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The Assassin's Weakness

Page 4

by Jeanette Rico

  I run my hands through my hair in frustration. I wish I would have taken Jade to bed. That would have relieved me. On the way home I think about how good she felt in my arms. She was so responsive. My cock stands up in attention as if reminding me what we could have had. I let out a frustrated breath and push thoughts of her to the back of my mind. I should have taken one of the club girls’ offers. But the thought of them touching me leaves me cold. I never had a problem going home with women before. But after touching Jade every other woman seems to pale. Goddamn it! It angers me that one slip of a girl has such a hold on me.

  My loft is quiet at this time. Unlike Cameron, I like to live in the middle of the city. My loft is large with many windows and high ceilings. I have a black sectional and a ninety inch television. I walk past the living room to my bedroom and begin to take my clothes off. I slip my gym shorts on and my running shoes. I need to blow off some steam. Thankfully I made one of the rooms into a gym. There’s a treadmill, elliptical, some weights and a boxing bag hanging on the ceiling. I still have a subscription at a gym, but when I really need to blow off steam my gym is available. I pull on some boxing gloves and go at it.

  I’m on my second round with the boxing bag when my doorbell rings. My chest is heaving from exertion. Leaning down I reach for a towel laying on the bench and wipe my head and chest. It’s not an easy feat considering that I’m wearing boxing gloves. The doorbell rings again. I walk to my security panel and click on the screen. It’s Cameron. I’m not surprised to see him. Cameron is the kind of guy that keeps odd hours. It must be a hazard of the job.

  I click a few buttons to let him in and say into the microphone. “I’m in the gym.” Then I go back to the punching bag. Cameron rolls in a few minutes later. “We traced the number.” He says moving towards my computer and entering some information. I remove my gloves and move towards the screen. The screen comes up revealing a map. The map circles and searches until it reaches a shady part of town. He points to the dot indicating the address. “I talked to a contact about this. This house used to be a crack house. There are a few pimps that use it now to sell their “wares”. We did a little bit of backtracking and it shows that several neighborhood prostitutes have gone missing. A lot of them are young girls with no families. From what you told me, if Willem is trying to find models, it is more than likely that he is running some kind of skin trade. Maybe kidnapping these girls and selling them in the skin market. I’m having my man run a few any disappearances around New York night clubs. It might be possible that the other guy is his procurer. ”

  I look over the map for a moment and pull up a map of the club district. “Well this is where I saw him earlier and this is where your informant said he spotted him. Maybe there’s a pattern. It might be possible that there are other procurers too.” His eyes grow grim. “I guess we’ll know when my contact gets back to me. Has the Confradia assigned you any marks?” I think about the list awaiting confirmation in my encrypted computer. “I haven’t confirmed any yet. I’ve just been a little preoccupied lately.”

  Cameron narrows his eyes giving me a searching look. Then points to the boxing bag. “I can see that. What’s going on? Putting off a job is very out of character for you.” I shake my head agitated and run my hands through my hair.

  Then let out an agitated breath. “There’s a woman…no…a girl that I’ve kind of been seeing. I didn’t expect to feel this way.” I scratch my neck and move towards the punching bag. Cameron looks at me for a few moments. Then says, “Look Gideon, it’s hard to have a relationship when we do what we do.” He shakes his head sadly and lets out a breath. “But, we’re not robots. We have feelings. I mean, I had five beautiful years with Grace and I would do it again. Maybe you should give it a chance.” I wince when he asks me. “Wait…you said she’s a girl. How old are we talking?”

  My throat clogs as I croak out. “She’s eighteen.” Cameron’s eyebrows rise in surprise. “Wow that is young. I didn’t think you had a thing for school girls. How did you even meet?” His question brings a smile to my face. I tilt my head in amusement. “She walked up to me and kissed me.” He snorts in disbelief. “Are you serious?” I shake my head. “No. I was walking home from an assignment and she stopped me in the street and kissed me.” At first he gives me a stunned look then throws his head back and laughs hysterically. I stand their stoic as he chuckles and guffaws. He slaps his thigh and leans back on the chair. “Sounds like something that would happen to you. So what happened to her?” His question makes me uncomfortable.

