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The Return of the Man in Blue

Page 10

by C. S Luis

  I pulled it out and put it in my pocket. I glanced back at the screen; the cursor was staring back at me, and I did what I had to do. I erased the recorded message. I couldn’t have The Company get hold of this; it was the only way to protect Claudia and myself for now.

  “I’m sorry, Jason,” I whispered, but I knew he would want me to do the right thing. I was protecting her as he had warned.

  I set the laptop aside and gazed at the documents and files in front of me. And opening it, I got into the material instantly, hoping to be drowned out by the numbers on the pages from recalling that I had just gotten a member of my team killed. Right around the third document, I dropped the pencil to stretch when the screen of my laptop came to life having gone dark after a while. The cursor popped up and a file notification appeared on my screen. My email opened up, and the ADA logo came up, and I was in the system immediately.

  It was a message from The Man in White; he appeared in a video glaring at me from the other end.

  “The file I mention is attached,” his recorded message said. “You will receive the rest of the information when you return for your assignment. As always, we’ll discuss payment upon your return; this mission has priority over all.”

  The video disappeared, and the file opened straight away.

  The details were sketchy. My target was a woman, a minder. This was rare, and I thought Bryce must be jumping off his seat on this one.

  I opened the file dubbed THE MADELINE, afraid to find Claudia’s face staring back at me. I had all these new fears growing inside me. I needed to keep her safe. I found it odd that another female minder had popped up so soon after Jason’s warning.

  I had never really thought much about it until now. All minders were hunted. I hunted them; that was my job. But they were rare, all I had come across were oddities with abilities to manipulate fire or shape change. After I was done, I moved on. I never took interest in what The Company did with them. Now it troubled me. What indeed did they do to the women they found?

  There was no picture of the intended target, but it wasn’t the first time. The location was Mexico; she was in Monterrey but she moved frequently. The last known location was a little town in the rural areas of Mexico. Did she know we were tracking her? Perhaps. But that never discouraged me. I liked a good challenge. Besides, I had my contacts in Mexico. It looked easy, but then so had this mission, and here I was now pretending to be someone else again.

  Bryce’s email read: “More details will follow upon your return.”

  I read through the assignment and noticed Jack Sanders had acquired the file a while back; it had his digital signature on it. And I wondered why it had been turned over to me so hastily. Jack wasn’t much of a team player, nor was he any good at this, not because he wasn’t skilled but because he didn’t care. Then I wondered why he had ever been on the case to begin with.

  Not to speak ill about my best pal, but he preferred getting rich in other ways, dirty ways, like mixing with drug dealers and corrupting DEA agents. He always put himself in harm’s way to make an easy buck. I often wondered where he had ended up or where Bryce had sent him to get him out of the way.

  I took a deep breath and dropped onto my seat, looking at the paperwork and then at the screen. I wanted to get to work to go on the hunt. I missed it so much, but then I realized that perhaps I didn’t miss it as much as I used to. It was Claudia who I wanted to be with. I wanted to stay around for her. But was this even a possibility?

  After Jason’s horrible end and warning, was it the right thing to do? No, of course not. I had to leave, and now I had more of a reason to do so. She would hate me. I hated me now for having to do this, but I was protecting her. If only I could tell her; if only things were different.

  But they’re not different, John. I told you not to get involved.

  I got to work again until I heard a knock on my office door. I closed the laptop immediately before I called out to whoever it was to enter.

  Claudia opened the door of my office. I felt good almost immediately at the sight of her. I guess she was here to remind me it was time for our dinner. I hadn’t realized what time it was already. I was happy to see her no matter the reason.

  “Hi, Mr. Slater,” her sweet voice whispered as she stepped to the front of my desk and gazed at me with those deep brown eyes. I sensed she was feeling bad about having to return the necklace she had enjoyed so much.

  She wanted to say something about it but didn’t know what. There was a slight pause until I made myself speak to break the uneasiness. I wanted her to realize it was fine without having to say a word about it so she wouldn’t be embarrassed.

