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Love in Paris

Page 8

by Amanda Meadows

  “What the hell is going on? And why is my name involved?”

  Hunter rubbed his neck. “Your hunch that Kayla's mom wants to pin something on you is probably right,” he mused.

  Amber punched his shoulder, shocked that he wasn't more upset.

  “How can you say that so calmly? She's obviously doing something illegal!”

  But Hunter's temper suddenly flared, and she regretted saying anything at all. His eyes locked onto her like emerald lasers, pinning her to the seat.

  “What do I have to do to win your trust?” he asked, his voice almost cold.

  Amber folded her arms, her own anger rising.

  “Be honest with me! You knew something was going on but said nothing!”

  Hunter wasn't backing off. “Honesty based on your standards? In that case, I have every excuse to wait until things look bad to talk to you.”

  Amber squirmed under the implication. “But I'm telling you everything now.”

  “Amber, my dad and I suspected someone in the accounting department was leaking company information. We only recently narrowed it down to Mr. Ross. My mother doesn't even know.”

  Amber thought back to Mrs. Webb's concerns that Kayla's dad wasn't adjusting well.

  “Your dad transferred Mr. Ross here to keep an eye on him?”

  Hunter sat back in his seat and folded his own arms across his chest.

  “Yes. Obviously, I had no clue that Kayla or her mom were involved or I wouldn't have left you alone when I came here.”

  “Kayla's dad looks ill.” Amber shivered. “The way his wife talks to him is horrible. I kind of feel bad for him.”

  “Yes, well, he's going to feel a hell of a lot worse when I get proof of what they're doing.”

  Amber thought back to the conversation she had overheard. “So what's so important about this Board Meeting coming up?”

  Hunter looked pained. “I'm sorry, but I can't talk about it with you.”

  Amber glared at him. “So who has trust issues now?”

  “Honestly, Amber, it's not like that. The only people who know are on the Board. That's twelve people, including me and my parents.”

  Hunter shook his head. "I don't want this work situation to come between us. I promise I'm telling you all that I can without compromising my responsibility to the company."

  Amber softened. “I don't want to fight anymore.”

  "Me either, baby. Especially if it's not the kind of fight that would lead to some feisty sex." Hunter grinned slyly.

  Amber stared at Hunter, seeing the person she loved. She remembered that horrible time when she thought she might die. Why was she letting this situation pull them apart?

  “I love you, Hunter," she said.

  Hunter smiled. "You still love me? Even though I'm such an awful control freak?”

  Chapter 12

  Amber traced his face with her finger.

  “Well, you are an amazingly sexy control freak.”

  Hunter grinned. “Can I try to redeem myself tonight?”

  “Hmm . . . I could really go for a nice back massage after dinner. Do you have any recommendations?”

  Hunter's eyes twinkled. “I know someone with an artist's hands. Do you pay well?”

  “The pay is lousy,” Amber admitted. “But for above and beyond service, there would be a very generous tip. Would the masseuse be available this evening?”

  “I'm afraid he's not available after dinner. However, he does have an immediate opening in the next few minutes.”


  A few minutes later, they arrived at the hotel. Hunter held the door open for her. Cinching her coat tightly, Amber exited the car quickly as a blustery wind whipped her hair. She grabbed Hunter's hand and they hurried inside.

  “Just a minute, I need to speak with the concierge.”

  Amber tried to eavesdrop but, as usual, the rapid speech was simply too much for her to comprehend. But the concierge seemed to be agreeing to do something and was already on his phone. Hmm . . . Maybe Hunter was making dinner reservations?

  “What was that about?” she asked curiously.

  But Hunter pretended not to hear her. Instead, he started rambling about one of the paintings in the lobby.

  “Why don't you get comfortable,” Hunter suggested when they got back to the room.

  “I need to make a quick phone call to let Dad know what's going on.”

  “Does the masseuse have any suggestions for preparations?”