  “She…I… I was ready to take her to bed when you called. Then it kind of hit me. She’s eighteen, I’m a killer. What right do I have to bring this into her life?” Cameron clucks his tongue in pity. “What we do is not for the faint of heart. But if you really want this girl I say take her. In our business it’s good to take every happiness we can.” His words resonate through my mind. But I really don’t want to talk about this anymore. So I change the subject. “I’m going to cruise around the clubs again tonight. Maybe I’ll find something out.” Cameron gives me a penetrating stare but lets the subject drop.

  Maybe tonight I’ll find a woman to relieve this craving. Even if the thought leaves me cold.

  Chapter 9: Rekindled


  Adrian and I are sitting in a nearby French bistro celebrating our debut. He rubs his hands with a gleeful smile. “Oh my goodness girl we killed it tonight. We were so amazing.” He places his hand over his chest and dances in his seat. “I’m going to order some wine to celebrate.” I smile at his enthusiasm. “Yeah we were pretty awesome.” He lifts his hand for a fist bump and I bump it. The restaurant is quite beautiful. The floors and ceiling are marble white and there is a wraparound balcony creating a romantic ambiance. Too bad my date is gay. The waiter is really cute. His name is Colin. He keeps flirting with Adrian, but Adrian is too in love with his husband to pay him any mind.

  Adrian is searching through the menu muttering to himself then asks. “What are you going to get honey?” I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know. What do you suggest?” He preens and waves the menu around. “I like the steak or the shrimp. Everything is good here.” I nod my head in agreement. “Sounds good. This restaurant is beautiful.” He smiles wrapping his arms around his chest. “What’s your favorite restaurant?” I shrug again. “I don’t know. Gideon had taken me to this really nice Italian restaurant a few weeks ago. It was my first date. I guess I can count you as my second date.” Adrian’s eyes go wide. “What? Oh no honey. Uh uh... Are you telling me that you have only been on a date once?” I nod my head in embarrassment. “Yeah. Gideon was my first kind of boyfriend.” Adrian is speechless. He places his hand over his heart. His eyes are wide with surprise. “No way. Does this mean you still have your V-Card?” I look down at my menu in consternation. “Yeah.”

  “Oh no, no, no. We have to find you a man sweetie.” I shake my head in disagreement. “No Adrian. I don’t want to be with anyone right now. Just let it rest.” He pouts fluttering his lashes. His face falls dramatically when I shake my finger in reprimand. “Fine, but I reserve the right to bitch when you turn men down.” I laugh and shake my head.

  The dinner is delicious. We laugh and drink. I haven’t had so much fun in my life. I’m telling Adrian about one of Cherry and Tamara’s misadventures when his eyes go wide and he stiffens in the chair. I raise an eyebrow in question. “What’s wrong Adrian?” Adrian moves forward looking into my eyes. “Don’t look now sweetie, but there’s this really gorgeous man giving me a death glare. He’s sitting in the table right behind you.” I sit up in alarm, but I don’t look back. “Who is it?” He shrugs his shoulders imperceptibly. “I don’t know… but you might. He has gold hair and dark as sin eyes. He looks like the God Apollo come to Earth.”

  My heart speeds up at his description. No it can’t be. The color drains from my face. I shake my head in denial and whisper. “No it can’t be Gideon. He’s the one that broke it off.” Adrian gives me an i
ncredulous look. “Well someone better tell him that, because he’s looking at me like he’s imagining my heart in his hand.” My back goes up at his comment. “No Adrian. He doesn’t feel that way about me. You must be mistaken.” Adrian gives me a fake smile and hisses through his teeth. “Maybe he didn’t do it because of what he said. Maybe there is another reason. Because he looks pissed that we're sitting here.” I refuse to hear anymore. I lay my napkin down and look around for the waiter. Then I look at Adrian and say. “We need to get out of here Adrian.” Adrian’s eyes widen further and he whispers quickly. “How are we going to do that? The door is behind him.” I look around desperately.

