Book Read Free

Do Not Respond

Page 16

by M R Field

  “I like your shirt.” He grins, and I roll my eyes. His gaze travels to my legs, and I see him trying to focus.

  “Kiss me,” I mumble, as his shoulders tense. “I mean, the hearts say ‘kiss me.’”

  I move to the seat opposite him and sit. Now it’s judgment day.

  “So.” I bite my lip.

  “So.” He lifts the pen he has in his hand and runs it along the bottom of his chin.

  We stare at each other, me willing him to break the silence. My pulse quickens as the nerves begin to rise. I thought I was calm, but sitting so close to him, I’m not sure. Our war of stares continues until I can’t take it anymore.

  “Am I fired?”

  “What? No!” He blinks and shakes his head. “Why would you be?”

  “Because you’re my boss, and I called you a dickhead?” I offer, flinching at my stupidity.

  “No, Letty. You’re not fired. I take it you didn’t mean to send me that email.”

  “Definitely not.”

  “I also take it that it’s not the first one you’ve written in that tone.” The pen rests against his cheek, and lead churns in the pit of my stomach.

  “No,” I respond weakly.

  “What does DNR RRR stand for?”

  “RRR?” My hand covers my face. “Oh, wow. I was really enthusiastic last night. It stands for Do Not Respond. My friend Jaz suggested it.”

  “Why do you use it?” His drops the pen to the table, but not before he clicks it. I bite my lip and look back at him, and his face reveals … nothing. Huh.

  “It’s an outlet. I vent and send the email to myself, and I never look at it again.”

  “Does it work?” He moves the pen along the table, and I have to shift my eyes away, embarrassed that I’m craving a reaction from him.

  “Sure does.”

  “I’m curious about them, but at the same time, I think I can take a guess as to what they contain.”

  I draw my bottom lip in, worried that he’ll ask to see the rest. I can’t have him seeing those thoughts ever. “But since I know I deserved them, I thought I’d have a go at responding.”

  “What?” I stare at him.

  He points with the pen and taps the sheet. “My turn.”

  He raps the table before lifting the sheet so I can’t see. Smug bastard.

  “So….” He straightens in his seat, like some rogue politician, and I fold my arms and lean back, ready to take the insult.

  “Dear Letty, I thought I’d give you a response, seeing as I’m so generous like that. I’m using your email as a guide, so strap yourself in and enjoy the ride. I’m looking forward to it.” He raises his eyes to me and winks. “I really can’t stand you. Your smile is not gorgeous at all. What I really dislike is what comes out of your mouth. You really need to never speak, and your voice really grates my ear drums.

  “Also, you smell, really, really, really bad.” He looks up.

  I try in vain not to smile. “You’re so childish.”

  “Oops.” He flips the letter over and says, “Sorry, wrong side. That was the draft. This is what I wanted to say.” He wiggles in his seat, and I get ready for his onslaught. I have it coming.

  “Dear Letty. Every moment spent in your presence is delicious torture. You captivate me. You thrill me, and you awaken me. Everything about you is still a mystery to me. I want to spend hours upon hours unravelling every single piece of you. Your laugh, your smile, and the way you move make it nearly impossible to concentrate. Your spark ignites me, and it also terrifies me.”

  He stops reading for a moment and places the sheet on the desk. My chest rises and falls, rapidly moving, while he picks up the pen and writes more. I clench my thighs together.

  He clicks the pen and drops it on the table, picking up the piece of paper. His eyes find mine, and he smiles, using his other hand to shift on his chair so he’s closer to me. My lips part, needing to hear the last line that will surely wreck me.

  He swallows and lowers his eyes. “I also want to do what your leggings say.”

  “That was your last line?” I laugh, a wide smile taking over my face.

  “I’ve actually wanted to do it since I got here, so I thought I restrained myself li—.”

  I grab his face and press my lips to his, standing awkwardly as I move around the table. He reads my intentions and slides the chair back so I can straddle him. I kiss him to plead forgiveness, and I kiss him to be at his mercy. The fire builds in my blood, and I press into him, our mouths duelling, his tongue dancing against mine.

