Spencer (The Ninth Inning: Season Three #8)
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Season 3 of
The Ninth Inning Series
Copyright © 2016 by Lindsay Paige and Mary Smith
Smashwords Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1311514714
All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
About the Authors
Coming Soon
I ROCK GRANT in my arms, staring at his chunky cute face. I never realized how much I love this little guy, until the first time I held him after my sister, Sofia, gave birth to him. I knew then this little bundle of joy had me wrapped around his tiny, baby finger.
I lean my head back on the rocking chair and listen to the soothing music box on his dresser. Mom told Sofia how she read an article that if babies listen to these sounds they’ll be smarter. I think it’s crap and music isn’t going to make your kid any smarter than not listening to it. Nonetheless, it helps put Grant out like a light.
I hear the door open downstairs, and listen carefully to Sofia’s heels, then Blake’s low chuckle and I know they will be up here to see their son. And on cue, they come upstairs and into his nursery.
“Hi, Sissy.” Sofia’s red hair is in soft waves and her makeup is always perfect. She could have easily been a runway model, but her life lead her to the Memphis Angel’s baseball team and Blake Foster. “Was he difficult tonight?”
“Who? Blake?” I joke with her and Blake gives me a stern look, but it doesn’t scare me. I know he’s nothing but a big teddy bear.
“Ha. Ha.” Sofia takes Grant from my arms and it makes me feel a little empty, but I know they missed him tonight. “Thank you for watching him.”
“No problem. I know you too have been playing house more than doctor. Or is more like naughty baseball girl and the dirty coach?” I sexily growl, making Blake roll his eyes and leave the room.
Sofia giggles. “Why do you taunt him?” She kisses Grant’s head and lays him gently in the crib.
“Let’s skip all the dumb question and get down to the nitty-gritty.”
“Which would be?”
“When are you going to make the announcement?” Sofia looks away from me and walks toward the door. “Oh no, Sister. I can tell now. Your eyes are puffy, your jeans are up a size, and I saw you chugging milk out of the carton. You hate milk, and the only time you drank it is was when you were pregnant with Grant. So, does Blake know he knocked you up again?”
“I’ve not told him.”
“Why?” Blake took Sofia’s news of Grant like a champ, and then he began acting as if Sofia was made of glass. It was sweet to watch because it’s true love between them.
“Grant’s still so little.”
“Hello, you and I are ten months apart. Mom and Dad didn’t waste any time, and it’s not a big deal.” Sofia is quiet, and I know when she’s quiet she’s in deep thought. “Talk to me.”
“I’m worried about my job and Blake.”
“I’m just now getting into a good schedule with the Angels; will they keep me if I tell them I’m pregnant again. With Blake, he’s taken on so much, I don’t want to overload him.”
I can’t help laughing at her. “I’m sorry, but have you met Blake Foster? He worships you and Grant. If you tell him you’re carrying another Lil Foster in there, he might turn into a unicorn from all the happiness.”
Sofia giggles, and it warms my heart I can still make her laugh. “When did you become so smart?”
“I have the brains and the breasts. You have the incredible ass and Mom’s gorgeous skin.” I pull her into a hug. I love her so much. She’s my best friend, and I can’t imagine how my life would have been without her. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
I release her and head out of Grant’s room and down the stairs to where I left my purse and keys. Blake is sitting on the couch with a sports program on. Ugh, more baseball.
“Are you leaving?” Blake calls over his shoulder.
“Yep.” I stop and walk toward him. “Hey, let me give you a heads up on something.”
“What?” he growls. He hates surprises more than anything, and I’m sure he’s thinking it’s something bad.
“Talk to Sofia. She needs to tell you something, and she’s nervous.”
“Why?” He drops the remote on the table and stands up.
“Just be sweet-Blakey to her. She’ll cry for a minute, and then she’ll tell you.” I give him a small smile and head to the door.
“Harmony, what is it?” Blake’s concerned, and I don’t want him to flip on her.
“Well, she and I are ten months apart.”
“You’re already behind schedule if you want your next baby to be close in age like that.”
Blake tilts his head and furrows his brow. I smile brightly, and he pales and stands straight. “She…she…”
“I need to get going. Have a great night.” I wave as I head out, and I hear Blake running up the stairs.
I drive to the house Sofia and I once shared. When she moved in with Blake, I can’t lie by saying I hadn’t been sad. We’ve been attached to each other all our lives, but I knew it would happen for her long before me.
