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Immortal Espionage

Page 11

by Debbie Behan

  ‘She digs you man. I mean to do this, organise me.’

  ‘I know. I was so proud of her Kev. We were almost killed by that hunter detective.’

  Jay jumped on Kev and lay into him. ‘Shit I missed you.’

  ‘Ah! So you admit you have more than lust in your soul for me.’ He tapped Jay’s backside gently.

  Jay laughed. ‘Shut the hell up and make me forget about the crazy mess we’re in, or I swear I’ll put you on the next plane home.’

  * * * *

  Jay woke to the sun that streamed in the window. They had ended up on the floor and he managed to pull the bedding on them so at least they were comfortable. They had wrecked the bed and the cupboard next to it. Jay grinned, knowing his wealthy minders would be more than pleased to pay for any damage just so long he was happy. Kev sure knew his stuff and there is definitely no putting him back on any plane today or any time soon.

  Jay could overhear the staff move nearby and the sound of a knock on the prince’s door had his ears prick up. Crash! It sounded as if a boot hit the door.

  ‘Sounds likely the prince isn’t ready to surface yet.’ Kev pulled the blankets up over his head. ‘Me either.’

  ‘Most likely thinks it’s me.’ Jay was amused.

  Knock, knock!

  ‘! The person who was knocking on their door, is now at ours.’ Jay jumped up and answered it starkers.

  ‘I am Eldon, the resort manager.’ His eyes roamed over Jay and then took in the mess of the room. ‘The chef had no orders for breakfast and asked if you’d like an early lunch.’ He looked a little embarrassed. ‘Um–can you give my apology to the couple in the adjacent apartment? I didn’t mean to intrude.’

  ‘Don’t bother with the tosser in the other room. He’s just got married and is acting a royal pain. An early lunch sounds good. Tell the chef there will be four of us. I’ll organise the other guests.’

  ‘As you wish.’ He bowed his head then looked back at Jay inquisitively.

  ‘Excuse me sir. I noticed no luggage came with any of you. Would you like me to organise some outfits?’

  ‘Clothes, yes, we had them stolen.’

  ‘I’ll rustle up some toiletries as well.’

  ‘Good man.’ Jay closed the door and flopped on the floor with Kev. ‘Hope he gets my size right.’

  ‘He copped a good enough perve. Show off.’ Kev punched Jay’s arm. ‘What’s the real reason? What did happen to your stuff?’

  ‘We didn’t have any. To annoy the prince, I made a deal with Ali that we run naked for a week. He was obligated to give me my wish as it seems I saved her life. Remember? I told you last night.’

  ‘No! Did you talk?’ He cracked up laughing.

  ‘Smart-arse. Anyway this trip was all about that. Only now you’re here, stuff that. I’m not going to have the royal pain lay his peeps on you.’

  ‘I don’t believe it. I finally have a way to make you jealous and you blow it for me and order clothes.’

  ‘I know him well Kev. He’ll pay me back by stirring me up with you. I’ll crack it with him if he does. And as for you, if you even look at him, for even for a second—’

  Kev cut his words short as he rolled around the floor and laughed, enjoying Jay’s sudden flare up. ‘You’re so full of it Jay. I’m going in for a shower.’ He got to his feet.

  ‘Are you hungry?’ Jay stopped him.

  ‘Could eat a horse.’ Kev smiled.

  ‘Then come here, boy,’ Jay joked, and he did.

  ~ Chapter Twelve ~

  Run for your Life

  Jay wanted time with Alina. ‘Be back in a tick,’ he called out to Kev.

  Kev’s head popped out the shower. ‘You got a death wish Jay. The prince won’t let her come with us.’

  Jay opened the door to the lovers’ den.

  ‘Don’t you know how to knock?’ Ricco growled.

  ‘Would you have answered?’ Jay ignored him, as his gaze fell on Alina. ‘I’m not here to see you; I’m here to get my girlfriend. She’s coming to lunch with me today.’

  Alina stood and pulled the sheet around her and headed to the bathroom. ‘Give me five minutes Jay, I’m starving. Hey!’ She stopped suddenly and turned to him. ‘Are our partners invited?’

  ‘Well mine is.’ He grinned and shrugged. ‘I guess we have to bring Ricco since he’s paying.’

