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Sylvia Selfman - Izzy Greene 01 - Murder She Typed

Page 18

by Sylvia Selfman

  Danny then took the microphone and, with a wave of his hand, announced, “Tha…tha…that’s all, folks.” The audience broke into laughter and wild applause, no doubt happy that the program was finally over and they could get back to the refreshment table.

  Meanwhile my bladder was stretched to its limit. Minna pointed me towards the bathroom which was at the end of the hallway. “Check out the fixtures. They’re fabulous!”

  Vowing that this was the last time I’d ever have more than one glass of champagne, I made it to the bathroom just in time. But I had to admit that Minna was right, like everything else in Frank’s house, the bathroom was stunning.

  After I added more color to my cheeks and smoothed down my hair, I exited the bathroom. As I head down the hall I couldn’t resist peeking into what appeared to be Frank’s den. The focal point of the room was a large and ornately framed wedding picture.

  I stepped inside for a better view. A young and very handsome Frank was decked out in a tux. Standing next to him was his bride. Slender, perfect figure, perfect classic features, long straight blond hair. She was wearing a magnificent wedding gown, long train, flowers––the whole works. Literally picture perfect.

  It occurred to me that Frank never talked about his wife. Come to think of it, neither had Merv in all that time we’d been dating. Nor had I––talked about my husband––other than a few comments now and then. Perhaps we, unconsciously or not, felt it was a betrayal to be involved in another relationship. Or perhaps it was a need to keep the past separate from the present––for whatever reason.

  I glanced around the room. Antique desk, gold accessories neatly laid out. A modern desk chair that at first glance appeared out of place but which added an interesting touch. A large framed painting on the wall facing the desk caught my attention.

  I walked closer for a better view. The woman in the painting was stunning. She was wearing a pale blue ball gown. Her hair was swept into an updo, exposing her swanlike neck which was highlighted further by a delicate gold necklace and diamond earrings. She was a picture of understated elegance as she lounged on a settee, one gloved arm resting gracefully across its back.

  The father stood stiff and solemn behind her while their two young sons, looking freshly scrubbed, wearing dark pants, white shirts and bow ties, sat cross-legged at her feet.

  “Good looking family, wouldn’t you agree?”

  I spun around. “Frank! I didn’t mean to come in here,” I said. “I saw your wedding picture and couldn’t resist. What a handsome family. That’s you, isn’t it?” I pointed to the older of the two boys. “It looks just like you.”

  “Right. And that’s my brother, Harrison. I was fourteen when the picture was taken and he was four. Every time I enter this room I look at that picture and wonder where those years went.”

  “When you find out, let me know,” I said ruefully. I looked at the portrait again. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were all models for a Ralph Lauren ad.

  Before I knew what happened, Frank grabbed me around the waist and drew me toward him. We stood together, neither of us saying a word. As I allowed my body to melt against his I felt his desire pressing against me. I breathed in the smell of his freshly pressed shirt. How could I have thought I wasn’t ready for him?

  “Then you’ll stay the night? After everyone leaves,” he whispered as we stood locked together. I nodded, afraid to say anything that might destroy the moment.

  “Oh, wait. No, Frank, I’m so sorry. I can’t. I realized I forgot to feed Sherlock today. I have to go home.”

  “Right.” A flicker of disappointment crossed his face as he stepped away releasing his grip on me. Keep holding me, I wanted to scream. “Okay then,” he said, “when everyone’s gone, I’ll come to your place.”

  As if he’d read my thoughts, he pulled me back into his arms. Then abruptly released me and without another word, left to rejoin the guests.

  I couldn’t believe it. I was hot for Frank Fields.

  I stood alone in the room, giving myself time to catch my breath and calm down. Then I walked back into the living room sure that my flushed face betrayed what went on between Frank and me.

  Danny looked at me, a curious expression on his face. “You took a long time in the bathroom.

  “Diarrhea,” I said. Let Danny chew on that.

  “Where were you?” An out of breath Flo came running up to me. “I was looking all over for you.”

