My Unexpected Serenity: California Billionaires Book 1

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My Unexpected Serenity: California Billionaires Book 1 Page 32

by Harlow James

  After a bout of silence, Lydia clears her throat and says, “Yes, he is.”

  “How—how did you know that, Nolan?” I ask as my heart races uncontrollably. Did Lydia tell him before I got here?

  He shrugs and then tilts his head at me. “I mean, it’s kind of obvious. We look a lot alike. And I figured you weren’t my dad since you’re not old enough to have a kid.”

  I huff out a disbelieving laugh as I fall back into the couch, letting my body relax, but only momentarily. “Yeah, we do, and no, I’m definitely not your dad, although technically I am old enough.” I scoff, but then refocus on the conversation. “But there’s something else though, Nolan.” I sit forward once more and then clasp my hands together, preparing for the true confession that I’m afraid to utter. “Do you remember anything about the accident when you lost the feeling in your legs?”

  His face wrinkles as he glances to his lap in thought. “Not really. I remember being in a car. Yelling to go faster. And then I remember being in the hospital, but that’s really it.”

  Inhaling a breath of courage, I freeze before stating, “I was driving the car when we crashed, Nolan. I’m the reason you can’t walk.” My entire body is tight as I wait to see his reaction. If he never wants to see me again, I won’t blame him. But I honestly don’t know what to expect for him to say.

  I can feel my pulse pound in my neck as I watch him, anticipating his anger and distaste for me, the reaction that I’ve played out over and over in my head more than once. But when his eyes flick up to me with an intensity that has me holding my breath, his words steal the oxygen from my lungs. “It’s not your fault, Wes. It was an accident.”

  I glance over at Lydia as she smiles at her son and a tear runs down her face. “I told you not to worry, Wes,” she whispers, winking at me.

  “Nolan?” I ask, twisting to face him again, shocked to my core by the way he leans back in his chair and grins just slightly.

  “Look. I don’t remember everything, but for as long as I can remember, I’ve been in this chair.” He gestures down to the black and neon green wheels that I know he loves because Lydia told me he picked them out for his last birthday. “Does it suck that I can’t walk or run? Yeah. Does it suck that I’ll never know what it feels like to skateboard or dance with a girl? Yeah. But what happened to me isn’t your fault. This is all I’ve ever known. And I’ve tried to make peace with it.” He glances over at his mom. “Mom and I talk about it a lot. I’ve spoken with a therapist, and now you’re building this place for me and kids like me to have something that’s just for us, and that means more to me than you’ll ever realize.”

  I hear Shayla sniffle next to me as I glance at her face, her mascara running down in black streaks. “How is he only eleven?” she asks in awe.

  Lydia laughs through her tears. “I ask myself that same question some days. But it’s true, Wes. The accident wasn’t your fault. This was how things were supposed to be. My son isn’t dead. He’s here. And you’re making his world a better place. It’s time to forgive yourself because we never held you accountable.”

  And the damn breaks, the tears cascade from the corners of my eyes as I cover my face with my hands and bend myself in half and struggle to breathe through my heavy, choked back sobs. I feel Shayla’s arms wrap around me from the side, consoling me as I feel guilt take flight and leave my chest. “I’m so sorry, Nolan.”

  The sound of his wheelchair moving is muffled by the sounds traveling up my throat. But for a moment, a cloud lifts as I inhale, accepting that the truth is now out and my life didn’t implode. The woman I love is beside me, and my little brother has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever witnessed in my life.

  “Don’t be sorry. You’re my brother. I have to forgive you no matter what.”

  I flick my head up to see him stare at me through the fuzziness of my sight with a confidence that almost undoes me again. “Is that so?”

  “Yup. Besides, I’ve always wanted a brother or sister, and now I have one.” He smiles at me and reaches out to shake my hand, a mere boy putting a grown man in his place, scaling a mountain that I’ve been climbing for years.

  And all I can do is confirm what he says, because now that is my new purpose, to be his brother in every sense of the word. “Yes. Yes, you do.”

