My Unexpected Serenity: California Billionaires Book 1

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My Unexpected Serenity: California Billionaires Book 1 Page 31

by Harlow James

  “I’ll take you. I promise. We’re doing a superhero theme inside too, at Nolan’s suggestion. Apparently my brother and I both have an obsession with comics.”

  “Does Nolan know who you are? Or remember what happened?”

  I sigh. “Lydia says he has flashes of memories sometimes, but not really. He was barely four when the accident happened.”

  “Are you gonna tell him one day?”

  “I will. But I’m not sure how to.”

  She reaches for my hand, squeezing it with hers. “Well, I’ll be there when you do.”

  “You will?”

  Tears stream down her cheeks as she leans in closer to me, planting a soft kiss on my lips. “Of course I will. I’m sorry I wouldn’t listen, but I understand. What you just divulged to me—it’s a lot.”

  “My life turned upside down in a matter of months, Shayla. It was fucking crazy. It was like drowning, trying to break through the surface of the water only to have someone shove me back down under it. I contemplated ending my life at one point. I was in a dark place, but after getting sober, I promised myself I would focus on making my grandfather proud and put everything else before my own needs. I didn’t deserve to think about myself anymore after how selfish I had been. And when I came back here, I knew it would be hard. It would stir up shit inside of me. But then I met you.”

  We both smile as she soothes the side of my face with her touch and a tear falls from my eyes, multiple emotions pouring out of me at this moment. “You were the last thing I expected to find here. Being around you, talking to you, getting to know you, soaking up your presence—you became this spark of tranquility missing from my life, and it had been years since I felt that. Although I don’t know that I ever truly have felt that kind of peace in my life—ever.”

  “I love you, Wes. You were the last type of man I ever saw myself letting in. You were everything I didn’t want, and yet somehow, someone knew that we needed each other.”

  I grin. “You think Gramps was pulling strings from upstairs?”

  “Maybe.” She shrugs. “The last thing I thought I’d want is someone to take care of me, but now I realize that we can take care of each other. I’m beginning to realize that’s what love is. It’s not one person being in control, or taking on the weight of the relationship. It’s two people supporting each other through ups and downs, and that means we both get to be strong at some point.”

  “That’s all I want, Shayla. I’m not a saint, but you make me feel like I can be a better man.”

  “You are the only man I want, Wes. I love you.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her onto my lap, cradling her into my chest as we kiss. Our tongues gently lick, our lips slide and pull, and our hearts mend as we reconnect after a week apart.

  And as I hold her in my arms, the anvil of guilt and anguish resting on my chest lifts into the air, leaving behind an imprint, but also reminding me that anything worth having is worth fighting for. And I will spend the rest of my life fighting to be the man that Shayla deserves.

  Chapter 27


  One Month Later

  “Shayla Mitchel, M.A. in Sociology, Magna cum laude.” The MC announces Shayla’s name as I watch her walk across the stage in the arena at UCSB.

  “Yeah! Go Shayla! That’s my best friend!” Chloe screams next to me, borderline bursting my eardrums as she jumps up and down. Waverly and Hayes clap alongside her as we all celebrate her accomplishment.

  I lean over and speak in Chloe’s ear. “You know she probably can’t hear you.”

  “I don’t give a shit, Wes. That girl is my ride or die, and I will scream for her whether she can hear me or not.” She points down at the stage sharply.

  I nod in understanding. “She’s lucky to have you, Chloe.”

  She glances up at me from her spot to my right, smirking at me before jutting her chin in my direction. “I know. But she’s lucky to have you too.”

  I pull the woman in for a side hug as we watch my gorgeous girlfriend accept her degree and walk across the stage. Shayla told me that Chloe was relentless in getting her to finally hear me out, and for that I owe her everything.

  After the ceremony is over, the four of us meet Shayla at a spot just outside of the arena where the graduation ceremony took place. The weather is surprisingly warm for December in Santa Barbara, but that’s one of the perks of living in southern California and near the beach. We don’t experience typical seasons. I can’t remember the last time I saw snow.

  “I did it!” Shayla shouts as she runs up to us, clutching her cap to her head that she decorated in a Friends theme, etched in rhinestones, “The One Where I Graduate.” I distinctly remember helping her glue the rhinestones on one by one the other night before she thanked me repeatedly afterward.

  Her pearly white smile is shining brightly in the sunlight and her hair is bouncing as she rushes forward and crashes into me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “You did it, baby. I’m so proud of you,” I say softly in her ear before she pulls away and then smashes her lips to mine.

  “Enough of that,” Chloe barks. “You two will have plenty of time to celebrate that way later.” She winks in my direction, but I fight to keep a straight face. “Now let me hug my best friend.”

  I release Shayla as she prances over to Chloe. They smash themselves together, teetering on their feet as they murmur a complete conversation between them. Hayes, Waverly, and I just watch.

  “I’m so excited for you,” Waverly chimes in once the girls part. Her graduation was last week, so both of my favorite girls have had plenty to celebrate lately.

  “I feel like an entire weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I don’t know what to do with all of my free time now. No homework ever again? I don’t think I mentally prepared for this,” she jokes.