  Cole’s hands rest on my back and squeeze before moving to my behind and cupping it tightly. I moan into his mouth, pushing my crotch down and revelling in feeling him hard against me.

  “Careful.” He breaks the kiss, and my hands move to his shoulders. He continues to move his lips across my cheeks toward my ear, his breath hot against my skin. “Mini Marsupial might attack.”

  My face moves back, and I raise my eyebrow at him in an attempt to try to scold him, but I can’t. Instead, I decide to round up that wild animal.

  “I’m counting on it.” I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth, and Cole’s eyes darken, but he holds himself back.

  “Not today.” He kisses me once before adding, “But soon. We have years of lost time to make up for.”

  My hips tilt into him involuntarily, but he’s right. “Doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun, though.”

  Our lips mash together again, and I feel him smile against my lips. He tastes delicious. I savour every lick, bite, and taste.

  “Hey guys, either of you feel like a coffee? I’m going to flick the machine on,” Piper asks nonchalantly, and we break away as if we’ve been struck.

  “Um, no thanks,” I mutter meekly, as Cole pushes his head into my neck, his shoulders twitching in laughter.

  “Shh.” I try to subdue his mirth, but now his entire body shakes.

  Piper flicks on the coffee machine and then turns to me, her eyes looking at me knowingly.

  “You cheeky—,” I start.

  “Nuh-uh.” She shakes her finger at me, looking sheepish. “I believe the words you’re looking for are ‘thank you.’”

  “Thank you,” Cole murmurs from my neck, which sends a tickle down my shoulder, causing me to giggle. “Oh, forgot you were ticklish. Will remember that for later.”

  “You’re welcome, Cole.” Her brows rise up and down in victory as she collects her coffee. “I’m going to watch some TV. You’re welcome to join if you can stop the sex noises.”

  “No, thanks.” Cole’s head lifts, and before I can shift from him, he stands, still holding me against his body.

  He takes us to the staircase, and I’m about to protest that I can walk myself, but he pushes my body against his crotch. Oh, yeah. I forgot about him being on display.

  He leads us up the stairs, and I give him a quick tour by pointing my finger. “Piper’s room, spare room, bathroom, toilet, and my room.”

  His foot kicks the door open, and he marches in, using the same foot to slam the door shut. He lowers me to the ground, and my arms move up to stay on his shoulders.

  I grab hold of him and squeeze into the delicious muscle. “It is too cliché if I say how strong you are?”

  His hands cup my waist as he dips his lips closer to mine. “Only if I can tell you how hot you are.”

  I squeeze once more before running my hands up and down his arms.

  “Letty, I had this whole plan about wooing you. But the way you’re looking at me and touching me, it’s going to fuck it all up. I can only take so much.”

  My stomach flutters, and I took back up at him. “Woo me?”

  “I need to fix things between us and do it right. I want us to work. I have to get my ‘woo’ on.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “A picnic in the park, nice dinner, and possibly a movie.”

  All those things sound great, but I feel the tiredness from last night’s escapades c
reeping in. “Can we hang out here? I’ll fix up some lunch, then takeaway, and TV?”

  “You want a nap in there, too, don’t you?” His nose rubs against mine.

  “Only if you’re napping with me.”

  “You’re testing my resistance, but I’m happy to do whatever my girl wants.”

  “Your girl?” Acrobats make a home in my stomach, and I welcome them with delight.


  “Well.…” I kiss his lips and then look over my shoulder, to my bed. “Let’s start our day together over there.”

  I take his hand and lead him over to my bed, wobbling slightly. He shuffles behind as he kicks his shoes off. We lie together and stare at each other for a moment.

  His eyes trail down my body before a small smile passes his lips. “So, tell me … what else has vodka made you do?”

  I lean back into my pillow and laugh, staring at the ceiling.

  “Well, get comfortable. I have a few stories.”

