a spot near one of the recliners and gestures for me to take a seat. I unbutton my suit jacket and sit. “So what is so important that you had to break protocol and call me during a job?” I ask in a reprimanding tone. Cameron clenches his jaw and slams his hand over the arm rest. “One of my informants called me earlier. Willem has been spotted.” My head snaps up at the sound of the name. Willem is the reason Cameron is in a wheelchair. Willem used to be a Confradia assassin. He was actually a very good friend to Cameron and somewhat of a mentoring uncle to me. However, a few years ago the Confradia found out that he was working with a rival company which is a big no-no. He was selling contracts for marks and skewing paperwork to target innocent people. Cameron was the one who found out about it.

  When Willem discovered that the Confradia was on to him, he…well, let’s just say he left a trail of bodies in the Confradia’s wake. Cameron and I tried to stop them, but I was still too green and Cameron too distraught by his best friend’s betrayal.

  “Fuck!” I say running my fingers through my hair in frustration. “Did your informant say where he saw him?” Cameron nods wearily. He moves his chair closer to and pinches the bridge of his nose. “He says that a few of his cronies spotted Willem cruising the clubs in the city. I spoke to a former Confradia tech that I used to work with. I asked him to send out feelers and scan the city for any sign of Willem. If Willem has decided to come out of hiding, you know it will not be for a good reason. He didn’t choose New York accidentally. He knows we’re here and he will definitely be gunning for us. So be on the lookout.

  I lean forward in the chair placing my elbows on my knees. “God Damn it! I was hoping that bastard was dead.” Cameron nods his head in commiseration. “We need to find out what he is up to and eliminate him if we can.” I stand up nodding my head in agreement. “I’ll see what I can find.”

  Chapter 4: Thoughts


  Oh my god. I kissed the most beautiful man in the world and he walked away. I turn back to where Tamara and Cherry are standing. The girls are shocked. Cherry speaks first. “Holy shit Jade. That was the hottest kiss I’ve ever seen.” Tamara nods her head in agreement. “I know, right? That guy was fine girl. I thought I was going to have to fan myself when he touched your hair. What did he say?” I shake my head in disappointment. “He wasn’t interested.” The girls give me a pitying look. Tamara puts her arm around me. “It’s okay Jade. At least you got to kiss him. I mean, shit, I’m jealous.” I nod my head giving them my best fake smile. “You’re right. It was hot.” Tamara leads me back towards the school. “Since you’re feeling so daring all of sudden, how about you go out with us tonight.” I roll my eyes. “Nope. I think I’ve had all the excitement I can take for one night.” The girls want to argue but eventually give in.

  That night I lie in my bed thinking about him. I wonder if he is thinking about me. I had never reacted that way to a man or boy. I guess I was always wary, due to all my pervy stepdads. He was gorgeous. I keep recalling how his lips felt on mine. It irked me when he called me little girl. He looked older, maybe late twenties. I guess to him, I am a little girl. This depresses me. The first guy that I show interest in turns me down flat. I go to sleep that night thinking about him.

  For the next day, I am resigned to forget about him. It’s Wednesday when I read about a dance tryout in the city. After my last class I pack up my dance bag and run out of the building. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to change out of my uniform. I hail a cab down and make it just in time. When I get to the rehearsal there are dancers loitering around in the hallways. Some are stretching, or adjusting their slippers. I rush towards the bathroom and change into my ballet dress. It’s a simple black leotard with a silk wrap and my black Pointe shoes. After the rehearsal I am exhausted. I thought I did an excellent job. The judges seem to love my battements and arabesque. Hopefully they’ll call me.

  I change into my uniform and walk out the door. I hate walking in my ballet outfit. Last time I did some guys kept harassing me and whistling. As soon as I step out of the building it begins to drizzle. I try to hail a cab down, but none stop. I look towards the subway opening. I hate taking the subway. I get nervous sitting around such a crowd. I decide to walk instead. The school is only eleven blocks away. Not far at all. I wrap my sweater tight and begin my descent to school. Other than the light drizzle the weather is moderate.