  Hunter grinned. “I believe he discourages undergarments. They don't allow full range of . . . um . . . technique.”

  Amber laughed and entered the bedroom. After finding some sexy music on the radio, she pulled the covers down on the bed, undressed, and stretched out on the bed on her stomach. She heard the doorbell ring and was curious as to what Hunter had asked to be brought up.

  Hunter came into the bedroom quietly and slipped into the bathroom. He was trying to conceal a small shopping bag.

  Amber pushed herself up on her elbows. “What's that?”

  “Can't hear you! The water's running!”

  Amber grinned, wondering what sort of surprise he had for her.

  Again, she didn't have long to wait. Hunter hummed as he walked out carrying several votive candles. He placed them on the bedside tables and then turned off the remaining lights. Moving to the closet, he stripped off his suit and hung it neatly.

  Amber was amused to see that he already had the beginnings of an erection. But he surprised her by slipping on a pair of soft pajama pants. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he returned with several towels. He spread a few beside her.

  “Do you mind moving over here?”

  Her interest piqued, Amber smiled and moved as requested.

  "Be right back," Hunter said.

  Amber heard him moving around in the kitchen. When he returned, he was holding a bottle of massage oil in his hand.

  “Ready, mademoiselle?”

  “Ready, monsieur,” she murmured.

  Hunter's pajama pants hung low on his hips. Amber had to resist reaching over and tugging them down further.

  Hunter surprised her by draping her body with the extra towels, leaving only her head and one arm uncovered. He drizzled warm oil onto her exposed skin and got to work.

  After softly stroking and kneading her arm, he concentrated on her hand, gently tugging and pulling each individual finger before moving on to her palm and wrist. By the time he finished her one side, she was already in a drowsy bliss. Hunter moved a towel over her relaxed arm and gave her opposite side equal attention.

  Amber had never had a professional massage. However, she suspected that Hunter was following the standard protocol. She had to admit that this was a positive aspect of having a control freak boyfriend. Hunter didn't do anything half way.

  Once arms and hands were completed, she felt Hunter shift again. The towel was pulled lower so that it now covered her buttocks and lower legs. Seconds later, more warm oil dribbled down her skin, trickling down onto her sides and neck.

  “Mm . . . That feels nice,” Amber murmured appreciatively as Hunter kneaded her back, stopping just above where the towel covered her rear end.

  “Wow. You have a lot of tension,” Hunter murmured. “Do you want me to apply a little more pressure?”

  “A little harder is fine,” Amber replied.

  Hunter's movements were almost painful, but she could feel relief as well. Finally, he gave her back a few gentle caresses before moving to the end of the bed. He shifted the towel so that it rested across her top half and butt cheeks and started on her feet.

  When he first touched her toes, Amber jerked her ticklish foot back. But Hunter held firm, squeezing and massaging expertly. Amber flashed back to her first foot massage from Hunter. That time had led to erotic sex. But if Hunter was remembering it, he didn't give any indication. Once he finished massaging her feet, he moved up her calves and thighs.

  However, once he started kne
ading her thighs, Amber felt herself becoming aroused. She tried not to give herself away and twitch on the bed. Hunter was playing the role of a professional masseuse to the extreme. But then he reached the towel.

  “Would mademoiselle like me to continue beyond the towel?”

  Amber smiled.

  “Mademoiselle would very much like that,” she murmured, turning to look at him.

  Hunter had a soft sheen of sweat on his skin. The thin pajama pants were doing a lousy job of hiding his pleasure.

  She put her head back down. A few seconds later, the towel was completely removed. She shivered when she felt warm oil drizzle over her ass and between her legs.

  She wasn't going to remain chaste very long at this rate. She moaned as Hunter's slippery fingers massaged her butt cheeks and then slipped lower so that he could touch between her legs.

  “Roll over,” Hunter ordered, his voice hoarse.

  Amber turned onto her back.