  “Is it that time already?” I asked, smiling at her and needing a much-needed break. I dropped the pen for a moment, still pondering with Jason’s words, the fact that her father had worked for my bosses. I wanted to ask, but it was a stupid idea to ask her anything about it.

  Leave her alone; she knows nothing.

  Her innocence said it all. Of course she knew nothing.

  “Where’s Michael?” I asked her. She gazed up at me, the feeling of uneasiness already forgotten.

  “He’s locking up. I thought I’d come in here and remind you,” Claudia said while smiling back at me; she made me weak when she did so.

  “Remind me?” I whispered, but of course I already knew, but I wanted an excuse to keep her with me.

  “Yes, about tonight.” Claudia slightly frowned. “You haven’t forgotten, have you?”

  I smiled. “Of course I haven’t,” I said. “I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t,” I playfully said in response.

  She smiled. “So, you’ll be there?”

  I looked up from my work with my attention fully on her as she sat on one of the seats in front of my desk. My hand under my chin as I stared into her dark brown eyes, and she leaned forward.

  “We’re expecting you, so don’t be late,” Claudia said, wagging a finger at me. I think she might have picked that up from me.

  I nearly fell off my seat laughing. She looked so beautiful, lecturing me, instructing me on the importance of being there on time. So, is that what a woman as beautiful as her looked like when allowed to give John Slater orders? I liked it even though she was only joking with me.

  John, check!

  “Never,” I said with a smile. “As soon as I’m done here I’ll be there, sweetheart.” I grinned again, feeling my heart rapidly hitting the sides of my chest, and then I exhaled, falling back in my chair to watch her, to examine her and take in her entire being. Why did I feel so connected to her? And yet so lost. Nothing made sense now? The only thing that did was she.

  She’s our link…

  Link to what, I thought? Link to this madness or connection to insanity, you take your pick.

  “I mean it, Mr. Slater. Michael’s making your favorite.”

  My favorite? How did they know what my favorite was?

  “Isn’t Mexican your favorite? I figured chiles rellenos would be a dish you’d enjoy.”

  I smiled; I liked it when she spoke in her native tongue. Who doesn’t know John’s favorite dish is Mexican?

  “I thought I’d make something special for you too,” Claudia softly said, and suddenly I came forward on my chair. My heart was rapidly beating against the side of my head, and I exhaled.

  “You’re cooking something for me?” I asked her, delighted and yet surprised, bringing both hands on top of the desk. I gazed at her, and my stare made her speechless for a second before she answered. It seemed that my stare had an effect on her like it did with most women. That was assuring.

  You’re making her uncomfortable, John.

  “Yes, dessert,” Claudia answered. “Chocolate Cake. I got the recipe online,” Claudia said and then added, “You like chocolate, right?”

  “Why yes. I didn’t know you could bake,” I said, and Claudia looked embarrassed; she blushed and looked down.

  “I can’t really,” she honestly answered. “But
Michael is helping.”

  And I laughed. “I’m sure it will be good,” I said, again falling into a trance. She was cooking for me. I felt warm and alive, the aura of this connection growing stronger. Why couldn’t she feel it, or did she? I exhaled, and it was her that finally broke the spell when she slowly began to walk towards the door.

  “Mr. Slater.” She looked towards me. I hadn’t stopped watching her, and by the look in her eyes, she realized it and blushed again.

  “I’m sorry that I couldn’t accept your gift,” she suddenly said. “But I really wanted to.” She looked up at me. It had been bothering her; she had to say something. Perhaps she thought I had felt that she rejected me by not accepting the present.

  “I know you did, Miss Belle,” I answered, and she smiled.

  “I’d better go. Michael is waiting, and I have some cooking to get to,” Claudia softly said, lingering briefly at the entrance of my office. Had she wanted to say more to me?

  “I’m so glad you’re back, Mr. Slater,” she warmly said, and I smiled, wanting to raise and give her a hug, but I resisted as she blinked over at me.

