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Dirty Little Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 229

by Michelle Love

  I smile a little as he gives me a hard thrust. “Uh!”

  “You have the right to scream when I make you see the lights of Heaven,” he says then licks up one side of my neck.

  I squirm as it tickles. “Baby!”

  Moving his body off mine, he leaves me panting as he picks me up and turns me over on my knees, replacing my cuffed hands on the headboard. His hands all over my ass, have me shaking.

  “Ask me for it,” he says as he rubs one particular area on my right cheek.

  “Please,” I moan as I ache to feel his hand come down on it.

  A swift pop and my ass tingles with the action. “You like?”

  “Yes,” I moan as I heat inside even more. “Again.”

  Another lands on me and I yelp as it sends sparks of pure energy through me. “You want more?”

  “More,” I beg. “Give me more.”

  Again, and again he spanks me until I shout, “Lemon!” My body is quivering and I’m near tears as he stops his assault and kisses my ass all over.

  Soft kisses followed by licks and little nips and sucks have me begging him to get inside of me. He growls as he complies, “My wife likes it when I fuck her, huh?”

  “She does,” I moan. “Please, Cyprian. Don’t make me wait any longer, I’m about to explode.”

  His first thrust sends the air out of my lungs as he says, “You wait until I say you can release.”

  I groan with how hard that’ll be. “Oh, please.”

  He pulls all the way out. “If you can’t.”

  I stop him. “I can. Please, Cyprian. I’ll wait until you say.”

  “Good girl,” he says then moves back into me with another hard thrust.

  My ass is a flurry of sensations as his body beats it with every hard stroke. I grunt to hold the orgasm at bay. “Cyprian, God!”

  “Wait for me,” he says between clenched teeth.

  The wave builds and threatens to cascade over the edge without his command and it takes all I have in me not to let it go. I hold it back, gritting my teeth as he slams into me.

  I can’t control the shuddering my body starts and a sweat breaks out, covering me. It makes our bodies slip against the other’s and he begins to moan. His cock jerks once inside me then he shouts, “Give it to me, baby!”

  Shattering into a million pieces, I let my orgasm go free and find my head nearly exploding with the amount of adrenaline that goes skyrocketing through my body.

  Tremors of pure bliss go through me and I feel his body trembling too. “God, that was amazing!”

  His lips land on my back. “You did good, baby.”

  My hands are uncuffed as he leans over me, keeping our bodies together. He’s still stiff inside of me and I’m not sure he’s ready to stop. He rubs my shoulders as I put my hands on the bed to keep my body up.

  After a few moments of massaging my shoulders, he pulls out of me and I fall to the bed in an exhausted and spent heap. Rolling me over, he picks me up to face him. I see his cock is not nearly ready to stop the party and smile. “Insatiable.”

  He nods and takes my arms, wrapping them around his neck. “Wrap those pretty legs around me and let me bury myself in your hot underworld.”

  I giggle a little and do as he says, finding it burning a bit as he slides back into me. “Did you put some of that jelly stuff on you?”

  “I did,” he says as a warmth spreads through me. “The bottle had the words, ‘sure to please’ on it. Is it pleasing you?”

  The warmth is beyond amazing and has me rocking my body to get him to move even faster. “Yes, it is pleasing me. Oh, God, Cyprian!”

  He laughs as I wiggle on him. “It seems to be working.”

  “It is!” I say as I gyrate. “I need it harder. Faster and harder.”

  He lays me on the bed, so he can do what I need him to. “Better?” he asks as he slams into me deeper.

  The warm feeling hits a place so far inside me, I arch up to try to get him even deeper. “I don’t know how you got that stuff on you so fast but I’m damn glad you did. Fuck me hard, Cyprian.”

  The way his mouth quirks up into a half smile tells me he likes it when I get nasty with him. “Your wish is my command.”

  He takes me like he owns me. Which he pretty much does. I have no need to experience any other man. Cyprian leaves no fantasy unfulfilled!

