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Fierce Awakenings

Page 20

by Kristy Centeno

  The leg Tristan had conveniently placed in between Victoria’s rubbed vigorously against her womanhood, causing it to ache mercilessly as it swelled and pulsated with need. He stopped torturing her sensitive breasts long enough to shift his attention elsewhere. While his lips planted hot kisses down the length of her neck, his hands moved down to her hips and gripped each side. Aroused and determined to wrench an orgasm out of his she-wolf, he lifted her up, wrapped both her legs around his waist and thrust into her.

  She cried out, squeezing her eyes shut as he once again invaded her body with his. His expert hands cupped her buttocks and rocked her hips back and forth as he pumped into her. The new position forced his phallus to hit her just the right way and it took less than a few seconds for a whole new kind of intensity to build up as the movements got faster and fascinatingly predictable. Victoria took his assault on her body and welcomed the ardor building from deep within her. Slowly but surely, her passion soared, and as Tristan continued to pump into her, Victoria dug her nails into his shoulders and threw her head back, exposing her neck to him.

  As Tristan placed a hand on the back of her neck and brought her forward to dig his fangs into her shoulder, the explosion finally took over her body and she experienced the most mind-blowing of vibrations she had felt so far. The mix of Tristan’s expert manipulation of her body combined with the ecstasy of having him bite and drink her blood, pushed her over the edge completely.

  “Oh, Tristan…” Victoria sighed heavily and placed her forehead on his shoulder.

  Tristan continued to move faster every second that ticked by, plunging his engorged manhood into her over and over again, encouraged by her own release, he finally gave up to his. With a roar of pleasure, he pumped into her one last time before rigidly holding his weight and hers up with his two legs as he emptied himself inside of her.

  Resting her forehead against his, she quietly waited for her breathing to go back to normal.

  “How was that?” he asked, his breathing heavy.

  “Good, but I never begged for it.”

  Tristan laughed. “That can be fixed.”

  For the better part of an hour, Tristan pinned her inside the shower and tormented her until she cried out in pleasurable agony and begged, more than once, for him to enter her. This time, there was no misunderstanding or mistaking her words for something else.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Danero was so angry he could barely conceal his rage from Victor, Armando, and the rest of the pack members walking alongside him. For the past two days since he bumped into Victoria in the woods, accompanied by a vampire he could tell was as old as time, he’d been trying hard to keep the Trackers from picking up her scent. He’d made it a priority to mask her scent as much as possible. However, during the time since she abandoned the pack, Victoria had explored the woods through and through, which complicated things for him. He had covered much ground, but there was still much left to cover and this is where complications arose.

  The task he’d set out to do had proved to be easy until Armando and his pack showed up. With twice the manpower, Danero found that he couldn’t be in two places at once. When the DeWitt and the Bonvalet packs divided their forces, spreading out evenly across the terrain to search for the missing princess, all hopes of covering up Victoria’s scent before they picked up on it vanished. Eventually, the Trackers had not only managed to pick up her scent going and coming from the lone wooden cabin in the middle of the woods, but they were now sure she had bumped into this mysterious vampire more than once. This, of course, was instantly a reason for concern. Not so much for him, since Danero knew she was okay, or more like his gut instincts told him she was fine.

  Unfortunately, Victor now had more reason to be furious with his daughter and to top things off, he thought her activities suspicious. Not that he could blame the man for doubting. Danero himself wasn’t even sure why she was associating with this mysterious, strange looking vampire, but that concern was far down his list of priorities. As long as Victoria was alive and well, it really wasn’t his business who she associated with. The only thing he wanted was for Victoria to stay far enough away from Victor’s wrath so it wouldn’t reach her.

  As the pack entered the lone mansion in the middle of the woods, once the vampire leader inside granted them permission of course, he decided the best thing he could do for Victoria now was to find out anything he could about the vampire he’d seen her with days before, for Danero had the feeling that wherever the man was, Victoria was, too.

  Whether she had gone with him willingly or not remained to be seen.

  Once inside, a tall, pale man with short brown hair and hazel eyes gestured for them to follow him into a comfortably large seating area in the foyer. After motioning for the pack members to be seated, a slim bodied, blonde-haired, blue-eyed young woman walked in, and it took Danero about two seconds to realize she was the mistress of the household. She carried herself with an air of arrogance usually put on display to caution others not to mess with her. She was in charge here and whoever misbehaved would be promptly put in his/her place.

  Behind the woman walked a man who had probably been a vampire for a short amount of time, and, judging by the way he glared at each and every one of the werewolves in the room, hated those different from him. Next to him stood a young boy of about eighteen or so, a new vampire barely old enough to even be considered for a fight. Dismissing the men, Danero then focused his attention to the person entering the room behind the fledgling and his heart nearly stopped at the vision that quietly ambled closer and stopped two paces behind the chair the blonde-haired woman sat on.

