Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 101

by Michelle Love

  I smile as there is no way of that. “It’s yours. It didn’t get that far. Just to the point of oral and that felt awkward and not as good as when you and I did it, so I stopped it before actual penetration….”

  “Okay! Shut the story down right there.” He looks a little relieved. “Did you know you were pregnant?”

  “Not then, no. But I threw up afterwards and two weeks later I took a pregnancy test,” I say and he smiles.

  “You threw up afterwards?”

  “Part of why it didn’t go any further actually. He was going at it and nothing was working for me and then my stomach clenched and I had to jerk myself out of the bed and run to the bathroom where I lost my cookies and told him that wasn’t working anyway.”

  Kip’s smile goes clean across his handsome face. He pats my tummy. “Way to go, junior. Thanks for keeping your mum intact for your old pop.”

  I smack him in his muscular bicep. “I wish you would’ve had someone stop your horny ass!”

  He gives a sheepish grin. “Yeah, I bet you do. So who was it? I bet I know.”

  “You don’t know him. He was a random guy I met at a club me and some college friends went to so I could forget all about you. He didn’t come close to making me forget though,” I say and lay down next to him. “So did any of those trollops make you feel better than I do? And be honest!” I say, but am not real sure I can take it if he says any of them did.

  He leans on his hand as he pushes himself up on his arm and looks down at me. Pulling the towel away as he says, “I am not a liar and when I tell you that no one came close to making me feel what I feel with you, you can believe me. I love you and what we make is real love. Any other thing I’ve ever done has been meaningless sex. You and I have something special, love.”

  I want so damn bad to believe him, but my stomach is knotting and my head is going in too many directions. “Kip, can we not do this tonight. A lot has happened and I really need to make decisions with my head, not my body.”

  He strokes my arm then holds my hand up and kisses the ring he’s put back on my finger, even though it only fits halfway as my fingers must’ve gotten fatter. “What do you mean, make decisions? I thought you had?”

  “Well, there’s a lot to consider. This is a lot to take in. The fact we found it necessary to sleep with other people says a lot about the reality of what we have. It doesn’t seem so permanent, so undeniable. You know?” I ask.

  His blue eyes sparkle. “All you need to take in is me, love and this crap will all be behind us and we can start right back at where we were.”

  “I don’t want to go back to that exact place. There’s so much to decide. So much to think about.” My head spins as there seems to be too much to take in.

  “Shh.” His finger touches my lips. “We have nothing but time, you and me.”

  In slow motion, his mouth comes down on mine and I let it all go. The jealousy, the insecurity, everything. It vanishes with his kiss, his touch starts a fire in me that has lain dormant for six, long months.

  I pull at him to cover my body with his. It’s missed the weight and comfort it brought me. He moves over me and the way our bodies match even with my stomach bulge is amazing.

  A heat runs through me as his large dick presses against me. I arch up and bend my knees to allow him complete access. He grinds his growing erection against me and my body is already quivering for him to fill me.

  His mouth moves to my neck, and he kisses my warm flesh. “I love you, Peyton.”

  My heart fills with emotion and a tear wells up then falls over my cheek. He’s back, and he’s mine again. Other women he’s had, but it’s me that he has chosen. He came back to me.

  “Please, take me now. Make me yours again,” I whisper.

  He pulls his head up and looks at me as he slides his hard, large and wide dick into me. I hold his gaze and though it burns as he spreads me apart to accommodate him, I don’t show any pain. “You are mine, forever.”

  “I am,” I say and wrap my legs around him.

  Slow strokes he makes as he looks into my eyes. The burning eases and I arch up to him. He lowers his face and finally his lips touch mine. His mouth is hot, and he tastes like coffee with a hint of mint and I missed that taste.

  The muscles of his back I run my hands over. I missed them more than I even knew. His huge biceps I run them over next and nearly fall apart at how hard and big they are.

  Harder he thrusts into me, making me grow hotter and the first little quiver begins. “God! Kip!”

  “Cum, baby,” he says through gritted teeth. “Do it!”

  I yell as I orgasm hard. “Shit!”

  My body pulses all around his hard, magnificent cock and somehow he holds on. With a quick flip, I’m on my knees and he’s behind me. “I’m going to make you scream my name, baby.”

  He slams into me and the orgasm I had going intensifies. “Kip! Fuck!”

  My face I push into the pillow and make noises I didn’t know I could make. He yanks my hair back. “I want to hear you.”

  Tears flow for reasons I can’t comprehend. I scream with every thrust as I cum harder and it never seems to end. My legs are shaking and my body is a tight bundle of intense pleasure.

  He leans over me and I feel his teeth sink into my shoulder. I scream and cannot believe my orgasm goes to a new level. “Fuck!”

  “You like it, baby?” Kip says and his lips move on my back with his words.

  “Yes! Yes! Don’t stop!” I cry out as he rams into me harder.

  His hand grabs a chunk of my hair and he pulls it hard as he slams into me. Incredibly the orgasm goes into overtime and I scream like I’m being murdered and hope Mrs. Simpson from next door doesn’t call the cops.

