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HEART Page 6

by JM Kelley

Soft classical music hums through the speakers as I anxiously lie here on a stretcher in the surgical holding room. An IV is being inserted into my arm by a focused red-headed nurse, while the chirpy one with wavy blonde hair checks my blood pressure. “Looks like you have company.” The blonde nurse smiles up at me just as the red-head pinches my arm with a needle. I glance up from my arm, and my heart thumps in my chest at the enchanting sight. My sexy girl is standing there in a grey hooded sweatshirt and form-fitting yoga pants that hug her tight ass, showcasing her sexy toned legs. Her golden locks flow across her shoulders, and she looks like an angel. Her infectious smile always seems to brighten my day. Standing next to her is Ashley, in pink pajama pants and a grey T-shirt with a huge smiley face on the front, shyly clutching her IV pole. My face lights up, and I know my smile reaches my ears at the sight of them. These feelings I’m having are so enormous it makes my chest ache. “Looks like someone planned a successful prison break.” I snicker, eliciting a tiny smirk from Ashley’s sweet face. Sarah cautiously moves toward me after the nurses excuse themselves, while Ashley stands in the background nervously bouncing on her feet. “We wanted to see you before you go in,” Sarah mutters as her cheeks heat with a lovely pink blush. “I’m glad I got to see you guys too.” The warmth in her eyes is unmistakable, and it’s inspiring. “Brad, I just wanted to say thank you again for this, you have no idea…” Her eyes gloss over when she speaks. “You don’t have to thank me. I’d do anything for you guys.” Sarah nervously rocks on the balls of her feet. “Well, good luck and I’ll come down to see you after the procedure. Ashley would like to speak to you in private before you go in. I’m going to wait in the hallway. I’ll see you after.” Her lips tenderly caress my forehead, sending a chill down my spine. Ashley moves closer to me, and Sarah smooths her hair with her palm before leaving us.

  “Hey Angel, how are you feeling?” “I’m okay. I wanted to see you before the procedure. The nurses only gave me fifteen minutes, before they send out the SWAT team." She rolls her eyes, and I can't help laughing at her cuteness. “This is going to work Angel. You’ll be out of this place before you know it.” I speak confidently, wanting to ease her worry. She gives me a tiny nod in agreement. “Sooo… I wanted to say thank you for everything. You don’t even know me, and you didn’t have to…” Her eyes glisten with tears, and it tugs at my heartstrings. “Angel, I would do anything for you. I know we met under unusual circumstances, but I want to be in your life if that’s okay with you. Ben will always be your dad, I understand that, and I don't want to take that away from you. But I want to be there for you too, whenever you need me. Sweetheart, the first time I saw you, I knew that I loved you.” Tears slide down her cheeks, and I brush them away with my thumb. I never want to see this girl cry. “Do you love my mom?” Well, I did not expect that question. I pause for a moment trying to choose my words carefully, but there is only one honest answer. “Angel, I’ve loved your mom from the very first time I saw her, and yes, I still love her.” She rests her tiny hand on mine. “She’s still in love with you too. She didn’t tell me, but I can see the way she looks at you.” I chuckle. “Now don’t go playing matchmaker just yet. Your mom and I have some things to talk about once everything settles down. But first, we need to concentrate on getting you better.” I poke her nose playfully with my finger eliciting a shy smile. Doctor Collins walks in glaring at us with a tiny smirk on his face. “Are you supposed to be out of bed young lady?” Ashley rolls her eyes again. “See, SWAT." "I think we could take him.” I wink. She say's goodbye and grins at Dr. Collin's before strolling out of the room. “You’re a lucky man Dr. Thorensen. She’s an extraordinary girl.” “That she is Doc. Let's do this!”

  I wake groggy, to the annoying beeping of machines. There’s a dull ache of pain in my hip when I try to move my body. A dark-haired nurse is standing over me checking my vitals. “How are you feeling Dr. Thorensen?” “Fine, my throat is a little dry, could I get some water, please.” I rasp. “Sure I’ll get it for you, and I just gave you some medicine for your hip pain. It looks like you have a visitor, but I’m only giving you five minutes.” I glance up and catch sight of Sarah standing in the doorway as the nurse types something into her portable computer. On her way out she holds up five fingers at Sarah, letting her know to be quick.