  Ricco gave a pinched lip look. ‘Don’t encourage him sweetheart. I’m coming regardless.’

  Jay saw that Ricco followed her movement until the door closed and out of sight, the way metal followed a magnet. Man he has it bad

  Jay smirked at Ricco and called out, ‘I’ll give it ten minutes girlfriend and then if the big fella hasn’t surfaced with you I’ll be back to collect you from him.’

  ‘Little pipsqueak, just try.’

  ‘Big bully, let’s see who she sticks up for.’

  ‘Stirring little shit.’ He shut the door.

  * * * *

  Jay sprawled out under the tent that had been set up for them. He held a platter of fruit and munched away, and at the same time handfed Alina. Ricco’s unimpressed scoff amused Jay so he continued to fuss over her. Since Ricco married Alina he’d become a possessive tool and Jay was out to teach him to share. She was his friend too.

  The only problem was, Jay kept getting distracted by Kev who sipped on wine and seemed to overly enjoy Ricco’s company. He is so going to get it when I’ve finished playing with Ali.

  The week continued with sporting fun between Ricco and Jay. Kev ignored them. An outdoor person, he took advantage of the surroundings and snorkelled, fished on the beach and even went para-gliding. All this while the other three lounged around chatting and talking of things Kev had no interest in and didn’t understand.

  ‘Sorry mate.’ Jay caught up with Kev. He dragged himself from Ricco and Alina to go hiking.

  ‘Jay, I’ve known you most of your life. We share many a common interest and don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a geek in the true sense of the word. I know you hate sport. Hell, you have me stumped how you stay in such good shape.’

  ‘So we’re cool.’

  ‘More than cool, I’ve been having a blast.’ He turned to continue the walk.


  ‘Yes Jay.’ He stopped.

  ‘I’m so glad you came, you know that, right.’

  They didn’t get any further for quite some time. It was late when they returned to the cabin. This gave only enough time to shower and dress. It being their last night on the island they decided to meet the others for dinner. The sound of music had Jay expressing plans to Kev. ‘I got dibs on the first dance with the only girl on the island in a dress.’ His mood was high and for it, he received a belt in the ribs from Kev. ‘Well I ain’t wearing no goddamned dress so don’t even go there.’

  Jay broke up with laughter and still chuckled as they got to the restaurant. Kev kept up the banter about the girl comment the entire way to Jay’s amusement. He liked knowing Kev was jealous.

  They entered a delicately lit room where candles and soft music played. Jay got romantic, pulled Kev in close and sang to him. Kev still cross, pulled away.

  ‘Okay grumpy, go get the drinks while I dance with my girlfriend.’ He stirred him further.

  Kev gave him the finger before heading to the bar.

  Jay hoped Kev might eventually see the bond formed with Alina may be strong, but very different to his feelings for him. If Jay had understood the bond himself he’d explain, but he had no logical reason for the connection with either Ricco or Alina. Both were now a huge part of his life. With Alina he felt protective, as a knight would protect a princess. Ridiculous as it sounded, there it was and if he said that out loud and to Kev, it would send him packing. He’d flee from his crazy mate and Jay wouldn’t blame him. Laughter turned his head to the sound of Alina. The two tone soft overlay blue cocktail dress matched eyes that sparkled like exquisite gems. She always looked so pretty.

  Jay turne
d to Kev who’d ordered already. He looked hot in his suit and Jay wondered how he was going to drag himself from his man tonight to annoy Ricco by dancing with Ali.

  After main course, Kev and Ricco got macho and challenged each other to a game of pool. Jay took the opportunity to ask Alina to dance.

  Jay’s parents had insisted on dance classes and out to impress Alina with his moves, he was glad he continued with them. One up on the two left feet of Ricco, he was chuffed when Alina gave him one of her, I didn’t know you could dance, looks.

  ‘Jay, you dance divinely,’ she gushed.

  ‘With you it’s easy Ali. You’re not so bad yourself.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She leaned on his shoulder, her natural aura wrapped around him like a cloud of magic. As usual, holding her made him relaxed and contented. That was the reason it was hard to be anywhere else but near her.

  ‘Nice perfume. Is it new?’

  ‘A present from Ricco from the gift shop. I pick something up and he buys it for me. I’m so spoilt.’

  ‘Tell him nice choice, I want to lap you like a little puppy.’

