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Page 9

by RaeLynn Blue

  I’ve got to stem the funk threatening to overcome me. Yes, I like Nathaniel, but really, I can’t make him the center of my universe. After all of these years dating off and on, not being satisfied, I should know better than to put all my eggs into one basket.

  Nathaniel and she had spoken every day up until yesterday. His lack of attention had left a void in her evening.

  Her telephone rang, its shrill blaring sliced through the thick smog of internal dialogue and musings, making her jump.

  The coffee sloshed in the mug, but didn’t spill onto her ivory nightgown. Harper headed to the phone, placing the mug on the bar before reaching for the green telephone beside the refrigerator. She glanced at the clock. 9:30am.

  Mother, I’m really not in the mood to discuss the family’s latest drama and deviant behaviors. I just want to…

  The ringing seemed to grow louder, demanding she relieve it of its burden—the call.

  She sighed and picked it up.

  “Hello?” she inquired, hating she hadn’t checked the caller id first. She could barely hear the person over the pounding of anxiousness in her ears. “Sorry. Say again.”

  “I said, good morning beautiful,” came the deeply rich voice of one Nathaniel Pearson.

  Harper’s belly buzzed at the mere sound of him and she had to swallow repeatedly to conjure enough saliva to form words in her dry mouth. She cursed that she’d left her coffee sitting out of reach on the counter. It would’ve done wonders to wet her mouth.


  “Yes, I’m here,” she said, fighting to still the giddiness gliding up her body in a series of quiet shivers. “Good morning to you, too.”

  “I’m sorry about last night. The movie ran longer than I expected and the pizza place had a wait too. Friday night…”

  It all sounds like a line of fiction by the worse writer possible. Punish him for hanging out with his kid? That’s not only stupid, but childish. I can’t believe I’m a bit envious of Scott’s time with his dad. Shit.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she heard herself say in that voice which told people who knew her that they should worry about it because it bothered her. “Spending time with Scott is important for his development into a contributing adult to our society.”

  Damn it. I’ve started speaking teacher at him.

  “Uh, okay. So you accept my apology?” Nathaniel asked. The wrinkle of worry in his voice remained. “I mean, I know it’s important for me to stay with Scott and hang out with him. It’s also important for me to show you that I am serious about us.”

  “Us?” Harper scoffed. They’d had one date. Talk about putting the test scores before the lessons. She liked him too—a lot, but the reality was it had only been a single solitary date. And that one date had you pinned to your car with his fingers wrist deep in your pussy making you beg him to fuck you. Yeah, that’s nothing—nothing at all.

  Harper gasped and then pushed it aside as hastily as it had come. Everyone could succumb to a bout of lust. That’s what I’m chalking it up to—horniness and serious bout of depravity.

  “Yeah, us,” Nathaniel retorted filling the tense silence. “I mean, I’m going to put my cards on the table and show you, Harper. I’m not going to let you walk away from me without us following this through. There’s something between us. Call it what you want—a chemical reaction, desire at first sight, this attraction between us is deeper than anything physical. Surely you feel it to?”

  You want me to confirm it for you, Nathaniel. Yes, I feel it too, but can I trust it? Can I trust you?

  “Harper? You still there?”

  “Y—yes, I’m here, and yes, I feel it too,” she answered, her voice wobbling in her hesitation.

  And he heard it.


  Her heart ached from the deep hurt resounding from that single word. Surely he can’t think there is much more than a desire to have sex. From one meeting for ten minutes and a dinner date? He can’t be thinking with the right head over there.

  “But, to say it’s more than chemistry is a bit rash,” Harper plowed on, pushing her doubts out into the open clearing for Nathaniel to inspect and attack. Taking in a deep breath, she added, “Especially since we’ve only had one date. I am not a fast woman, Nathaniel, despite what happened on our first meeting together.” She really didn’t want to say it. She loved the way his innuendos made her feel sexy and desired. What she really wanted was an excuse, but she had to say the right things. She was his kid’s teacher, for crying out loud.