  I can’t be here when he’s here. I’m still so embarrassed over what happened. Tears collect in my eyes. Adrian must see my desperation because as soon as the waiter approaches he says, “Colin honey, my friend Jade here has a stalker problem. Is there another exit we can leave through?” Colin, the waiter, nods his head and points his chin towards the balcony. “Oh sweetie, I understand. That balcony over there leads outside. Just go through that door and turn right. You’ll end up in the street.” Adrian hands him a few dollars to pay for dinner. “Keep the change.” He says winking. The waiter smiles flirtatiously and walks away.

  We casually get up from our chairs. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and ushers me towards the balcony. We let out relieved sighs as soon as we make it to the balcony. Adrian turns back to me with a worried look. “Are you okay babe?” I shake my head with stray tears running down my face. Adrian wordlessly pulls me into his arms. He rubs my back and lays a kisses over my head.

  We’re both startled out of our reverie when Gideon walks into the balcony. He looks so good. He’s wearing a tight black sweater and dark blue jeans. He also looks very angry as he says. “Jade.”

  Chapter 10: Regrets


  The night was a bust. I was unable to find any more information on Willem. I just hope that Cameron’s contact gets the information we need. As I am walking out of a club a pretty brunette catches my eye. I walk up to her and invite her to dinner. Now I’m regretting my choice. As she chatters on about I don’t know what, all I can think about is Jade. That’s when I realize why I picked up that woman. She resembles Jade. I take her to a nearby restaurant in hope of salvaging the night. But I just become further annoyed. Felicia or Felicity, whatever her name is, excuses herself to go to the ladies room.

  That’s when I notice the brunette a table away. It takes me a few moments to realize that it’s Jade. Her table is right in front of mine. Felicity or whatever he name is must have been blocking my view. That’s probably why I didn’t notice her. Her back is too me. But I’d recognize her anywhere. There’s a tall man sitting in front of her. My heart stops when he reaches over and touches her hand. My eyes narrow and my vision begins to dim. I want to kill him when he smiles at her.

  After several moments she and her date get up and walk over to the balcony. I rise from my own seat and follow. I see red at the sight that greets me. His arms are around her. I move forward and say, “Jade.” She visibly stiffens and turns to face me. She looks beautiful. She’s wearing a simple sleeveless black dress and black pumps. Her hair is down her back and her eyes look smoky. I move closer. “Jade. What are you doing here?” The guy with her pulls her to his side protectively, which pisses me off more.

  “Can I help you man?” He says in a deep voice. I ignore him and lock eyes with Jade. “I suggest you tell your friend here to go away. We need to talk.” I say with a firm voice. Jade frowns and gives me an incredulous look. “You said what you had to say already Gideon. Now if you don’t mind, my date and I are leaving.” Her words cut through me like a knife. I grit my teeth. “Did you let him fuck you yet?” Jade’s eyes go wide in alarm. Then she shakes her head confused by my behavior.

  Her face darkens. I know she’s going to bitch me out. However, before she can say anything, my date interrupts. She walks into the balcony and places her hands around my forearm. “There you are Gideon. Let’s go. I’m hungry.” Jade tightens her lips in anger as she stares at my date. My chest aches at her look of betrayal. Her date grasps her arm. “Let’s go baby girl.” He says and pulls her away.

  When Jade and her date are out of sight I turn back to my date. “Look Felicia, I’m really tired. I think I’m going to call it a night.” She turns back towards me with an angry face. “My name is Felicity and I’m here for some dinner.” I take out my wallet and hand her a few bills. “Here, buy yourself something good. I have to go.” She gives me an incredulous look and takes my money. “You dick you…”Before she can say anymore, I walk away.

  I slam my fist against the steering wheel in anger at the thought of Jade with that man. I know it’s unreasonable but from the moment I met her, I’ve felt this possessiveness. My phone rings, but I ignore it. I’m too angry. I need to see her.

