HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7)

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HARRY (The Truth Series Book 7) Page 14

by Elaine May

  “What do you want to do with those?” He looks excited. He’s liking this the dirty boy, he likes a bit of kink.

  “I want to do dirty things to you Harry.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  “Good.” I rain light kisses all over him and then take a grip of his right hand, the one he uses, and pull it up over his head.“Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes. I want to see what dirty things you’re going to do to me.”

  “You asked me.” I drop a kiss over his nipple.

  “You’re making me feel things Harry.” A kiss over the hair on his chest.

  “You’re making me feel things too.” He places his other hand on my arse, squeezing me with his fingers. I place a long finger over his lips.

  “Shhh and just enjoy.” I lick up his neck and then pull away from him.

  “Close your eyes.” He does as he’s told and then I lick again, going right up to behind his ear before biting his ear and giving it a pull.I continue the kissing, travelling down to his erect cock, making sure to keep him good and ready for what I have planned for him. I use my tongue all along the length of him, making sure I suck his tip while my hands cup his balls. He’s wrestling with the binds and his free hand comes out to touch me, but I tap it away. His moans become louder and then I stop. He opens his eyes and they’re full of lust, I’m going to enjoy this.

  “I’m going to go get something.” I give him a slow kiss on the lips and then wink at him as I get off from him.

  “Oh fuck, don’t be long. I’m already about to burst.”

  “Hold on big boy.”I look around the room, he wants me just for sex, that’s fine I can forget what I’m feeling for him and give him exactly what he wants, I’m built that way anyhow. There’s no one here, it’s the perfect time for my next attack. I storm into the kitchen, getting some scissors, my hand is as steady as ever as I go back up the stairs and go straight to his bedroom, seeing him in the corner of my eye waiting for my next move.

  “What are you doing?” I hear him say as I swing open the door into his walk-in wardrobe and look through all his shirts until I find the most expensive ones and man, does he have a lot. He could feed all the people in the shelter with this. I grab hold of the first few shirts and take them back out and onto his bed, well away from him.

  “What are you doing with my shirts?” He asks, giving a little pull on his cuffed wrist.

  “These.” I point to them, showing him the scissors in my other hand and then picking a shirt up.

  “You could feed the shelter for months with this money.” It’s as if it’s happening in slow motion but I use the scissors to tear through the fabric, allowing all the shards to fall to the floor.

  “What the fuck?” He says, pulling again at his binds just as I go for the next shirt.

  “That shirt’s Versace. Do you know how much it’s worth?”Yes I do, that’s the point. Bastard.

  “Your family aren’t stupid. Maybe they love you and want the best for you, like other people.”

  “What other people? I’m a bastard?” I erupt just at the thought that he doesn’t even think of me as another person.

  “Me.” I do the same thing to the shirt in my hand as I did to the other and that’s how I go, shirt after shirt, ripping through each one as if they don’t matter, thinking back to that day where I would give anything to go back and repay him for everything he did to me. The laughter of my love and my grandfather as they spoke about me without a care in the world, without thinking about me, just like Harry is at the moment. The answer just comes so easily as I think back to that day and I just scream.

  I scream.

  I cry. I let it all out with each cut I make, with each piece of material that falls from my hands, and I fall to my knees. I don’t know how long I stay like that, but I come to with the sound of Harry calling my name. Shards and shards of expensive material are all around me and when I look up at Harry he looks pissed. Really pissed.

  “Do you know how expensive those shirts are?”

  “That’s the whole point.” I get up and make a point of looking at his cock that’s still hard, he’s obviously not that mad then.

  “Do you still want me now Harry?” I’m expecting him to tell me to get lost, but he doesn’t. He still has that look in his eyes. He’s turned on by my little outburst. I go out of his room and make sure to make some noise as I rummage through his kitchen. I can hear him call my name and it just makes me want to laugh. Poor guy, he has no idea what I’m going to do to him now. With the cream in my hand I walk back into his room and he looks like he’s in pain.

  “Why do you have that?” He makes a point of looking at his shirts and then back at me. I wave the cream in front of him and he looks excited all of a sudden. He should be.

  “Do you still want me?”

  “Of course, I do.” This man doesn’t seem to have any shame after what I’ve just done to his shirts.

  There’s no shame. Fine, let’s see if there’s shame after this.

  “I really like cream.” I say as sluttily as I can before I step towards him and start to squeeze it all over his cock. He jumps at the contact and he just looks adorable.

  “Arghh, fuck, that’s cold.” I just stand by him and look at him, trying as hard as I can not to laugh at him.

  “You know what, I’ve changed my mind.” His smile quickly fades into a frown and then I throw the can on his stomach. I pick up the cell that’s far too close to him for my liking.

  “You’re making me feel things Harry. Too many things and I can’t have that. And you know what?”

  “What?” He says and I can tell he thinks this is a joke by the laughter hiding behind his question.

  “You just don’t get it.”I put his cell and the key for his cuffs down on the other bedside cabinet, just out of his reach but with a little bit of a pull he should manage it, once I’m long gone that is.

  “I’m going now Harry.”

