Seriously Messed Up: A Laugh Out Loud Romantic Comedy

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Seriously Messed Up: A Laugh Out Loud Romantic Comedy Page 25

by Luke Young

  Opening her eyes, she took a step toward the door in a trancelike state as if she were still trapped in her story. The words flowed in her head as if she were writing a scene. A scene for one of her hot and sexy characters full of desire. A desire, she herself, hadn’t felt for a long time. How she missed touching another and being touched. She desperately wanted to find someone special again.

  She stepped to the doorframe and leaned against it, pushing the door open. Peering inside, her eyes locked on him. He moaned sleepily and ran his hand down his body to the sheet, pushing it lower and exposing his boxer shorts.

  Jillian’s eyes widened as she remained caught up in this writer’s fantasy—thoughts of guilt, desire and lust mixed in her brain. Her gaze roamed over his defined chest and abs. He must work out, she thought. She hadn’t been this close to a man with a muscular body since the second year of her marriage. That was about when George let himself go, but even in his prime, George had never looked this good. As her eyes followed the trail of hair that began around his belly button and led down to his groin, her lips parted with anticipation. With her eyes locked on the spot where the trail of hair disappeared under his boxers, she shivered, pondering what was hidden underneath.

  Looking closer, she spotted the tip of his erection just barely poking out from the flap of his boxers. Her heartbeat quickened and she swallowed hard. She said softly, “You’re not Katrina, and he’s not Dallas.”

  Pulling herself slightly back to reality, she wondered if his current condition was due to a normal physiological nocturnal response or a sex dream featuring Natalie striking that sexy pose he’d mentioned. She hoped it was the latter. She felt bad for the young man having to go through the confusion of not knowing his love interest’s true feelings. At least if he were dreaming about her, he’d have some pleasant memories of them together.

  She shook those thoughts away and ran her hands over her face, closing her eyes. What was she doing? What if she were caught? This would be embarrassing to say the least.

  She exhaled, opening her eyes. Just one more look and she would go. Brian’s head turned to the side as he ran his hand down to his underwear, brushing it against his erection. The bulbous head of his cock sprang into view and his hand flopped lazily to his side.

  “Oh…” Jillian muttered as she stared unblinkingly at the sight.

  Now free, his erection seemed to grow longer as the flaps of his boxers also slipped down his shaft. Quickly, she pulled back to the hall and closed her eyes. This had suddenly become infinitely sexier and at the same time so very wrong. She had to walk away immediately.

  Would taking one more peek really be so bad? She took a deep calming breath, her pulse raced and her body tingled. Returning to the door, she leaned against the frame so she could peer in. She searched Brian’s face for any reaction to her presence, but there was none. Returning to his boxers, she watched, not moving at all, as his penis suddenly throbbed, the head popping through the slit. Tilting her head, she stared at it, mesmerized. Now free of its cotton confines, it expanded even more, the fabric slipping down his shaft and exposing nearly all of his impressive length. Her mouth shot open with a soft gasp as she looked at it, first in shock, then in awe. She froze with her eyes locked on it and unable to breathe until she finally blinked then slowly exhaled. After glancing at his face, she returned her eyes to it. His cock stood proudly, hard, thick and long and towering above his boxers. She whispered softly to herself, “He sure looks like Dallas, and you sure feel like Katrina.”

  Suddenly, the cell phone in her pocket rang loudly, scaring the hell out of her. Leaping backward and almost out of her skin, she quickly pulled the phone from her pocket. She hit the button to answer the call, but the phone slipped from her hand. She quickly tried to snatch it in midair, but instead of securing it, her hand launched it toward the wall. It struck near the base molding and bouncing off skidded back across the wood floor before it came to rest under the bed.

  “Shit.” She gasped. Her gaze shot to his face and he was somehow still sound asleep just as the second ringtone blared. Falling to her knees, she scrambled after the phone, reaching under the bed to scoop it up before hitting the button to answer the call.