  “Hey, how come your down here. I thought you’d be upstairs with Ashley?” I gaze up and take a moment to appreciate her natural beauty. Sans make-up, baggy work-out clothes, with her hair up in a messy ponytail, yet she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Sarah steps from the doorway, strolling toward me and I’m surprised the monitors don’t beep uncontrollably the way my pulse races. “I just wanted to come down and check on you, see how you’re feeling.” Sarah draws a concerned face when I move my position and immediately wince at the sting in my hip. “I’m fine, just a little groggy.” The nurse returns with a plastic cup of water and hands it to Sarah. She holds the straw near my mouth, and I take a long sip letting it soothe my throat. Sarah runs her soft fingers through my damp hair, making my skin tingle. Her eyes lock onto mine, and It’s as if we're having a conversation without words. “Sarah, we need to talk.” She responds nervously and her cheeks pin-ken, but her soft lagoon colored eyes sparkle. Sadness clouds her features as she nervously chews on her bottom lip. “Brad, we can talk later. You need to rest, and I need to get back upstairs. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and let you know the procedure went well.” She rests her palm on my chest, over my heart, and I place my hand on top of hers. She quietly stares down to where our hands are connected. “Sarah!” I whisper, almost as a plea, and she restlessly backs away. “Brad, I should get back to Ashley, they’re going to be starting her treatment soon. I’ll check in with you later when you get a room.” With that, she turns and walks away, leaving me wondering what our future holds.



  The drive to my house is tense, the silence building a wall between us. I feel like Brad is standing there with boots on ready to kick it down, but I’m not so sure I’m ready. We both have things we want to say, but neither one of us says anything. “How are you feeling?” Long Awkward silence. “I feel fine.” “How is Ashley feeling?” “She’s doing well. She’s been asking for you.” More awkward silence. When we arrive at my house, Brad offers to sleep on the couch. “I already made up Ashley’s room. You’ll be more comfortable.” I insist. “Thank you.” His gaze follows me, as I grab some extra blankets and towels from the linen closet. "If you need anything else, just let me know.” I try and make my escape from the room. "Sarah, we need to talk.” He stands in front of me, and I let out a sigh. What the hell possessed me to let him stay at my house? Am I crazy? Apparently, I just like torturing myself. I don’t want to talk about what’s going to happen when Its time for him to leave again. I’m still not over him, probably never will be, and every day is another day closer to more heartbreak.

  “Brad, there’s nothing to talk about, I'll always be indebted to you for all that you’ve done, but I understand you need to get back to LA soon.” I try brushing past him to exit the room, but he snags my wrist, halting me in my steps. He pulls me into his hard body, and I gasp. My traitorous nipples tighten to the point of pain, and I'm craving his kiss. Yearning for his touch. “Sarah, you don’t understand, I don’t want this to be over. I’m not letting you go this time.” He says sternly, as his thumb caresses my cheek. I strive to pull away from him, but he just draws me in tighter. I never want him to let go. My skin tingles and a sudden warmth emerges between my legs. I take in a deep breath and close my eyes tight, trying to summon the strength to speak. “Brad, this will never work. You have a life in California, and my life is here, so we’re back to the same old issue. We had fun the other night, that was never our problem. We always knew how to have fun together, but we're not good for each other. It’s time we get back to reality, and right now my only concern is Ashley. My only wish is that you'll have a relationship wi
th her in the future because she honestly likes you, but I don’t expect anything from you.” I won't allow myself to have expectations from a man ever again. The men in my life have only left me disappointed. My Daddy abandoned us when I was a little girl, Brad broke my heart, and Ben, well, that was a total shit-show . I am not about to let anyone hurt me like that ever again.

  I attempt to slip from his grasp, but he pushes his solid body against mine, backing me into the wall. “Brad, what do you want?” I whisper. The heat in his eyes undeniable, and I don’t think I’m even breathing. “I want you. I want you bad Sunshine. I want your lips on mine. I want your body under me. I want you Sarah, and not just for today. You're my soulmate, and this thing between us is meant to be.” He smashes his lips against mine, kissing me as if he needs it more than his next breath. His warm mouth devours me as our tongues remain caught in a wild dance. My traitorous body lets me know how much she appreciates it, as I boldly grind my hips against him. The need between my legs becoming almost unbearable. The kissing is hard and possessive as if he’s claiming me. But I know I will never be his. I shouldn't give into this so effortlessly, but my entire body melts right into him, not giving up one ounce of fight. As bad as I want this, I’m never going to be his, and inevitably, I’ll be left crushed once more. I'm not sure my heart can stand it again. It’s stupid to let myself believe for a second that this could work between us. I’m only setting myself up for an emotional meltdown, I can't afford right now.