When I walk into the house, I head for the wine bottle and glass. I told Sofia I didn’t have any plans tonight, and I really didn’t have any but work. The papers and contracts were spread across the dining room table. It’s become my desk/office since Sofia left. I never have any company and if I do, it’s men and they just want to see me naked in my bed. They couldn’t care less if the house is clean or not.
I rifle through the work and try to figure out if this city contract is good for Dad’s business or not. Dad has built a large empire, but Sofia doesn’t want anything to with the business, so it falls squarely on my shoulder. The weird thing is, I don’t mind. I always wanted to work c
losely with Dad. I went to the same university he did, majored in business, like him, and the moment I graduated, I was by his side and have not left. Except for the few times I took off and traveled.
I look up at the clock and it reads one in the morning. How did that happen? I shake my head, scratch off the last of my notes for the contracts, and curl up on the couch because I’m too lazy to walk up the stairs tonight.
I’m typing on the keyboard when a fury of red hair and pissed off face appears in my office.
“Hello, Sofia. How’s your afternoon?” I’m overly bubbly since I know she’s going to yell at me. I go back to my computer and type my email.
“Don’t pull that crap with me Harmony Rae. You told Blake.”
“No, I did not. I simply hinted.” I stop typing and look up at her. “How did it go?”
“Perfect,” she barks at me, trying to remain mad; she can’t do it.
“Then the problem is…”
“Nothing, but you owe me for telling him, and I’ve come to collect.”
I stifle a laugh. “Pardon?”
“The Angels are throwing a fundraiser for privately funded foster homes. It’s something Trent and Scarlett are pretty much helping with, and all the Angels are going. Except for Spencer.”
“So.” Spencer and my paths have crossed a few times, but nothing more than a passing glance and small talk.
“You’re going with him.”
“Come on, Sofia.”
“No. Blake came up with the idea a while ago, and I wasn’t going to force you, but now I am. When I go back to the stadium, I’m telling Spencer and giving him your number. You’re going to get all dressed up and you won’t bitch one time about it.” She crosses her arms, and when she does it, she tries to look badass. She can’t pull it off.
“Well, Mom auctioned me once; I might as well be forced to date Blake’s teammate.”
“Good.” She curtly nods and heads out the door.
I can’t help but giggle. She has a heart of gold, and she’s too kind to be badass. I think it’s another reason why she didn’t join Gardner Enterprise. I go back to work and the rest of the day seems to fly by after Sofia leaves.
When I get home, with more files than I had last night, I decide take out is going to be on my menu tonight. As I sift through menus, my phone dings.
Spencer: It’s Spencer. Your sister and Blake are going to hound me to death until I text you.
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
Me: Hi, Spencer. I’m well aware of how those two are.
Spencer: They informed me you’re my date for the fundraiser.
I have the urge to tell him I don’t want to go, but then I stop before my thumbs begin texting. When was the last time I had sex? I don’t really date, because I’m too busy. Plus, I’m pretty sure I’ll never find anyone to have the same type of relationship as my parents or Sofia and Blake.
Me: Unless you change your mind, I am.
Spencer: Just as long as you know it’s a date and nothing more.
Me: Think I’m going to fall in love with you and take all your money.
Spencer: LOL, no. I just want to be clear I’m not into relationships. At all.
My interest piqued at this. Maybe this won’t be a bad night after all.
Me: I don’t do them either. You don’t have to worry about me.
Spencer: Perfect. See you Friday night.
Yes, you will Mr. Spencer O’Dell. Yes, you will.
“ARE YOU SURE you don’t want us to pick up Harmony and then you? She can be a bit of a handful,” Blake says.
I’m driving over to Harmony’s. I couldn’t get her to answer her phone to get her address, so I had to call Blake, who told me she’s probably too busy getting ready. I’m not sure what it says about her that Blake thinks she’s a handful. I can hear Sofia chiding him in the background and defending her sister.
“You sit right there, Sofia,” he tells her in a stern voice. “I’ll take him inside to Mom.” They must be dropping Grant off with his mom for her to babysit.
Before I can speak, Sofia is the one talking to me. “Don’t listen to him, Spencer. There is nothing wrong with my sister. If she doesn’t answer the door, there’s a spare key under the mat. You can use that to get in, but make sure you yell to let her know it’s you, so you don’t freak her out. I’m sure she’s just busy getting ready.”
“Okay, thanks.” I pause, and it hit me that Blake wouldn’t let her get out of the car. “Are you pregnant again?” I blurt out.
There’s a long silence on the other end. Unfortunately, we already found out Zoey is pregnant. If we had found this out sooner, I wouldn’t have owed Roman money for that part of the bet we made at the beginning of the season. We both would’ve been wrong.
