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The Return of the Man in Blue

Page 15

by C. S Luis

  Then I smiled, and she liked putting her slender hand on my manly arm. She was so fragile, so delicate, like a pretty little flower. We left the office. I noticed Claudia glancing back at Michael; the poor fool was still glued to his desk, protecting the cake sitting on top of it. He looked confused.

  We walked into the hall, and students crowded the hallways, heading to their classes. A few glanced in our direction, young girls and boys staring at the adult man walking through the hallway with his young beautiful escort. Were they jealous? Young girls flashed their eyelashes up at me in a dreamy haze as I felt Claudia’s hand tighten around my arm. I smiled. She was happy to have me by her side, just as I was to have her grip my arm as she was now doing.

  “Claudia, I know what you’re trying to do,” I simply said. I wanted to reveal how delighted I was, even if it meant I would ruin her surprise. But nothing she did for me would ever be ruined.

  “What do you mean, Mr. Slater?” Claudia softly asked, and I stopped at the end of hallway; the bell rang in the distance. At the end of the hall, Denise, Claudia’s teacher, was closing the classroom door, but when she caught sight of me, she smiled back and left the door open.

  I knew she wanted to talk to me. I had somewhat of an idea what it was about. After all, the woman had showed up to my office and thrown herself onto me, not that I was an innocent in all of this. I had given her a good review. But as to dating, I wasn’t interested. John Slater didn’t date; besides, she was far from my type.

  But Denise seemed persistent, something I disliked in a woman very much. I thought of how it could work to my advantage. Old John Slater would never pass up such an offer. It wouldn’t be the last time she offered herself to me, of that I was sure, and I felt a little responsible for her persistence. It was in the heat of the moment.

  I looked at her now; she was smiling, recalling our encounter. Some women loved the control of a man, the demand of a voice to tell them what they wanted, what they needed. Denise was no different, but what she failed to understand was that I wasn’t interested in her or what she wanted. What I wanted was important.

  And it wasn’t her. She couldn’t understand that, no matter what she did, but I would never say no to a free blowjob. And I would never jump into bed with her; she was a no in my book.

  “You’re throwing me a surprise party, aren’t you?” I asked again, narrowing my eyes at Claudia with a big smile.

  “What? Me?” She innocently tried to say. I smirked, lifting an eyebrow, intoxicated by her mere presence.

  Claudia frowned and seemed disappointed. “So, what gave it away?” She sadly asked. I softly laughed; she seemed delighted to hear me laughing.

  “Well, I figured you would do something like that,” I answered.

  “Am I that predictable?” She asked, glancing up at me. I simply put my arm around her and pulled her close. God, the single gesture made me smile.

  “No,” I said. “That just means you’re a very thoughtful and sweet girl. I always expect nothing but the best intentions from you,” I again said, trying to reassure her.

  Good answer John.

  “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll act surprised,” I offered, and she laughed.

  “So just to be sure, when am I expected?” I asked, since I had been late that last time, held back by Denise, but God, I’d needed that release.

  John, concentrate.

  “When all the students are gone for the day. Mr. Claypool and Mr. Vasquez are supposed to bring you to the cafeteria right after the last bell,” Claudia said as we now stood outside her classroom door. Denise was looking out into the hallway towards me, and I wondered if she would dare say anything here now. I only hoped she didn’t think I was here because of her. Nevertheless, she didn’t stop her lesson, even after she clearly saw me leaning against the door.

  “Ah,” I said grinning, and it made Claudia blush again. And I wondered what it was that I was doing right to make her look at me that way. I loved it and only wished I could keep doing that. I couldn't stop considering she was throwing me a party.

  I felt special that she would go out of her way to do this for me. No one had ever done anything nice for John Slater. I shook my head.

  Really, John? Has she reduced you to a teenage schoolboy, old man?

  Then I wondered what she thought of me when she looked at me in that manner.

  What else, John? Why is this grown man staring at me like that?