  Her beauty immediately captivated him. She was unlike any woman he’d ever seen and quite frankly, he didn’t give a damn about her origins. She was stunning and the fact that she was a vampire didn’t change that. He was drawn to her captivating green eyes, which oddly enough, matched his own. Then he looked at her delicate, overly pale skin, then her waist long black hair. But most of all, he was attracted to the innocence behind those seemingly lost eyes. He didn’t know why, but he detected something akin to sadness in her that he’d never been able to perceive from anyone else.

  It was unperceivable how quickly he found himself smitten by the young vampire woman, but hell, he wasn’t about to deny to himself how much he was taken by her. As if the tension in the room wasn’t close to bursting, the girl actually looked up then, as if sensing a pair of eyes on her. His heart sped up when her gaze lifted, so that she wasn’t staring at the floor anymore, and glanced his way. For a very brief moment their gazes met and held, and all the air in his lungs rushed out in one quick swoosh as he studied her. She caught his gaze, holding it steady as she too, silently appraised him. Danero couldn’t be sure, but he swore something in the air changed suddenly.

  However, the moment was lost when the blonde-haired woman spoke.

  “Normally, I don’t accept outsiders in my house, but since I was assured this was a pressing matter, I am willing to sit and listen,” she said, her long glossy fingernails tapping incessantly on the armchair.

  Victor spoke first. “My name is Victor—” he started to introduce himself but the blonde vampire interrupted.

  “There is no need for introductions. I know who you are,” the woman said. “You are the alpha of the Bonvalet pack. Anyone that lives around this area knows who you are. My name is Madelia and this is my territory. I’ll have you know, I do not tolerate outsiders.”

  Although Victor grew annoyed by her comment, since he wasn’t in his territory, a direct threat would provoke an attack, so in order to find the answers he sought he needed to play it cool. It was made clear that if any pack members decided to challenge the house of vampires an ugly battle would soon ensue.

  “We have been warned,” Victor stated simply. “I assure you, we come in peace.”

  “Very well.” The woman nodded. “And tell me, what do I owe this visit to?”

  “We need information,” Armando qui
ckly interrupted. “You see, we have lost something of great value recently. After a thorough search of the nearby area, we have reason to believe a vampire might be involved.”

  The woman called Madelia lifted her chin defiantly, glaring back at the pair of alphas with obvious distrust. “And you think a member of my coven is responsible?”

  “We can’t say for sure,” Victor replied. “All we know is that this vampire’s scent has been picked up near your home.”

  “My fledglings travel these areas often to hunt,” she explained. “It wouldn’t be all that uncommon for their scent to be picked up around here.”

  “Do any of them reside in a cave near The Hidden Valley?”

  Danero was quick to note the look of interest in the woman’s eyes. She knew the vampire from the cave, he could tell that much. However, he could also tell the woman had no intention of revealing the identity nor the location where the werewolves could find the elusive vampire from the cave.

  “This particular vampire you’re looking for is a loner,” she explained. “He never stays in one location for a prolonged amount of time. If he’s not in his cave, there is a chance he won’t be back for a long time.”

  “You know him, then?” Armando straightened in his seat. “Where can we find him?”

  Danero watched as the vampires standing near their mistress quickly gathered around her, as if preparing to protect her in the event a fight broke out.

  “Yes, I know him, but like I said, this particular vampire is hard to come by. Since he’s not a member of my coven I have no way of tracking him down.”

  “What coven does he belong to then?” Armando asked.

  “He belongs to no coven. This vampire is an elder. He has lived longer than the two of you combined.” She pointed to Victor and then Armando with her index finger. “Besides, even if he belonged to another coven, no other elder would have granted permission for you to enter their home as easily as I have today. Because we are practically neighbors and I wish to conserve the peace between us, I allowed for you to sit here and talk to me.” The woman smiled, putting a pair of gleaming white fangs on display. “However, you should know that if he is not in or around his cave, you won’t find him unless he wants to be found.” Madelia seemed bored, as if she were about ready to dismiss the werewolves and continue with her day.

  “We have a pressing matter that we speak with him about as soon as possible,” Armando insisted.

  “Whatever he took, if indeed he took something from you, we can repay,” she offered, motioning the girl with the beautiful emerald colored eyes forward. “I would be more than willing to pay for it myself.”

  Victor scrambled to his feet, immediately catapulting the atmosphere in the room into a tense situation. “If he’s responsible for my daughter’s disappearance, I will rip his head clean off with my own two hands,” he warned, making it clear he meant business.

  Although every last person in the room tensed by Victor’s outburst, the woman did not even react at all, instead keeping her gaze locked on the alpha as he glared angrily at her.

  “What do you mean by that?” she questioned.

  “My daughter has gone missing and I have reason to believe this vampire is involved in some way,” he bellowed. “If he hurt my daughter he better be ready to run because I’m prepared to chase him to the ends of the world if necessary.”

  “Do you have evidence to support your suspicions?” she asked, unfazed by the man’s anger. “Because if that’s not your case, I really don’t see why—”

  “We have enough to believe he’s recently come in contact with my daughter.”

  “I see.” She flicked her long blonde hair over her left shoulder. “How do you know the vampire you’re looking for is even a man?” Although Victor clearly didn’t notice, Danero did happen to notice the woman’s mocking tone. She was obviously amused by the scenario being presented to her.