  “I’m sorry if I am moving too fast for you,” he paused as if looking for the right words. At least, that’s what she hoped he was doing. “I can tone it down if that’s the way you really feel.”

  “I…” Did she want that? Hell no! But it was one of those things good women said. “No,” her confession was whispered because she was too afraid of the truth to say it out loud. “I kind of like it.”

  She leaned against the fridge door and closed her eyes. The quiet that met her explanation spoke volumes. Nathaniel breathed deep and slowly into the phone as if trying to regain some composure or collect his thoughts. Either way, he hadn’t liked what she said, not at all, but Harper wasn’t one for grand illusions or romantic rosy glasses. Nope, as a realist she knew love had to be nurtured, fed, and allowed to grow over time, not something that erupted fast and quick like on Lifetime.

  After all, she hardly knew him.

  “I guess I can see your point about it being only one date,” he said gravely, voice so soft it seemed to be crushed. “May I ask that you join me on Tuesday night for another date? I’m serious about us, Harper, and I’m going to prove it to you.”

  Harper smiled. Tenacious aren’t you, Nathaniel? “Yes, Tuesday is a good night for me,” she answered, a bit saddened by the fact he hadn’t asked to see her today or the next.

  As if reading her mind he said, “I would ask you to join me tomorrow, but I have Scott until five and then I’m sure you have teacher stuff to do before Monday. Classes and all…”

  She laughed. He had no idea how caught up with lessons she was at the moment. Aside from teaching the college class and few trips to hike and kayak, she didn’t really have much in her life.

  “So Tuesday?” he inquired.

  “Yes,” she said, and then the idea burst out of her mouth without clearing her logical mental gate. “How about I entertain you tomorrow? I mean, if you’re not doing anything after five.”

  “Uh, no, I’m free to be with you,” he said, surprise making his voice ripple through the phone and her heart beat faster. “What’s up your sleeve? Are you wearing sleeves?”

  What am I doing? He’s supposed to chase me! Not the other way around.

  Harper had to be honest. She longed to see him, and getting to know him better was part of the nurturing step for love to grow roots. Intrigued and more than a bit baited by how he handled her on their initial date, she yearned to feel his lips once more and to relish the tweaking of her clit he’d performed before—and to her growing horror, she wanted more from him. She wanted to taste him, to lick the expanse of his chest, to kissing and nipping the tips of his nipples. Waiting any longer to see him would be torture and she didn’t want to be tormented any more. Two days had been plenty arduous enough. She hungered to have his arms wrapped around her, his petal soft kisses along her collarbone, up her neck and right to her mouth.

  Yes, she had to see him tomorrow.

  “I’m going to cook for you,” she said, smiling as the idea began to blossom in her mind. “Real spaghetti. American style. Salad, wine, and perhaps a little dessert. Hungry?”

  “Starved,” Nathaniel said, the double meaning rushing her ear and making her sigh.

  Harper stilled allowing his words to sink down, lower across her clutched stomach and right into the little furnace between her thighs. Right now it burned hot and as she lifted her gown with one hand, she used her shoulder to cradle the receiver. Her other hand slipped between the
slick folds of her core, gliding over her damp desire until finding the stiff little knob of pleasure. She shuddered in a sheer sensual body wave as she caressed and tugged at it.

  “That so?” she cooed into the phone. “What do you want on the menu instead?”

  Nearly instantly, he replied, “You.”

  “You going to eat me, Nathaniel?” she asked, and just as she said them, the implication of their other, more adult meaning landed home, and her clit beat faster at the sex talk.

  “Hell yes! I wanna taste you, Harper,” he said, without even hesitating to think about what she meant. He knew. The thick lust made his voice heavy with want. “I’m going to lick every inch of your chocolate body, if you let me.”

  Fingers flying over her moist mound, Harper sighed, not caring if he heard her heat pushing through the line. She threw back her head, nearly losing the receiver before she thought better of it and dropped her gown.

  “Was that a moan?” Nathaniel asked playfully. “What are you doing over there, my naughty teacher?”

  Harper blushed, but was far too close to stop.

