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HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7)

Page 7

by Elaine May

  “Normal place, Miss Jonas?” He asks with that fatherly look he always gives me and low whisper just in case anyone can hear us.

  “Could you drop me off at the corner? I want to see if my friend is waiting for me.”

  “Is this friend Mr Harry Bryant?”

  “It sure is and it’s all working to plan.” He nods his head and says something about noticing that the other day and drives my little car out of the car lot underneath my apartment complex.

  “I had a call from Mark today. He’s not happy. He asked if I knew what you were up to. He tried to threaten me.” Clive says as he pulls out onto the street, but nothing about what he has just said surprises me. Mark Grant is just like my grandfather which is why they probably got on so well.

  “He’s been calling me too andI’m sure he’s not happy and I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Clive laughs in reply and I know he thought the same but I don’t like it. Clive has done so much for me the last thing I want is for him to get any grief from my actions.

  “You did very well keeping it all a secret Miss Jonas, he didn’t see it coming. Well done, I’m proud of you.” I look over at him and give him one of my big smiles that are only for him nowadays. Once upon a time I gave them away all the time for my parents but now they are only for him.

  As we get closer to my destination I start to feel a flutter in my stomach at the thought of seeing him again. Butterflies are flying up a storm inside me and as much as I try to remain neutral I can’t seem to stop them or stop the sweat building in my palms or my brow.

  “Are you ok Miss Jonas?” Clive’s eyes keep looking out of their corner at me and I can hear his brain trying to work out what’s wrong with me.

  “Nervous?” He asks and I fight to give away a giggle because I think he may have me pegged. Why on earth would I be nervous about seeing him? I’m never nervous and I tell him so but only get a grunt and a raised eyebrow in my direction as a response. Why is he always so clever? He has always known me better than I know myself and I would hate him for it if I didn’t love him so much. I look out the window and notice we are nearly there.

  “Can you just drop me off here please?” Clive looks in the rear view mirror and flicks the indicator as he nods his head and I’ve never felt so relieved to be out of his presence when I step out of my own car.

  How could he have read me so well?

  How could I give so much away that he knew what was wrong with me? It’s so unlike me, I’ve never done that before. Why does Harry Bryant, Mr thinks he’s God’s gift to every female with a pulse, get to give me such a reaction? Arghhh the bastard. I try taking in a huge gulp of air just trying to calm myself down but the closer I get to my destination the harder it gets because he could be here. I’ve asked him to come somewhere that no one else knows about, except Clive that is . The newspapers would pay millions for this little detail and I’m willingly letting this man into my private world.

  I can hear the sound of the building getting louder the closer I get and the normal feelings I get don’t come, worry welcomes itself into my mind and it won’t shift. It’s here to stay and I hate Harry even more, and then he’s there. He has his back to me but he looks so uncomfortable it’s funny.

  Ha, take that Harry, that’s what you get when you do these things to me. He’s wearing a dark grey suit tonight and if I could guess he has come straight from the office. Shame tonight isn’t going to go the way he thinks it will.

  “Hello Harry.” He turns around and his look tells me how out of his depth he is. Poor baby, not.

  “W...What? Who are you??” I take a few steps closer to him and he holds out his arms as if he thinks I’m going to attack him. I’ll give him credit though, this is a rough part of our city but needs must and this is where I need to be. I put my hand to my lips and shh him before leaning in to his ear. His body heat and scent consume me as soon as I’m within his personal bubble and the butterflies begin their flight of death again.

  “Don’t tell anyone, but it’s me.” I nibble on his lobe and then pull away so he can look at me.

  “It’s Ayria.”

  “W...What?” Oh poor baby he’s so confused.

  “It’s me,Ayria, big boy. I just have a wig on.” I take his hand and lead him down the alleyway and push him against the wall. I take a quick look to make sure we are alone and remove my wig hearing him gasp as he takes me in.

  “I...I w....wouldn’t have known.”

  “That’s good, that means the disguise is working.” I shrug my shoulder and go to put the wig back on but out of nowhere he pushes me back against the wall behind me with a thud. He takes the strands of my hair and runs his fingers through it, our faces so close to one another, our noses almost touching and my blood starts to boil as he pushes against me. The cold bricks are unforgiving against my clothes, all the air seems to be non-existent as I just wait for his next move. He starts pulling at my hair, my neck arching with his grip and I just want to take his lips.

  “It’s a fucking amazing disguise, but why are we here of all places?”

  “We have a job to do, big boy.” He loosens his grip and I can feel my airways begin to work again.

  “Hey, I left my job at the office already. I’m done.”

  “There’s always something you can do.” I step away from him and put my wig back into place before turning to him again.

  “To help others.”