  Slowly she rose and discovered she was in line with his groin—only inches away from his impressive erection. As her eyes widened once again, she lost her balance, falling backward and catching herself with her hands. Then as she glanced right she spotted a Tylenol PM foil packet and a bottle of water on the night stand. That’s why he was dead to the world right now.

  Suddenly remembering the phone in her hand, she maneuvered onto her hands and knees and crawled out of the room. Once safely in the hall, she leaned against the wall, putting the phone to her ear and whispered, “Hello.”

  “What the hell’s going on there?” Victoria snapped.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, what was all that noise and what took you so long?”

  “Oh, nothing,” Jillian continued to whisper as she rose to her feet then peered through the doorway to check on her just-violated guest’s condition. There was no movement from him, but the rest of him was still standing at attention. “I just dropped the phone.” Sighing in relief, she moved a few steps down the hallway. “This really isn’t a good time.”

  “Is there a man with a gun in the house?”

  “What are you talking about?” Jillian asked.

  “I just saw the movie, Taken, and this so reminded me of that. Why are you whispering?”


  “Yes, why are you whispering?”

  “I wasn’t whispering,” Jillian said a little louder but still not at a normal volume.

  “Right,” Victoria said. “I know when something’s not right with you. Now, what is it?”

  “Rob’s friend, Brian, is here.”

  “Oh, so that’s it. What’s he like? Is he a nice kid?”

  “He’s nice, all right.”

  “What’s he look like?”

  “Look like?”

  “It’s a simple question. What does he look like? Is he tall or short or fat?”

  Returning to the doorway, Jillian studied Brian’s body with an odd look on her face before breaking into a slight giggle. “He’s not fat.”

  Brian suddenly rolled toward the door and let out a sleepy groan. Surprised, she dropped the phone again and it landed with a thud on the hardwood floor. Poking her head around the doorway, she checked to make sure he was still asleep. Upon discovering that he was, she picked up the phone and rushed twenty feet down the hall with her heart beating out of her chest.

  “Jillian, I want to know what the hell is going on there,” Victoria demanded.

  “Okay, he’s sleeping, and I’m… right outside his door,” Jillian admitted.

  “Who’s sleeping?”

  “Rob’s friend, Brian.”

  “You’re right there?”


  “He slept through you dropping the phone and giggling and all that?”

  “He’s a really, really sound sleeper.”

  “Did you drug him, or something?” Victoria asked.


  “Why are you watching him sleep?” Victoria asked incredulously.

  “I’m not.”

  “But it sounds like you are.”

  “He, um…” Closing her eyes to recall the vivid memory, Jillian took a deep breath. “I, uh, forgot what a man’s body looked like. You know, one that’s really in great shape.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. I was with one last night.” Victoria made a creepy purring sound on the other end of the line. “I’ll tell you about it later.”

  “Please, don’t,” Jillian said.

  “So, does he have great abs?” Victoria asked.

  “Abs?” Dazed, Jillian moved a few steps to her left so she could once again spot him sleeping.

  “Yes, his abs. Are they amazing?”

  “Look, I really need to go.�


  “Just tell me about his abs and then you can go. Is it a four-pack with a pouch or does he have the full six?”


  “Yes, really.” Victoria said in a tired voice, “I’m a little bored over here and I’m on the fence about pulling out my vibrator. I could use some inspiration to push me over. It’s a lot of work you know.”

  “I know.” Jillian sighed. “So if I tell you if he has a six-pack, you’ll let me go?”

  “I will.”

  Taking a few steps closer, Jillian tilted her head to get a look at Brian’s abs, which were a full, spectacular six-pack. “He happens to be topless, and wow, he does have a six-pack.” Craning her neck even more, Jillian could now see his erection. Staring at it, mesmerized, she giggled. “But he also has something else.”



  “Is he bottomless?” Victoria asked with a loud squeal.

