Book Read Free

Anything For Love

Page 23

by Janelle Taylor

“Of course not, particularly since you aren’t interested in coaching the team.”

  “You’re right, but I’m not interested in coaching any team any place. Playing is my love, not teaching others to do it.” His change of subject was abrupt. “I hope you get plenty of writing done while I’m gone.”

  “I will, and I hope I’m as good at it as you are at football.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do great, woman, and I’m proud of you for trying. Follow your heart and chase that dream, and you’ll be glad you did. Just don’t get too engrossed in it that you don’t think about me,” he joked.

  “Nothing could be that distracting, Mr. Rawls,” she quipped.

  He held her and kissed her several times. “I wish I could stay all night, Rachel, but we shouldn’t take chances the day before I leave. Let Janet think she chased me off; it doesn’t matter. I’ll be here for breakfast at seven. We don’t have to leave for the airport until nine-fifteen. That will give me time to return the car and check in before my ten o’clock flight.”

  As she snuggled in his embrace, Rachel murmured, “Heavens, I miss you already. Call whenever you can; it will be easier for you to reach me since I don’t know your playing schedule.”

  “I’ll keep you informed of everything. The Cowboys are playing against Houston in the American Bowl in Mexico City on August fifteenth; then, the Broncos in Denver on the twenty-first and the Saints in New Orleans on the twenty-fifth. Once the cuts and trades are made, we open with the Steelers in Pittsburgh on September fourth. I’ll write them down for you so you can watch on TV, if I’m playing.”

  “Have faith, Quentin; I’m sure things will work out for the best.”

  “I’d better get moving now so we can get some sleep. I’ll see you early.”

  She kissed him good night before she opened the front door. She didn’t close and lock it until he left her driveway. He was leaving tomorrow, probably for months, long and lonely months. She was grateful she had her writing and other projects and activities to comfort her during his absence. She couldn’t decide if it was smart or unwise to reveal their relationship to others until his return. Rachel thought Quentin might be afraid that if they exposed the extent of it, reporters would pester her, perhaps hound her for personal information and write unfavorably about them. She prayed the media, in particular the tabloids, would give Quentin the time and privacy he needed for making a difficult decision or for accepting enforced retirement.

  Rachel went upstairs and went to bed, to be rested for a trying day.

  * * *

  At the airport, Todd Hardy intruded on Rachel and Quentin’s remaining time together. The astonished couple watched him almost stalk toward their position in a far corner away from the other people. Quentin glared at the approaching reporter, but his hostile expression did not discourage Todd from joining them.

  Todd’s voice was surly, his words demanding. “You promised me an in-depth interview before you left town.”

  Quentin narrowed and chilled his gaze and iced his tone. “I promised you one if you’d leave me in peace during my vacation, which you didn’t. You’ve been phoning and lurking in the shadows and spying on me.”

  “Because I didn’t trust you to keep your word, and I was right.”

  “You’re the one who didn’t honor his word, Hardy; that’s why you’ll get nothing from me. No comment, so leave us be.”

  “Is Mrs. Gaines going with you? Are you two a hot item?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Right now, everything and anything about you is hot news. You think you’ll make the cut this year at your age and with your injuries? They’ve really slowed you down and damaged your throwing ability. Right?”

  Quentin tensed in vexation. “I told you, no comment, so get lost.”

  “Your fans want to know it all; you owe them the facts for supporting you for so many years.”

  “They’ll read or hear about them in the news as soon as I know them.”

  “I am the news, Mr. Rawls. I—”

  “No,” Quentin interrupted, “you’re a sneaky and annoying leech who tries to inflict wounds and suck the blood from people.”

  Todd shrugged. “Think what you will, and I’ve been called worse.”

  “I’m sure you have, and justly so.”

  “Mr. Rawls, you can wait for departure aboard the plane if you like,” the gate attendant told Quentin. “Your guest can join you until we’re ready to seal the door and taxi,” he added.

