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Eight Brothers’ Fiancée: A Reverse Harem Romance (Love by Numbers Book 7)

Page 8

by Casey, Nicole

  I took the glass and smiled. “Thank you.”

  Delvin’s eyes slowly scanned down my form and then back up. I tried to pick an outfit that was both modest enough not to draw too much attention, but flashy enough not to be too stuffy for a club. I had a sleeveless, dark green dress that hugged my neck in a crew neckline, and covered my entire chest. It did open up into a triangle shape just above my belly button, but then the fabric started again and covered my entire hips and ass, and stopped mid-thigh. I had my hair down, in loose waves, and wore a pair of suede, black booties. The way Delvin was looking at me, it was as if I was standing in front of him stark naked.

  “I’ll be back soon.” He turned his back to me and made his way down the hall and out of sight.

  I turned around and started to pace around the apartment. I was afraid of getting too comfortable. It could be possible that I just accidentally caught Delvin, fresh off of a workout that had gone over time, about to hop in the shower, and there were no ill-dealings at all. However, Rogan had told me very clearly and specifically that nothing happened to them that they didn’t specifically want to happen, and if that was the case, Delvin knew exactly what he was up to. The last thing I should do was get comfortable on one of his couches when he comes out of the shower.

  I wandered over to the fireplace and started to look over the pictures on the mantle. There was a picture of a young boy that looked like him with a couple of adults, that I assumed were his birth parents. Another next to it, depicted a slightly older Delvin, with a much older man standing next to him. They were standing in front of a piano and Delvin was holding up a 1st place ribbon. There were a couple of him by himself, and one more recent photo of him, his brothers, his father, and a beautiful woman in a wedding dress. I’d heard that Richard Foxx had recently gotten married from Sadie; I wondered if that was his wife. She was stunning, and clearly much younger.

  “Her name is Sienna, my stepmom.” I jumped a little at the sound of Delvin’s voice and waited to turn around until I could gain my composure. “Well, my current stepmom. The twins’ birth mother died giving birth to them, so none of the eight of us ever knew her. Then Richard married a woman when we were all in middle school, a woman that was meant to help raise us, but none of us really liked her. He divorced her and then met Sienna a few years ago and they got hitched almost a year ago.”

  “Well, you know what they say about marriages. First time is for--” I turned around and nearly dropped the wine glass out of my hand. Delvin was standing behind me, still dripping from his shower, with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. I threw my hand up to block the image, in spite of my gut reaction to enjoy the view. “Oh my god. Do you have no shame?”

  “What?” Delvin replied. “This is my house. Besides, the clothes I’m wearing to the club are still in the dryer.”

  “You’ve known that we’re going all day. Why aren’t the clothes clean already?”

  “I’m a guy, so sue me.” He laughed. “Don’t be such a prude. We were having such a nice conversation just now. Tell me about what they say about marriages.”

  “What the hell are you doing?” I looked over and Harley and Huxley were walking in the door. It was two new cars screeching towards the existing car crash. Huxley rushed over and pushed Delvin a few feet away and stood defensively in front of me. “Go put some clothes on.”

  Harley rolled his eyes. “I told you he was going to pull this shit.”

  Delvin’s eyes widened and jaw dropped. “Don’t pull your fucking twin shit on--”

  “I told you,” Huxley growled, “to be professional.”

  “Alexa is the best thing that ever happened to our company, and you’re going to risk it all acting like a horndog?” Harley barked. “Go get dressed. We’re gonna be late.”

  Delvin shook his head like a disappointed father. He glared at Huxley. “You fucking set me up.”

  “Stop your whining and go get dressed,” Huxley spat back nearly before he finished his sentence. Delvin looked at me and then at Harley before storming off back down the hallway. Huxley turned around and looked at me. “I am so sorry about that.”

  “I mean, I can’t blame him,” Harley began, his eyes painting me over. “You look unbelievable.”