  “Sort of.”

  “I’m coming over there.”

  “No, don’t.”

  “I want to know exactly what you’re doing right now.”

  Jillian started, “I write about…” Then she paused with a smile on her face as she took a step closer to the door with her eyes locked on him. “I mean, I used to write about gorgeous penises every day, but until now, I’ve never actually seen a real one.”

  “The gorgeous ones are wonderful,” Victoria said.


  “You shouldn’t have gotten knocked up at prom. You might have seen a couple.”

  “Uh-huh,” Jillian added, barely listening and unable to look away.

  “Are you looking at his dick right now?” Victoria asked.

  Jillian giggled again just a little. “Yeah, but from out in the hall.”

  “Are you drunk?”

  “No, and it’s completely… incredibly… super-hard.”

  “Seriously? Have you been smoking that pot I left with you?”


  “Send me a picture of it,” Victoria demanded.

  “I’m not taking a picture of it,” Jillian said, horrified.

  “Why not?”

  “That’s totally creepy.”

  “Oh? So it’s not creepy for you to be hovering over an unconscious naked guy with a boner?”

  “Yeah, maybe that’s a little… but I… I just couldn’t look away. It’s like a big, beautiful car wreck, or something.”

  “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “Don’t! Really, why don’t you—” Jillian stopped when she heard the line go dead.

  After moving to the doorway, she glanced at his still-sleeping face, before taking one last look at his prize. She pulled the door back to its partially closed position. Sighing, she slipped away, torn between guilt and exhilaration and wondering exactly where she last saw her own vibrator.


  When Victoria arrived, Jillian was already lounging by the pool. In a sheer bikini cover-up, Victoria entered through the back fence and walked up to Jillian.

  “I didn’t expect to find you down here,” she said smiling down at her friend.

  “Where else would I be?”

  “Up playing with your young friend.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Okay,” Victoria said, as she removed her cover-up and proudly displayed her bathing suit. It was a sheer white bikini, the top barely covered her nipples and the tiny rectangular bottom struggled to conceal her vagina.

  Jillian’s mouth opened wide. “What is that?”

  “You like it?”

  “Where’s the rest of it?”

  “Wait till you see the back.” Victoria spun around, revealing a tiny string, which ran up the crack of her ass.

  “Jesus, this isn’t St. Barts,” Jillian said, a little shocked.

  “Oh, it’s not that revealing.”

  “I guess your nipples could be actually showing, and I think I can only see part of your vagina.”

  Laughing, Victoria headed to the pool and slipped into the water. When she returned, her suit, now wet, was completely see-through. Her nipples were hard and definitely showing, along with the clear, clear, clear outline of all her lower womanly parts.

  Jillian stared at Victoria, shaking her head as she approached. “I stand corrected I can see your nipples and your vag.”

  Victoria smiled brightly. “Really, it’s supposed to be see-through when it gets wet.” After struggling to look down to check it out, she added, “From this angle, I can’t really see my pussy.”

  “Believe me, from mine, you can,” Jillian said while rolling her eyes.

  “I like it.” Victoria arrived at her lounge chair, dried herself with the towel, and sat back in the chair. She looked down at her chest and added, “Look, it’s already starting to dry a little, and you can hardly see my nipples anymore.”

  Looking over to her, Jillian nodded in agreement. “Nobody wants to see your nipples.”

  “There are plenty of people who want to see them.”

  “Okay, you’re right. I don’t want to see your nipples,” Jillian said with a slight grin.

  “You probably really do, but you just can’t admit it.”

  “You are to stay out of the pool when you are here wearing that bikini.” Jillian scolded. “And when Rob or Brian is out here, you stay off your stomach while wearing that, might-as-well-be-wearing-nothing bottom.”

  “Okay, geez.”

  Both women closed their eyes and lay basking in the sun. Victoria slipped on her sunglasses. “Where’s your boyfriend?”