  “What do you mean where was I? Can’t a woman go to the bathroom without people wanting to know all about it? Besides where were you? I thought you were planning to read an excerpt from your so-called best seller.”

  “I didn’t want to interrupt the conversation I was having with the book critic. I think he’s interested…

  “Look I need to get home. I feel dreadful that I forgot to feed Sherlock.”

  “Iz, I can’t leave now. I’m begging you to please get a ride home with someone else. Please, Izzy. It’s important to me. It’s probably the opportunity of my lifetime.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet it is.” I made no effort to hide my anger.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take her home.” Danny had obviously been listening in on our conversation.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Nate and Yettah heading out the door. “Sorry, I have a ride,” I said, running off as Danny grabbed at my arm. “Izzy, wait…”

  I shrugged him off. “Nate, Yettah, wait up!” I called out as I ran out of the house after them.

  Chapter 44

  He walked over to the window and pulled the curtain aside and watched her run to catch up. Run, Izzy, run,” he said quietly, then quickly glanced around to make sure no one had heard.

  It was time to end this silly game. Only it wasn’t a game any longer. It had become too close for comfort. All because of those damn pictures she took in the writing group. It was only a matter of time before he was exposed as Sondra’s brother. He couldn’t let that happen. He’d see to that. You can run, Izzy, but you can’t hide. Curtain time. He moved away from the window and went back to join the party which was still going strong.

  Chapter 45

  I climbed out of the back seat of Nate’s car. “Thanks, for the lift. You guys were life savers, literally.”

  I opened the front door and stepped into my condo and almost tripped over Sherlock. “Sherlock,” I cooed, scooping him into my arms and kicking the door shut behind me. “I didn’t mean to starve you, babykins.”

  Babykins? I hadn’t used that word since my daughter was thirteen and threatened to run away from home if I called her that again. “Mommy’s so sorry she starved you. Mommy will make…” Sherlock jumped out of my arms at the sound of the door bell.

  “Izzy, open up! You dropped your cell phone.”

  “Thanks, Nate,” I said flinging open the door. Only it wasn’t Nate who stood in the doorway. I took a step back. “Danny!”

  “You were in such a hurry to get away from me, you dropped this on Dr. Linda’s patio. Thought you might need it.” He made no move to hand me my cell phone.

  “Thanks.” I reached for the phone but he moved it out of my reach. “I really appreciate your dropping by to bring it, Danny,” I said. I was growing more nervous by the second but tried to keep my voice steady.

  What kind of game was he playing anyway? Whatever it was it, it didn’t bode well for my future health.

  “ I don’t get it. I hand deliver your cell and you keep me standing outside? How impolite.”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off my cell phone and wondered if I could grab it out of his hands.

  “You and your friend, Flo, are like two peas in a pod, you know.”

  To heck with the cell. I slammed the door shut.

  Unfortunately Danny’s foot was in the way.

  He shoved his way inside. “Like I said, I don’t get it. I bring you your cell and get the door slammed in my face. So what do you have to eat?” he took hold of my arm and steered
me into the kitchen.

  “Nothing,” I said as he pulled me forward. “I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a long time.”

  “I can see that’s the truth.” Still holding onto my arm he began scrounging around inside the fridge. “Nothing good here. Though this should do.” He pulled out half a chocolate cake from the back of the freezer that I’d forgotten about.

  “Yes, fine. Why don’t you take it home with you so I can go to sleep.”

  “I do you a favor and you’re kicking me out? I don’t think so. You’ll have plenty of time to sleep later. Where’s the wine?”

  He didn’t wait for my answer. He slipped my cell phone into his back pocket and opened the cupboard. “What a mess. How do you find anything in here?”

  If I made a dash for a knife maybe I could overpower him.

  On the other hand, maybe it would be used against me.

  “Ahh.” He held up a bottle of Trader Joe’s wine. “Not the best but it’ll do.” He placed my cell on the counter. “By the way. Your cell phone doesn’t work. Probably broke when it fell out of your purse.”