  “Should I bring anything?” I politely asked, breaking the silence between us and unable to break away from her eyes.

  “Only if you’d like to. I know how you like red wine,” Claudia offered slowly with one foot out the door.

  “You got it,” I merely said, and she waved and walked right out of my office.

  “Goodbye, baby,” I whispered. “I’ll see you very soon.”

  And I put the pen to paper, trying to hurry myself to do as much as I could. And I realized that if I did stay, this is what I would be doing. Was I ready to settle down?

  Settle down? Strange choice of words, John.

  For her I probably would. Who knows, perhaps I could…. This could be our life together: I the Assistant Principal and her …. I shook the thought away the link I felt was driving me mad, justifying the sense of our bond. Bond?

  She’s our connection.

  That’s it, I’m getting a CAT scan.

  John, are you crazy? Have you lost your marbles?

  Pretty close to it.

  Miss Belle was waiting for me. She was going to cook something for me. If anything could inspire me to hurry it was she, and I was done within thirty minutes after she left.

  I hadn’t even heard her come in, but there was a slender brunette at my door; she pushed herself against the door, closing it. I grinned, but really I was very annoyed. I rose, taking my keys from the desk drawer and coming around the other end of the desk.

  “Hi, Mr. Slater. I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I need to speak to you urgently,” she began. She was a brunette that wore too much makeup, and she was very pale, quite the opposite of what I like in a woman. But she was a pretty woman with a slender figure and clinging clothing.

  “I thought I’d drop by and welcome you back, sir.” I felt guilty for forgetting her name, but then I recalled her from my time as principal. I think I only met her once. Usually I only forgot a woman’s name when I wasn’t too interested or she wasn’t my type.

  “I know we didn’t talk much on your last time here,” she said. She looked dolled up with hot pink lipstick on her thin lips. She was wearing a slim blue dress, and the color made her look even paler.

  “Ms. Witherson, right?” I asked, and she nodded very slowly, stepping forward closer.

  “I wanted to talk to you about the evaluations. I know Dr. McClellan has you working on a few and well…” She started to say.

  “Ah, Ms. Witherson, right now is not the best time. I’m heading out. Perhaps we can discuss this tomorrow? I have a dinner to attend, and I’m running late,” I politely said, and I walked over to the door, but she wouldn’t move. Didn’t this woman take no for an answer? Didn’t she take a hint? Had I given her the invitation? Sometimes I did it without realizing it.

  John, you’re such a player.

  “I was just hoping we could discuss it today. I mean, my evaluation of course, Mr. Slater. Is it alright if I call you John?”

  I gazed at her; okay, I knew all the signals. And this was an obvious one. She licked her lower lip, but I resisted. Michael’s words kept going off in my head about being proper in this type of environment. I didn’t know any of that. I just knew what made me a man, and I was horny.

  “John,” she said pushing against me, and suddenly, she grabbed me down below.

  My body responded without thought. I grabbed her by the hair and pressed my lips hard on her mouth, and she quickly pulled at my belt and undid my pants, pulling my manhood out. At this point, I was backed up against my desk, sitting at the edge with her hand on my cock. Oh God, I needed this.

  I pushed her down until she was on her knees. Her mouth found my long muscle throbbing in front of her face.

  “Suck me, baby!” I hissed. “Do it!” I ordered her.

  She did just that, and I felt her lips and then her throat; I pushed down at her head, and with each stroke, she swallowed my cock. I thought of Claudia underneath me. I didn’t want to, but it was hard not to think of her. I wanted her. I wanted her so badly. And I couldn’t have her.

  She’s our link. She’s our connection. How can it be wrong?

  I shook the thought from my head. I couldn’t think of her, not now. Denise’s mouth was so inviting, and the image was delightfully finding its way into my head.

  Stop this madness, John! What was happening to me? Why did I feel so connected to her, like we were lost lovers from the past?

  Lost lovers, John? With each day, it felt more and more like that, that’s what it was. That’s what the voice in my head kept repeating. Some strange and unknown bond, that I had yet to figure out, connected us?