  Was she jealous when I talked to others, especially women? Did I want to believe she could be jealous? Hadn’t she been jealous at dinner when Karen had been there? I wanted to laugh just recalling the way she had spilled the wine on Karen’s lap. But I could almost read her expression as I looked into her beautiful eyes; she desired my attention just as I wanted hers. I didn’t have to read her mind to know it, how she shunned me in anger when she didn’t get it. Did we know each other far more than we dared to admit? Did she share and feel the connection that I had felt all this time? The connection and link, perhaps bond, that I couldn’t describe or understand tearing me from the inside out? Making me mad, confusing me, and making me feel like a weak fool.

  As much as I wanted to stand there with Claudia and admire her beauty and have her continue to look at me like that, I couldn’t with Denise constantly looking towards the doorway. I couldn’t help to think she thought I was here for her. And I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression that I was interested in her.

  “Hello, Denise. Sorry about the tardiness; it’s my fault,” I politely said, poking my head into the classroom. Denise smiled of course and almost immediately started coming over towards us, turning only to hush up the students that were greeting me.

  I was popular. But my girl looked bothered by the greetings, so I very quickly grabbed hold of her cheek tenderly to assure her it was her attention I craved. I must have surprised her as she gazed at me so timidly, and she exhaled suddenly. But now, a smile spread on her plump, beautiful lips; she liked my attention. But Denise looked jealous as she slowed her steps towards us.

  “Thanks again, sweetheart. I really appreciate it.” I said to Claudia as she blushed, and her eyes looked down. She was so beautiful when she did that. She didn’t understand the power she had over me when she did. I didn’t myself.

  “It was my pleasure, Mr. Slater,” Claudia softly said, and I watched her lip quiver. I couldn’t look away.

  John, get hold of yourself; remember where you are!

  I took a breath, trying to regain my composure and said, “Well, I’d better let you get to class before I get us both in trouble.”

  She nodded, turning to leave as Denise now came to stand at the entrance to greet me. I watched Claudia walk over to her desk and drop on her seat.

  “How are you doing, John? Doing anything special for your birthday?” Denise very seductively said, and she licked her lips. Perhaps she wanted to remind me of what her little mouth could do. I remembered, but I wasn’t interested anymore.

  I didn’t know what to say, here faced with this woman and Claudia looking on. I didn’t want to put my foot in my mouth and have her angry with me.

  John, seriously, why would it matter? Now, you can fuck Denise.

  Claudia was watching me from inside the class.

  “Would you like to have lunch?” Denise asked; she was obviously flirting with me. I noticed Claudia frown and roll her eyes, and she tried to bury her face into the textbook in front of her. I was on the spot; I wanted another free blowjob, but I didn’t want to lose Claudia’s respect and attention.

  Such a hard decision, John. I’d go for the free blowjob!

  “Sorry, Denise I already promised Claudia I would have lunch with her.”

  Claudia looked up, and I winked at her, and then I merely walked away feeling proud with myself. So, I just blew the chance for a blowjob, but like that was going to stop that woman from pursuing me.

  I’m John Slater, baby.


/>   After the humiliation with Ms. Witherson, I prayed I’d pass the test. But I strangely doubted she would make it easy for me, even if I did.

  Nevertheless, the morning moved quickly, and I thought of nothing else but making sure everything was ready for Mr. Slater’s party later in the day. A few times I came into the office to check with Mrs. Wallace about the order, and she assured me things were taken care of.

  So I made my way into the cafeteria. I didn’t see Mr. Slater; only Mr. Vasquez was standing in the cafeteria with Mr. Claypool. They seemed to be on cafeteria duty today. They looked so relaxed and seemed to enjoy the time chatting about the holidays and who knows what else.

  I came up to them, and they greeted me.

  “Have you guys seen Mr. Slater?” I asked.

  “I think I saw him in his office,” Mr. Vasquez offered.

  Then Mr. Claypool lifted his radio. “Let me check and see if that’s where he is before you make a trip over to his office.”

  “Come in, Mr. Slater, what’s your location?” Mr. Claypool said into the radio, and immediately a voice, clearly Mr. Slater’s, responded through the radio.