  Chapter 28


  One Week Later

  “Yes, over there.” I point to the columns that frame the arched entrance to the Wings & Wheels facility, directing the delivery personnel to place the red, green, and blue balloon arch in front of the entrance.

  “Perfect.” I stand back and admire the way the colors pop against the dark grey stucco Wes chose for the outside of the building, and couldn’t be more proud. He wanted to make an impact, bring something good to the community and for Nolan, and he accomplished that.

  “Is the food here yet? I’m starving.” The whiny voice of my best friend pulls my attention to my right, where Chloe pouts and gives me her best puppy dog eyes.

  “You’ve been spending too much time around dogs. That look doesn’t work on me. And no, it’s not here yet. But it should be any minute.”

  “Ugh. You’re no fun anymore. You moved out, you’re getting married, and now you have this grown up job that makes me think my best friend doesn’t love me anymore.” Her dramatic antics are nothing new, but I still appreciate that she misses me.

  I chuckle and then hug her from the side. “I know. It’s been a crazy few weeks. I promise, we will get together next week. Once today is over, things won’t be so hectic and I’ll be able to schedule Chloe and Shayla time.”

  “You promise?” she asks, pouting again.


  “Okay. I guess I still love you.”

  The sound of a truck backing up has us both twisting as I see the caterer’s logo on the side. “There’s the food.”

  “Perfect timing.”

  Chloe follows me over to greet the men here to set up the food. As I guide them inside, she tries to pluck a sandwich off a tray while they’re walking behind me, and surprisingly is successful. Once they know where to go, I leave them to finish setting up the tables and then turn around, bumping right into the chest of a man I’d recognize even if I were blind.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Wes greets me, smiling down at me so honestly that his teeth and eyes twinkle. Damn, the man is handsome. And all mine.

  The three weeks have been insane, but building a life with Wes feels so fulfilling. Knowing there are no more secrets, no more doubts—it’s been freeing in a way I don’t know was possible. And now all we have is room for our love to grow, and lots of wedding plans to make.

  “Hi, Mr. Billionaire.” I still love calling him that because I know he hates it. Or rather, it gets him fired up and needy to punish me in the way I’ve come to love and need myself.

  His lips find mine for a soft kiss, but it’s much too short. “Everything ready? We’re on schedule?”

  “Yes. The balloons and food are here. Francine has the media company outside setting up the sound system, and all of the employees have been sanitizing and making sure the inside is ready to go for when everyone arrives.

  “Wes!” Nolan shouts, drawing our attention as he and Lydia enter the building. “It looks so awesome in here! The guys are gonna freak!”

  Wes and I share a laugh at Nolan’s expense and then take turns hugging Lydia.

  “This place is truly remarkable, Wes. I can’t thank you enough again.”

  “I honestly never imagined how it would all turn out. But it’s perfect. Let me show you the medical offices where you can schedule appointments for Nolan and the parent center where you can hang out while Nolan plays basketball and stuff.”

  I watch Wes guide Lydia down one of the halls as Nolan’s phone makes a sound. Squinting down at him, I notice him taking pictures, the click of the camera capturing images echoing between us. “Pretty incredible, right?”

  “So amazing. And the superhero
theme is so sick.”

  “I agree. I secretly think Wes wants his bedroom to look like this, but I’m not sure that will happen.” I laugh at my own joke, but Nolan doesn’t find it funny.

  “Wes is like a real-life superhero to me, so if he wants a superhero room, you should let him have it,” he says so seriously that it leaves me speechless. And before I can respond, Lydia and Wes return.

  Less than an hour later, Wes gives his speech as the media arrives and hangs on his every word. Grace, Lydia, Nolan, and I stand supportively to the side of the stage.

  “Although this project is much different from the traditional hotels the Morgan Empire is known for, I can’t think of a better use of our funds and time. I am proud to declare that Wings & Wheels is open.” He cuts a red ribbon with a giant pair of scissors and then poses for multiple pictures with the three managers that will be in charge of running the facility since Wes can’t take on the responsibility himself.

