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Page 11

by RaeLynn Blue

  Harper dug her nails into his shoulders, anchoring herself as the frenzy shook them both. The rancorous rush bowled them over and erupted with Harper’s body tensing in immense pleasure.

  “Yes!” she screamed. Her body tensed and bucked upward, and frozen in the passion as the spill of the orgasm shook through her.

  “Harper,” Nathaniel groaned and then all words failed. He slammed into her, burying himself to the hilt until he erupted inside her hot core.

  He remained like that until they both became relaxed, breathing returned to normal, and sweat cooled on their flesh. She rolled onto her side and gave him some room to do the same. They faced each other, and his arms pulled her close to him. Brief and light kisses and giggling abound as Harper hugged him. Their conjoined bodies hardly fit onto the furniture, and she knew she’d never feel the same way when she looked at the sofa again.

  She would never look at Nathaniel Pearson the same either.

  Or Scott for that matter.

  Please let love always feel like this. Harper prayed as she closed her eyes, feeling Nathaniel’s heart beat steadily against her ear.

  * * * *

  The cool glass reflected the overhead beams of sunlight as they streamed through the patio windows and skylights. The gentle rocking of her body pressed against his felt so nice. He wanted to remain that way, forever entwined with her. He lay so close he could feel waves of heat emanating from her beautiful skin. Harper’s smooth flesh felt wondrous beside him. He enjoyed the gliding together their bodies seemed to do all on their own, a melody of light and dark filling the entire space the sofa afforded. She seemed so sultry. He rose up on an elbow and gazed down at her, drinking in her creamy skin and wide, contented smile. Her hair splayed across the chocolate leather, Harper seemed ready to be devoured again. Already his cock throbbed.

  “Oh, boy,” Harper said, chuckling with a deep throaty sound. “Round two?”

  “If you’re game, so am I,” he answered, murmuring in her ear. “I want to touch you, taste you and be inside you.”

  “Do it,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and lowering him to her lips.


  When she drew back, Harper’s eyes held the glassy heat of lust and it made his stomach clinch tighter. She arched her back, thrusting her round, breasts upward toward his mouth. At her offer of such sweetness, he nearly cried. Her nipples were long and tight and begged for his mouth. The areoles circled them as eagerly as his tongue. He dropped a light, butterfly kiss across the peaks, alternating between the twin globes, barely touching them, but enjoying the trembling each quick peck solicited. Each groan and sigh from those moist lips.

  “Love me, Nathaniel,” she whispered, her fingertips tracing the tattoos littering his biceps. “Wow, all inked over. Makes you look so yummy and extremely naughty.”

  Nathaniel grinned.

  “Oh, I’m going to show you naughty, baby,” he said and straddled her waist, slipping his hands beneath her hips and lifting those full cheeks toward his rigid rod. His hands gripped her globes eagerly, and he laid a quick smack against one of them, watching her quiver beneath him.

  He positioned himself at the opening of her core. The woman made him want to scream in pure, pleasurable agony. It hurt to want her this much, but he couldn’t get enough of her. He needed more time to explore every succulent section of her body, her heart, and her soul. Right now would have to do.

  “God, don’t tease me!” Without waiting for him, she thrust her pelvis against him and engulfed his length, making him shudder. “There, I’m going to teach you a few things.”

  Nathaniel met her strokes, and positioned his hands on her waist to steady himself from teetering off the couch. Harper clasped both her hands onto his forearms and alternated between speeding up and slowing down so deliciously he hissed at her.

  “Woman, you are tempting me…”

  “To do what?” she asked with a wicked smile on her lips.

  “This!” He stole her rhythm, slamming his cock to the very edge of her inner cavern and drawing a scream of pleasure from her lips. “Yeah! Like that?”

  Harper’s gorgeous legs lifted and slipped around his waist, anchoring her to him as he lost himself inside her warm honey pot. She made him dissolve into nothing but raw sensations. How she managed to make him a pool of steaming longing, he didn’t know or care. He couldn’t be happy without her, wouldn’t do without her, and wouldn’t be without her. Ever. In all things Tara was not, Harper blew him away and more.

  All thoughts, questions, and the room vanished beneath that soulful sweetness.

  Chapter Fifteen

  James Tennison Middle School, two weeks later, Thursday

  Harper whistled happily as the lock slid into the space with a thud. Her classroom’s overactive air conditioner blast blew her hair across her eyes as she at last wrestled the ancient door close. Despite the long arduous day, her body and soul sung as if renewed. She felt light, as if she floated down the hallway, while her co-workers labored out to the parking lot as if the weight of their students had been physically placed on their shoulders.

  “You look awfully happy,” snapped Carlita as she slung her heavy teacher bag over her shoulder. She sagged a little to the left. “Been like that for over two weeks now. I’ve got to get me one of what you got.”