  Quentin realized the smiling man was offering assistance and escape. He smiled and thanked him. “Let’s go, Rachel.”

  “Wait a minute!” Todd commanded. “You haven’t answered my questions.”

  “And I’m not going to.”

  Rachel and Quentin knew that Todd was drilling his frigid gaze into their backs as they headed for the walkway to the plane. They also knew other passengers had been observing the embarrassing scene. They were glad they had enjoyed a serene morning at Rachel’s house where they had said their farewells in private and made slow, passionate love, knowing they would have to wait a while for their next union.

  Rachel sensed Quentin’s anger and frustration, and she was proud of him for keeping a clear head and being as well mannered as possible. She was grateful to the Delta employee for rescuing them and thanked him.

  Quentin realized now that he should have advised Rachel to remain at home. He didn’t like putting her in this kind of situation or having Hardy know about her existence. He imagined how the snake could slither after her following his departure, just as others had done to his brother Frank. He believed their bond was too strong to be damaged by nasty news stories. Still, there was always the chance such an invasion of her privacy could cause Rachel distress and cause her to back away from him. He didn’t want her to ever be sorry she had been reunited with him.

  They sat down in the first class section and, after politely refusing a drink, chatted in soft voices until the remaining passengers began to come aboard, many slowing to look at them, most aware of who he was.

  “I should leave before the person who has this seat arrives,” she whispered. “Phone me as soon as you can.”

  “I will. Good-bye, Rachel. I’ll call you and see you soon. Take good care of yourself and don’t worry about anything.”

  “The same to you. Good-bye and good luck tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, I’ll need it.”

  Their gazes fused, exchanged heart-felt messages, and she left the plane.

  Rachel intended to stay until the flight left, but changed her mind when she found Todd Hardy lingering in the waiting area. She tried to push past him but he grasped her arm to delay her. “Let go of me, Mr. Hardy, and leave me alone or I’ll report your offensive behavior to the magazine.”

  “I just want to ask you a few simple questions. Don’t be so rude and touchy. You don’t have anything to hide, do you?”

  Rachel detested the smug and insulting look in the man’s eyes and the crudely suggestive tone in his voice. She had done newspaper, television, and radio interviews in the past, but they had been concerning her projects and worthy causes, not focused on her personally. She didn’t like being in the spotlight. She understood how Quentin—and other celebrities—grew tired of being shadowed and harassed and having everything about them and their lives exposed to public scrutiny.

  The guard at the check-in point asked, “Anything wrong, ma’am?”

  Rachel had noticed the officer’s approach and waited for it in silence as she glared at Todd. “Yes, sir, this man is bothering me.”

  “I’m Todd Hardy from Augusta Now magazine. I’m only trying to interview Mrs. Gaines about Quentin Rawls.”

  “I told him I have nothing to say to him and to release my arm.”

  “Well, sir, the lady doesn’t want to be interviewed. If you don’t leave her alone, I’ll have to escort you out. You don’t want to create a nasty scene, so why not leave quietly and stop pestering her?”
r />   “This is absurd! You can’t throw me off public property when I’m only doing my job and I haven’t caused any trouble.”

  Rachel yanked her arm from his loosened grasp. “Yes, you have.”

  “You want me to call the sheriff’s office and let them handle you?”

  “They can’t arrest me for asking questions!”

  “They can prevent you from harassing this lady, which is what you are doing. Go along, ma’am, and I’ll take care of Mr. Hardy.”

  Rachel thanked the guard and hurried out the door while the two men were arguing. She heard Todd try to end the exchange and follow her, but the guard persisted, apparently to give her time to depart. She rushed to her car, locked the door, and cranked the engine. As she drove away she saw Todd running toward her. She prayed Todd would forget about her. If the reporter harassed her again, she would have Newton Thomas, her lawyer, dissuade him. Leaving the airport, she noticed Quentin’s plane taking off in the same direction in which she was heading for home, and hoped their separation would pass swiftly.