  The heat gets so intense, it sends me into a hard orgasm, making me shriek like I’m being murdered. His mouth shuts me up as he kisses me and doesn’t stop pounding me until I’m a pool of jelly and he finds his own end.

  As my body still quivers, he moves us up on the bed, still on top of me. I find exhaustion creeping up on me fast and feel the steady comfort of his heart pounding against my chest as the darkness closes in on me.

  Is it too much to hope this never ends…?

  Chapter 7


  “Look what I found today,” I tell Cami as I tug her to come with me to look at a rare find.

  I push open the door to the bedroom across the hall from ours and she gasps as she sees what I’ve purchased. “A baby bed?”

  “Yes, isn’t it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” I take her to touch the cherry wood bed I found at a shop in town. “I had to get it. I’ve never seen anything like it. Look at the ornate carvings. It’s gorgeous.”

  “It is but I’m not even pregnant yet. It might jinx us. It has been months since I stopped taking birth control and nothing’s happened yet,” she says as she runs her hand over the smooth polished wood.

  “The gynecologist told you it could take up to a year for your system to get back in order. It will happen. I’ll make sure of that,” I say as I chuckle and grab her up in my arms, making her face me.

  Her smile is a bit on the sad side and I find it makes my heart hurt. “In three months, it will have been an entire year since I’ve been off birth control.”

  “I’m not worried a bit about it. It will happen. Maybe I need to stand you on your head to make it take.” I laugh and spin her around. “I’ll do whatever it takes to plant my seed, baby!”

  “I know that. It’s just that I’m getting worried,” she says as she frowns.

  “Baby, don’t be. We have enough money to do whatever we have to, in order to have a baby. I’m not worried. You don’t need to be either.” I take her hand and take her out of the room that I thought she’d be much happier about.

  Now I can see this is weighing on her and I hate that. Then it hits me like a brick.

  Is this what I get for years of living like a sexual deviant?


  The truth is weighing me down as Cyprian looks at me with a bit of worry in his eyes. “Cami, what if this is how I am to be punished for how I’ve lived?”

  “Don’t be silly. That’s not how things work, Cyprian.” I tap the place next to me on our bed. “I should be honest with you.”

  He sits down and looks at me with furrowed brows. “Honest?”

  With a nod, I proceed. “You see, the first guy I was in a relationship with, wanted me to have his baby. I was seventeen and as stupid as they come.”

  “Oh, my God, Cami!” He looks at me with wide eyes. “You had a baby and gave it up for adoption. We can go get it. I’ll pay the family you gave it to any amount they want to get it back. Was it a boy or a girl?’

  Shaking my head the entire time he’s talking, I finally get to say, “No, it’s not that.”

  “Don’t tell me you had a…”

  I stop him before he even says it. “No, not that either. I got pregnant. I got pregnant three times and I lost it by the third month every single time.”

  He bites his lip then shakes his head. “You were a kid, Cami.”

  “I know that.” The guilt in me climbs all the way to the surface. “I hate like hell admitting this shit. You have no idea how much I hate to admit I did such a stupid thing.”

  “It was stupid. But thank goodness you weren’t stuck with a bad decis
ion,” he says as he rubs my shoulders.

  “Here it goes. I’m just going to put the past out there. I never intended to talk about the stupid shit I did but I need you to see that we may never have our own children, Cyprian.”

  “What else did you do?” He looks at me with a puzzled expression.

  “I like the way you look at me now. I like the way you see me as an educated woman with her head on straight. If you know this about me, I’m kind of afraid you’ll never see me in quite the same way,” I tell him.

  He just shakes his head. “You are who you are now to me, Cami. Nothing from your past can change that.”

  “I think you’re wrong but you married my ass, so you’re stuck with me and that means the idiot I was way back in my younger years. So, here it goes. After the first guy and the three miscarriages, he broke up with me. A little while later I met another guy and you won’t believe what I did.”

  “You wanted to get pregnant, huh?” he asks as he gives me an odd look. “How old were you then?”

