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Dare to Forgive [The Dare Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He stopped, turned her toward him, and looked down into her eyes.

  “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

  She nodded her head.

  He took a deep breath and released it. He seemed angry and she knew why. Harold knew what her dad and Bentley had done to her. He knew about her family and even her mom, who he felt badly for.

  “Come on, let’s sit and talk this out.”

  “But work.”

  “I still own a share or few more than my sons so no worries,” he teased.

  They took a seat on the bench and they talked about the situation.

  He got very serious.

  “Adel, Bentley is a dangerous man. He’s hurt you before. I know he hit you, was physically and verbally abusive. You need to report this. We should see Max.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want anyone to know about what happened to me. It’s embarrassing,” she said and felt the tears in her eyes. Then she felt Harold’s hand cover hers and she looked up into his eyes. He was sad, too.

  “If he continues to bother you, you’ll need to confide in Max. As the sheriff he’ll make sure to keep it on the down low, but you should confide in my sons. They care for you a lot already.”

  “How do you know they do? How do you know I’m not just something for now like the others?” she asked.

  “Well first of all, if they are then they’ll get my boot up their asses one after the next.” She giggled.

  “Seriously, I know my sons. I’ve never seen them react to a woman the way they instantly and separately reacted to you since day one. You’ve proven your capabilities, your knowledge of the construction business, and that puts you on a higher level than most, both female and male. You’ve covered for them and their indiscretions, which I’m sure has given you reservations about trust. Believe me, they’re kicking themselves in the ass for trying to act like morons. You’ve been professional and kind to them but ultimately it’s the equally shared attraction to you.”

  She looked away and shook her head.

  “I’m so confused right now. I feel like I’m just starting to get control of my life and make decisions on my own for the first time. Despite Bentley calling me and texting me frequently, I still feel like I’m surviving on my own and if I give into this attraction or whatever, that I’m setting myself up for more heartache.”

  “That’s understandable, Adel. Bentley and your dad hurt you. That’s not easy to get over. Will my sons hurt you, too? I don’t believe they would. Besides, no one is saying by exploring this attraction to them that you’re giving up control or power, or your newfound independence. If anything, I think your independence, your work ethics and truthfulness are all things people find likable and are impressed with. Take your time and see where it leads, but you must promise me that you’ll come to me if there’s any trouble. I mean with my sons, with Bentley, or your father, with anything. I want you to know that I’m here for you, so never feel alone.”

  He smiled at her and Adel felt the tears fill her eyes. She was all choked up and couldn’t even say thank you. It seemed she didn’t have to. He patted her knee and stood up.

  “Shall we head back to work? I want to get an update on this new project you all have been working on.”

  “You mean your sons haven’t been filling you in?”

  “Well, maybe a little here and there.” He winked, and Adel knew that Harold stayed on top of things with the company even though he gave complete operations and control over to his sons.

  They headed inside and she was feeling a little bit better after the encouragement from both Harold and Mercedes. Then she locked gazes with Hank as she entered the door. He looked pissed off. What else was new? That was Hank’s expression most of the time.

  Harold guided her inside, saying hello to some employees as she made her way past Hank. He stopped her, touching her hand. She looked up into his eyes. He towered over her despite the heels she wore.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered, his voice, that tone affecting her instantly. She nodded.

  “I’m good. I’ll meet you in the meeting room shortly.”

  “I saw you talking with my dad, and you disappeared for lunch, not even telling us where you went. Are you sure that you’re okay?” he asked and she could sense his sincerity. Hell, even with her emotions screwed up and her guard on high alert all the time, she sensed his care.

  “I’m good. You have a great father. You’re lucky to have him,” she said.

  He released her hand, looked perplexed at her comment, and then she headed inside, but not before noticing Levi Holmes watching her. She looked away, but the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and an uneasy feeling filled her belly. She didn’t like that guy. He was definitely creepy.

  Chapter 4

  “I don’t know about this,” Will stated with his arms crossed as he stood in front of Hank’s desk. Leo was smirking.

  “Why not? It’s a good opportunity for Hank to get to know Adel on a more personal level, and to schmooze with the Morrisons. You’ll need as much help as you can get to impress their project manager, Cadence Crowe. What a douche bag that guy is,” Leo added.

  “You’re not kidding. Thanks to Dad we found out about this dinner party and got the invite for the fundraiser. I’d better go ask her now to be sure she has enough time to get ready,” Hank said and then cleared his throat and fixed the tie he wore with his dress shirt today.

  “Go get her, brother,” Will teased and Hank gave him a dirty look.

  His brothers, the little wise-ass bastards, knew that Adel made him nervous. Those nerves came across in orders and barks at everyone including Adel.

  He walked out of the office and saw her on the phone. She was writing something down on a pad of paper and stating that she would check Leo’s calendar to see if he were available for a dinner. He wondered who it was and as she disconnected the call she looked sad. His stomach churned. What had gotten her upset?

