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by JM Kelley

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  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

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  JM Kelley


  To CD Reiss; Your words have always been an inspiration. Thank you for the chance to write in the Drazen World. It’s an opportunity of a life time and a dream come true.

  To my fellow Drazen World authors; Thank you for all of your support. It’s truly an honor to know all of you.

  To my husband and the man of my dreams; Thank you for all your support and always believing in me. Your love has given me the strength to accomplish my dreams.


  The atmosphere is buzzing, and the whiskey is flowing at The Bar tonight. Yes, that’s the actual name of this establishment here in Jackson Texas, population:1,819, where I reside. Not for much longer! I think It’s meant to be some ode to Billy Joel, considering all his music memorabilia is plastered all over these wood-paneled walls. You’d think it would have a cowboy theme, but the owner Hank is originally from New York, so I guess it makes sense to him. It’s the only place in this tiny town to hide away and drown your sorrows on a Friday night, which usually is what you'll find me doing, but tonight everyone is here to celebrate. Tonight, everyone is here to say goodbye to the Thorensen brothers. My baby brother by two years, Ben, is leaving Monday on his first tour of duty to Afghanistan, and I will be continuing my education at Stanford School of Medicine.

  I notice her the moment I walk in. She’s quite hard to miss with that sexy-as-fuck, curvy in all the right places body of hers. Her beautiful, angelic, girl next door look makes everyone stop and take notice. An infectious smile brightens her entire face as she throws her head back to laugh at something one of her girlfriends just whispered in her ear. Her smile lights up the entire room and could bring any strong man to his knees. I pause in the doorway, not to scout out the place, but because I need a moment to catch my breath just at the sight of her. She’s a perfect fantasy, her tight blue skinny jeans hug her body in all the right places. The genuine-snakeskin cowboy boots her jeans are tucked into, make her look amazingly bad-ass. Her fantastic perky breasts, the ones I fantasize about at night, are barely contained in the tight black V-neck T-shirt she's wearing. Her natural beauty doesn’t require makeup, but she always wears just a little. I’m mesmerized watching her soft blonde locks fall around her face when she throws back a shot of some amber, fiery liquid. She slams the empty glass on the bar and places the back of her hand over her scrunched up mouth, letting out the cutest giggle, and I wish I could hear that sound every day for the rest of my life.

  Her blue eyes sparkle when she lifts her head up and glances across the bar, catching me gawking at her. She breaks into a slow sexy grin and waves me over, but my feet feel like their cemented on the sawdust-covered floor. My chest tightens, and all the oxygen is sucked from the room when she smiles at me. Reality smacks me like a slap in the face when someone stomps up behind her, wraps his arms around her tiny waist and nuzzles his face into her neck. The delusional part of my brain wants to grab the guy and pummel his face into the edge of the bar, but the rational part knows that it wouldn’t be right to do that to my brother or his girlfriend of three years, the girl who is off limits to me.

  I greet a few people as I make my way over to the corner of the bar where Ben and Sarah mingle. Ben slaps me on the back and hands me a shot of whiskey. “What’s up baby brother?” He slurs, clearly already three-sheets-to-the-wind. “You know I’m your older brother, right?” I deadpan. Considering he has three inches on me and almost twice the body mass, I can see where he’d get confused. He could probably bench press me on a bad day. Man, I need to work out more. Sarah pulls me in for a hug, her body softening against mine, and I can’t help inhaling her sweet, honey scent. God, I need to get out of this town. “Hi Brad, now that you’re both here, we can get this party started.” I must have held her in the hug a little too long because she releases a slow breath and her body goes rigid before she nervously backs away. I just want to pull her back into my arms and keep her there all night. “Hey, Sarah!” is about all I can muster, before I throw my shot back and relish the burn.