  I break the kiss, breathless and wanting, and place my palms on his chest to push him away. He’s not having it when he crushes his mouth back onto mine, leaving me no choice but to perish in the fire. Reaching down between us, I cup his hard dick, and he groans into my neck. He's kissing and licking and sucking. Lighting my skin on fire, and throwing all my rational thoughts into a tailspin. I fall to my knees and quickly pull down the black track pants he’s wearing. I let out a giggle when I realize he’s commando and his eager cock springs to life, nearly smacking me in the jaw. “Sarah…Wait a second…” I look up at him and shake my head vigorously from side to side. Seeing the surprise on his face only fuels me more. I grin up at him and then my greedy mouth is on his magnificent cock. The salty, delicious taste of his pre-cum sends a charge straight to my pussy, making me hot and needy. I waste no time licking the length of his cock. Teasing him with the swirl of my tongue, I hollow my cheeks and suck him hard. I do my best to ignore my gag reflex as I take him deep, loving the way his velvety steel hits the back of my throat. He places his palms on the wall above me to steady himself. “Sarah Jesus, Baby!” He groans deep from his chest, and I can feel his legs tremble. I love the way he tastes in my mouth. He begins to lose control, and his hips begin to thrust with my motion, a little deeper each time, enticing me even more. “Fuck, Sarah, It’s too good.” I pick up the pace and double my efforts, sucking him like a demon trying to suck the life from him “Baby stop I’m gonna…” I go full-on, no hands, and grab his ass hard, letting my nails dig into his backside. The muscles in his ass tighten, and his thighs shake as he drives his cock in and out of my mouth. “Fuck Sarah, Fuck!” His fingers grip my hair tight, and his balls hit my chin, just before warm streams of cum jet into my mouth. I release him and smirk up at his delirious gaze, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, feeling empowered and extremely wet.

  He takes a moment to compose himself, and reaches under my arms to lift me off the floor. Then his mouth is on me once more, savagely kissing me. My hands fist his hair and my fingers dig into his scalp. He breaks the kiss, and his eyes bore right into my soul. “Sarah, I love you.” The spell is broken. I look around, suddenly realizing where I am and what just happened. I'm so embarrassed, Christ! I just blew him in my daughter's bedroom. What kind of mother does that? Brad’s pants are pooled around his ankles, and I was just about to hop on his dick and ride him like a bronco. What the hell is wrong with me? I have to get out of here because clearly, It's impossible to think straight when I’m near this man. He's my kryptonite. "Brad, I can’t do this. I need to go. Just make yourself at home and call me if you need anything.” Need me. “Goodbye!”

  I drive straight to the Bean, needing to clear my head. There’s a mass of customers when I arrive, so I quickly jump behind the counter and assist Harper with the rush. “Hey girl, is everything okay? I figured you’d be at the hospital by now.” She studies me for the longest time as I make two vanilla lattes for a tall, brown-haired woman wearing a navy business suit. “Everything’s good,” I bark at her, a little too gruffly, averting eye contact as I continue to work. Once the crowd begins to die down and Harper and Emily seem to have things under control, I make myself a latte and plop myself down at one of the tables. “Hey, what’s going on with you?” Harper takes the seat across from me with her cup of coffee in hand. “Emily’s got this under control for a few minutes, so spill it, sister.” She glares at me, waiting for a response. “Come on Sarah. We’ve known each other since grade school. What’s up with you and baby daddy?” I stare down to where my hands clutch my coffee cup, the same hands that held Brad’s dick an hour ago. “Brad’s staying at my house for a few days, and I can’t seem to think straight when I’m around him. Now I’m sorry I asked him to stay.” “It’s serious between you two?” I let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, considering I just gave him a blowjob in my daughter's bedroom, I’d say yes.” I deadpan. She lets out a deep, loud burst of laughter, alerting everyone in the shop. “You kinky little hussy!” She cries, holding her stomach as she laughs at me. I groan, burying my face in my hands. “I can’t stop these feelings. When he’s around, all I want to do is climb him like a tree. I’m only going to get hurt again once he leaves. I should never have slept with him in the first place.” “You love him.” “Yes, dammit!” The answer flies out of my mouth quickly. "I always have. He says he loves me, though, it was right after a stellar blowjob.” She gives me a big cheesy grin. “You make Mamma so proud.” “I’m trying to be serious here." I scowl at her. "So why don’t you talk to him? Why can’t you give it a try and see where it goes.” Everyone knows long distance relationships don’t work, Harper. We love each other, but I also know it isn’t enough. “I’d only be setting myself up for some serious hurt. I don’t have room in my life right now for a man, especially when I know It’s only going to end with me curled up on the floor in a ball, with a bucket of tears by my side. My heart won’t survive this time.” “Look, Sarah, you’ve closed yourself off for a long time. Maybe Its time you take a chance on something good.” “I have not…I don’t want… I don’t need a man in my life to be happy, I’ve got Ashley.” I insist, sounding a little too annoyed. “Honey, you deserve to be happy. What happens when Ashley’s all grown up and goes away to college? Then you'll have to get a cat, and I hate cats.” “Huh? You have two of them.” “I just don’t want to see you miss out on something good, just because you’re afraid of taking a chance. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take.”