  “Adel?” he said her name as he approached her desk. She turned to look at him and it seemed she had tears in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she replied and looked him over. She had complimented his tie the other day but had yet to make any compliment today. Maybe she didn’t like green ties. He would have to note that. What was he thinking? She didn’t even say she didn’t like it.

  “Hank, is there something you needed?” she asked, interrupting his own idiotic mental conversation.

  “Oh, um, I need your assistance with something for tomorrow night. There’s a dinner, a fundraising event in Lancaster. The Morrisons are going to be there and I was wondering. Well, if you weren’t busy, or had any plans, that perhaps you could go with me? As my date?”

  “A date, but also business?”

  “Well…yes, but a good opportunity for the two of us to spend some alone time together. Well, I mean not completely alone because we’re going to a party but, you know what I mean.”

  She smiled at him and it seemed like she was laughing at him. She made him so damn nervous, he acted like a virgin. Fuck, where did that thought come from? Hell, she was gorgeous and had a sexy body of course he would love to explore it.

  “I guess I can change my plans. I was just meeting the girls for a movie night. Oh, what is the dress code? Fancy, cocktail dress, gown? I don’t have a lot of things in my wardrobe,” she said and then lowered her eyes as if she were embarrassed for not having a gazillion outfits.

  “Surely, you would look stunning in anything. I would say cocktail dress most likely. It’s at a small venue. Invite only. I can pick you up at your place at seven? Will that work for tomorrow night?”



  He stood there watching her, unable to take his eyes off of her. Her big brown doe eyes held his, the thick lashes accentuating them even more so, and the conservative pale pink outfit hugged her figure. He wanted to ask her to get him some coffee or bend over and look in the fi
ling cabinet for a file just to see her walk, her hips sway, and the roundness of her ass.

  He cleared his throat, smiled, then turned around and headed back into his office. His brothers were there to tease him.

  “See, she accepted. Now make sure this dinner is not just business. Make sure to talk to her and ask questions, get to know her,” Leo told him.

  “Yeah, and seal it with a kiss. You’ll never be the same again. I’m not,” Will said as he glanced out through the cracked doorway.

  “Oh brother. I’ve been on dates before and on business ones, too. I’ll handle it fine.”

  “No, Hank, this is different. Adel is special. Remember that. We want her to be our woman. She can complete us. Don’t fuck this up.”

  Hank gulped and he felt the pressure was on. How the hell would he not screw this up when Adel made him so damn nervous?

  * * * *

  Adel wasn’t certain about the dress but Mercedes, Marlena, and Alicia all told her she looked stunning in it and sexy as well as sophisticated. The dress was a cream, almost golden, color that hugged her figure to right above the knee. The classy bodice came up in spaghetti straps and the low dip accentuated her cleavage but didn’t appear overwhelming. She wore a small gold heart covered in diamonds that was fake but looked real. She’d fallen in love with it and wished she could afford one with real diamonds, but that was a wish that would take time to achieve.

  She looked at herself in the full-length mirror, glad she found the high-heeled shoes that matched the color of the dress perfectly. With her tan skin, she looked amazing, and felt amazing. It was funny how putting on makeup, dressing up in a pretty dress with high heels made life seem better and happier even for just an evening.

  The doorbell rang and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

  What would Hank think of her dress? Would he find her beautiful and sexy or think she wasn’t quite as lovely as most women he dated? The lack of self-confidence hit her hard as she headed to the front door.

  This was it, either the night would be successful and fun or a total mess.

  As she opened the door she felt her heart race and pound inside of her chest. Hank looked incredibly handsome. He had on a red bowtie with a black dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, and a bouquet of wild flowers.

  “Adel, you look stunning,” he told her and then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. He stepped back, handed her the flowers, and she welcomed him into her home.

  She got a vase, added water, and arranged the bouquet.

  * * * *

  “This is a nice place you have here. So clean and beautifully decorated.”

  “Oh, thank you. It’s small but it’s perfect for me.”

  “Is it different from the last place you lived before moving to Chance?” he asked, coming closer to the counter in the small kitchen. He could smell her enticing perfume and his eyes roamed over her body in appreciation. Adel looked classy, sexy, and stunning all in one.

  “I lived in a big house with my parents.” She got quiet as she came closer, grabbing her small purse off the counter.

  “I like this a lot better. All set?” she asked him.

  “Sure thing.” They headed out the door and she locked it as they left. He opened the car door to the Range Rover to let her in then hurried around to the front.

  “This is a nice car. I always wondered what it looked like inside.”

  “Why didn’t you ask me? I would have shown you, even given you a ride,” he said, looking over her body and the fact she sat in his car as his date. He was excited. He had high hopes for this evening, both business and personal.

  He shifted the gear and took off down the dirt road as he made small talk with Adel. There was a lot riding on this date, including getting to know the woman his brothers were positive was the one. He on the other hand had his reservations. Why? Because he was a hardened soul. He didn’t trust easy. It had to be earned and even then he truly didn’t trust just anyone and certainly never a woman he planned on getting intimate with. That thought made him clear his throat. He hadn’t even gotten to first base and he was assuming a celebratory home run.