  The day my brother brought Sarah home was the day I fell in love with her. Ben was a senior, Sarah a junior, and I was already in college. I hated seeing them together from the beginning, and it’s beyond me why she stays with the douchebag. Ben has always been nothing but trouble, running around town drunk just like dear old Dad, and fucking anything with a pair of tits. Their relationship has had plenty of ups and downs over the past three years, but my brother swears he’s in love with Sarah. He insists she is the woman who is going to make him change his asshole ways. She deserves better than him. “Get us another round of shots Kelly!” My inebriated brother shouts across the bar to the bartender, a girl I graduated high school with. I clench my fists, feeling the urge to hit him when his eyes land on Kelly’s ass a little too long. When I glance over to Sarah, she’s oblivious to his ogling.

  Two months ago, Sarah caught Ben kissing another woman, but somehow, he brainwashed her and she gave him another chance. It pissed me off, and I had a massive fight with my brother over it, but Ben swears nothing happened. Say’s he’s a changed man, and committed to Sarah. He insists the military is going to make him into the man Sarah needs. I’m not so sure. I kind of doubt every word that spews out of his mouth. If she were mine, I’d treat her like a queen.

  The shots are brought over, and when Sarah reaches for her drink, that’s when I see it, the tiny diamond that's shining off of her left hand. Ben turns to me, and the corners of his mouth curve up into a devious lopsided grin. I take a deep breath and feel all the blood rush from my face. “That’s right brother, need to take care of business at home before I leave.” He pulls Sarah into his arms tight and kisses her on the forehead. “Wouldn’t want anyone stealing my girl while I’m gone, now would we?” I feel like I’m about to hurl. I want to storm out of this bar and get away. Instead, I congratulate them both and buy them another drink. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough. I need to leave this crappy town and never look back.

  I stew in the corner with my feet resting on the empty bar stool next to me, nursing my whiskey. I don’t feel like mingling with anyone tonight, in fact, all I can think about is how many hours until I’m out of this damn town, so I can start my new life. I’ve always felt like an outsider here in Jackson, judged because of my last name, condemned just because I was born into a shitty family. Both my parents are alcoholics, my father the happy drunk and my mother the abusive drunk. Mom always let my brother, and I know how much she wished we were never born, whether it was with her cruel words or her iron fists, and Dad was always too drunk to care. Just your typical dysfunctional family! The entire town puts me in the same category as my lying, cheating, douchebag brother, but I’m nothing like him. My reputation suffers by association, but I’m working hard to make something of m
yself. I’ve completed four years of college at the local state university, and now I’m off to medical school to prove them all wrong.

  Every so often I catch her eyeing me from across the room and wonder if she’s thinking about me too. I always like to imagine that she feels the same way I do, but I know It’s all a fantasy. Everyone around me is having fun, shooting pool, playing darts and line dancing, and I’m just sitting here torturing myself as I watch the girl of my dreams and the way her sinful body sways to the music. When she glances in my direction, and our eyes connect, it feels like It’s just her and me in the room. My brother is wasted and flirting with other girls when he thinks Sarah isn’t looking, and I just want to get up and punch him in the face for the way he makes her feel. Can’t he see what a precious gift she is? The more I sit and fume, the more my rage flames inside. And the more I sit and watch her, the harder my dick gets. She’s bent over the pool table, and my thoughts grow wild. I run my hands over that sexy, hot ass of her’s, and she wraps her long smooth legs around my waist as I slide my thick cock inside her. I need to get the fuck out of here before I drive myself insane, so I jump off the bar stool and make my way down the musty corridor to the bathroom, needing to relieve myself before I sneak out.

  A loud crash comes from the supply closet before I have a chance to push the bathroom door open, so I decide to check it out. I swing the door open, livid at the display. Ben is in a lip lock with Kelly, his hands roaming across her naked breasts. They both startle and break apart at the sight of me. Kelly’s arms fly over her chest in embarrassment, and my brother just smirks. I turn and storm away, but Brad is hot on my heels, and I’m surprised he can even walk straight. I race through the bar as quickly as possible avoiding eye contact with anyone. I just need to make it to the parking lot before anyone stops me because at this moment I think I could be capable of murder.