  “Are you touching those luscious breasts right now? I want to be there with you, baby,” Nathaniel confessed, the husky words wrenching up the shivers racing through her, making her nipples jut further through the satin gown. “Imagine my mouth on those beautiful hard points.”

  Harper could see him, bare-chested and leaning over her in her kitchen. His eyes glittering with lust as his yummy mouth wrapped around her nipple, and his wicked tongue lashed at it.

  As the fantasy erupted around her, Nathaniel continued to talk to her, telling her the ways he wanted to fuck her, ways he wanted to make her come and ways to make her fall asleep in blissful joy in his arms. He recited these wishes and wants without the slightest bit of embarrassment, and she masturbated to his voice. So strong and raw was his desire, it leeched straight through to Harper.

  “Oh, Nathaniel,” she moaned, the speed on her love button going too fast, her hand was a blur. “Oh, oh...”

  “Yeah, baby. Damn, you sound so hot. Come for me, baby,” Nathaniel coached, groaning deep from the back of his throat. “Let’s come together.”

  Come together! Oh my! He’s doing it too!

  The image of Nathaniel sitting on his bed, naked and stroking his cock shot Harper right up to her pinnacle without passing go or collecting $200. She screamed and dropped the receiver, bucking like mad as the orgasm slammed through her body.

  “Yes! Yes! Damn!”

  When her ceiling stopped spinning and her breathing dropped to somewhere close to normal, Harper retrieved the phone and placed it against her ear. She laid her flushed face against the cool kitchen tile and managed to breathe.

  “You still there?” she breathed, hand at her throat.

  “Yeah,” Nathaniel said, a soft laugh followed. “You were so stimulating, I, uh, yeah, I need to go wash up.”

  Harper blushed, though thankful he didn’t see it. She couldn’t believe he’d taken her down like that—over the phone!

  “Oh, oh, yes, I understand,” she stammered, feeling suddenly very self-conscious. “I will talk to you later.”

  “See you tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Yes, tomorrow. Six o’clock,” Harper added, not totally sure if she wanted to face him after the phone sex they’d just had.

  “Perfect,” Nathaniel said and he sounded as if nothing had happened. “Next time, Harper, I want to be inside you when you scream like that.”

  Unable to utter much more than a squeaky “oh,” Harper opened her eyes and stared at the UT mug but it didn’t render any answers or witty comebacks.

  “Was that too over the top?” Nathaniel asked and laughed. “I can’t believe how open I am with you. I’ve never been like this with anyone. You aren’t mad, are you?”

  “No,” Harper managed around the rock in her throat.

  When Nathaniel comes tomorrow, he’s going to want to have sex with me. And I had just gone on and on about how I wasn’t fast and how we need to take it slow and…Oh damn.

  “You all right? You sound strange,” Nathaniel said, concern making his voice softer. “I want you to know there isn’t any pressure Harper. Sex isn’t all that, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wanted you. I didn’t ask you out to be friends. I asked you out because I like you, a lot.”

  “I,” she stuttered, took a deep breath and said, “I will see you tomorrow at six.”


  “Bye,” she blurted out before slamming down the phone, heart racing to flee her body.

  Too late. Tomorrow she’d have to be careful, safe and super non-sexual with him, or they’d end up on the table, the floor or her bed. At the speed they traveled, the two of them may end up on all three surfaces before tomorrow’s sun set. Not a good situation for a teacher and a parent to be in. Up to this point she could tell the principal or Tara or anyone that she and Nathaniel were friends, but once he entered her garden, she knew with absolute certainty, there would be no exit for him—or her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sunday, 8701-D Elm Street, home of Harper Perry

  Nathaniel wiped the thin sheen of nervous sweat from his forehead. The directions to Harper’s condo had been easy to follow and he managed to arrive more than ten minutes early for their dinner date. Her place of residence had been a part of a new citywide restoration. The beginnings of an upscale neighborhood sprawled lazily outward, encompassing her twenty-story building. He’d been buzzed in by his beauty; only her voice greeted him and it spurned on his desire to see her. Exiting the elevator ride at last, Nathaniel stepped out and onto the nineteenth floor. Heart racing and throat dry—yeah, he was in serious trouble, both his heart and his body. After yesterday’s hot phone sex, he’d been more ready to see her.