  We spend the rest of the afternoon swapping memories, in between kissing and running our hands over each other’s bodies. By night time, we’ve hardly left my room until the Thai takeaway arrives, which forces us to be social with Piper for an hour.

  Stolen glances at each other and knowing looks have us kicked out of the lounge as Piper calls out to us to, “Take your sex eyes to the bedroom.”

  So we do. I’m desperate to remove his clothes, but his hands stop me each time I try. Eventually, he has to move to get up early for his morning bike ride, so he leaves me tired, needy, and lustful.

  “Soon,” he tells me, as my hands clutch his shirt to give him one more kiss before he leaves. Soon can’t come fast enough. Pun intended.


  I drive home, my thoughts a myriad of Letty. Her lips on mine, her hands against my skin—all keeping me on edge. Each action of hers mirrored my own in every way. My clothes smell like daisies, and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. No more miserable bastard.

  I resign myself to make up for everything. But a dark cloud looms above me. I need to tell her why I was such a prick. I need to face my past, soon. She’s with me now, and that’s where she’ll stay.

  “We have to be professional.” Letty kisses my nose, reminding me for the tenth time that tomorrow must look like a regular day for us both in the office.

  “So, back to Leticia?” I move my face closer to her neck so I can taste her skin.

  “Yes.…” She pants. “If you must.”

  Her skin is fucking delicious. “Any other orders, m’lady?” I tease, increasing the pressure of my lips.

  “That feels so good, and no….” Her breathing increases. “Let’s just keep it secret for a little while.”

  I continue to devour her, not liking the idea of us being a secret, however I can’t compromise the integrity of the workplace. But I’m going to have fun toying with her.

  Excitement for the workday to come sooner sparks in me. I have no idea how I’ll keep my hands off her. My face aches as another smile forms. I like the thought of my hands all over her, though. I like that idea.

  I pull into my driveway and my phone beeps. I retrieve it and read the message, throwing my head back and roaring with laughter.

  Letty: COLE! You shithead! It looks like a vampire has attacked my neck!

  Cole: Oops. (Not sorry.)

  Letty: I’m surprised you didn’t leave bite marks.

  Cole: I can kiss it better…

  Letty: No, you won’t, mister.

  Cole: Sweet dreams.

  Letty: They’ll be spent plotting my revenge.

  Cole: I look forward to it.

  She can plot her revenge all she wants. I’m going to have the upper hand tomorrow.


  “Now.” Odette’s deep green eyes stare back at me. One eyebrow is raised, assessing. “I know Melbourne weather can be pretty damn sketchy, but surely your office is climate controlled?”

  I swallow nervously, trying to keep my face blank. “Yep, of course it is.” I smile, but involuntarily lick my lips.

  “So tell me, sissy dearie, why you’re wearing a very thick woollen scarf?”

  “I like this scarf,” I defend myself, looking down at my skirt. “It goes with my outfit.”

  “If you were in the middle of winter.” Her brow raises again, and I turn my face, struggling not to smile. “Show me the damage, Miss Guilty Face.”

  I sigh and then untie the knot from the front and unweave it, being mindful not to pull out my earbuds while I do it. I tilt my neck toward her and hear a chuckle. I wish the earphone cords were thicker to hide it.

  “Good job at trying to cover it, but I can see a bit of red there. Who is he?”

  I wrap the scarf around my neck and smile sheepishly. “Please don’t be mad.,” I plead. My eyes meet hers, and a shiver of nerves coats the back of my neck.

  “Who?” Her eyes stare back at me. Waiting.

  “It’s … Cole.” I look down at my hands, clasping them together.

  “Letty.” Her voice softens. “Look at me.”

  I shake my head.

  “Letty,” my big sister’s voice calls to me, and I raise my eyes. “It’s fine, honey.” A sweet smile rests on her face. “I think it’s great.”

  “But he was a massive prick to me.”

  “But he’s changing,”

  “You used to date him,” I accuse, waiting for her to tell me I’m an idiot.