  A lock of hair drooped over Hunter's eyes. But she could still see that those gorgeous emeralds glittered with desire. His chest heaved and, of course, there was his huge erection straining against his pajama bottoms. She wanted to reach up and free it.

  Hunter poured even more oil over her breasts and belly. He paused only to removed his pajama bottoms and his briefs.

  Amber literally ached when she saw his engorged penis spring free. She was already so wet between her legs.

  Moving to one side, Hunter knelt to kiss her. Then his hands were everywhere at once. The slippery feel of the oil and his hot skin were driving her crazy. Finally she couldn't take it and grabbed the oil bottle.

  “On your back,” she commanded.

  Hunter complied and she drizzled the oil down his front. Then she used her own hands to touch and stroke. Finally, she positioned herself beside him so that they could both use their hands freely.

  Hunter captured her lips with his teeth and nipped gently. His fingers slid down her belly and between her legs. She groaned and grabbed his hips.

  “I don't think I can handle any more foreplay,” Hunter said, his eyes burning with desire.

  In answer, Amber shifted her body and knelt over him. Then she straddled his waist. She was just as tired with foreplay and mounted him, adjusting her hips and legs so that she could be in control. He reached up to grab her hips, lifting her even higher as his pleasure increased.

  They made love hard and frantically, as though it had been weeks since they had last touched each other. Amber felt herself reaching her peak first and cried out as she started to fall against him.

  But Hunter simply held her aloft as he continued to buck beneath her. Finally, he moaned her name and pulled her forward onto his chest.

  She slid her oily legs down beside his, moving so that he could pull out of her.

  But Hunter resisted.

  “I want to stay like this for a little bit,” he murmured, his face buried in her hair.

  Amber felt his heart thudding below her cheek as he ran his hands up and down her backside. She quivered from the sensation of him remaining inside her.

  “I love you so much, Amber Holloway,” he said. “Please don't ever leave me.”

  “I love you, Hunter Webb,” she replied softly. “I'm not going anywhere.”

  When Amber finally got up to go to the bathroom, the votive candles were nearly burnt out. Turning on the shower, she stared at herself in the mirror. She was going to have to use a good bit of soap to get rid of the prodigious amount of oil clinging to her body.

  Later that evening, Hunter took her to an intimate restaurant and she happily dug into each course set before her.

  “That's quite an appetite you've got there,” Hunter said, smirking.

  “You aren't exactly leaving your food untouched,” Amber pointed out, laughing.

  By the time the main course came, however, Amber had to slow down.

  As she was slowly chewing a bite of rare steak, she noticed that Hunter was uncharacteristically quiet.

  “Everything okay?”

  “I was just thinking,” Hunter said hesitantly. “I was rude the other day when you asked about my grandparent's property.”

  Amber waved her fork. “Don't worry about it.”

  Hunter ignored her. “The thing is that I haven't been back since my grandmother passed away.”

  Amber put her fork down, shocked that Hunter was opening up to her. She noticed that he was pushing his food around in a big circle on his plate. This was clearly difficult for him to talk about.

  “And there was . . .”

  Suddenly Hunter stopped and stiffened. It was as though he had hit a limit. He tried to cover his nerves by taking a large swallow of wine.

  “So, anyway,” he said, refocusing, “I just didn't want you to think I was upset by anything you said."

  Hunter had been making a mountain out of his mashed potatoes and suddenly realized what he was doing. He flattened it with one firm slap of his fork.

  “I'm not like you," he said, staring at her with admiration. “You face up to your fears without any hesitation. I'm more of a wimp.”

  Amber took his hand. “It's okay to face things with baby steps.”

  Hunter laughed bitterly. “That's what the therapists used to tell me."


  “Are you seeing anyone now?” Amber asked, suddenly alarmed she hadn't known.

  “No, that was back when I was a kid. But I was stubborn and mom finally gave up taking me.”

  “No!” Amber clutched her heart in mock surprise.