  My heart was threatening to jackhammer a hole in my chest. The twins looked like a steak and potatoes. They were wearing similar pairs of sleek, black jeans, combat boots, and matching, short-sleeved dress shirts apart from the fact that Harley’s was a deep purple and Huxley’s was a smoky gray. I wished I could control the way they lit me on fire, but ever since I had that first dream, lewd thoughts seemed to slip in no matter how much I tried to turn them off.

  “Thanks,” I responded. “You guys look good too.”

  “This old thing?” Huxley said. He pulled the glass of wine from my hands and downed it in one go and then shrugged. “Just in case.”

  Harley rolled his eyes. “Ignore him. Del wouldn’t do that.”

  I nodded. “I know.”

  Harley took a few steps closer to me and Huxley stayed standing in place. The closer Harley came, the more I could feel my inhibitions lowering. It was just like they’d approached me in my dream and it was all I could think about. Huxley even put a hand up to my face and pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear. This is bad, was all I could think. If they tried to take me, I wasn’t sure I could refuse.

  “You really are beautiful,” Huxley complimented.

  My body was blazing. “Th-thank you.”

  Huxley stepped a few feet back and Harley stopped at his side. “Well, we should get going. We have the driver downstairs.”

  I was shocked. That was not how things went in my dream. A tinge of disappointment crashed over me. “I’m ready,” I said, not entirely talking about leaving.

  “Great.” Harley walked over to the door and held it open. “After you.”

  I walked past Huxley and Harley and out into the hallway. Harley put his hand on my lower back and guided me down the hallway. Huxley made his way to my other side, flanking me as we made our way towards the elevator. I kept my eyes straight and my hands to myself. Whether the Foxx twins were actively trying to get me or not, half the battle was already over.



  I was struggling to keep my attention on sifting through the crowd with Alexa in front of me looking as good as she did. I was certain she picked her dress to try and refrain from looking loose, but the way it pasted itself to her shapely form and gave just a perfect peek at her midriff, it was hypnotizing to say the least.

  Huxley, Delvin, Alexa, and I made our way to the VIP section where Maverick was already standing at the top of the stairs waving us down. Delvin clapped hands with the security guard, who stepped aside and allowed us by. As Alexa walked by him, he looked her up and down. I understood, but it also made me want to punch him in the mouth. I didn’t have any right to be possessive over Alexa, at least not yet. Huxley and I had laid the groundwork, but I was having second thoughts. I’d always liked her, and I didn’t want to ruin our chances with her. I could see the look on her face when we walked in on her and Delvin; if Huxley and I got that same response, that could blow our only chance.

  Once we were safely inside the club, Huxley turned and looked back at me with a sharp grin. “We killed it back at Del’s. I’m gonna go get Alexa a drink.” I grabbed his arm and he backed up. “What?”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t.” I looked at Alexa laughing with Delvin and Maverick, shaking hands and making nice with the new artist. I definitely didn’t want to mess it up. “With Alexa. Not just yet.”

  “What?” Huxley huffed. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Did you see the way she was looking at Delvin? What if that happens to us? We won’t get another chance,” I explained.

  “That won’t happen to us. I saw the way she looked at Delvin and I also saw the way she looked at us. I thought she was gonna start stripping right there.”

  “Maybe, but I
want to be sure. We finally have a chance with her. Do you want to fuck it up?” I asked.

  Huxley pondered it, his lips pursing in frustration. “No, but…” He let out a deep sigh. “Then what the fuck are we doing here?”

  “Let’s just spend some time with her, get to know her,” I said. “It’ll be better.”

  Huxley shook his head. “All this Malia shit is messing with your head.” He looked at me, but when he saw that I wasn’t going to bend, he let out a groan. “Fine.”

  “Thanks.” I walked up to where Delvin, Maverick, Alexa, and the new artist were standing and held out my hand. “Harley.”

  The artist took my hand and shook it. “Kaine.”

  He was dressed in a leather jacket and pants, all of it covered in chains, safety pins, and different sized metal rings. Delvin and Maverick told me that the guy was a rapper, but he looked more like the head singer in a punk band.