  The comment surprised her and she gulped back laughter and tears. ‘You’re so twisted.’ She wiped her wet cheeks.

  ‘I like it when you laugh.’

  ‘You do say the funniest things.’

  ‘It’s easy to make you laugh, but I better stop before hulk man comes over and king hits me, jealous mug.’

  ‘He trusts you Jay. Knows I’m safe with you and just stirs you too. You’re both incorrigible. You have to behave now I’m married to him.’

  ‘I will if he does. It irks me when he won’t let you go so we can have fun together. But I promise I will try.’

  ‘He’s giving us space now, so what do you want to do?’

  ‘Let’s sing a duet, rock chick. One for our lovers who should be damned well jealous. We’ll give them, ignore us.’ He dragged her up on the stage. ‘Take a hike.’ He snatched the microphone from the singer and hummed a tune to the band that eagerly played the melody.

  Alina swayed with the music and made up words to it. The prince and Kev stopped playing and leaned against the pool table watching with big grins on their faces.

  ‘Angels smiled down on me and found me you. Fate stepped in and then there were two,’ Alina sang, and passed the microphone to Jay.

  ‘A dream came true from my girl when I found you,’ he sang to Kev. ‘That copper hair and goofy grin has me in a spin.’

  Before they got any further, Eldon appeared on the stage. A bloodied nose dripped as he headed towards them. Both looked at each other, horrified.

  ‘You have to get to safety; the place is ready to blow.’

  ‘Ricco, get Kev out! We’re under attack again,’ Jay called out to Ricco over the microphone before tossing it. He snatched up Alina’s hand and followed Eldon who opened a trap door on the stage and literally pushed them into it. Both fell onto the floor of a tunnel that ran deep underground.

  Jay scrambled to his feet, only just lifting Alina out the way before Eldon hit the dirt with a thud. His leg twisted under him and he let out an angry growl. The agonising injury didn’t stop him from shouting out. ‘I’ve only hurt my leg, I’m not dead,’ he snapped at their sympathising gaze. ‘Run to the end of this corridor. Wait when you get to the water. I’ll find another way out. It’s like a rat warren down here. I’ll meet you there, at the water. Get going–Now!’ he shrieked.

  Jay’s first thought was to get Alina to safety. ‘Come on Ali. Give it all you got. Run!’ Jay pulled her with him, not allowing her to stop for a breath. A short distance from Eldon the ground above exploded and shook.

  ‘The building above us is exploding Ali, faster!’

  She squealed, ‘The walls are crumbling, they’re falling in.’

  ‘Please Ali, don’t stop.’ Jay pulled her harder. The walls kept giving way behind them and reality set in as he realised there was no going back, nor were Eldon, Ricco or Kev able to follow. Hope for them was slim and Jay prayed they had found an alternative way out.

  Another shock wave from a bigger blast shook the stones from the walls. The spray of rocks slammed into their bodies bringing shrieks of pain from them. Hit hard, Jay was knocked to the ground but even though hurt, he scrambled to his feet and kept them moving. His priority was Alina and a strong desire to save her, an urge more powerful than self-preservation, a primal gut instinct deep within pushed him forward.

  This was no single attack. The artillery fire from above and the random blasts that kept shaking the earth sounded familiar. How did they find us again? Rocks shattered from yet another ground-splitting blast. Both tossed metres forward, and this time the concussion nearly knocked Jay unconscious.

  Alina cried out, ‘Jay, help!’

  Concerned, he was back on his feet and staggered to where she lay buried, and with a strong arm, lifted a shaken Alina out of a pile of dirt. Unsteady but alive, both ran without looking back. The blood that poured down Jay’s face from a gash on his forehead made it hard to see ahead. Also he heard very little, with his ears bleeding and sore from the piercing noise. You’ll have to hurt me more than this Berry. I won’t give her up! He directed built up hate at the predatory cop. The anger fuelled every step.

  At the water’s edge Alina pulled Jay to a stop before they ended up in the water. ‘You got us out Jay, we’re safe for now. Let me give you healing while we wait for help.’

  He was in so much pain he wanted to scream. ‘Help me.’ He collapsed in a quivering mess; pain gripped his head and vision faded. He had no clue where that guts and determination came from. Alina began to soothe him and all other thoughts disappeared. His head was on her lap and two hands rested on his forehead. The warmth gave relief. How I adore this woman.