  “In my office. Do you need me?” Mr. Slater answered, and his voice sounded unreal through the radio static.

  “Oh,” I stopped Mr. Claypool. I didn’t want him to know I was looking for him. So Mr. Claypool said, “No sir, just wondering.”

  “Oh, okay,” he sounded surprised and confused at the same time. But that was that. I thanked Mr. Claypool and Mr. Vasquez and hurried to join Mr. Slater.

  I came into the interior office and found his door ajar; Janet, his secretary wasn’t at her desk. Perhaps she was at lunch. Then I heard Mr. Slater’s voice, but he wasn’t alone. I came closer; it was a woman’s voice I heard. I knocked as I walked in. Mr. Slater sat and looked up and saw me at the entrance. I think he turned red with embarrassment when he saw me at his door. Why was he embarrassed? But soon I realized why when I saw her face greet me from the seat facing his desk.

  “Claudia?” He looked at his watch. “Oh, our date,” he uttered. But I think he meant to say something different. He looked guilty of something; perhaps of forgetting our lunch plans.

  He stood up and, and the woman at the seat in front of his desk, clearly Ms. Stephens, turned to look at me with a smile of victorious delight.

  Mr. Slater said, “Karen, I mean Ms. Stephens, brought me lunch.”

  He looked guilty, unable to make sense. My first impression of Ms. Stephens was of a woman who wore too much makeup. I had always thought that; her lipstick was a bold red, and her hair was a bright blonde. Her clothes were bold and bright colors too; it could blind a bat. Did he like blondes? How would I look as a blonde?

  “Oh, we’re more than that, John. I’m sure she knows,” she strangely said. I wrinkled my eyes at Mr. Slater, wondering what she meant. He frowned at her as if in disagreement. When before he had nearly shoved her out the door, he now made no effort to do so or tell her he had other plans with me!

  “Hello, sweetie. I hope you don’t mind me stealing Mr. Slater from you for today,” she said.

  Mr. Slater seemed to have trouble speaking. He wasn’t even saying anything to me. I hated him for it suddenly. I thought we had plans. I wanted to cry but why? Why should I care if he had plans with her instead? Was it just the anger gathering inside of me for that woman?

  “I kinda surprised him,” she grinned. Mr. Slater remained speechless, but did he know I was angry? I didn’t say anything. Could I really be mad at him? It’s not like we were dating. But he was my friend, and for the first time, he had forgotten our lunch date.

  “So, will you be there at John’s surprise party later today?” She asked me like I was some kind of child. I glared at her, and Mr. Slater looked disgusted. He knew I hated it when people talked to me like that. But what did he care, right?

  I began to say I had been the one that arranged it, but she interrupted me and said, “Oh, probably not…only adults will be there. It’s a school night.”

  My lips became a firm line, and I rolled my eyes at Mr. Slater and at the woman named Karen.

  “Karen, Claudia was actually the one who planned it,” Mr. Slater offered a little late, but I didn’t need his help, not anymore.

  “By the way,” she continued without taking his words into regards. “Thank you for paying for my dry cleaning bill. I say thank you mainly because since they weren’t able to remove the stain, they gave me a discount. I had to get a whole new dress, and it was on sale. Michael was kind enough to pay the full amount of the old dress. So, thank you.”

  I wanted to turn the seat upside down with her still on it.

  “Claudia?” Mr. Slater stared right at me, and I gasped. I could tell he was telling me to breath. But I didn’t want to anymore nor to listen to anything he or she said or would say. I exhaled, turning quickly and walking out of Mr. Slater’s office before I lost it.

  I heard him calling my name from behind, and that woman again said something like, “Was it something I said?” And she laughed as if it all had been some kind of cruel joke.

  I ducked into a stairwell and staring crying. I wiped at the tears when I thought someone was coming in my direction and ran to the second floor to be alone. I took a seat on the counter overlooking the library window. I sat there for about thirty minutes when I heard steps approaching from the other end of the hall.