  Hayes chuckles. “So what are you going to do with that fancy degree of yours now?”

  Shayla shakes her head and laughs. “I still have yet to figure that out. But for now, I’m okay with that.”

  “I might have an idea,” I chime in as Shayla turns her gaze to me.

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. We can discuss it later.” After I ask you another very important question as well.

  “Our reservations are in about twenty minutes, so we’d better get a move on so we’re not late,” Waverly orders as the five of us start making our way to our cars.

  “It’s not like the restaurant is going to turn us away, Wave,” Hayes argues.

  “That’s beside the point. It’s about being respectful and on time.”

  He shakes his head. “It sure is rich hearing you speak about being respectful.”

  “Excuse me?” She lifts her hand to her chest right as I step between the two of them.

  “That’s enough. I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you two lately, but I’ll be damned if you ruin today for Shayla with your childish arguing. Knock it off, or don’t bother coming to lunch.”

  Everyone’s eyes bulge out of their head as they share glances but keep their mouths shut.

  “Damn. That was hot, Wes,” Chloe finally speaks and breaks the silence as I shake my head at her.

  “Just get in the cars, everyone.”

  We split up in two cars and then travel across town to the restaurant Shayla picked for lunch, partaking in local wine and food while celebrating the amazing woman I can’t wait to lock down later tonight.


  “Are you sure you’re not too cold?” I ask her as we kick off our flip flops and start walking through the sand. My plan to was do this on the beach tonight, but now that we’re here, I’m not sure what I was thinking. No matter how nice it is during the day, once the sun goes down, it still gets chilly here in the winter.

  However, I knew there was no other way I’d want to propose to Shayla. She wouldn’t want extravagant and over the top. She’d want something private an
d meaningful, in a place that she loves. So I knew I made the right choice. I just hope I can pull it off the way I planned.

  “I’m fine. It’s not like I’m going to put my feet in the water, but you know I can’t resist the ocean, Wes.” Shayla pulls her sweater tighter around her body and then reaches for my hand with hers that isn’t holding her shoes. “Plus I feel like it’s the perfect way to end today.”

  We start walking hand in hand, peering out over the water that looks black except for the reflection of the moon mirrored in it at certain points.

  “Did you have a good day?”

  Her smile is instantaneous and I’m glad I was watching her as it appeared. “Absolutely. I can’t believe it’s over though. Eight years of working toward one day and then it’s gone in a matter of hours.”

  “Yeah, but that degree lasts forever. No one can take that accomplishment away from you. That’s the real prize right there, baby.”

  “You’re right. I set out to accomplish that goal, and I did. And I’m proud.”

  “As you should be,” I reply as we continue to stroll slowly along the sand, listening to the waves crash and roll in. “You know people say the same thing about weddings?” I throw out, hoping to steer this conversation in the direction I need it to go.

  “Who on earth are you discussing weddings with, Wes? I thought you only had like two friends, and I know for sure, Hayes isn’t getting married anytime soon.” She nudges me playfully and then chuckles.

  “No one in particular. I’ve just heard that your wedding day is kind of how you described your graduation. You spend months or even years planning it, and then it’s over in a few hours.”

  “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

  “But then hopefully you’re left with a partner that you can’t wait to make memories with that last more than a few hours—memories that last a lifetime.”

  She casts me a side-eye glance. “You’re awfully mushy tonight. You alright?”

  I huff out a laugh. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  We continue walking as I watch how far we’ve traveled, waiting until we arrive at just the right spot. I pull Shayla’s hand to stop her and then spin her around. Pulling her back up against my chest so I can wrap my arms around her, I then rest my chin on her head as we stare out at the ocean.

  “Do you know where we are?”

  “Uh, Santa Barbara.”

  I chuckle, closing my eyes as I relish in the sound of her laugh and take in a deep breath of tranquility. “Yes. Where else?”

  “The beach?” she questions, turning slightly so she can see my face.

  “That too. But there’s something else special about where we are Shayla.” I slowly let go of her and step back, preparing to drop down on one knee. I hear her scoff, and just as she twists around, my knee finds the sand and I stare up at her, desperate to tell her how I feel.

  “Wes… what… what are you doing?” She covers her mouth with her hands, but I reach for one of them to hold.

  “This is the spot where we ran into each other that fateful day in August, the day I knocked you down on the ground. But baby, you were the one who really knocked me flat on my back.”

  Her lip trembles, but she doesn’t speak so I keep going.

  “Seeing you and then meeting you was unexpected in so many ways, Shayla. But I knew there was no stopping me from pursuing you once I got a taste of your sass. And the belly button ring might have helped too.” I wink up at her as she chuckles through her tears.

  “This is the spot where our story began, but now it’s the spot where I ask you to write every chapter left of yours with me. Let’s create our future together. Let me love you and take care of you until we’re both old, or moldy,” I joke.

  “That was cheesy.”

  “Well, our relationship did start with a basket of cheese.” I smirk at her again.