  “Nineteen. So, the thing is, I lied to that guy and told him I was using birth control. I was trying to get pregnant on purpose and I had four more miscarriages. He didn’t know anything about the first ones I had but the fourth one happened while we were sleeping together. It was a blood bath and I had to ask him to take me to the hospital.”

  “All ended before that third month?” he asks as he seems to be calculating things in his head.

  “They did.”

  “You dated one more man. Did you do that with him too?” he asks as he tries hard not to look judgmental.

  “No, not with him. I was getting smarter by that time. I was twenty-one and full into college and looking at other things in life. But I always had a little thing going on, inside of me that told me I might not ever have kids.”

  “Is this something you’ve told your gynecologist, Cami?”

  “I have. I swore her to secrecy. I’ve hidden this from you and now I’m beginning to feel like you should’ve known this before you married me.” I look down as I feel the guilt overwhelming me.

  His finger touches my chin and I find him smiling at me. “Camilla Girard. I would’ve married you anyway. I love you. I love all of you. And just to be sure about everything if we have no pregnancies after a year, like the doctor told you, then I’ll get my sperm checked out too. This isn’t all on your shoulders alone, baby.”

  “And if we never have kids?” I ask him as I know this man wants kids like crazy. He’s always looking at baby pictures on the internet and looking up names for kids and I know this is a definite goal for him.

  “We will have kids. There’s more than one way to skin a cat,” he says, earning a frown from me. “Okay, skin a cat is kind of gross. But you know what I mean. There’re all kinds of ways to have babies nowadays. You’re a freaking scientist. You know this!”

  “Test tube babies aren’t my idea of what God wanted. Maybe the almighty knows I’d be a shitty mother,” I say then look away.

  Again, he pulls my face to look at him. “We both know you wouldn’t be a shitty mother. But we can put this to rest for a while and let time take care of the hormones and then we’ll take this thing, head-on.”

  “I can’t believe you aren’t pissed at me for withholding this information from you, Cyprian.”

  “I don’t know why. I adore you. I’d have married you with anything in your past, short of being a secret ax murderer,” he says with a laugh.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m damn glad I have you. You have to be the best husband in the world,” I tell him and pull him to me and kiss him.

  “It’s only because of you that I am who I am today. With you at my side, I can achieve anything. Anything at all, Cami. Don’t worry. We’ll see our dreams come true. Just you watch.”

  Is it bad that I don’t believe him…?


  Am I pushing Cami to do something she doesn’t want to do?

  The months have passed with nothing happening. She’s been off the birth control for a year and a half and she’s not even had a missed period by even a few days.

  She wants to give it more time but I think it’s been long enough. I pushed to see a specialist and now we’re both being tested to see who is at fault here.

  I pray it’s me. That sounds weird, I know. But she’s just so positive it’s her that I’d like nothing more than to take that monkey off her back. We’ve been called in to hear the results and I have her hand in mine, praying it’s me and not her with the problem.

  “I have the test results right here, Mr. and Mrs. Girard,” the doctor says as he pulls his reading glasses up and plants them on his face.

  Cami’s hand starts shaking and she closes her eyes. “Who is it, doc? Who’s stopping us from having what we so desperately want?”

  “I’m not sure how to tell you two, this. You seem very worried about this and you’ve only been married a short time. Things can change with time. Stresses can be relieved and things might come around,” he says.

  “Go ahead and tell us the news. We’ll deal with it. We’re good at dealing with what’s beyond our control, doc. We’ll be fine, no matter what the news is.” I tell him and hold Cami’s hand tighter as I lose any hope that it’s me with the problem. It’s obvious the doctor sees her nerves and knows she’s going to be upset with the news.