  “There you are.” It was Mr. Slater. I wiped at my eyes. I didn’t want him to see me cry, especially not for something stupid like this.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, approaching me. I turned my head in the other direction, hoping to avoid him seeing that I had been crying.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “She showed up in my office with lunch before I could walk out. We talked for a bit. I didn’t realize what time it was.”

  I didn’t want to talk, but I didn’t want to be mad at him either.

  “I’m not mad,” I tried to say as my lips began to quiver again. He rested his body against the counter where I was sitting and looking away from him.

  “She had no right to talk to you that way.” I didn’t look back, even after he was trying hard to apologize.

  “Do you like her, Mr. Slater?”

  He was surprised by my words. I could tell even when I couldn’t see the expression on his face, mainly because of his silence.

  “Do you like her better than you like me?” I glanced back at him, and his eyes softened, and that handsome smiled appeared on his charming face.

  “She doesn’t compare to you. No one does.” He grinned. “Besides, you’re my girl.” he again said, his green eyes smiling over at me as he extended his hand to me. I tried hard not to smile at that rewarding thought, but I was defeated by his words yet again.

  “So, will you forgive me?” He asked with that handsome smile on his face. I nodded, taking his hand, and he helped me down from the ledge. I stood before him as he reached and wiped at my tears. “I’m sorry,” he again said, and I questionably blinked up at him.

  “I don’t like to see you cry. I’m sorry.” He rested his hand on my cheek, and I held his hand against it. I didn’t want the moment to end.

  He winked and then looked at his watch and picked up his radio; before I knew what he was doing, he had Michael on the other end.

  “Michael here. How can I help you, Mr. Slater?”

  He looked over at me and smiled.

  “Would it be alright if I take Claudia out for lunch? We’re both not too crazy about the cafeteria food.”

  There was a small pause, and then Michael’s voice came through again.

  “Only if you bring me something back.” A chuckle escaped Mr. Slater’s lips as he winked over at me.

  “Not a problem, Michael,” Mr. Slater answered with a slight chuckle.

  Mr. Slater and I walked back down to his office, and when we entered, I expected to see Ms. Stephens inside waiting for us, but the only person there was Janet, his secretary. She immedia
tely looked up from her desk as soon as we entered. She blinked at Mr. Slater and seemed more than ready to assist him. She smiled over at me. I liked her; she was nice.

  Janet lifted a message for Mr. Slater. “Ms. Stephens left this for you, sir,” she politely said, and Mr. Slater took it, smiling back at her and guiding me into his office, reading the message, which he immediately crumbled up and tossed into the wastebasket.

  “What would you like to eat, sweetheart?” He asked me, and I didn’t know what to say.

  “Did you like what we had in Pappadeaux the other day?”

  I stared up at him and very timidly nodded, and he smiled. “Then let’s get that. We’ll pick it up and eat here. What do you think?” He asked, and I smiled and nodded.

  Mr. Slater grinned big back at me, and he picked up the to-go box I noticed sitting on his desk and then put it in the wastebasket as well. Had that been the lunch Ms. Stephens’ brought him? I stood near his desk as he walked towards the doorway and poked his head out of his office.

  “Janet,” Mr. Slater suddenly said. I could already picture Ms. Erickson lifting up her head from her place on the desk at the sound of her name coming from Mr. Slater’s lips.

  “Yes, sir,” I heard her say. I bet she was delighted having him regard her.

  “Can you place an order for me?” Mr. Slater asked, and he looked back at me and instructed me to take a seat, smiling. And then he disappeared from the entrance. I could imagine him standing right in front of Janet’s desk, but I could only hear him talking to her.

  “Anything you’d like, Mr. Slater,” I heard Janet say.

  “Find the location for the nearest Pappadeaux and order two filet mignons & grilled rock lobster meals and one fried shrimp & catfish fillet meal.”

  Okay, so how did he know what to order?

  “Not a problem, sir. Anything else?” I heard Janet ask; she was pleased to finally have his attention.

  “If you’d like, I can pick it up too,” she offered, and there was a slight pause. “It wouldn’t be any trouble at all,” I heard Janet say.


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