“We haven’t had a chance to tell my parents yet since they’ve been out of town on a trip. Don’t say anything to the guys yet.”
“I won’t,” I promise. “Hey, I’m here. I’ll see y’all shortly.”
I hang up with Sofia and walk up to Harmony’s door. I knock, but don’t get an answer, so I use the spare key to get in. Sofia better hope Harmony isn’t pissed about that. It feels odd to use someone’s spare key to get into their home.
“Harmony!” I shout as I walk inside. “Hurry up or we’ll be late!”
She rounds the corner, and I can’t help but stare. Did she look this good the last time I saw her? She’s in a silver, form-fitting dress that dips low between her breasts. Her hair is in curls, hanging around her shoulders, and damn. She looks fantastic.
“Spencer,” Harmony snaps. I lift my eyes to hers. “How the hell did you get in here?”
“Sofia told me where the key was. You look…” I let my gaze travel over her, ignoring the hand propped on her hip with annoyance that I entered her home, and eventually make my way back to her eyes to finish with, “hot as hell.”
Harmony smirks. “Are you going to admire me all night or are we going to leave?”
“I can multitask,” I answer as she closes the distance between us. She tries not to smile while plucking the key out of my hand and pushing me out the door. After she puts the key away, I take her hand and lead her to my car. “I planned to apologize for Sofia forcing you to go with me to make me go, but I’ve decided not to.”
“How come?” she asks once we’re in my car.
“Decided it’s worth her meddling to see you in that dress.”
“Worth it for you, so you could still apologize to me.”
I shake my head. “Nope.”
“So, you really don’t do relationships?” She sounds skeptical, and when I glance over at her, she looks it too.
“How many times have you heard about me being with a girl?”
She’s quiet for a beat before saying, “Sofia has never mentioned you seeing someone.”
“Okay then.” Point proven. And Sofia would most likely mention it if I were. Ever since she had Grant, she’s been a bit of a matchmaker. Or, she’s tried to be one. She wants to set me up with girls, and I turn her down every time. I’ll find someone to sleep with on my own. I don’t want to mess up any friendships she has with these girls because I know it won’t turn into anything more. I’m a commitment-phobe and have no plans to work on that anytime soon.
The only reason I agreed to this is because Blake thought it was a good idea and assured me Harmony wouldn’t expect anything more than us going to this fundraiser together. But now, after seeing her in that dress and realizing it’s been too long since I’ve fucked someone, I’m wondering if that’s something worth thinking about.
“So, you weren’t going to go tonight because you couldn’t find a date?” she asks, pulling me away from my thoughts.
“I haven’t had time to look for one, and it’s not a mandatory event, so no, I wasn’t going to go. We can leave whenever you’re ready.”
She nods, and we ride the rest of the way in silence. Once we make it to the event, I can’t l
ie. It feels good to have someone as gorgeous as Harmony on my arm when we walk in. Not to say that previous dates haven’t been as gorgeous, but Harmony is taking the cake with that dress.
We make small talk with some of the guys we run into before taking our seats at our table.
“So, you still work with your father?”
Harmony nods. “Yeah. I love it, though I can be a bit of a workaholic.”
“Is that why you don’t do relationships? Because you’re career-driven or because you’ve been wronged one too many times?”
“Both?” She sounds unsure, though. “What’s your excuse?”
“I just don’t want that kind of commitment. Is that an acceptable answer?”
“I’m not grading you, Spencer. You can say whatever the hell you want.”
“Then that’s the answer I’m going with.” It’s definitely time to change the subject to a safer, more comfortable topic. “How do you like being an aunt?”
“I love it.” Her smile beams with pride. “I never thought I could love something that drooled so much.”
I laugh. “Probably helps that he’s a cute baby.”
“He gets it from me and not Blake. I never thought I’d enjoy it, but I do. When he gets older, I’ll take him out to the bars and show him how to pick up chicks,” she jokes.
“You’ll be the fun aunt everyone wishes they had. I can see that,” I say with a nod.
“What about you? Do you have family? I’m not sure Sofia ever mentioned it to me.”
“Just my mom. I mean, I have an aunt and an uncle, but I never knew them or my grandparents. So, yeah. Just my mom.”
“Really? How was it growing up? I mean, no offense or anything, but did something happen to your dad?” She seems genuinely curious and it puts me at ease to discuss it.
“Nothing happened to him. He left. She had no support from him, his parents, or her own parents. They all abandoned my mom once she found out about me. But she was fantastic and I always had what I needed, so it was fine growing up.”