  Rachel returned to her house to freshen up and to calm down before she went to pick up several senior citizens, members of her church, to carry them to doctors’ appointments, the bank, and the grocery store. That deed was part of her volunteer work for a six-month span. Later, she decided as she grabbed a sandwich and milk, she would write to her daughters and phone her friends.

  * * *

  At midnight, one hour later than Texas time, Rachel gave up waiting for Quentin to call her this evening as promised. From a fear of losing another love to a plane crash, she had watched the six and eleven o’clock news programs and had phoned the airline to see if the flight had landed on time and safely, then sighed in relief after making certain it had.

  Yet, she could not imagine why she hadn’t heard from him by now. She reasoned he might be busy with any number of personal or professional matters. She realized he had not given her his phone number, and learned it was unlisted from the information operator when she decided she would call him or leave him a message.

  Don’t get crazy and insecure in less than a day alone. He’ll explain when he phones. There must be a good reason why he couldn’t call.


  Early Wednesday morning as she sipped coffee and read the paper, Rachel answered the ringing phone and hoped it was Quentin.

  “Hi, Mom, it’s me. I hope you’re not still asleep.”

  “Karen! Oh, honey, it’s so good to hear from you. I’m up, but it wouldn’t matter. Call any time you get the chance. How are you doing? How is David? Are you safe and well? Is everything all right there?”

  “Whew, that’s a lot of questions,” Karen jested amidst laughter. “I’m fine and so is David. In fact, we’re absolutely terrific. Please don’t get upset or be disappointed, but we got married yesterday.”


  “We couldn’t wait any longer, Mom. The ship captain performed the ceremony. We can have a celebration party after our return.”

  “Congratulations, honey; I’m so happy for you, and I understand. I realize you two want to be together every minute possible and December is a long way off. I bet it was romantic, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, very,” Karen said, and described the ceremony aboard the ship. “We realized we would be busy setting up our joint practice after our return, so planning a big wedding would have been too hectic.”

  “You’re right. We’ll have a large party next June, and I’ll send out announcements as soon as I can get them printed and addressed.”

  “I was hoping you’d offer; thanks.”

  “I’ll call David’s mother and get a list of their family and friends so I can include them. This is such a wonderful surprise, Dr. Phillips. I’ll have to get used to your new name. David is a lucky man.”

  “I’m lucky to have him. He’s doing fine to answer your earlier question. Our work is going great; we’re helping so many children. You wouldn’t believe the awful living conditions and lack of medical facilities and doctors and medicine in some of the places we visit. They really need our help, and the people are so nice and grateful to us.”

  “I’m proud of you and David for being a part of such a worthy cause; not many people would take a year out of their lives and endure such hardships to do something like this. Just be careful.”

  “We’re not taking any risks that would expose us to catching anything. And our ship, vehicles, tents, and jackets are well marked to identify us as a medical team. We haven’t had any trouble and don’t expect any. Besides, David watches over me like a hawk, so don’t worry.”

  “That’s good to hear, but I’ll still worry until you two are home again.”

  “I know. I really appreciate the care packages you send; some things are difficult or impossible to buy over here. I miss you and my friends. How are Evelyn and her family doing in Japan?”

  “She called last Saturday. She’s going to be so excited about your marriage.” Rachel related the news from Evelyn and the others. “As far as I know, I’ll be going over to visit during the Christmas holidays.”

  “That should be fun; I know Evelyn and the kids will enjoy seeing you. I bet Alex and Ashley are growing like spring weeds. I can hardly wait until we have our practice well established and we can have our first child.”

  “You and David will be wonderful parents. I love you and miss you.”

  “I love you and miss you, too, Mom. What’s been going on with you?”