  It’s May weather so it’s not cold. About a quarter of the way to school, the rain begins to pick up. The temperature must have dropped because I can feel a chill. I tuck my chin into my chest using my hair as a curtain to cover my face. After a few moments, I decide to hide under the awning of a building. I am standing there for a few minutes when a gorgeous black Mercedes stops in front of me. I look around to see if there is anyone standing around me. It must be someone’s ride. Then the passenger window opens. I look in curious to see who it is. It’s him!

  He gives me the once over maintaining a serious face. I stand there mortified. I must look like a drowned rat.

  He looks towards his windshield then looks back to me. “Get in.” He says with authority. I stand there shocked. He must notice because, he leans forward and opens the door. “Are you going to stand there and drown or are you getting in?” I snap out of my haze and walk towards his vehicle. He sits there patiently with no expression. I slide into the leather seat and buckle up. I look at him shyly, covering half my face with my hair. His jaw is clenched and ticking. He extends his hand forward. I move back startled. He looks at me as he raises the heat. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He says with a serious tone. I nod my head and bite my lip. His eyes smolder for a moment. Then he faces forward and turns into traffic. “Are you going to school?” He asks.

  I clear my throat and answer. “Yeah…um…yes. Thanks.” He doesn’t reply. I can feel my sweater and blouse sticking to my body. It’s making me uncomfortable. My teeth are silently chattering. I’m squirming in my seat. Water drops are flowing down my back and legs. Feeling a bit guilty, I try to shift forward. I don’t want to mess up his expensive leather seats.

  He must notice my discomfort, because he stops the car and slides out of the door without a word. I remain sitting there, feeling wary. He moves to the trunk and takes something out. Then he comes back into the car. “Here.” He says handing me a towel. “Dry yourself. Your teeth are chattering. I don’t want you getting sick. It’s clean. I replace it with a new one every time I go to the gym.” I take the towel gratefully. “Thanks.” I whisper again. I run the towel over my hair, neck and legs. My sweater is soaked, so I remove it and pull it into the pocket of my bag. I hear a slight gasp when I pull my hair to the right side of my neck. When I look over he is looking at me. His gaze is penetrating. I flush slightly.

  I sit there silently for the rest of the ride. I feel so awkward. He, however, doesn’t say or show that he’s feeling the same. Once we make it to the front of the school. I turn to him. “Thank you for the ride.” I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt. I want to say more, but I after the previous rejection I feel too shy. I make to leave the car, but am stopped by his hand on my elbow. I look back. His eyes are boring into me. “Next time you leave the school, take a thicker jacket.” I nod my head. We sit there for a few moments speechless. I take a chance and place a kiss on his cheek. His eyes close and his jaw ticks. Before I can pull back he moves his hand behind my head and kisses me. I open my mouth
to receive his tongue. My mouth bites down on his lips and my hands go around his neck. His hands go around my waist and pull me closer. I am practically in his lap. The kiss deepens. His tongue is running enticingly over mine.

  I let out a mewl of pleasure. My breasts feel full and my panties become moist. I just want to crawl over him and let him do whatever he wants. I run my hands down to his hard chiseled chest. I can feel his firm body underneath the shirt. Our breathing is ragged. I don’t want to pull back. It feels too good. His hand moves down to my chest. I let out a gasp as his hand molds over my breasts. As I try to move closer, I unfortunately bump into the horn. We pull back, startled from our reverie.

  He’s breathing raggedly. His eyes roam over my swollen lips and glazed eyes. He takes a breath and pulls further back. Placing his hands on the steering wheel, he exhales deeply and stares forward. Then he turns back to me. “That was a mistake. I’m sorry.” My world crumbles around me. I sit back blinking back tears of embarrassment. Then I laugh incredulously. “It’s funny because I’ve made out with you twice now, and I don’t even know your name.” He continues to look forward, which pisses me off. I mean. He kissed me. I turn back towards him irritated. “You’re an asshole you know that?” I say with as much venom as I can muster. I shake my head and let out a disappointed breath. Then I grab my bag, open the door and slide out of the car.