  Hunter laughed. “I was convinced that they didn't know what they were talking about. I sat in their offices and won our staring contests.”

  He smiled wryly. “And see what a wonderful person I turned out to be.”

  Amber squeezed his hand.

  “You are a great guy, Hunter Webb. I'll help you face any ghosts in your past."

  “I almost feel sorry for them,” Hunter said, his eyes twinkling. “You can be pretty damn scary when you're angry.”

  “Just don't forget it,” Amber said. She shoved his fork aside with her own and scooped up a bite of his potatoes.

  “It's such a damn shame to waste these delicious potatoes. I'm not too ashamed to steal your food in a five star restaurant.”

  Hunter tried not to smile. “Go ahead. I won't report you.”

  Amber hesitated until she noticed the elderly woman glaring at her from the next table. Really? Amber smiled sweetly at the woman, turned her head and flagrantly ate several bites from Hunter's plate.

  More than irritating the snoopy old lady, Amber knew that Hunter needed the diversion. He seemed almost fragile this evening. She watched with a satisfied smile as Hunter held his napkin over his mouth to hide his laughter.

  The offended woman began speaking in rapid French to her husband. But the husband, a kindly looking gentleman with snow white hair, merely smiled charmingly in Amber's direction.

  Hunter was still chuckling when they got back into the car to return to the hotel.

  “That poor guy is probably sleeping on the sofa tonight for showing you sympathy.”

  Amber smiled. “It was her fault. She shouldn't have looked at me like I was a naughty child. It made me want to prove her right.”

  Hunter pulled her close to snuggle. “Baby, I love it when you get naughty.”

  “Ah, but you only say that when it isn't you I'm defying,” she corrected him.

  “True. But at least I have my two days of obedience coming up soon.”

  “I was kind of hoping you were going to forget about that,” Amber murmured, kissing his neck.

  “Me? Forget about two days of you being submissive?” Hunter laughed.

  “A girl can dream,” Amber said, yawning.

  Today had been such an emotional roller coaster day and she was starting to feel its effects.

  “If I could, I would even be in charge of your dreams,” Hunter said, grinning slyly. “I would be in every si
ngle one.”

  “And that is why we are going to work on your control freak nature,” Amber said. “Especially if I don't have the same power to control you.”

  Hunter was quiet as they arrived at the hotel and took the elevator back up to their room.

  Amber didn't want to interrupt his thoughts, but she couldn't put off the question that had been on her mind most of the evening.

  “So where do we go from here? I mean, with the whole Ross family situation.”

  “That depends,” Hunter said, with a hint of a smile. “Do you want to help catch a thief?”

  “You'll let me help? Are you feverish?” She reached up and touched his forehead with mock alarm.

  Hunter regarded her sternly. “Only if you follow every single direction I give you. No questions asked.”

  “Yes! Yes!” Amber agreed.

  “I'm serious, Amber. I don't want you in any situation that could get out of control.”

  “Fine. Hunter, I'm so proud of you!”

  Hunter grimaced. “Why am I already regretting this?”

  Amber kissed him on the mouth.

  “I'll be a good girl,” she said.

  Hunter groaned. "You have good intentions now. Please just don't let your streak of independence get the best of you.”

  Amber laughed and tugged him into the room, no longer sleepy. Whatever happened with Kayla and her messed up family, she was finally starting to believe that she and Hunter might have a chance at a long term relationship.

  Would Hunter be able to confront whatever childhood trauma that still affected him now? Could she allow herself to be vulnerable and trust him no matter what? Bloody hell, she was going to try her best.

  “Come to bed, Hunter,” she said. “Let me show you just what a good girl I can be.”

  # # #

  Thank you for taking the time to read Love in Paris. Please consider leaving a review! - xoxo, Amanda

  Want to know what happens next? Read Fractured - The Art Models Club Book 5.

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  Books by Amanda Meadows

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