  “He’s not… He’s still sleeping, I think.”

  “What did it look like, and did you touch it?” Victoria asked, lifting her sunglasses off her eyes and looking at Jillian. “You gave him a blowjob, didn’t you?”

  “Would you keep your voice down,” Jillian shot back. She pulled her sunglasses off, looked her friend in the eye, and said sternly, “I didn’t touch it or anything else that you might think… and I’m not saying anything else about it.”

  “Okay. Okay. Relax. You’re no fun.”


  Brian finally woke up and let out a big yawn, stretching his neck from one side then to the other. When he sat up, nothing about his sheets or boxers seemed out of order. He was completely unaware that Rob’s mother had been in his room, or that she had become intimately familiar with him. Hearing laughter outside, he got out of bed and looked through the window toward the pool area.

  Jillian and another woman were sitting in lounge chairs by the pool, talking and laughing. Jillian was in a less revealing bathing suit than the sexy one he had seen her in the previous day, but the other woman appeared to be wearing the smallest suit he’d ever seen. The top looked like it was made of two small nipple-covering triangles connected with a thin string. The bottom consisted of a super-tiny, white rectangle that barely covered her front and connected with strings that tied on each side of her hips. He was far enough away that from his vantage point, it looked like she was possibly wearing no bottom at all. Jillian’s guest adjusted her chair to a flat position and lay face down with her best asset pointing right at him.

  Brian watched her, open-mouthed, as she changed positions. He adjusted his shorts. Looking down, he contemplated a trip to take care of his issue but thought it probably would be inappropriate to do that after watching Rob’s mother and her friend. But… maybe another glance wouldn’t hurt.

  When he looked again, he found Jillian kneeling next to the other woman’s chair holding a bottle of suntan lotion. The woman in the tiny white bikini lifted her shoulders from the chair and held herself up with one hand, while with the other she reached around and untied her top. The fabric fell from her full breasts, exposing them completely to him from the side. He almost became suspicious, as she seemed to remain in that position way longer than necessary and for no apparent reason. Tilting his head to focus on a nipple, he forgot his concern. Staring even harder at
the breathtaking globes, his heart pumped faster and his shorts grew even more uncomfortable.

  Poolside, Jillian rolled her eyes while she waited to apply the lotion as Victoria’s never-ending bikini top adjustments continued. It wasn’t until her friend managed to somehow drop the bikini top onto the patio that she eyed her, suspiciously. Staring in disbelief, Jillian watched as Victoria reached over to try to collect the top. After picking it up, she dropped it again. This time, it was further from her and retrieving it required a longer stretch toward Brian’s window. Following the second drop, Jillian looked up at the window and spotted Brian standing there.

  Their eyes locked together before he quickly disappeared from sight.

  Frowning, Jillian glared down at Victoria as she finally grabbed the top and settled down flat. Instead of applying the lotion, Jillian slapped Victoria once on her ass and returned to her seat.

  “What the hell was that for?” Victoria asked.

  “You know what that was for.”

  “I really don’t.”

  Turning over, Victoria, seeming somewhat confused then secured her top while looking at Jillian.

  “Show’s over.”

  “What?” Victoria asked, trying to sound innocent but failing miserably.

  “I saw Brian up there in the window and your oh so obvious routine of, ‘I dropped my top, and I can’t reach it. Let me stretch my tits over and try… oh, I just can’t…’” Jillian said, acting out a mock-sexy stretch while pushing her breasts together with her hands.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Victoria pleaded. “I didn’t push my breasts together like that at all.”

  Jillian looked over at Victoria’s lap. “From here, it looks like you’re naked from the waist down. I’m glad Rob’s not here. Where would someone even buy a suit like that?”

  “Online. I’ll e-mail you the site name.”

  “Please, don’t,” Jillian said.

  “I think Rob would somehow be able to handle seeing me in this suit. You don’t think he’s ever seen a woman in a small bikini before?”


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