  She cringes, but shakes her head. “We never dated; it was all pretend. We were teenage idiots, and all I wanted was to make Johnny jealous.”

  “Your ex? But I saw you guys kissing.” I frown.

  “On the cheek. That’s it.” Her smile widens as her eyes move up and down, scrutinizing me. “But I can see you’ve done more than that.…”


  “You do realise you don’t bitch about him as much anymore, and our emails haven’t had details of any forms of torture you want to inflict on him. It’s been coming, my dear. Even Parker thinks you need to get your act together.”

  “You’ve been talking to Parker!” I squeal and then look up to the ceiling to regain my composure. “Of course you guys have been speaking. Little gossips, just like we were as kids!”

  “Oh, honey … that scarf is doing a great job keeping you warm, as your face is red!”

  “Hush your mouth!” I move the mouse to the tab in the bottom of the screen of the webpage she sent me a few minutes ago. “If you want help with your dress for the wedding you’re going to, you’ll be nice, or I’ll make you look like an ogre!”

  “I’ll shut up … for now. But I want gossip soon. I have to compare notes with Judi and Parker.”

  I growl and then click the tab to hide her face. I don’t need to be thinking about Cole’s mum.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” I say before all the images even load. This site is amazing. “Where has this

  been all my life?”

  “I know, right?” Odette’s voice fills my ears, as our video chat is covered by a page showing a

  beautiful blue dress with white flowers.

  “I can’t see your face, but this dress is so you,” I muse, as I scan through the various angles of it. I move the mouse to the top of the page and hit the sale tab to scroll through the images. We chat for a few moments while I get lost in all the pretties.

  “… package.” Odette’s voice lingers in my headphone.

  “What?” My ears prick up. “What did you say about a package? Did you send me another cool T-shirt, like my ‘Vodka made me do it’ one?” Which is still not as cool as her “My neck, my back, my Netflix, and my snacks” T-shirt.

  “It’s a special one.” Her voice lowers mischievously. I stop scrolling to wait for her to continue. To think she was just giving me shit. That little sod. Yet, a reason for her comment springs to my ears.

  “No way! Are we talking about that package?” I jump a little in my seat from excitement, being careful to not tug on my e
arphones too much. “You finally banged your boss! Told you, you need to get him out of your system. What’s it been? Over a year? You needed to get laid, girl. Your mood was being felt from back here.”

  “No, Letty, that’s not exactly what I’m talking about.”

  “Well, who else did you bang? I didn’t think there were ample banging opportunities

  over there, with you being so busy? You said soccer players spend too much money on hair gel.”

  “Stop saying ‘bang’ when I’m talking about packages,” she scoffs, and I continue to bait


  “Well, you’re being evasive.” I click the screen to minimise the webpage so I can see her face again and stare her into submission. “Have you ordered something online?”

  Her body straightens while a huge smile forms across her lips.

  “What did you do?” I move my face closer to the camera and threaten to put my nostril there, as I know she hates it. She grumbles in my ear, and I chuckle, moving back.

  “You might not want to ask about my packages.” Odette smiles, raising her eyebrow.

  “Why? What are you hiding?” I squint at her, tapping my finger to my lips. “Did you order a mega dildo or something? Not like it’s new. You do remember Mum insisting on wanting to take us shopping that one time—.”

  “Jesus, stop talking!” Odette shrieks, and I throw my arms in the air in frustration before leaning back in the chair.

  “What freaking package are you—?” Movement to my side catches my eye, and I turn, only to almost slam face first into the crotch of Cole, who is standing next to my chair decked out in his bike gear. Lycra. A second skin. I can see everything. That’s right, his marsupial is about to high five my nose. I felt it against my leg several times yesterday, but never touched it. But I want to. My fingers itch to touch it.

  “Penis!” I blurt, freezing at my outburst, as my mouth gapes. I look up at him, slapping a hand over my lips.

  “Hi, Cole!” Odette screams in my ear, and I clench my eyes shut and growl as I pluck one of the headphones out and yell at her.


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