  “It’s going all right. Sorry, chica, but they don’t make any more of what I have. He’s unique.”

  Really. Nathaniel’s love was better than a spa. Seeing him after school today would only continue the schedule of lovemaking sessions and sweet, two person dinners, hikes, and movie watching. She loved cooking for him, and she enjoyed watching him pad around her place in his bare feet and tight jeans. It seemed so right. As if her entire world awaited only his placement in it before rotating on its axis again.

  “Must be nice,” Carlita said, smiling at her knowingly.

  “You seein’ parents now?” came a vicious spat from behind them, making her jump. “Are you ready to git goin’?”

  “Fuck,” Carlita whispered beneath her breath.

  Harper adjusted her purse and tossed her car key to her other hand as she turned around. Her heartbeat raced, even as it grew cold with dread.

  Tara Pearson.

  “Afternoon, Ms. Pearson,” Harper said gently. Carlita didn’t move. Tara’s eyes moved from her to Carlita and back again. “What can I do for you?”

  She forced her nerves to settle. Something raw ravaged across Tara’s demeanor and it made the hairs on the back of Harper’s neck stand up in alert.

  “You thinkin’ you got a great thing with Nate?” Tara asked, hands on her hips, arms akimbo. Glassy green eyes loomed from a drug-ravaged face. Frazzled blonde strands stuck out in wiry desperation, a physical representation of the woman’s emotional state.

  Calling the school resource officer might not be a bad idea about now. The woman could attack and that would put her in the most precarious position, legally and for the school.

  She’s here for a brief discussion about Scott. She said Nate, but perhaps she meant Scott. Woman hasn’t ever been wrapped too tight. I did leave her a message about how awesome Scott’s behavior had been as of late. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.

  Blowing out a deep breath, Harper gave Tara her best teacher smile. “Scott’s behavior is improving. His grades are not wonderful, but they are improving as well.”

  Carlita hissed something that snared Tara’s attention.

  “‘Dis don’t have nuthin’ to do wit you,” Tara said to Carlita, eyeing the woman with full dislike.

  Carlita gave it right back, unabashed and totally letting loose the inner city, project girl she was at heart. They’d both come from the ‘hood, but Carlita could tap back into that inner person faster than a blink of an eye.

  “If it involves Ms. Perry, Tara, it sure does involve me,” Carlita said, stepping in front of Harper, back straight, and her hands balled into fists. “And our resource officer,
which I’ll be more than happy to contact to help you get back to your automobile.”

  The grin on Tara’s face grew wider and more malicious.

  “Hell, I ain’t here about my boy,” Tara said. “And da police might be what we want here. Being his daddy used to be in the joint.”

  Harper frowned. What?

  “What exactly do you want?” Carlita asked, lips in a smirk, all streaks of professionalism gone. No doubt if Tara tried to touch her, Carlita would knock the hell out of her.

  Tara leaned in to Harper and the full smack of alcohol slapped Harper’s senses. “I want you to leave my Nate alone,” she said.

  “Your Nate?” Harper scoffed, before she caught herself. “I have no idea what you’re talking about?”

  Tara’s phlegm-filled and rattled laugh echoed down the hallway. Carlita inched between them and bullied Tara back to a respectable distance.

  “You ain’t too smart for a teacher,” she called from around Carlita. “He tell ya about his time in prison? Oh, you ask him about that.”

  Harper’s blood became ice. There it was again. The mad woman had come to her job asking about her ex husband. Harper discreetly glanced up and down the hallway. This kind of talk got teachers fired, or worse, transferred.

  Tara’s cackling glee solidified Harper’s resolve to remain apathetic—on the surface.

  I’m not giving her the satisfaction or the confirmation that Nathaniel and I are—Harper’s chest squeezed upon itself so hard the last word plunged across her consciousness—lovers.

  “Pardon?” she croaked around the lump of fear lodged in her throat.

  “Yeah right. His time on the inside? Ain’t he proud? So proud he told you. ‘Cuz if I did the shit, hell, half the shit he did…”

  Tara fell further back, but the leering continued. Wild, with malicious intent practically pouring from her being, she laughed more. Carlita mumbled a warning under her breath. Harper missed it, but Tara didn’t.

  “Whenever you think you ready,” Tara told her and then waved her off.

  Cheeks flaming in embarrassment beneath her hot skin, Harper conjured her anger. Good. Her fury would burn through her shame and confusion. Harper tucked a stray hair behind her ear and met Tara’s faded eyes, allowing her anger to roll forward. She made no effort to hide it.

  “I do not see how Scott’s father’s history is appropriate for discussion at this time. It doesn’t pertain to Scott. He’s an active part of his son’s life now. Good evening, Miss Pearson.”

  “Leave. Now,” Carlita growled, allowing her teacher bag to slip to the floor. “I’m not asking again.”