  “W..W.What? Ayria, don’t.”I start to walk away from him and stop by his door just as he starts to rattle at his cuff.

  “What the fuck? Don’t you dare leave me like this.” I give him a wink.

  “Have a nice day Harry.” I start to walk through his penthouse, the clacking of the handcuffs getting louder and louder.


  “Ayria, get back here.” I can hear the sound of the bed banging against the wall, the clacking getting worse as he struggles to get out.

  “Come on,Ayria, let me out.”

  “No can do Harry. Sorry.” I shout as I open his front door.

  “Goodbye Harry.” I shout again, making sure he can hear me as I step through the door.

  “Fuck it Ayria come back here.” He yells as I close the door. I turn around and walk away as if I haven’t just cuffed a man to his bed. I really am a bitch.

  Oops, never mind.



  She’s fucking left me.

  She handcuffed me to my bed and fucking left me.

  She’s a bitch.

  I can’t believe she’s done this to me.

  I see the key out of the corner of my eye and I try to reach it, but it’s just a little too far out of my reach. I pull and pull at my restraints, but it does nothing to help and I need to get to that key, I have to be at work. My wrists start to hurt with the effort, the cuffs are unforgiving as I pull and they bite into the skin of my wrists. The cream starts to melt and I can feel it dripping down the inside of my thighs, leaving a sticky path in its wake. I feel disgusting all of a sudden and I could kill her for this, the bitch. I manage to reach the key, my shoulders feel like they could pop out of their sockets at any moment but as my fingers touch it, it falls to the floor.

  “Shit.” I try again and then again and I manage to get my fingers around my cell. As if I’m carrying the most precious cargo in the world I get it to the side of me where I manage to type in my pin.

  Shit, who am I going to call?
No matter who I go for I’ll never hear the end of this but the more I think about it, the more I know one of my brothers would be the best. Oh God I really don’t want to do this but Ayria has left me with no choice. I try Jacob first as he won’t give me as hard a time but of course it goes straight to his voice mail. Typical, he’ll be at the hospital. I press Jackson’s number and of course he picks up on the second ring.

  “What’s wrong, why aren’t you here yet? Dad’s starting to pace and running his fingers through his hair already.” Oh fuck it, we have the meeting with Ayria’s grandfather’s employees today. Shit.

  “I need you to come to the penthouse.”

  “What? We have that meeting in an hour. Dad wants to discuss things with us first.”

  “Then you better get here quick then.”


  “For fuck’s sake, I need you here.”

  “Fine, I’m on my way, but you better have a....”

  “Just get here.” I shout and then I throw my phone across my room.


  “Oh. My.God.” I hear as I open my eyes, my right arm aches and I feel like shit all over. A flash of light makes me aware of the fact that my twin has just taken a picture of me.

  “Jackson.” I shout.

  “The others won’t believe this.”He says around a fit of laughter.

  “You can’t tell anyone else about this.” I demand, interrupting him.

  “But I have to.” He says through his laughter. This is why I hate them all. They always find the funny things in life. It was the same when we were growing up but whenever I did anything I was always the one who got into trouble.

  “Please tell me Ayria did this?”

  “Yes, she did it. The bitch.” Even as I say the words I know I don’t really mean them. She said I was doing things to her, well she was doing things to me too and as her face comes into the forefront of my mind I can’t be angry because she’s fucking amazing.

  “Don’t be such a spoil sport.” He stops for a moment, just looking at me.

  “You’re in love with her.” In love, what the..... Has he gone insane?

  “Don’t be so stupid, of course I’m not.”

  “Why?Because you’re Harry Bryant, the biggest slut around?” He doesn’t look impressed.

  “What? No, I’m not.”

  “You’re in love with her, admit it. I could tell as soon as you both got to Mom and Dad’s. The way you kept looking at her, the way you were with her. You love her.”

  “I do not love her. Now hurry up and get me out of this thing.” I rattle at the cuff just to remind him of why I really had to call him here.

  “Yeah alright. It’s not as if you’re running anywhere.” He cracks up, his whole body vibrating with his laughter, and I want to knock it right off him. I turn to look at him.

  “Keep your pants on.” He looks down at the cream that’s now a pool of funny-looking liquid half over my cock and thighs. Bastard, I really hate him at the moment.

  “Really Jackson? You have to throw that in there?”

  “I’m sorry, this is just priceless. Now where’s the key?”

  “I think it fell under or near the bed.” He bends down and he’s there for a few minutes before he gets back up, holding my lifeline in his fingers.

  “Before I get you out I want to say something serious.”

  “Oh God, come on, my arm’s killing me.”

  “Don’t fuck it up.”

  “Fuck what up?”

  “Whatever is going on with Ayria. You have the chance to be happy. She loves you too.” Loves me? Has he gone crazy like her?

  “If she loves me then pigs can fly. And I am happy, thank you. I don’t need some crazy woman to make me happy.”

  “You’re not happy Harry. You’re no way close to happy. You need someone to show you what you have, how beautiful life can be, and she could be that for you.” I roll my eyes, not believing the crap that comes out of my twin’s mouth sometimes. The only person I need to be happy with is myself. There’s nothing better than going from woman to woman without a care in the world. Women.