  “Brad!” My brother shouts as I fumble with the keys, trying to get them in the door of my truck as quick as possible, apparently not quick enough. “Brad wait up man.” “Not now Ben, you need to go home, preferably with your fiancé.” “You’re not gonna say anything to Sarah, right?” He places his hand on my shoulder trying to stop me from getting into the truck, and I break. My fist slams into his jaw, and he falls flat on his ass. Pain radiates through my hand and up my arm, but I ignore it. I’ve never punched anyone before, and I’m glad my asshole brother is my first recipient. The idiot just sits on the ground stunned, rubbing his jaw, laughing. “Fuck Brad, what the hell.” He struggles to get up, and I know it’s the alcohol affecting him more than the punch. Half the bar is now marveling at the spectacle when Sarah comes running over and kneels down by Ben’s side. “Brad, what the hell is going on?” She scowls up at me with angry blue eyes. So fucking sexy! “Heeey Baby, We were just fucking around. Brad punched me, and It didn’t even hurt.” Ben slurs every word, laying flat on his back in the middle of the graveled parking lot. Then he closes his eyes like he’s about to go to sleep. Asshole! “Brad, help me get him up please," Sarah begs as she struggles to lift him. Of course, I help her, but he’s dead weight until a couple of guys come over and help out. “Brad, Can you help me get him home, please?” My jaw clenches and I can still feel the blood flowing through the tendrils of my neck, but I can’t deny the desperation swimming in her eyes when she pleads. “Let's get him in the truck.”

  The drive is quiet, as I make my way through the dark, winding, back roads. Sarah's perched in the back seat, with Ben’s head resting on her lap. “What happened Ben?” Our eyes meet in the rearview mirror, and I can see her tears threatening. “Just brotherly stuff Sarah, he’s just drunk and needs to sleep it off.” Her brows snap together and I know she doesn't believe me, but she needs to figure this shit out on her own. She knows what he’s capable of, yet she still chooses him, and I refuse to get in the middle of it.

  Doing most of the heavy lifting, I pull Ben from the truck. We sling his arms over both our shoulders and carefully walk him to the house he and I rent. Neither one of us could wait to get out of the home we grew up in, so when I was eighteen I left, and Ben followed. “You need to walk Ben, wake the fuck up.” I smack his cheek trying to keep him alert. “Heeey, baby brother, thanks for not ratting me out about Kelly,” He sings. I glance over and see Sarah’s expression harden. “Let’s go, Ben, Sarah’s here too, time for bed Shit head.” He rests his head on Sarah’s shoulder. “Aaaawe, hey Sarah, I love you, Baby.” “Ben, you’re an asshole.” Sarah hisses at him. We struggle to get him through the front door and roughly deposit him onto the couch since Its closer than the bedroom. I lift his feet up onto the couch, and Sarah yanks his boots off, dropping them onto the floor with a loud, angry thud. “Are you staying here tonight with him?” I ask as she throws the crochet blanket over his lifeless body. “Can you take me home, I told Momma I’d be home tonight. I don’t want her to worry.” The pain in her voice guts me, and I just want to scoop her up into my arms and never let go.