  The past two days we’ve been like two ships passing in the night. Sarah is up and gone before the sun rises, coming home late, and immediately escaping to her bedroom. She's avoiding me, and I need a game plan. Things are already in motion back home. I just need to convince her that this is happening. Tonight I’ve decided to make her a romantic dinner for one, executing the perfect Chicken Piccata, because It's her favorite. I’m not sure if she’s ready to talk yet, so I set the table for one. Wanting to do something special, I place a few candles and two dozen red roses in the center with a card that reads: I won't let you run from me. I Put a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc on ice and shoot her a text message. Dinner is in the warmer when you get home. Tell Ashley hello for me. I can’t wait to see her. Have a good evening, Brad. xoxo

  Her car pulls in the driveway around nine, and I decide its best to stay in my room. I want her to enjoy her dinner and relax a little. She needs some space, time to think about what she wants before I co
nfront her. I will slowly work her into the idea of us being forever because I know she's afraid I'm going to walk away again. I’m going to show her that everything has changed for me. I’m serious this time, I love her, and I won’t lose her again. I lie in bed listening to her stir around the house. Its quiet for a while and then I hear the clearing of plates, so I assume she's eaten the dinner I made her. I smile to myself and wonder what she’s thinking, but I suppose giving her space is the best for right now. I hope that she will come to me when she’s ready.

  Footsteps shuffle down the hallway and I listen intently when they stop right in front of my room. My heart races at the thought of her so close, and I wonder what she is thinking. I want to throw the door open, wrap her in my arms and kiss her madly. There’s a whisper of a knock and I startle. “Brad?" She mutters my name so softly. I jump up and swing the door open, and my legs go weak at the sight of her beauty. She’s wearing a silky champagne-colored robe that falls to the center of her thighs. Little Vixen! Her wavy locks fall softly around her shoulders. Her taut nipples are flashing me like high-beams through the smooth silky fabric. I'm practically salivating at the thought of what she has or does not have on underneath. I’ve never had a foot fetish but staring at her bare feet; her toenails painted bright pink, is causing my dick to pitch a tent in my shorts. I struggle to tear my eyes away from her gorgeous body and force my gaze up to meet her face. Her red-rimmed eyes tell me she’s been crying, and my first thought is to hurt the fucker that did this to her. But I’m the fucker responsible for her misery.

  “Thank You for dinner. It was very thoughtful. No one has ever done anything like that for me.” I want to tell her I plan on doing things like that for the rest of her life, but I’m not sure she’s ready to hear that yet. “It was my pleasure Sunshine. I hope you enjoyed it.” She blushes. “It was amazing.” She nervously shifts from one foot to the other, staring down at the floor. “Um, I was wondering if you’d have coffee with me. I brought home some dessert…Apple turnovers?” The corners of my mouth quirk up. “I would love to, let me just throw on a T-shirt.” I’m bare-chested in a pair of basketball shorts, and the way her eyes gravitate to my chest, and she licks her lips, tells me she doesn't want me to. “I’ll be right out.”


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