  I can hear a car door slamming loudly behind me, but I don’t look back. I’m halted when he says. “It’s Gideon.” I turn around slowly. He’s standing a few feet behind me with a blank look. “What?” He takes a deep breath and repeats. “My name is Gideon.” I lick my lips slowly and whisper. “Gideon.” He nods his head and moves closer. His gaze is intense. He places his fingers under my chin pulling my head up to his. “Don’t get me wrong little girl. I do find you to be very beautiful. If I was another man I would have taken what you are offering. But trust me when I say that I am not the right guy for you. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.” Feeling angrier, I slap his hand away. “Thanks for the advice Gideon.” I say sarcastically. “Just remember who kissed who.” I say with a challenging voice. He raises his eyebrow in admiration and bows his head in concession. Before I turn away, I poke him in the chest, which seems to amuse him. “And I’m not a little girl. I’m eighteen years old. So you can shove your apology.” I say and twirl around. I slide my hair back angrily and run in to school.

  I cry silently into my pillow for the next few hours. I don’t know why I feel this way. I mean, the only thing that I know about this guy is his name. I slam my fist into my pillow in anger and eventually fall asleep.


  Chapter 5: Kismet


  I’m cruising down the New York club district in hopes of spotting Willem. I know that it’s a long shot, but I have to try. My mind wanders back to my encounter with Jade a few days ago. I was driving home when I spotted her using an awning as a shelter from the rain. I didn’t mean to stop, but I did. It’s almost as if a shock went through my system. I know I need to stay away from her, but something keeps pulling me back in. When I told her to get into my car, she looked surprised and happy to see me. I almost swallowed my tongue when she removed her sweater. I could see her stiff little nipples protruding from her nearly transparent top. I wanted to tear the shirt from her body. The last straw was when she bit her lip. I snapped. The kiss was even better than the last one.

  I never expected for it to go as far as it did. It’s as if my body took over. I smile remembering her reprimand after I apologized. She was right. I did kiss her. I almost fell to my knees when she told me she wasn’t a little girl. If anything her anger aroused me further. A horn awakens me from my musings. I need to snap out of it. This girl has me twisted.

  I park the car in the alley of a popular club. The entrance is packed. I move towards the doors, buttoning up my suit, and taking care to hide my weapons. There is a large line but I move to the front. The bouncers know me. Most clubs in New York have connections with the Confradia. They don’t know that we’re an organization of assassins though. I think, they think that we’re just a bunch of rich playboys. The club is jumping. There are crowds dancing and drinking. I move towards a more private area and scan the room.

  Several women approach me, but I decline. I don’t like mixing business with pleasure. It gets too messy. I order a drink and search the room. After a few hours I am ready to give up. I tip the waitress and head towards the exit. However, before I walk out something tells me to look back. My body stiffens at the sight before me.

  Jade is in the club. She is sitting near the bar with a few other girls. She’s wearing an emerald green dress that barely covers her legs and breasts. Her hair is curled down her back. She looks incredible. Several men approach her, but she rebuffs them. She seems bored and uncomfortable. Another man approaches her this time. He’s tall with auburn hair. She shakes her head hiding behind her hair. The man gives her a good-natured smile and shrugs his shoulders. After a few moments she gets up from her chair. She says something to one of the girls. The girl gives her a pleading look. She gives Jade a pouty look and reaches for her hand, but Jade shakes her head apologetically. They give each other an air kiss, then Jade walks towards the exit.

  I blend into the shadows before she can see me. As she passes me by she wraps her hands around her chest looking very innocent. I clench my jaw in anger as a few men make lewd comments when she passes by their table.

  One of the men smiles at the others and follows behind her.