  I slumped into the kitchen chair and watched helplessly as Danny rummaged through the cutlery drawer.

  “Danny, please, I beg you. Please don’t…”

  Danny, spun around, holding a large bread knife. “Don’t do what, Izzy? Don’t cut the cake? Is that what you’re trying to say?”

  I stared at the knife in his hand. “Don’t scare me, Danny. Haven’t I always been a good friend to you?”

  “Ah yes,” He ran his finger along the blade. “Then maybe you can explain why Flo doesn’t like me. Was it you who turned her against me? Tell me the truth.”

  “Of course I didn’t. Why would I do that?” I tried not to look at the knife. I needed to maintain an aura of calm and not get Danny all riled up. “Didn’t I fix you up with Flo? Why would I do that if I wanted to turn Flo against you? Danny, listen to me. You and I’ve been friends a long ti…” The door bell rang. Danny and I both looked toward the front door.

  “It’s Frank. He told me he’d be coming over.”

  Danny tossed the knife on the counter. “That man is getting on my nerves. But, hey, far be it from me to interfere with your love life.” He threw open the door to the back patio and stepped out, “Auf wiedersehn.”

  I ran to the front door and threw it open. “Frank!” I cried as I collapsed into his arms. “Danny…was…” I struggled to get the words out, “Danny was just here. Threatening me.”

  Frank patted my head. “There, there, you’re safe now. What happened?”

  “Oh, Frank, it was awful. Danny forced his way in and if you hadn’t arrived when you did he’d have killed me for sure.” Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of myself in the hallway mirror. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

  “I look a mess, Frank. Why don’t you fix yourself a drink while I fix myself up.” I slithered out of his arms before he could get a good look at me. “Make yourself at home,” I called over my shoulder as I headed to my bedroom. “I’ll just be a minute.

  “There you are,” I said to Sherlock who was huddled in the corner of my bedroom. I wondered where he’d disappeared to. “I look a mess, don’t I, Sherlock,” I said, calming down enough to study myself in the mirror. Sherlock’s answer was to run out of the room. “Hey—I don’t look that bad!” I called after him.

  All evidence of the glamorous and expensive blowout from earlier in the day was gone. My hair had morphed into a mass of frizz so I gave it a quick spritz of water and ran the blow dryer over it––to little effect. I added a touch of color to my cheeks and a fresh coat of lip gloss, then stood back to admire my effort.

  It crossed my mind that I should perhaps change into something more comfortable. More inviting. But then Frank might think I was being too forward. Perhaps it was better to let Frank suggest it. Men are hunters, after all, and like to think of themselves as the aggressors when it comes to sex.

  I checked myself in the mirror again and realized something was missing. Of course. Eyeliner! I couldn’t believe I’d gone to the party without eyeliner. As I hunted through the drawer for my new eyeliner I vowed that one day I would toss out all my old makeup, which is when I spotted it. Sondra’s ankle chain.

  How strange to be looking at something of Sondra’s and realizing that she’d never again wear it. I lifted it out gently and studied it—it was even more beautiful than I’d remembered. Its pink cast gave it an antique look and it had a solid feel to it. The more I studied it the more I felt there was something familiar about it.

  Like I’d seen it somewhere before. But where?

  Of course once Danny was arrested, I’d have to turn it over to the police—not that they deserved it. I had already offered it to Officer Martinelli once and he could have cared less.

  I held it up to my neck and looked at myself in the mirror. What a shame that such a beautiful piece of jewelry should end up stored away in some evidence box.

  “It’s very lovely.”

  “Frank,” I cried. Frank was standing behind me, his hands covering mine at the back of my neck. “You frightened me. I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “You were taking so long I feared something had happened to you.” He kissed the back of my neck. “It’s very lovely,” he repeated, looking at me in the mirror.

  “It’s not mine. It’s Sondra’s—her ankle chain,” I said. “She was wearing it on the hiking trail. Flo and I found it in some scrub.”

  He nodded and took the chain from my hands. “You’re still dressed,” he said turning me around to face him.