  I do want her. Damn if I don’t, but tonight I’m going to be a gentleman.

  Checking the neat bronze numbers emblazed on the rectangular signs, he made his way down the corridor. The tee-shirt kept his black button-down shirt from sticking to his back. Inhaling the wafting scents of jasmine and light lavender, Nathaniel’s speed increased. Not wanting to seem too eager, he slowed down as her condo number came closer.

  He’d reached the end of the corridor, and there it was.

  This is it then. Dating had been so much easier when people dined alongside them. Being alone with Harper wrenched his tremendous hunger to dizzying heights. Yes, this would be a true test in self-control. He drew a breath, released it, and pressed the metallic oval to the left of the door.

  Lord, allow me to control myself when confronted with her amazing exquisiteness.

  Nathaniel blew out the rest of his silent prayer just as his angel opened the door and appeared before him.

  “Good evening, Nathaniel,” she said, her voice a gentle caress across his face. She smiled warmly. Plump lips spread wide, decorated in a rich shimmering mahogany.

  “You look ravishing,” he said, handing her the bouquet of tulips. “I got these for you.”

  “Thank you,” she said, inhaling them as he entered the condo. “Just take a seat on the sofa. Dinner has about ten more minutes.”

  He took in her surroundings while making his way to the sofa. Chocolate leather and smooth as a baby’s bottom. Expensive tastes, his Harper had.

  Cozy and warm, it feels so much more like home than my place. Beautiful, like the woman to which it belongs. Many things are so neat, and arranged just so. This is definitely her home, a reflection of her organization, and her attention to details.

  The aroma of rich marinara, garlic, and roasted onions rippled through the air. He sat gingerly on the sofa, at the edge, very much symbolic of how he felt around her—edgy. She locked the door, placing the chain to secure herself with him.

  “I’ll put these in water.” She sniffed the flowers. “We’re only waiting for the bread to finish baking,” Harper explained, her glittering eyes brilliant as she hurried to the kitchen. “Be back in a bit.” />
  Harper looked so stunning. Dressed casually in khakis and a crimson polo shirt, Harper walked around the place with bare feet. The matching scarlet nail polish gleamed from each toe—glossy highlighting the earth colors of her skin tone. With her brunette hair pulled back into a ponytail, her cheeks glowed with something he couldn’t put his finger on. She seemed happy as she hummed. Bopping and flitting around the kitchen, Harper moved about energetically.

  Nathaniel moved over to the bar so he could gather more eyefuls of her. The center island had been transformed into a miniature buffet table with plates, bowls, and beverages. Her ample, heart-shaped ass met his gaze as he peered into the kitchen. He wanted to see more of her, so he climbed onto a stool.

  “Anything I can help with?” he asked, leaning over the counter, careful not to knock over anything.

  She stood up from the oven, putting the bread onto the stove with her moss-green mittens clasped over the pan’s searing ends. With her ponytail bouncing, she wiped her brow and turned to him. She snatched off the oven mitts and tossed them casually onto the counter. She picked up a glass of white wine and placed it in front of Nathaniel.

  “I thought you could use this,” she said, patting the bar’s cool marble countertop. “It’s the same brand as the one I ordered at Mario’s.”

  Wow. I can get used to being like this with her, and coming home to her every day, holding her tight every night. It would be the very definition of bliss. Ah, Harper, you are the key to my happiness.

  “Thank you,” he said. After a sip, he smiled and added, “Fabulous. That bread smells wonderful. You make it yourself?”

  “Nope, it’s the kind you buy the dough and bake at home,” Harper said sheepishly. “I’m no baker. I can cook okay, but the whole Betty Crocker thing isn’t me.”

  “I’m starving,” he said, and added, “Besides, you can make me bologna sandwiches and I’ll think them to be a gift from heaven, especially since I’ve had crap for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the last six years.”


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