  I stop my car in front of the school. It’s very quiet. I don’t see anyone walking around. Not like last time. Getting out of my car I head straight towards the entrance. The door is locked, but it’s nothing I haven’t handled before. After a few minutes I’m in the building. I don’t know where to go. The reception desk is empty. However, behind it there is a mailbox listing. I look through it until I find her room number. I walk down the hall with no interruption. Where are all the students? My blood pressure rises at the thought of her going home with that guy.

  I let out a relieved sigh when I reach her door, then I knock. After a moment the door opens. My anger boils over at the sight of Jade’s date answering the door. He raises an eyebrow in question. “Oh it’s you.” He says with a snotty tone. I raise my eyebrows, but remain stoic. “Where is Jade?” I say patiently trying to restrain my temper. The man puts his hand on his waist and looks me up and down. “She’s changing into something comfortable right now.” My restrain shatters and I push the door open forcing myself in. “JADE! GET OUT HERE! NOW!” I call out angrily. The man gives me an incredulous look. I give him a pissed off glare.

  Instead of becoming angry he throws his head back and laughs. Then he places his hands in the air, “Oh honey, she’s going to have her hands full with you. If I wasn’t already taken I’d give you a ride. Whoo wee.” He says fanning himself.

  My eyebrows rise up in question. But before I can respond the door opens. Jade steps out wearing a longs white t-shirt. My body shudders in arousal at the sight of her stiff little nipples showing through her worn shirt. Her eyes widen in shock. “What are you doing here Gideon?”

  Chapter 11: Orders


  Adrian and I are in my dorm room right now. We’re flipping through channels as we lay side by side on my bed. However, neither of us is watching television. Adrian fans himself dramatically as he mentions our encounter with Gideon. “Oh honey. If looks could kill, I’d be dead. The way that man looked at me when he saw you in my arms… He was so hot. You didn’t tell me he was older though. I expected an eighteen year old thug.”

  I roll my eyes at his comment. “I actually don’t know how old he is. Maybe late twenties. Truthfully, I don’t really know much about Gideon. Our encounters have been kind of a whirlwind. What am I going to do Adrian? I really feel something for him.” Adrian shakes his head, clucking his tongue. “I really don’t know what to tell you. He seemed so intense. Maybe he does care about you and there’s another reason why he pushes you away. I mean, you’re gorgeous and sweet. Any man would be lucky to have you.”

  I blush at his compliment and sit up kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks Adrian.” I say getting up from the bed. “I’m going to change into some comfy clothes. You want to stay and watch a movie or something.” He nods his head smiling. “Sure. Go and change and I’ll pick something. What are you in the mood for? Romance? Horror? Action?” I think for a moment. “How about something with action?” I turn in the direction of my bathroom as he surfs movies on Netflix.

  I change out of my dress with a sigh. I decide to forgo any underwear. I
mean it’s not like Adrian is going to hit on me. As I’m slipping my shirt over my chest I hear a booming voice calling to me. Opening the door I come face to face with Gideon. He is standing in front of Adrian looking very angry. Surprise rushes through my body. I move into the room. “What are you doing here Gideon?” Gideon’s eyes travel over my body sensuously. My breasts feel heavy and I can feel a tingle between my legs. He moves closer and says gruffly. “Tell your friend to leave. We need to talk.”

  I look over to Adrian who is checking Gideon’s butt out, then look back at Gideon. I straighten my spine and cross my arms over my chest. “I’m not doing any such thing. What do you want?” His jaw clenches tightly. “Either you tell your friend to leave or I force him out.” He says through gritted teeth. I let out a nervous breath and look at Adrian. Adrian stands there waiting for my response. Gideon’s murderous tone makes me uneasy. I can’t let him hurt Adrian for something that I involved him in. I glare at Gideon then turn to Adrian.

  “Go home Adrian. I’m going to talk to Gideon.” Adrian looks at me in question. “Are you sure honey? I can probably take him.” Gideon snaps his head towards Adrian and gives him a daring grin. You know the type of grin, the one where you show all your teeth. The hairs on my neck stand up. It’s almost scary. I gulp and answer. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll call you later, okay?” He nods his head in agreement. But before he walks out he faces Gideon. “If you hurt her I will find you and cut you to pieces. You hear me?” Gideon gives him a respectful nod.


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