  Ayria’s amazing, even with all the crazy.

  “There you go.”He says and I look back at him.

  “Stop putting things in my head and get me out already.” He bends over me and the relief in my arm is immense as it drops like a dead weight.

  I’ll get her back for this.

  I’ll make her pay. I roll my shoulder around, swinging my arm, trying to get the blood flowing again. As soon as I think I’m sorted I rush to my bathroom shouting thank you to my brother. I need to get all this crap off me.



  I left him unsatisfied.

  I left myself unsatisfied and now I want him again.

  I want him.


  I really want him and I really want the family he just takes for granted.

  I fucking hate him for that and I love him too.

  I want to understand him.

  How can that even work?

  The man is a massive pain in the arse.

  Doesn’t he know how lucky he is to have his family?

  To have a normal family life. When I was younger, hell, just a year ago I would have given anything just to have a family like he has. We could have fought, we could have hated each other’s guts, but through it all we would love each other.

  Done anything for each other and I want it all with Harry. I want all the ups and downs a family life could bring with Harry by my side. I’m distracted when my cell starts vibrating in my pocket and I’m not surprised to see his name flashing at me.

  “Hello Harry.” I try to sound innocent as I answer but fighting my laughter proves a little too hard.

  “What do you think you were playing at?” I hear his pissed-off tone as I shift my phone to my ear and walk out of the ward.

  “Why hello Harry how did you get out of your little bind?”

  “Little? Little? I was stuck there for nearly an hourAyria.” I try to fight more laughter that wants to rip from my chest at remembering the sight of Harry stuck to his bed.

  That was a sight.

  I wonder what he looked like after an hour? Pissed off and wet I would imagine.

  Ha, serves him right.

  “Who saved you then?”

  “My brother Jackson.”

  “After everything you said about your family, they still came to help you.”

  “My brother did and no he didn’t save me. I didn’t need saving.”

  “It looked like it from where I was standing.”

  “I’m sure it did considering you were the one who did it to me.”

  “You’re acting like a baby.”

  “I am not acting like a baby Ayria, I’m just very annoyed.”

  “Your brother saved you. Your whole family would have saved you.”

  “What?” He questions me.

  “They love you Harry. They all love you and you’re too blind to see it. You’re blind by how lucky you are to have so many people who love you. I wish I was that lucky.”

  “Oh my God, what’s with everyone today? Look, I need to see you, we need to talk about what’s going on here.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I want to see you after I’m done with work. Tonight.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m busy. Not everything revolves around you.”

  “Whatever, you’re meeting me whether you like it or not. Shall I meet you at my table in the restaurant?”

  “Like I said, I’m busy, but as you’re so persistent you can meet me here just after seven thirty.”

  “Where’s here? Don’t think you’re getting out of this that easily.”

  “I didn’t and here’s at the children’s hospital. Go to reception and ask for Sister Marry.” I end the call before he can say anything else and annoy me even more than he has already. Who the hell does he think he is? How dare he just tell
me he’s seeing me and assume I’ll just drop everything to see him like a loyal pup? He may be a Bryant but he’s not royalty. Bastard. But as I think of him visions of his yummy body and beautiful eyes come into view and I can’t stay mad at him for too long. This is the kind of effect he keeps having on me, it’s not just physical, it’s fucking mental as well and I just know I’m going crazy. Crazy for him. Crazy in love with him.


  Sister Marry?



  Oh shit, what’s the woman going to make me do today?

  She’s crazy.

  Fucking crazy and she’s lodged herself so far into my brain I can’t get rid of her no matter how hard I try and believe me I’m trying, but she just keeps weaselling her way back in.

  She’s like the fucking plague, ripping the life source of anything that gets in her path.

  Everytime I think of her, Jackson’s words keep pushing themselves onto me.

  He thinks I love her.


  I don’t love anyone but myself and my family know it, hence the reason why I never show any affection, but little Ayria Jonas is getting to me. Making me think what it could be like to open up.

  Would love really be that bad? Of course, it would because I’ve seen how pussy-whipped both my brothers have been since they found their ladies. Even Hope’s husband is just as bad, even the old man, I’m full of them and I’d be a fool to follow their paths. Whenever she’s not there though, I have to admit I miss her.

  I really miss her. See, this is what I mean when I say she’s making me feel things. I’ve never had these types of feelings before and now they are coming in too strong and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m in dangerous waters and the currents are too strong, trying to pull me under into the depths of their blackness.

  Fucking woman. Before I know it’s nearly seven and I’ve come to a point where I can finish for the day. Thank God because I really need to see her again and sort this all out before I go completely mad. It’s like I’m suffering from a constant out-of-body experience and I have no idea when everything will go back to normal. All I do know though is she has to pay and I have just the right move. I text my friend just to make sure they’re still ok for later and close my computer down for another night. I leave my office and the building with a spring in my step just thinking how she’ll react and I’m instantly concerned but I manage to push it away when I think what Ayria is doing to me. She’s a thief, she works in the night and steals all my rational thought, so I’m consumed by only her. As soon as I step out the door I manage to flag down a cab and ask him to take me to the children’s hospital.


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