  Huxley came up and stood next to me. “Huxley.” He didn’t extend a hand. He was a good businessman, but sometimes he was childish when it came to professionalism. “So, when do you go on?”

  “My set starts in about ten,” he responded with an urban drawl to his voice. He looked over at Alexa and grinned, revealing a sparkling set of jewel encrusted teeth coverings. “Which one of ya brought the pretty lady?”

  “Oh, uh, I work for the Foxxes,” Alexa responded.

  “Word?” he said, moving a bit closer. “Maybe you wanna come on stage with me.”

  “No,” all four of us brothers resounded in unison.

  Kaine held up his hands and stepped back. “Aight, I got it.” He gave Delvin a high five and then sauntered his way out of VIP and over towards the stage.

  Maverick held up a hand. “Alright, don’t worry about how he acts, just wait for his music.”

  The four of us sat down at a table in the VIP section and a few minutes later a waitress brought over some drinks. Alexa took one, and I saw Huxley eye her enticingly, but I shot him a glare and he looked away. Alexa pulled out her phone and set it on top of the table, initiating the record feature.

  Delvin looked at it and raised an eyebrow. “I have a copy of everything he’s performing if you want it,” he offered.

  “I imagined, but I like having the live sound bites when I write. It helps me recall the experience. Auditory memory.”

  Delvin and Maverick’s lips both curved into matching smiles. They loved a girl who could talk music.

  “I can’t wait to see what you come up with,” Maverick said. “Any first impressions?”

  “Yeah,” Alexa said. “Based on his look, he could rock a BDSM club.”

  Maverick let out a laugh. “Keaton heard his demo and loved it.” Alexa’s jaw dropped and we all laughed. “Don’t look so surprised. Under that whole ‘surfer dude’ look, he’s got lots of layers. We all do.”

  Alexa smiled pensively, looking around at all of us. “Rogan said something similar to me once. You Foxxes like hiding your true selves, don’t you?”

  Maverick leaned across the table, bringing himself much closer to Alexa. “We only give the goods away to those who have earned it.” He winked at her and settled back into his seat, and to my surprise, a light blush made its way to Alexa’s face.

  After another few minutes, Kaine’s set finally started. His set up was a full garage band, but he was holding the mic, jumping around the stage, rapping. All of his lyrics were embroiled with sexual innuendos and the exploitation of women. I started taking a sip of my drink every single time he used the word ‘hoe,’ ‘slut,’ or ‘bitch’ until I was on the verge of being drunk and decided I shouldn’t play anymore.

  Delvin and Maverick got up from the table eventually and moved down to the main floor. They were partiers at heart and liked being amidst the crowd. Huxley tuned out entirely and was playing a mindless game on his phone, and Alexa had her nose crinkled up like she was smelling a dead body.

  I chuckled. “So you don’t like the music?”

  Alexa looked over at me. “Are you kidding?”

  “We had no idea he was like this,” Huxley said, tucking his phone away into his pocket. “We can go if you want.”

  Alexa sighed. “Am I going to be expected to write a story about this guy? Because if so, as much as it sucks, I probably should stick it out.”

  “We can stay a bit longer,” I said. “A show of good faith towards Del and Mav if nothing else. I’m sorry too, though. If I’d known, I never would have let you come.”

  “Let me?” Alexa repeated. “I’m not some priss who can’t take swear words, but if this guy expects a glowing review, I’m Dr. Phil.”

  Huxley nodded. “I feel differently about Dr. Phil.” Alexa and I both chuckled.

  Another of Kaine’s verses started.“I shove it in her pussy and bust without a rubber, I bounce back right away, you boys can call me flubber.”

  I laughed. “I don’t even think half this audience knows what flubber is.”

  Alexa took a sip of her drink. “I don’t think he knows what flubber is. I guarantee you someone else wrote that.”

  Huxley’s eyes widened. “Wow. I bet you’re right. I never would have thought of that. We were right to pick you. You really do know what you’re talking about.”

  Alexa’s blush returned. “Thank you.”

  “When I say ‘Fuck that!’ you say, ‘Hoe.’ Fuck that--”


  “Fuck that--”


  Alexa slammed the button on her phone to stop it from recording. “Okay. We can go.”