  “To help others, why the fu...” I walk away from him before I have to hear the rest of his speech. That right there is what’s wrong with most of the rich and famous that grace our world. They are just too consumed with themselves, making more money. They are blinded to what is happening in the real world. My grandfather was the same, all the men I have ever been with before were just the same. Self righteous pigs that I would have loved to stay clear of but dear old Grandfather knew what he wanted and I was meant to follow. That’s why it’s so easy to do what I do. Lead them in with all my beauty, charm and money and then when I have them wiggling on my hook I release the shark. Harry Bryant deserves it, they all deserved it and me, I’m happy to live out the rest of my life showing all those bastards what it means and I get to help others too. What’s the point in having all this power, money, if you can’t help the people who need it most? I stop when I feel his hand take mine, the same effect overpowering me.

  “Why the hell are we here?” He demands and then he actually takes a moment to take in where here is and it takes a moment but I know when recognition takes over.

  “Why does that name ring a bell?”

  “Think about it Harry.”

  “This place was on your list of donors for that money.” I start clapping my hands, mocking him in the process.

  “Well done. Yes it was and now you get to see firsthand what our money is doing.”

  “I’m not going in there.”

  “If you want to see me tonight then yes you are.” I take his hand and start pulling him to the doors. As soon as the doors open the smell of food engulfs me and the sense of feeling home takes over. I can be myself here, I can be myself anywhere where I get to help others. I see Kate just by the doors out of the kitchen and she stops when she sees me.

  “Anna, you made it. You’ll never guess what?” She almost shouts as she takes both my hands in hers.

  “We had a donation the other day. A rather large donation.”

  “Oh my God, that’s amazing. Is it enough to do what you have always been talking about?”

  “Oh my God, Anna, it’s more than enough. I can hardly believe it.”

  “That’s fantastic, Kate.” I can feel Harry’s questioning eyes on me as Kate suddenly decides to take in the man beside me.

  “Who’s this?” She asks and I interrupt Harry before he can answer, although I’m sure Kate can tell he comes from money.

  “This is Harry, he’s come to help us tonight.”

  “Oh that’s fantastic, we can always do with more help.” She keeps looking at Harry lik
e he’s the first man to ever come help and I just want to pinch her out of her stupidity. I also want to punch him for giving her his ‘I’d do anything for you’ look, he’s with me.

  “Where would you like us?” I ask, just trying to bring everyone back to the now. Well at least I know I’m not the only one to be side-tracked by the man.

  “If you could grab two different trays and take them out to the table, I’ll open the doors.”

  “Of course we will.” I take Harry’s hand and lead him over the kitchen side where Tom and Perry are already picking up trays. I nod at them both and they look over at Harry and I can just tell what’s going on in their heads. It’s no surprise that both of those two like me.

  “Have you dated them?” Harry asks as we both take two trays, his eyes staying focussed on what he’s doing but I can just tell he is desperate to know the truth.

  “Why, you feeling the green eyed monster making an appearance?

  “No. So what are we doing here?”

  “Are you trying to tell me you haven’t already guessed?”

  “I’m hoping I’m wrong.” He looks around with disgust and I just want to smack it right off him. The people we are about to meet are some of the nicest people I have ever met and he’s dismissing them before he’s even met them.

  “That’s not very nice Harry.....At all.” I turn around with my trays and make my way through the doors into the common room. Kate’s going to be able to do so much with this place and I’m surprised when I feel his presence next to me.

  “I thought you’d be on your way home by now”

  “You’re here, so am I.” Have to admire his persistence.

  “Well I’m sure you’re going to have fu..” I’m interrupted by Kate’s joyful voice coming from the front doors.

  “Ok everyone, are you ready?”

  “Yahhh.” Everyone shouts including me and I look over at Harry with his serious face and I gesture for him to do the same. He raises his arms above his head and shouts with us, he looks so cute. Cute? Did I really say that???

  “Let’s feed loads of people.” Kate roars as she swings open the doors and we are all greeted by the colder air and a crowd of people.

  “Oh God. I can’t believe this.” I hear Harry groan beside me.

  “You may not believe this but these people don’t want to be here anymore than you do.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well, believe it. And be nice.” I add just so he knows how much this means to me. The first person comes up and I’m glad to see it’s Barry. I haven’t seen him for a while but my smile spreads as soon as he’s in front of me and I can feel Harry looking on, not believing what he’s seeing.

  “Anna girl how are you?”

  “Better for seeing you. I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?”

  “I’ve been around but it’s never been your day. Finally found out which ones you work from blondie over there.” He gestures over at Kate and then looks at one of the trays with longing.

  “Can I have mash please girlie.”

  “Of course you can. And make sure you’re not a stranger.”

  “I won’t.” He says as he looks over at Harry and walks right past him.

  “You know that man?” Harry asks me.

  “Yes I do and I know a few other people you will see tonight.” I raise my eyebrow as if testing him to say anything but he just gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his long neck. I could lick that neck. Much to my own relief I don’t have any more time to dwell on Harry and his sexiness as we are overcome by people. Person after person steps up asking for food and we have to just give some of them a doggie bag. I can see the sadness in Kate’s eyes when she has to tell people there is no more room but I feel happy knowing that my money will help her get her dream. From the moment I first saw her all she ever talked about was how she wanted to make the place bigger, have more tables, offer rooms and shelter for anyone who needed it. I know she can’t help everyone, as much as I would want her to, but that money will help. I’ve helped.