  Kip makes a horrible groan and slumps over my back as heat shoots into me. Our bodies pulse around each other’s and all I know is we’re back and better than ever.

  Once all the quaking slows down, he lets me lay down. I go to my side and roll to my back. He lays out next to me, stroking my stomach. His lips touch my cheek. “I hope he doesn’t suffer any brain damage from all that shaking.”

  “Can that happen?” I ask, suddenly really concerned.

  “I don’t think so,” he says with a deep chuckle.

  “But you don’t know.”

  “Baby, chill. People have been doing this from the beginning of time. I’ve yet to hear of a baby coming out brain damaged because the parents liked to fuck hard.”

  “Fuck?” I’m seeing red in an instant. “Is that all I am to you?”

  I sit up and try to get out of the bed. He grabs my wrist and pulls me back down. “Sorry, poor choice of words, love. Damn, those hormones are really out of whack.”

  “Fuck you, Kip!” I shout and yank my wrist from his grip.

  “Baby, stop!” He pulls me back down and runs his arm around my shoulders and holds me so tight I cannot move which pisses me off even further.

  “Let me go. I have to pee.”

  “Really? Or are you just saying that so you can get up and storm away?” he asks as he continues to hold me tight.

  I contemplate my answer as it’s a bit of both. “I really do have to pee after you banging me so hard and long.”

  He lets me go and grins. “You sound as if you’re bitching about that, when seconds ago you were begging me not to stop. I do believe pregnancy is bringing out an animal in you, love.”

  I make my way to the bathroom. “Probably because I carry your demon spawn and the animal in it is filling my veins with your tainted blood.”

  He laughs. “Is that the writer in you coming out, pet? Is your next novel to be a horror story?”

  I mumble to myself as I walk away, “It just may be if you don’t play your cards right, buddy.”


  Peyton sleeps like a dead woman. She has her book signing thing to do today and I need to get to my place and have things prepared. I haven’t been home in nearly a year.

  I dress quietly so
I don’t disturb her. A quick note I jot down and then I grab her phone and text mine so I’ll have her number again. I’ll be picking her up after the signing and she will come home with me.

  Has she agreed to that? No. Will she? I’ll simply give her no choice.

  The woman is hormonal as hell. The fact is she shouldn’t even be making decisions for herself. I do believe she would actually cut her own nose off to spite her pretty, little face.

  The engagement ring I gave back to her isn’t fitting all the way on her finger as they must’ve swollen with the pregnancy. She’s wearing it just to her knuckle and I fear she’ll lose it. I don’t particularly want her to. I could buy her another, but this one is special. I’m taking it to get it made to her size now so she can wear it comfortably. When we pick it up we can pick out our wedding rings. It’ll be fun.

  Out the door I tiptoe and blow her a kiss as I leave.

  Star Light Part Nine


  Was it all just a dream? I sit up in bed and look around the dingy motel room. Except for the flowers there’s nothing left to show that Kip was really here.

  I bet he got scared and ran!

  I was too much for him and now with the extra he couldn’t take it and fled from us both. I hold my hand up and find my engagement ring gone as well.

  That son of a bitch!

  I can’t believe he’d give it back to me just to take it and sneak away. What a rat bastard. Why’d he even bother coming here and getting my hopes up that he could be a normal human being?

  I may as well get up and get ready for this day. It’s going to be hard not to break into tears of disappointment all day, but I have to try. After the book signing I can get on a plane and go back to my parents’ house and cry for a month like I did last time.

  It’s my bad, really. I knew he can’t be what we need. I knew he’d flake and freak and take off. What an idiot I feel like. I just let him jump right back into bed with me like I could trust his ass.


  Oh, look the jack ass left me a note. What a prince. I should just crumble it up and toss it in the trash. There’s no way he could’ve found the perfect words to let me know why he’s left me again.

  With a quick squeeze, I ball the paper up and throw it away. I really don’t need to know why or what he thinks is why. I know why. Because he’s a spoiled little rock star who has never had to do a damn thing, and this scares the crap out of him.

  Well, it scares the shit out of me too!

  I have no choice though. It’s me who has to have this baby and raise it, I guess on my own now.

  How could he? What a complete crap-head!

  I wish he would’ve never found me. This is so damn much harder than it was yesterday before he came back into my life. All sweet and adorable looking. All, I promise I’ll never freak out again.

  The liar!

  I’ll take a warm shower and cry for a little while then I’ll get dressed and go find something to eat. Then I’ll throw it all up and start the process over.

  Uh! I hate Kip Dixon!!!


  Life is great again. Peyton and I are back on track and things couldn’t be better. I called my parents and told them the happy news about us having a baby and they were over the moon about it.

  I called the Tesla dealership in Austin and they still had the car I bought her there, so I bought it again and it’s going to be delivered out here in a few days. That should make her happy.

  Tonight is the last gig on this tour and after that I’ll be free. I started writing on my own this morning and hopefully by the end of the coming year I’ll have a few songs done. For the first time in a long time I’m looking at the future with such a different mind-set.