  I tipped my head to Huxley. “Text them and let them know.”

  “I’m already on it,” Huxley responded, pulling his phone out.

  We led Alexa out of the VIP section, through the crowd, and out of the club. I pulled out my phone and called our driver, to come and pick us up. It was a cooler night in Dallas, and traffic was congested around the club, so our driver was having some trouble getting to us. Alexa folded her hands over her arms, but it was doing little to shield her from the cold. I started to unbutton my dress shirt and pulled it off, leaving me in only the tank top I was wearing under it.

  “Oh no, you’ll be freezing.” Alexa tried to push the shirt back on me, but I persisted.

  “It’s fine. Really. I run hot.” I wrapped the shirt around her, and it swallowed her up. It looked good on her. I’d pay thousands to see her in it alone. I glanced up and I could tell that Huxley had the same thought.

  Alexa pulled it tight around herself, and I noticed her take a quick sniff of it. “Thank you.”

  The car finally pulled up and Huxley got in first, followed by Alexa, followed by myself. She started to pull the shirt off, but I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and held it in place. “It’s fine. Keep it until we get to your place.”

  Alexa nodded. “Okay.” She snuggled a little closer to me and my heart pounded.

  I tried to get Huxley’s attention, but he was staring at her warmly. He was starting to feel it too, I could see it. Alexa was different.

  “Sorry again about that,” I started finally.

  Alexa shrugged. “Demeaning lyrics aside, it was pretty fun. It’s nice to see you boys let go a little bit.”

  I grinned. “We won’t typically ask you to do something so outrageous.”

  “Yeah,” Huxley said and then his expression suddenly changed, like a light bulb just went off in his head. “Except for this next request.”

  Alexa and I both looked over at Huxley. “What?” I said.

  He looked into Alexa’s eyes. “I know that it’s a little crazy, but we’re going to need you to come to Italy with us next week.”

  Alexa looked like she had seen a ghost. “I-Italy?”

  “What are you doing?” I asked. Italy was the last place I wanted Alexa. Malia was going to be there, as well as Dante.

  “I have a feeling Alexa can help us with our little problem there.”

  I shook my head. “That is not a good idea. I
’ve got it covered.”

  “No you don’t,” Huxley hissed back. “Come on, let her help.”

  Alexa looked up at me. “If you have a problem and I can help, then let me. You’ve been so wonderful to me. It’s the least I can do.” She put a hand on my leg. “Please. Let me help.”

  I looked at Alexa, then over at Huxley, then back at Alexa, then back at Huxley. He was looking back at me as if to say “I’ve got a plan.”

  I dropped my eyes back to Alexa’s and saw how sincere she looked. I didn’t want her to get hurt, but if Huxley had a plan, I should trust him. In almost 30 years of life, my brother had never let me down. I lifted a hand and rubbed the side of Alexa’s face. “Okay.”

  Huxley leaned up towards the driver. “Redirect to my place.” He looked back over his shoulder at Alexa and I. “We’ll explain all the details when we get there.”



  I wasn’t quite sure where my hairbrained scheme stemmed from, but being with Alexa made it all click in an instant. I wanted Alexa. Not just once, not just right now, but for a long time. I realized that Harley was right when he said that we shouldn’t rush things and risk losing her. That’s why we needed to bring her with us to Italy. She needed to see our family for what we truly were, and maybe she would know how to sort things out with Malia too. Originally, we’d decided to leave her out of it and just keep her safe from Malia’s wrath, but we were running out of time. Despite what he said, Harley had no plan, and if we went to Italy, Harley was going to have to marry that devil woman and then we’d definitely lose the chance to be with Alexa. We needed to take the risk that showing her everything wouldn’t scare her off. If she could handle the real Foxx family, then we’d know for sure she was the one.

  She sat down on the couch, still holding Harley’s shirt around her. She looked good enough to eat, but now wasn’t the time to focus on that. We had to fill her in and see if she could come up with a plan where none of us could.


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