  By the time the doors close my body feels like it’s been on the hardest run of its life, I’m ready to drop dead, but I feel happy. We’ve helped. I take my trays back to the sink and help load the dishwasher, that was the first thing Kate got and Harry follows and does the same.

  “Thanks again Anna. See you on Thursday?” She questions. I come in twice a week, more over the holidays and she still can’t believe I’ll be back.

  “Of course you will.”

  “What about you Harry? It’s been good to have an extra man here to help with the heavy lifting.” She gives him a wink and touches his arm. I don’t know if she’s doing it because she fancies his hot arse or she’s just hoping to get him back in here to help again.

  “I’m busy Thursday but I’ll be back.” He says and I’ve never seen Kate smile so big, not even with the offer of money. I take his hand and lead him out before Kate can smother him with kisses. Why does the thought of that make me feel angry, she’s my friend and he’s nothing to me except a plaything.

  Even so he has a magnetic field that is getting a little too strong for comfort. It’s getting a little bit too hard to want to stay away from, to play my own game and the cocky bastard knows it by the way he keeps looking over at me as he lets me walk in front of him to lead the way out.



  I lead Harry out of the building and before I can reach into my bag and get my cell to call Clive and get him to pick me up he’s taking my hand again and leading me, no, pushing me back down the alleyway.

  What does he think he’s doing?This is over till I want to play again.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I ask, my feet are killing me and I just want to get home and go to my bed. He doesn’t say anything but I can feel something brewing inside him. It’s not anger but he’s not happy either and I don’t know what to make of this new situation I’m finding myself in. He stops suddenly and I almost bump into him but he grabs me and pushes me against the wall. His eyes are storming with lust and pleasure. He takes my hands and pulls them above my head with one of his, the fingers of his other latching onto my right breast and kneading it, squeezing it through my clothes.

  “You made me hand out food to the homeless.” He says so close to my ear, he licks along the edge of it, my panties start to dampen as my core races with need, wanting to feel him fill me with that hard, large cock I can just imagine he has. Oh God, I could almost come from the thought of what he could do to me.

  “Answer me.” He says with a growl and this time he takes a bite of my ear.

  “You didn’t have fun with me tonight?”I try to sound hurt.

  “No I didn’t. The homeless,Ayria, the fucking homeless. I don’t do charity.”

  “With all the money you have you could make a real difference.”

  “I don’t care.” He takes a bite of my bottom lip, pulling it slightly, that same anger brewing. I’ve really pissed him off tonight. Good.He should get used to it.

  “Is that why you did it?”

  “Did what?”

  “Gave most of the money away.”

  “Yes. I knew I could make a difference and I wanted to help people. Maybe you should try it sometime.”

  “You’re crazy. You’re driving me fucking crazy and I’ve only just met you.” He whispers in my ear, his deep voice eliciting goose-bumps across my skin. Suddenly his mouth descends on mine, his tongue parting my lips begging for entrance, wanting more from me and I can’t help but give him everything I can back. Our tongues dance together, his fingers driving through my hair, and all I can do is the same back. I’m forced to inhale his scent, he’s everywhere at once, consuming every cell in my body and I have no choice but to take him in.

  “I think I deserve payback for all my good deeds tonight.” He says around my lips and I notice his fingers moving from my hair, down my face and neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. I have no i
dea what he wants but right now I want it. This should be the other way round, I should be the one controlling him, making demands on him, but when he’s so close I’m powerless to stop myself falling into the abyss. I can still feel his fingers as they move above my clothes and when he reaches the top of my jeans, his fingers touching my skin again, I panic.

  “What are you doing?” I try to pull away from him but he keeps me up against the wall and deep down I know I want to see where he’s going with this. Maybe deep down I’m a dirty girl who just wants dirty things, I’m just normally the one who takes control. This could be liberating.

  “Taking what I want.” He takes my bottom lip again, his tug is strong and the feeling of an electric buzz goes straight through to my core.

  “Now shut up and let me enjoy.” His fingers are at the button of my jeans and he quickly undoes them and before I know what’s happening his cold but nice hands are working their way to the inside of my panties and to where I really want him. I can feel the slickness of myself as he glides his fingers over my core and my panties.

  “God, you’re soaking already.” He says in my ear and it surprises me just as much as it seems to surprise him. With no warning his mouth movesand takes a nibble of my lobe.

  “You liking this, you dirty girl?”

  “Yes.” I say as his lips run along mine, leaving butterfly kisses before going in for the kill and taking me in a savage kiss. His fingers glide around my core until he finds my clit, pinching and flicking until it becomes too much with his lips still on mine that I feel I could come right here, right now, with just his touch. What’s he doing to me? I normally have much more reserve than this but he’s undoing me.


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