  I’m going to be a father!

  A glance at the clock on the wall of my bedroom lets me know it’s ten o’clock. Peyton should be up by now. I’ll just give her a quick text and see if she’s up. Maybe she’ll feel like breakfast.

  -Are you up?-

  Poor thing, she was dead to the world when I got up this morning. I suppose our activities of the night wore her out. She’s been without for six months. I’m sure her body was exhausted.

  My bedroom has a little room attached to it. I have a bunch of guitars in it right now, but we can change it into a nursery for the baby. My phone makes a little ding and I see Peyton’s texted me back.

  Now, how’d she even find an emoticon that shoots the finger like that? And why did she send it to me? Does she think it’s funny or something?

  -What’s that about???- I text back.

  Her sense of humor is a little crazy. I’ll go ahead and leave to get back to that rat hole of a motel and pick her up.


  Wow! What a prick!

  I can’t believe he asked me if I was up. What the hell does he care?

  The cab is stuck in traffic and I have to pee again. The baby loves to lie on my bladder, the little meanie.

  After crying for the entire shower, I called my agent and told her I was sick and would it be okay for me to go ahead and go home and miss the last book signing. She let me go, so now I’m on the way to the airport.

  I can’t get out of this town quick enough. My phone makes a noise and I see he’s sent me another text. What a dumb ass. He wants to know what my emoticon of a smiley face flipping the bird is about.

  I text back – Fuck you-

  There, that should spell it all out for him. Why can’t he just leave me alone? Why would he bolt on me and then want to keep in contact?

  Oh, I bet he thinks he can still be a part of the baby’s life and that we need to get along for the kid. Well good luck with that. We’ll see how often he comes to Texas to see the baby.

  How am I supposed to see Kip and not cry my eyes out? I can’t do it. It’s impossible.

  No, we’re both better off if he leaves us completely alone. My phone dings again and I look at it to find a bunch of question marks. So I text back

  –Just leave me and the baby the hell alone!!!-

  I turn my phone off. I can’t take any more of this. I’m about to burst into tears again and the cab driver will most likely think I’m insane.

  I feel a bit insane anyway.

  Why do I have to love his ass so damn much?

  This would be so much easier to take if I didn’t crave the man. His touch set me right back on fire and my body still goes into hot mode when I think about the things we did last night.

  But that will never happen again and now the tears are flowing and I know the sobs will follow.

  Oh, Lord, I’m a mess!


  I have no idea of what the hell is going on with Peyton. She texted me to leave her and the baby alone and I have no idea why she’d tell me that. She must’ve turned her phone off because it goes straight to voicemail.

  Like a maniac I’m driving to the motel to catch her before they leave again. At least if nothing else I can find her at the book store that she’ll be at to sign her books at two this afternoon.

  What could have sent her into such a state of mind?

  I left her the note that told her to call me when she woke up. I even ended it with an, I love you. So why the sudden change in attitude?

  Is she done with me for some reason? And why?

  The daft girl, we’re having a baby. She can’t just write me off.

  Why would she do that?

  The tour bus I see pulling out of the motel parking lot up ahead. I’m too damn late. I’ll have to follow it and see where they’re going. Back onto the freeway we go.

  Maybe I’ll luck out and there’ll be a traffic jam on the 405 like there usually is. I’ll just stay right in back of the bus and if we all get stopped I’ll jump out of my car and run up to it.

  Please let there be traffic!


  I don’t know if it’s because I’m all hormonal from being pregnant or what, but I can’t quit crying. I’m hiding in a bathroom stall at the airpo
rt and cannot seem to stop the tears from falling out of my damn eyes.

  My heart keeps telling me to call Kip and beg him not to leave me again. But my pride says I can’t do that. My head is all mixed up about what the right thing to do is and it tells me to just go back to Texas and forget about him.

  How am I going to do that?

  In three months, I’m going to have a constant reminder of the man. My little baby will probably look just like him and I’ll cry every single day. Poor kid’s going to think its mother is a crazy person.

  To top it all off, my flight couldn’t be moved up because of stupid holiday bookings. All flights are completely full and I have to wait for my original flight out at eight tonight.

  Stupid Thanksgiving!

  So here I am, stuck at the airport for the next eight hours. I need to talk to someone. Mom, maybe. I’m a little afraid to turn my phone back on as Kip must have blown it up. Or maybe he didn’t.

  I turn it on and call mom straight away without checking anything else. I don’t even want to see if he has tried to talk to me anyway.

  “Hey, baby girl!” Mom answers.

  “Mom, I….” I start bawling.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks.

  The words won’t come out. Only big sobs and sniffles.

  “Peyton Gail Reed! You suck that up and tell me what’s wrong. You’re freaking me out!”

  “Kip, he, I saw, oh, Mom!” I wail again.

  “Kip did what? Did you talk to him?” she asks.

  I did more than that and he still left me again!

  “Uh huh,” I manage to get out. “And he left.”

  “Stop crying!” she shouts through the phone. “Damn it, Peyton!”


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