  “Wes!” Waverly calls out as she runs up to us in her heels with Hayes trailing behind her.

  “Wave. You guys made it.” They share a hug as Hayes arrives in the vicinity. Since they both travel from Santa Monica, they’ve been carpooling a lot up here.

  “Yeah. Sorry we’re late. Traffic was a bitch.” He assesses the building in front of him, smiling appreciatively. “It looks fucking fantastic, man. Congrats. I bet Nolan is thrilled.”

  Nolan wasted no time being the first one inside, followed closely by his friends. They’ve been itching to try out the new basketball court since the floor was polished.

  “He is. It was all worth it.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Wes,” Waverly says before hugging him tightly. When she steps back, she reaches up to push a strand of her bright blonde hair behind her ear. But as she lowers her hand, the sunlight catches on a diamond that I’ve never seen her wear before, particularly on that specific finger.

  “Waverly, is that—” I begin to ask just as I see Hayes’ eyes bug out.

  “Oh, uh—” she starts, but Hayes steps up next to her, holding her wrist, and then cutting her off.

  “Babe, I guess there’s no time like the present to tell them,” he says through a clenched smile, widening his eyes at Waverly like they’re having a conversation only they understand.

  “But I thought we were going to wait?” she fires back at him through the same creepy smile that has Wes and I sharing a concerned look.

  “Wait for what? What’s going on, guys?” Wes grips my waist as we anticipate the confirmation I can sense is coming, but I still don’t think I’m prepared for it.

  “Uh, Hayes and I—we—”

  “We got married, man. You and I are officially brothers now.” Hayes grins as he pulls Waverly into his side, and her forced smile is half-assed, but semi-genuine.

  However, all Wes and I can do is stand there, mouths open in shock, wondering how in the hell this happened.


  Want to know how Waverly and Hayes ended up married? And whether they will stay married?

  Find out in My Unexpected Vow, coming Spring 2021!

  Pre-Order here

  And if you enjoyed Wes & Shayla’s story, please consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

  More Books by Harlow James

  One Look, A Baseball Romance Standalone

  Guilty as Charged

  An intense enemies to lovers standalone that will melt your kindle.

  McKenzie’s Turn to Fall

  A holiday romance where a romance author falls for her neighborhood butcher

  The Emerson Falls Series

  Tangled (Kane & Olivia)

  Enticed (Cooper & Clara)

  Captivated (Cash and Piper)

  Revived (Luke and Rachel)

  Devoted (Brooks and Jess)

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  My husband proposed to me in Santa Barbara over ten years ago now, and if you ever get the chance to visit, please do so you understand the sense of tranquility that the town can offer.

  Upon our vacation there this past fall, I was sitting on the beach and this idea of a billionaire romance came to me. It unfolded in my brain almost immediately, and then I rushed to write my thoughts down the second I could. I never thought I would write a story with a billionaire as the hero, but the more I felt Wes, the more I knew that this is where my creative mind was taking me. And oh boy, do I have two more books in store for you in this brand new world that I’ve created. You are NOT ready for Hayes and Waverly. You’ve been warned ;)

  To L: Your encouragement and support keeps me going, even when I doubt myself. You are one of the best friends I could have asked for and I couldn’t do this without you. I love you.

  To my hubby: Your reassurance and praise in what I’ve been able to accomplish in this endeavor makes me proud to call you my husband and best friend. Even though you’ll tease me about how excited I get about each new idea and walk by as I’m typing and say, “You started another book?”, you never stop supporting me and I couldn’t love you more for it.

  To Keely and Judy: Your feedback was critical to perfecting this story. Keely—you pushed me to bring the emotion and I thank you for it, for loving Wes like I did. And Judy—that prologue was the missing carrot. Your perspective always helps to bring my stories to the next level, and I am forever grateful.

  To my beta readers, ARC team, and my readers, both old and new: Thank you for taking a chance on a self-published author. Thank you for sharing my books with others. Thank you for allowing me to share my creativity with people who love the romance genre as much as I do.

  And thank you for supporting a wife and a mom who found a hobby that she loves.




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