  Rachel told Karen about her various projects and activities, about local happenings, and about people they both knew. She took a deep breath before revealing the big news. “I met somebody special at the ARC class reunion last month and we were seeing each other regularly until he left town yesterday. Actually, we met on that cruise I took twelve years ago.” Rachel related information about Quentin and their romance, and was delighted by her oldest daughter’s reaction.

  “He sounds marvelous, perfect for you. Don’t worry about the age difference, not in these days and times. If you decide to marry him before Evelyn and I get home next year, do it; time’s valuable; you know that from what happened to Daddy.”

  “Thanks, honey, and I’ll let you know what we decide after Quentin gets his career problems straightened out.”

  “David’s a big football fan, so I bet he knows who Quentin Rawls is. He’ll be delighted by your news; I am. I can hardly wait to meet him. If you love him, he has to be wonderful. Go for it, Mom, and don’t let anyone interfere.”

  “I won’t, but it’s hard dating such a celebrity.” Rachel told Karen about the incidents with Todd Hardy, Janet Hollis, and Dorothy Gaines.

  “Just ignore them; they’re all troublemakers. I bet Grandmother and Grandfather will be astonished to hear about me and David. She’ll probably scold us for not waiting and having a big church wedding and lots of parties.”

  “I’m sure she will, but don’t let her bother you. Besides, your husband is David Phillips, and she won’t have many naughty things to say, since he is from one of the oldest, wealthiest, and most prominent families here; that will please her; you know how Dorothy is about status and lineages.”

  “Grandmother is a snob, pure and simple; so is Janet Raburn Hollis. I mean it, Mom, don’t allow them to make you miserable. Just be happy.”

  They chatted for another five minutes before Karen said she had to get off the phone so others could make their calls. She wasn’t sure when she could phone again but promised to write often. “I love you, Mom, and tell Evelyn my good news. ‘Bye.”

  “I love you, too, honey. Good-bye, and congratulate David for me.”

  Rachel hung up the receiver and smiled. Both of her daughters were married to wonderful men and were happy. She was overjoyed by those blessings, and must send Evelyn the news by Express Mail today. Now, if only Quentin would call soon so she could share it with him.

  Rachel cleaned up the kitchen and went to shower for her Heart Fund luncheon and meeting. She was
glad Jen and Becky would be there, but so would Janet and she wasn’t looking forward to seeing that nosy woman. At least, she thought, Todd Hardy hadn’t phoned or come by to see her, which was slightly surprising, given his aggressive actions at the airport.

  While she was taking her bath, Quentin left a message saying he would phone again that night and had wonderful news. He said he hadn’t called the previous night because lightning from the recent storms had knocked out some of his electrical equipment including three of his telephones. He was leaving the house for an appointment in town so he wouldn’t be there for her to return his call. He teased her about taking off so early in the day to enjoy her freedom since his departure.

  Rachel warmed as she listened to the message several times, ecstatic with his vow of love. She rushed to dress to get her tasks finished to be home to speak with him later.

  Before her arrival at the meeting, Janet pulled Becky and Jen aside to voice her opinions about Quentin and their relationship. “I, for one, am glad he’s gone; you should be, too. Rachel was behaving foolishly with him. You would have thought, as long as she’s been around the Gaineses and people like us, she would have absorbed more class. The truth is, she wouldn’t be in our social circle if she hadn’t snared Daniel; and she should have found a proper husband to replace him years ago. Heavens, to go traipsing around with a younger man, a football jock, is indecent and silly. And he’s a known womanizer, twice divorced. What could she possibly see in a man who came from near poverty and with a brother who’s into drugs and no telling what else, including jail? Quentin is probably just like him; brothers aren’t usually very different. Well, I hope Rachel has come to her senses now that he’s gone. Her reputation is already in question. Her daughters would have fits if they knew how she was carrying on; if Karen and Evelyn were here, Rachel would behave herself.”

  Becky was provoked to say, “You aren’t being fair, Janet. Quentin is a nice man, and he really likes her. I think they could be happy together.”


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