  Tamara, Cherry and I are in a club tonight. I really don’t know how I got here. One moment I was in my room, getting ready to read my Kindle when Tamara and Cherry walk in excitedly. “Hey.” Tamara says with a big grin on her face. “Cherry’s friend Byron works at a new club and he said he’d let us in tonight. Want to come?” She says sitting at the end of my bed.

  For some reason I don’t say no this time. “Sure.” I say laying my Kindle on my night stand. Tamara and Cherry move back in surprise. “Say what?” Tamara and Cherry say at once. I nod my head. “I said I’ll go. Stop gaping at me or I’ll change my mind.” The girls look at each other, then at me. Tamara stands up and claps her hands in excitement. “Okay then let’s get you dressed.” I hesitate for a moment and give her the evil eye. “Alright, but you better not make me look like a hooker.” They both laugh and run to the closet.

  I sit there as they throw dress upon dress on the bed. Cherry holds a dress against herself and looks at in to the mirror. Tamara throws a dress at me. I rise up to inspect it. The dress is beautiful. It’s an emerald green dress, with a V-neck halter and the skirt is short. There is no back to the dress. I drop it back down on the bed. “Oh no. I am not wearing that.” I say embarrassed. Cherry clucks her tongue and Tamara places her hands on her waist. “Yes you are Jade. You’re going to look great in it. Come on give it a chance. It’s time for you to get out there and meet new people. Please.” I gulp loudly looking at the dress again. Tamara’s right. I need to get out there. Since Gideon’s rejection the other day, I’ve been a little bummed out. And I really don’t know why. After a moment of hesitation, I nod my head.

  The club is very nice. There are people dancing and celebrating. Tamara and Cherry lay a few drinks in front of me. I take a few sips and look around. A few guys stop by our table. They’re cute, but I don’t feel anything. The girls dance with a few guys, but I stay in my seat. I’m approached a few times after that, but it just doesn’t feel right. All I can do is sit there and wish I had stayed home. I try to relax in the dress, but if anything I feel more exposed. I’m also starting to feel a little bit tipsy.

  Another guy approaches me. He’s cute with auburn hair and a sweet smile. “Hey.” He says sensually. I smile politely. “Hi.” I say pulling my hair over my eyes as a shield. His smile widens, showing off some very cute dimples. “Would you like to dance?” I look at him nervous. “Um…sorry. I’m not feeling too well right now.” He gives me a
pouty look, and then shrugs. “Sorry to hear that. Maybe later.” I nod my head. He gives me one final smile and walks away.

  After he leaves I stand up. Tamara and Cherry look at me. “What’s up girl? Where are you going?” I look around then look back to them. “I’m going home. I’m really tired.” Cherry pouts and asks. “Are you sure you can’t stay a little longer?” I shake my head. “I’m sure. I just want to go home and rest. You two stay and have fun.” I lean down and give them an air kiss.

  I walk towards the exit desperate for some fresh air. A few guys make a few comments as I pass by their table. Feeling nervous I wrap my hands around my chest and ignore their cat-calls. The weather outside feels good. I take a deep breath and let the air cool my heated body.

  Suddenly, an arm wraps around my waist. I look back startled. Some guy is standing behind me with a leer on his face. “Hey baby. You look so good.” He says drunkenly. I push away from him, creating some distance. “Sorry, but I’m not interested.” I say in a firm voice. Unfortunately, the guy doesn’t get the message. He moves closer and I move back. I look around, but there’s no one. Not even a bouncer. The guy licks his lips and reaches for me. However, before he can touch me, someone pulls his hand back. The guy cries out in pain and falls to his knees. I look up surprised to see Gideon.

  Gideon snaps the guy’s hand back from his wrist and whispers through gritted teeth. “I’m going to assume that you didn’t hear the lady when she said she is not interested. I suggest you get up and walk away. Am I understood?” The guy looks back to where Gideon is standing. His eyes widen in horror. Then he quickly nods his head. “Yeah man. I didn’t hear her. I just want to go.” Gideon looks him over menacingly then releases him. The guy moves back and quickly stumbles away.


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