  “I was just going to slip into something more comfortable.”

  “Why slip into anything at all?” he smiled.

  “Frank! That comment’s so unlike you.”

  I’d thought of him as being a bit on the shy, uptight side. Though in a way I was pleased.

  “First let’s have champagne. Then…a night of making love.”

  “Frank, I don’t think I can handle any more champagne.” Nor a night of making love. Forty-five minutes perhaps. An hour tops.

  “Of course you can, Izzy. Why don’t you change into something more comfortable while I get the champagne from the car.”

  By comfortable, I doubt he meant my xx-large men’s tee that I’d bought on sale for six bucks at Target. I hunted through my closet until I found my silk mini robe and matching teddy that I’d bought at Flo’s insistence. “

  What do I need that for?” I’d scoffed.

  Flo had looked at me as though I was a neanderthal. “A woman should always be prepared should the occasion arise.

  “Yeah right,” I’d responded. “I doubt anything’ll be rising around me.” Nevertheless I liked her optimism and bought the robe and teddy––mainly because it was on sale.

  I’d just knotted the tie around my waist when I heard Frank calling me. As I walked into the living room, he looked me over and gave a smile of approval. “To us,” he said handing me a glass of champagne.

  “To us.” I took a small sip then placed the glass on the cocktail table. “I think I’ve had more than enough tonight,” For some reason I was still thinking about Sondra’s ankle chain and tried to remember where I’d seen one like it.

  Frank pulled me toward him. “Izzy, this is our night.” He slipped his hand under my robe and fondled my breasts.

  “Frank.” I said. “Maybe we could go slower?”

  “Slower?” he asked as he ran his hand down the front of my body. “Perhaps you need more champagne.”

  “No, really, I’ve had more than enough. It’s just that so much has happened tonight. Danny’s barging into my house upset me. Maybe we should put off…”

  The phone rang.

  “It’s probably Flo,” I said, feeling slightly relieved.

  Frank tightened his hold on my arm. “Let it go to voice mail. Whoever it is can wait.” His lips were nuzzling the back of my neck. He was right. It could wait. I melted into his arms, realizing on
e can never have enough champagne—or sex. “Frank,” I said. “Protection. You should put on…”

  “Izzy Greene,” the voice on my answering machine announced. “This is Dr. Jorgenson again. It’s been weighing on my mind that I’ve not been honest with you concerning my relationship with Sondra. Please call me back. It’s important.”

  I struggled to break free. “Frank, I have to pick up.” But it was too late. Dr. Jorgenson had hung up. “I need to call him back.”

  “It’s our night and you’re going to interrupt it by calling your dentist? Izzy Greene, shame on you.” He slipped his hand under my robe and rubbed my behind. “Whatever he has to say can wait. Drink up.”

  “I looked at the glass in my hand and fought back a wave of nausea. If I finished it off there was a good likelihood I’d end up throwing up. Not a good prelude to sex.

  I looked into Frank’s eyes as I slowly brought the glass to my lips. He was right. Dr. Jorgenson could wait one more day.

  “That’s right, Izzy, drink up.”

  Frank looked more handsome than ever. Almost boyish.

  My eyes grew wide as I stared at him…

  “Izzy, what is it?”


  Chapter 46

  I knew where I’d seen a chain similar to Sondra’s. The picture in Frank’s den. Only it wasn’t an ankle chain. It was a necklace. And Frank’s mother was wearing it.

  “What, Izzy?”

  I needed to keep my wits about me. I couldn’t let on that I knew.

  “I…I need something to eat with the champagne. Otherwise I’ll be sick. I can’t just drink champagne. Cake. I need cake.” I broke free of his embrace and headed to the kitchen. Stay calm, Izzy. You mustn’t let him know you suspect him. “I’ll just get the chocolate cake. You wait right there. There’s not a lot left though. You know how I make a pig of myself over anything chocolate but I’m sure there’s enough for just the two of us unless you want to run to the all night grocery and pick up…”


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