  Mind aware again, he felt better and now awake, he found Alina had managed to wrap herself up in his arms. He’d seen the prince do this. To heal herself she needed the warmth so he pulled her in close. It terrified him while waiting for her to come around. Eruptions and blasts, not near them anymore, gave Jay too much time to think and become anxious. He worried whether the prince had hauled Kev out in time. Even though Ricco was resourceful and strong, sadness washed over him with the fear of what if.

  ~ Chapter Thirteen ~

  Shore and Safe

  Jay closed his eyes, tortured by the entire ordeal, and jumped with a start when a hand gripped his shoulder and shook it.

  ‘What!’ his eyes snapped open to see Eldon. His hand touched the gash in his head and found it gone.

  ‘Alina! You honey.’ He was so grateful to the miracle woman he held.

  ‘Didn’t mean to scare you, but buddy we have to leave here, and fast,’ said Eldon. ‘Hell I was sure you were both dead. You’re covered head to toe in blood. Can you move?’

  ‘Um, yes, I guess.’ Jay stretched. ‘But what’s happened, have you got news about Ricco and Kev?’

  Even all the noise and their talking didn’t wake Alina.

  ‘Pick her up, we’re wasting time.’

  Jay lifted her as he stood up and followed Eldon back to his boat. He was dizzy but proud he didn’t give up and it had kept them alive. If Ricco did manage to get out Jay hoped he trusted him with her more. Forever worried for her security they had constantly been chaperoned, mostly by Ricco. Alina’s wounds had started to heal too so Jay took off his shirt, dipped it in the sea water and used it to wash the blood off them. His jacket he placed over them and lay back to relax while Eldon rowed them to safety.

  After a while Jay noticed Eldon started to look unwell. ‘You right there, Eldon? Maybe I better take over from you,’ Jay said as Eldon turned his head and, leaning over, threw up over the side.

  ‘I hate the damned sea.’

  ‘Here, swap.’ Jay swapped places and once Eldon sat, he reluctantly handed him Alina to hold while he took both oars.

  ‘Head in the direction of that closest island.’ He pointed.

  ‘Sure.’ Jay watched him like
a hawk with Alina. The guy was green by the time they pulled up on the beach.

  Relieved his feet stood on solid land, Jay lifted Alina from him. Eldon tossed up whatever else he had eaten that day. ‘Geez mate, you right?’ He watched Eldon hide the boat under branches and leaves.

  ‘I’m good now. There’s an underground shelter just through these woods.’

  Alina in his arms, Jay followed this strange person that lived on an island and yet got seasick. This had Jay anxious as to Eldon’s true background, but he shrugged it off as they entered the safety of an underground bunker. This improved his mood. Eldon collapsed in the corner.

  Jay put Alina on an old fur pelt and went over to Eldon. ‘Are you hurt?’

  The man pulled up his shirt, showing his entire stomach and chest bruised. ‘I ran into trouble. I’ve broken a couple of ribs. But how’s the girl? She hasn’t moved.’

  ‘She’ll be fine.’ Jay tossed him a packet of pain relief from his pocket.

  Eldon must have been in agony with the injury he had sustained and yet he tucked them into his pocket, not taking one. Instead, he sat down, leaned on a wall, and slept.

  A fridge caught Jay’s eye. Thirsty, he snapped open a can of cola he found and drank it down. Again his mind ran wild with thought as to why Eldon had electricity and why it was stocked so well with supplies. Why would he need a hideout like this? Hell, I’m too tired to even think straight. His train of thought sifted when he glanced over to Alina. It had been a few hours since the ordeal. Healthy, she could head out with him and start to look for Ricco and Kev. How Jay wished he had powers like the prince to heat her to a higher temperature. She would be healed in no time and they’d be on their way. He didn’t trust Eldon yet didn’t know why. He glanced over, glad the old dude slept.

  ‘Now–how to heat up an immortal.’ He twisted a lip in thought and tapped his chin.

  The one way to warm her was going to get him growled at when she woke. He started to grin and wished the prince was here now. He’d kick my arse for even thinking it. He sighed. ‘Oh well Sleeping Beauty, it’ll be interesting to hear your comment when you wake to a gay boy’s boner.’ He undressed them both and rolled them up in the furs. It was the only way he could think of to give her more warmth.


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