  The tension between us grows thicker than the fog on the drive home. Sarah rests her head against the passenger window, quietly sighing while she bites the cuticles on her nails. She deserves better, someone whose sole purpose in life is to make her smile. That couldn’t be me. We pull onto her street, which is a dirt road with only a few houses on it. Her dad split when she was thirteen, so It's just her and her Mom now, and she’s been sickly this past year, putting a lot of extra stress on Sarah. I stop the truck way back from her house and turn off the engine. I wonder to myself if I should just scrounge up the courage and tell her how I feel about her. But then what? We’d run away together and live happily ever after? I reach out and place my hand on hers. It’s warm and comforting, and I just want to hold it in mine forever. “Sarah!” I whisper, causing her to gaze up from her lap with heavy sadness in her eyes. I swallow hard not quite sure what to say. “It’s okay Brad, I’ve accepted how he is. What choice do I have?” “You know you have a choice Sarah, you’ve always had a choice.” She stares back down at her lap, nervously wringing her hands. “Brad, what can I do? You leave tomorrow, and you're probably never coming back. So tell me what my options are.” She stares me down. “You could come with me.” The words come out so quickly; my heart is pounding in my chest. I place my arm on her shoulder and slide her over to me until her body molds perfectly into mine. We’ve never been alone like this, in such an intimate situation, and It feels so good, almost natural like it’s supposed to be like this. “Brad!” She gazes up at me, and I swear I can see love in her eyes. She caresses my face with the palm of her hand, and all I can think about is pulling her closer and kissing her. “Brad, I was born in this town, and I’ll probably die here. I can’t leave my Momma, but you, you have the opportunity to leave this place and make something of yourself. I would only hold you back.” She whispers the last part. “We could make a life together, I know we could make it work.” “I can’t Brad.” She says softly, her sad eyes boring a deep hole straight into my soul.

  I stroke her hair, my eyes still fixated on hers. I want to kiss her soft lips, just one time. I need it embedded in my brain before I leave, just to remember her bye. Our lips are close, but she doesn't move. Her enticing eyes darken with lust. She must feel the energy between us as much as I do. “Brad,” She whispers like a prayer, and I swear I can hear her heart beating, or maybe it’s just my own.

  I shouldn’t, but I lean in and softly place my mouth on hers, her lips part immediately for me, and Its heaven. Our kiss is nothing but lips, but everything that could destroy me. The kiss grows desperate like there's no tomorrow because there is no tomorrow for us. She slips her tongue into my mouth, and I’m gone. I know I’ll never forget her soft, greedy lips, the dancing of our warm tongues. I begin to lose control. My fingers brush through her hair as I grasp the back of her neck and pull her closer. A soft moan escapes her lips, and I know It’s wrong, and I should end this, but I don't. Her arms reach around my neck, her delicate fingers curling through my hair, sending ting
les down my spine. “Please Brad, just this once.” She pleads as if I’m going to stop, but I never want to stop.

  She climbs up on her knees, still locked with my lips, and I lift her over my lap, so she’s straddling me. I smooth my hands over her breasts lightly pinching her erect nipples through her cotton shirt, and my cock turns to Steele when she moans into my mouth. She grabs the hem of her T-shirt and pulls it over her head, in one swift motion, then grapples at my shirt in a frenzy. I unclasp the front of her purple lace bra letting her gorgeous, perfect tits spill out. I need to feel her skin on mine, so I break the kiss, gasping for air, and quickly help her remove my T-shirt. She holds my gaze for a moment, and I see everything in her eyes that I’m feeling. We know it's wrong, and it will never go anywhere, but neither one of us is about to stop this. Three years of built of tension, wanting someone you know you can never have. We both know this will be our first and last time.

  Tears begin to pool around her eyes, and oh no, I can’t have that. So I frame her face in my hands and kiss her stronger. Kiss her until neither one of us is thinking straight. Our tongues dueling, mouths sucking till were both breathless. The feel of her warm skin against my chest lights my body on fire, and it’s almost too much to bear. My dick is so fucking hard and throbbing; I have to slow down and gain some control before I blow my load like a teenager on prom night. Her shaky hands reach down, struggling with my belt, and I stop her motion by grabbing her wrists. “I need the taste of your pussy on my tongue first.” I gently slide her off my lap and lay her across the bench of my truck. Lifting her legs, I remove her boots and chuck them to the floor in a fury. I wrestle her jean’s down her legs until they are inside out and laying on the floor along with her panties. I pause, wanting to take in the sight of her bare pussy glistening in the moonlight. “Fuck Sarah, you’re so damn sexy.” And damn if she didn't just lick her lips. She anxiously begins to upright her self, but I gently nudge her back down with the palm of my hand. “Na-ah Sunshine, I need to taste you first.”


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