  “So, what’s the game plan? Do we avoid talking with the Morrisons involving business or what?” she asked him.

  He glanced at her legs. They were crossed and looking tan, toned, and sexy as she sat in the passenger seat. By now on the few dates he had over the years, the woman would be touching him or at minimum his hand would be between her legs.

  He really worked hard at keeping women out of his heart and wanted nothing more than pleasurable sex when needed. When he looked at Adel, it made him feel like a jerk, but also wonder how experienced she was.

  “I say let the conversation flow freely. My family has known the Morrisons for years and we don’t want to come across as badgering them to accept nor do we want to come across as if we don’t care either way.”

  “I understand. So how come Leo and Will didn’t come along, too?”

  He looked at her as he got onto the highway. Just a few exits and they would be there.

  “I wanted to spend a little time with you alone so we could get to know one another.”

  She clasped her hands and looked away from him. It made him feel like she wasn’t interested in him, only Will and Leo.

  “Is that okay with you, or are you only interested in my brothers and not me?”

  She swung her head toward him. “You’re my bosses and I don’t know if getting involved with all of you is such a great idea.”

  He focused on the road, glancing at her in hopes of showing his sincerity.

  “Adel, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that I’m ready to jump right into this. I’m not. I have my reservations, my concerns, but, that’s part of why I asked you out tonight. Consider this a date, and a time for us to get to know one another. No pressure on either end. I just want to get to know you outside of work, aside from being my personal assistant. Since you said yes to coming with me, I assume you want that, too, and to get to know me?”

  He waited for her response and hoped that she indeed wanted to get to know him. This was crazy.

  “I do.” He smiled and reached over to cover her hands with his. The difference in size was amazing.

  “Thank you. So tell me about this family of yours and the house you lived in. Was it in South Carolina?”

  She looked shocked and he felt her hands tense up. He squinted his eyes but focused on the road.

  “Too personal?” he asked.

  She swallowed hard. He heard her.

  “It’s not far from Chance. Maybe an hour. It was a big house on a large estate in a nice neighborhood. I like the small towns better. People are nicer to one another, to their neighbors, and not worried about impressing one another.”

  He chuckled.

  “That’s true. I like smaller towns, too, although my Aunt Betsey would say a bit of competition is a good thing to keep people on their toes and not looking like slobs.”

  She laughed as he made the turn off the exit and then slowly approached the venue.

  “Well, here we are.”

  There was a valet to take their car since parking was limited.

  Hank noticed the way the young guys looked at Adel as the car attendant opened her car door and then took her hand to assist her. That really wasn’t necessary and it pissed Hank off.

  He met her in the front of the vehicle as he took the card number from the kid and then placed his hand at the dip in Adel’s lower back.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered.

  “Fine,” he said in a hard tone as another person opened the door for them to enter.

  One glance around the room and he could tell this was going to be an interesting party.

  “Hank, oh my goodness, how wonderful to see you.”

  He heard the voice and knew it was Collette. The tall, thin blonde was decked out in her designer wear and holding a glass of champagne.

  “Collette, so nice to se
e you.”

  “Hm, I bet. You lose my number, Hank? Why, who is this pretty little angel?” she asked and one look at Adel and she seemed to read right through Collette’s tactics. Hank never should have slept with the snob. She thought she was someone of importance.

  “This is Adel McKinley.”

  “Adel? Oh, you mean your secretary?” Collette asked and then placed her palm against Hank’s chest and whispered into his ear.

  “You poor darling. Resorting to a female employee for a business date? You should have called me. I would have made it worth your while.”

  She walked away and he shook his head. Adel looked insulted so he quickly grabbed her hand and headed toward the crowd of people.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “You are, or should I expect some more ex-lovers to approach us as the evening goes on? Maybe let me know if you’d like to introduce me as your personal assistant or your date?” she snapped at him and he was shocked, but also entirely turned on. He pressed her hip closer to him and gave her hip a squeeze. Just as he was about to tell her what her firmness did to his cock, Michelle Morrison along with Credence Crowe approached.

  “Hank, good to see you. I didn’t know you were coming tonight. And who is this beautiful young woman?” Michelle Morrison asked, and as he answered he saw Credence Crowe look her over and give a smile.

  “This is Adel, we work together.”

  “Oh, how interesting. Well, do tell me how your family is doing? I thought for sure Harold and William would have attended. I haven’t seen Ethena in months.”

  “Well they had a previous engagement to attend, or I’m certain they would be here,” he told her as Credence shook Adel’s hand hello and moved closer to her.

  “Well, this is an important event, and we’ve received wonderful donations to bid on. Why don’t I show you,” she suggested and he didn’t want to insult the woman and certainly not leave Adel either.

  “Adel?” He motioned with his hand for her to follow.


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