  “We followed the scent to the cave and inside we found men’s items,” Armando explained. “And we think he’s had contact with the missing princess more than once.”

  “And if he hurt my daughter, I’ll personally make sure he doesn’t live to see the light of another day,” Victor threatened.

  “This was indeed a very interesting meeting.” Madelia picked herself off the upholstered chair. “If I find out anything, I will let you know.” Gesturing toward the front entrance, she added, “I believe you can find your way out,” she said, dismissing the men.

  With their heads held high, Armando and Victor quickly exited the house, followed by the Trackers. Danero lingered in the foyer for a moment longer, his gaze settled on the young beauty before him. She glanced up briefly for a second or two and looked at him, but averted her gaze just as quickly. Had the circumstances been different, he would have loved to have a chance to approach her, but as it turned out, it wasn’t the proper place or time to strike a conversation.

  Reluctant though he was, he still hurried out of the house and followed the pack as they quickly took to the woods. Even though he kept his distance from the alphas, he could still hear Victor and Armando quietly conversing, agreeing to assign Trackers to watch the mansion for any signs of Victoria or the mysterious vampire. Thanks to his Tracker abilities, he could clearly make out their conversation and what he heard forced his heart to skip a beat. Victor had every intention to start a war if he found a vampire to have any involvement in his daughter’s disappearance and this he knew, would be bad for them all. With their numbers rapidly declining, a war would only dwarf their numbers even more.

  Because Danero had no idea where Victoria was, he could do nothing to stop the alpha from finding her, and worse yet, he could do nothing to stop the war threatening to explode. Victor was hungry for blood, and if given a valid excuse, he would do just about anything to win, even sacrifice his own flesh and blood.

  By this point, Danero could only hope that Victoria would stay wherever she was and not come back because if she did…he didn’t even want to think what Victor would do to her. Or the rest of their kind, for that matter.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Victoria sat next to Tristan at the dining table and grinned. The past few days had been the best of her entire life and she could honestly say that thanks to him, she never wanted to go back to that monotonous lifestyle again. Being with him had brought such a strong sense of happiness and inner peace that she was practically drowning in the sentiments. She soon realized he was everything she had ever wanted and much more.

  He was patient, caring, an excellent lover, and although he tried to hide it most of the time, he was also a very compassionate individual. During the past few days since her unexpected arrival in Paris, she’d seen a side of him she hadn’t thought even existed. When she first met Tristan, she assumed that because he chose to live in a cave, he was a rather boring person, but she had quickly come to see that wasn’t the case at all.

  He had a sense for adventure. Albeit, it had been forgotten during the course of some eighty years or so, but with her there, it had resurfaced, bringing with it the inner child he seemed to have buried deep within himself at some point in his long existence.

  The morning after she’d experienced sexual gratification for the first time (after they’d finished consummating their relationship over and over again in the shower) Tristan had decided to take her sightseeing. Having never been in Paris before, Victoria happily followed and listened as he explained that after about five hundred years of existing, he traveled to France, seeking new adventures. After a short visit, he fell in love with the city of Paris, and decided then to buy a house he could come to upon his return.

  Even though the house had been relatively small at the time, over time, he’d transformed it into the palatial mansion it was today. However, his appreciation for the city continued, and because of this, he had thoroughly studied the culture behind the country and had come to appreciate its splendor time and time again.

  As he abated her curiosity, answe
ring every question she had about the city, she came to realize that the man was far from just a handsome face. Though she would have never guessed it a week ago, he was definitely a smart and well educated man. His knowledge of France was staggering, but finding out that the man spoke ten languages dumbfounded her. When she asked why he’d taken the arduous task of learning so many languages, he simply replied by saying that his restlessness had taken him to many places, forced him to join many wars, and because of the need to communicate with others, he’d been forced to learn how to verbally transfer information from one individual to another. However, he was quick to add that he’d learned how to speak French, Italian, and Russian out of boredom.

  As he took her to various sites throughout the city, he served as guide, patiently guiding her first through The Musée des Arts Décoratifs, located in the rue de Rivoli, in the Champs-Elysées district, educating her about the collection of decorative arts from the Middle Ages to the present day. Victoria happened to thoroughly enjoy the museum, especially because she had her own guide to explicate things for her.

  At one point, Tristan did appear to tire a bit and when Victoria questioned him about it, he stated his fatigue was due to the sun. Though the sun’s rays had a minimal effect on him due to his vampiric nature, Tristan insisted he was well enough to put up with it for the continuation of their excursion and though she worried, he seemed to tolerate the sun better than she would have thought (especially since she had been under the assumption that vampires turned into ash if the sun’s rays touched their pale skin). However, Tristan was quick to explain that in spite of movies, books, and of course, old folklore stating this as a fact, no vampire had ever been destroyed by the sunlight. Albeit, the sun did affect their abilities somewhat and drained some of their energy, especially if it was particularly sunny out, which happened to be the case. However, they could still function.


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