  “What do you say, Shayla? I know it’s fast, but I spent years telling myself I wasn’t allowed to want a future anymore until you came along. I was meant to return here, not only to make things right with Nolan and myself, but also because I was meant to find you. Will you marry me, Shayla? And make me the happiest man on the planet?”

  A tear streaks down her cheek, but her smile takes my breath away. “Yes, Wes. I’ll marry you.”

  I exhale all of my nerves and then reach into my pocket to extract the ring box. “I probably should have had this out while I was talking,” I say, shaking my head.

  “It’s okay. I’m glad you didn’t. I would have been too distracted by—oh my God, Wes!”

  I open the box and pull out the five carat emerald-cut diamond I picked out for her, gently placing it on her ring finger.

  “This is the biggest ring I’ve ever seen …”

  “Well, I wanted to go with something bigger, but Chloe and Hayes convinced me not to.”

  “They knew?” she asks as I stand.

  “Yes. And Waverly was consulting over Facetime. I wanted to make sure I chose wisely.” I glance down to see the ring on her finger, the stone shining brightly in the moonlight and know it was meant to be there—that she was meant to be mine.

  “It’s stunning, Wes. More than I ever anticipated. Are you sure about this?” Her eyes lift up to me with a hint of hesitation. “It is really fast.”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” Lifting her hand to mine, I kiss the tops of her knuckles. “I’m not saying we have to get married right away, but you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, Shayla Mitchel.”

  Her lips spread as she wraps her arms around my neck and rises on her tip toes, leaning in until her mouth is just a centimeter from mine. “Well, who can argue with that, Mr. Billionaire.”


  Two Weeks Later

  “Did you have a good Christmas, Nolan?” Shayla asks as we sit on the couch in Lydia’s living room. It’s the day after Christmas and we made plans to see them after the holiday since I’ve been trying to be more present in Nolan’s life.

  “Yeah. It was good. I got the new PlayStation 5, and all of my friends are jealous since they’re super hard to find right now.” His grin of satisfaction is worth the calls I made to make sure he had it. Lydia was grateful of course because it was the main thing he asked for.


  “Yeah,” he replies before looking down into his lap. “I just really wish the facility were done already though. That would have been the ultimate Christmas present.”

  I sigh and then lean forward in my seat. “I know, buddy. But it will be ready next week. The opening ceremony is going to be epic and I definitely need you there to make sure you get to see everyone’s appreciation for your input.”

  Over the last several weeks, I’ve made time to take Nolan to the building as finishing touches were made inside. Railings and ramps are all installed, the walls are painted, floors are squeaky clean, conference rooms for classes are decorated in different superhero character color schemes, uniforms are clean and ready to be distributed, and the mural that Nolan suggested came out perfectly, painted by a local artist that Chloe was able to connect me to from her work at the art gallery. A list of classes, sport teams, and volunteer opportunities has been created and listed on our website. And the entire staff has been interviewed, trained, and certified, and is ready for opening day—much to the credit of Shayla.

  I also introduced Shayla to Nolan and Lydia just after we got engaged. Lydia welcomed her with open arms, and I assured her that Shayla understood the need for privacy where our relationship was concerned. Of course, Lydia thought it was preposterous that I’d even feel the need to tell her that, but Shayla has been nothing but accepting of this new addition in our lives. And now that she’s working for the facility, she’ll probably be seeing him more than me.

  After Shayla met Nolan and I showed her the project that brought me here, I could see the excitement for what we created all over her face, which was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. Since she was a new
college graduate, I offered her the opportunity to work at the facility managing our support staff. She has the perfect personality to handle people and I know she’s hardworking. Plus, it gave her a reason to stop working her other two jobs. Even though she didn’t have any hands-on experience with the clientele, I knew she’d be eager to learn. And she jumped at the opportunity, especially since we decided to stay in Santa Barbara for the foreseeable future.

  I’ve been able to manage my responsibilities with the company from over an hour away for four months now, so why not stay where I’m happiest—and where Shayla is happiest too. Although, she is moving in with me after new year. Chloe wasn’t too thrilled with that, but she recently took up a job doing free-lance writing for a local magazine, and her dog-walking and pet-sitting gig remains prosperous, so Shayla knew she’d be solid financially. That was her biggest worry about moving out.

  But now it’s the day after Christmas, and even though a barrage of things have happened, today my momentary happiness is threatened as I’m planning on telling Nolan about who I am. Lydia agreed that it was better to tell him now than wait until later where he might feel like we kept something from him, and she tried to convince me that his reaction might surprise me. And just as Shayla promised, she’s here beside me as I attempt to make amends with the most important person I hurt of them all.

  “So, Nolan. I—I kind of wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay.” He sets his unopened gift down on the ground before giving me his attention again.

  “I didn’t just knock on your door that first day because I wanted your input on the Wings & Wheels facility,” I explain, taking a deep breath in preparation to keep speaking. “I actually have met you before.”

  His brows furrow. “When?”

  “When you were little,” I say, waiting to see if the connection registers.


  I glance over at Lydia as she gives me a nod of encouragement and then starts to speak. “Nolan, Wes is—”

  “My brother,” he finishes as Shayla, Lydia, and myself all share wide-eyed glances.


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