  I brace myself for the tears she’s about to shed as the doctor pulls the paper with the test results out of the large manila envelope. “Cyprian’s sperm count is low. That’s the reason you aren’t getting pregnant, Mrs. Girard. Your results are normal. That’s why your menses have all been normal. You are fertile. Now, if you can carry a fetus past the third term isn’t a thing I can tell you. You’ll have to get pregnant to see what happens then. We can always use donated sperm to make your wife pregnant, Mr. Girard,” he ends his devastating words as he looks at me.

  “No,” I say before he says another word about putting another man’s sperm into my wife’s body. “Hell, no!”

  What the fuck just happened here…?

  The Evolution Book 12

  Chapter 1


  Heavy breathing is all I hear as Cyprian has an apparent attack of anxiety. “Ashton, you should pull over. Cyprian needs some fresh air, I think,” I call out to the driver as we’re on our way home from the fertility specialist’s office.

  His eyes are wide as he looks at me with panic. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You’re freaking out,” I tell him. “Put your head between our knees and stop breathing so fast.”

  “No, I mean, what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I make babies?”

  Shaking my head, I answer, “I don’t know. You said, yourself, there’s more than one way to skin a cat, Cyprian. You don’t need to worry. Just remember the things you told me about this.”

  “I shouldn’t have prayed for it to be me,” he gasps out.

  I find myself surprised he did that. The car pulls to a stop in the parking lot of the convenience store we met in. I get out of the car and help Cyprian out, with Ashton’s help.

  “Can you go inside and get him a cold fountain drink? Anything with sugar.” I take my husband’s hands and hold them between us as he looks up at the evening sky and I see the tale-tale sign of tears.

  “I thought I could take this burden but I can’t, Cami. I can’t take it!”

  Hugging him, I try my best to console him. “Cyprian, it’s going to be fine. It will be. I promise.”

  Ashton comes back with the drink and I hold the straw to Cyprian’s lips. He takes a sip and then another as he watches me. “I don’t deserve you,” he mumbles.

  With his breathing, back under control, we get back into the car and Ashton takes his place at the wheel. “I’ll get you two home.”

  “Thank you,” I say as I run my hand over Cyprian’s leg. “I’m going to do my homework on this. We will have our own kids. I’ll do all I can to make sure yo
u get some kids running around the house before you know it.”

  Resting his head on the back of the seat, he looks at me with so much sorrow in his light brown eyes. “Cami, if you want to divorce me, I’ll understand, completely.”

  “What?” I gasp as he’s insane for even saying such a thing. “I married you out of love. I’ll take all of you. Imperfections and all. Don’t ever say that again.”

  “You’ll make a great mother,” he says then looks away. “You should have kids.”

  “And we will. No matter what, Cyprian, we will.” I run my hand over his cheek and he looks back at me.

  “Not with a sperm donor! We won’t use a sperm donor,” he says as he shakes his head back and forth, rapidly.

  “Okay, we’ll leave that way out of our minds.” I pat his hand to reassure him. “I don’t want to have a baby with anyone but you, anyway. I dream of seeing versions of you and I running around. Not me and someone else. Don’t worry.”

  As we pull to a stop in front of the house, he looks at me and asks, “Did you ever think in a million years I’d have a low sperm count?”

  Shaking my head, I answer, “I did not ever think that. Not with your virility. But I will research my heart out to find out what can be done to help you bring that count up.”

  Walking into the house, I find him scooping me up into his arms and carrying me upstairs. “Let’s just keeping doing it until we can’t anymore.”

  Laughing, I say, “Put me down, Romeo. I really do need to do my research on this before we do anything else. We already have sex multiple times on a daily basis, already.”

  “I know.” He puts me down, his head hanging low and making me feel worse than if it was me who was the problem with our infertility.

  “Come on,” I say as I pull him along with me to the bar. “Let’s have a drink and I’ll get out my laptop and we can peruse the plethora of information we’re sure to find on this subject. You aren’t the only man this happens to.”

  Lagging back, he makes it difficult to get him where I want him, relaxing in a comfy chair and sipping on some Cognac. “The specialist said stress might be the cause since I’m so busy with work. Maybe I should step down from the CEO position.”


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