  There is no bond, John. You’re merely going mad, you old fool. Mad, you’ve been doing this far too long and she’s caught onto you, old man. You’re dead!

  “Oh, God. Yes, baby!” I gasped.

  Stop John! Stop for the both of us!

  “God yes! Just like that baby!” I pushed into Denise’s mouth rapidly and held her head to my cock. God, she felt so damned good. She was delicious! I couldn’t stop myself. God I needed this!

  “Yes, baby! Yeah just like that!” I cried.

  I swallowed, moaned, and gasped with each breath, pushing hard against Denise’s mouth. She took in every one of my thrusts with a welcoming ecstasy. Her touch made me weak until I lost feeling in my lower body and spilled into her!

  Stop, John! Stop this madness!

  I was panting in longing and well overdue release, and Denise rose beside me, wiping at her lips. She put her hand on my cheek. I pushed it away gasping and taking a step from the desk, pulling up my pants and fastening the belt. Still panting, I looked at my watch. I was running late. Denise came from behind; she tried to put her hand on my shoulder, but I walked towards the door.

  “Regarding your evaluation, Ms. Witherson,” I began to say, wiping the sweat from my brow and the lipstick from my lip. I could hear my pounding heart inside my head as I took a breath.

  “Call me Denise,” she said, and I briefly glanced back at her.

  “Of course, you understand I’ll still have to come by the classroom tomorrow for your review,” I said, not looking back at her as I straightened my tie, pushing back the strands of my hair to tame my mane. I took a breath to gather myself, taking the jacket off the back of the door and putting it on.

  “Yes of course, John,” she softly answered. I glanced back at her; her lipstick was smeared, and her hair was a mess from where I had grabbed her hard, but it didn’t look like she was bothered by it as she tried to tame her locks back into place.

  I opened the door and allowed her through first. She stepped out into the interior office with me, wiping at her lip as I closed the door behind us and locked my office. I merely walked to the interior door, opening it to leave, but felt that perhaps I should say more. Did I think I was back in the brothel where I didn’t have to offer any explana
tion to the whores for my actions or be a complete gentleman?

  Perhaps, shame on you, John.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Ms. Witherson”

  And I walked out.

  She didn’t say a word; perhaps she thought we had started something. But to me, it was all business. No guilt involved. She had come asking for something, and in return, she had gotten it. About the only thing I was guilty of was leaving her unsatisfied. And I felt guilty as hell since I had never done that before, leaving a woman unpleased.

  I was a perfect gentleman, but this afternoon I only wanted the attention of one person, and she was waiting for me.

  But if you think about it, John, you did please her. You are going to give her a good review, right? Isn’t that why she came into your office in the first place?

  I walked down the hall, practically running out into the parking lot, and I found my Shelby under the parking lot lamp and opened the car door to climb in. God, I had needed that; John Slater hadn’t fucked in a long time.

  Because you won’t let us, asshole! What’s gotten into you?

  I had been a wreck. Did I mention my sexual drive was to the roof? Denise’s little mouth had satisfied me for the mere moment, like an appetizer. But I was still hungry. And now I knew why I had gotten the tattoo. No one here could ever see the tattoo.

  You fucked us both!

  I need some relief, but not here.

  I turned on the car and put it into gear, pulling out of the Milton parking lot and into the street. It was getting dark, but I still needed to stop. I decided to stop at the Kroger’s on Montrose. I needed flowers, roses specifically. Claudia liked roses, and I wanted a bottle of Concannon for myself.

  After my little encounter with Denise and fantasizing about things that perhaps I shouldn’t have, I felt I owed Claudia a dozen roses. I felt like we had spent a moment together, although she deserved more.

  I got the flowers and the bottle of red wine, came to the register, and paid for the items and hurried out to the car. The band Garbage came on, playing the song, Crush. I turned the volume up high as I sped out of the parking lot.

  The singer sang. I sang along with her…


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