  Tara took on a lazy glance at the steaming math teacher and shrugged. “One day your watchdog ain’t gonna be able to save ya from me,” Tara said casually. “Leave him alone. He’s mine.”

  He isn’t yours. He hasn’t been yours for a long, long time.

  With a dramatic spin, Tara left.

  Carlita waited until the scrawny woman had disappeared down corridor before saying, “You don’t believe that hogwash, do you?”

  Harper nearly burst into a scream. Her heart bleated out a message that escalated her panic to the point her temples pounded. With each word from Tara’s mouth, her emotional seams threatened to rip into shreds.

  “I don’t know,” she admitted to herself as much as her co-worker and friend.

  “It makes sense though,” Carlita said hoisting her teacher bag back onto her shoulder with a groan. “The fact he’s been gone for six years without any explanation, and Scott’s obvious anger toward him had to be because of something like prison or the secret service.” She sniggered and glanced at Harper.

  Harper remained silent.

  “Joking, kidding, you know,” Carlita said. “Listen, let it go. He’s all in love with you and he’s good people, Harper.”

  “Good people don’t commit crimes that get them locked away for six years,” Harper replied without looking at her.

  Carlita took the cue and didn’t say much as they exited the building. As she crossed to her sedan, she waved goodbye but worry haunted her features.

  As Harper reached her own vehicle, she switched on her cell phone. Almost instantly, the beep, beep warning of a voicemail message called for her attention.

  “It’s me,” came Nathaniel’s rich voice after Harper finished entering her password. “Tara left me a nasty little warning that she was going to see you today. Whatever she tells you, Harper… Never mind. Call me, please.”

  The soft croak of “goodbye” stroked her pain. Worry and fear clung to those words, and she knew without doubt Tara had told her the truth. He couldn’t even bring himself to confess his folly on the phone. He had been keeping secrets.

  Jail. Prison. God, she’d been such an idiot. She swore and pushed her tears back. Her usual ride home failed to calm her frazzled nerves. She knew without doubt that Tara’s tale had been true. The woman’s swagger and smugness meant certainty.

  Why? That nagged at her. Why had he not told her? Shame? Guilt? Pride?

  Her heart had been stolen by a criminal.

  Her phone buzzed and she leapt. Heart racing, she tried to calm down and reign in the galloping speed.


  She ignored it, allowing the call to roll to voicemail again.

  Without another thought, she shoved the phone back into her purse and shot through the green light with tires squealing. No matter how fast she drove, the pang of disappoint stayed right with her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Thursday Evening, 8701-D Elm Street, home of Harper Perry

  No one should be allowed to look so damn delectable when they’ve pissed someone off. Harper sat in her car and allowed herself another lustful look at Nathaniel Pearson who leaned against the driver’s side door of his gleaming black truck. Jeans hugged his hardened thighs and cradled his crotch and the thick phallus she’d come to call her joystick. It had brought her immense joy these last weeks, but this news was the sole blip of distress on a chart of great pleasure. The jeans squeezed his tight ass the way her hands had only two nights prior. The amazing blue cotton shirt highlighted his labor-toned physique.

  I can’t fall for him. I don’t date convicts.

  Her own body responded at the memories of feeling his hard thighs cushion her ass as she rode her joystick. Her nipples ached as they pebbled, ready for his marvelous mouth and supremely wicked tongue. The man’s tongue had the grace of a seasoned ballet dancer and the moves of a Vegas bootie shaker. The man had lips so sinful they wrenched cries and moans from her mouth at will.

  So what? He may be sexy, but he’s a felon. Smart women know to stay away from felons.

  He had no idea how hot he looked when sad and apologetic.

  Stop it! He’s a liar, a criminal, and God knows what else!

  Who knew what he’d done to get put in prison, but whatever it was, wasn’t legal. It all pointed to something faulty in his moral compass. How did she miss it? There had to be signs. Harper prided herself on being a good judge of character, but she’d been wrong about Nathaniel Pearson. Prison could’ve redeemed him. Or made him better at deceiving her.

  She shook off her internal musings after her mental rebuke. With her panties beyond damp and her emotions swirling like Hurricane Katrina, she adjusted her blouse and got out of the car. Ready to face him. Her determination set, she met his steady gaze with a steely one of her own.

  He crossed the parking lot much too fast. He was there in her personal space as if he had a right, as if he belonged there.

  “Back up,” she ordered. Her hand swept upward, directing him off of her. His scent wafted over her, drowning her in memories and hormones. Her body instantly responded, and her stomach did a belly roll and clutched hard.

  “Yeah, sure,” he conceded, holding his hands up. “Please, hear me out.”

  She resented the hell out of the guilt the small comment inspired. She wasn’t so closed minded to think just because he was
a felon he was out to maim her or something. She had every right to be mad. Still, even furious, her hunger for him couldn’t be squashed.

  Nathaniel’s eyes met hers and remained locked on. Pleading with her to understand, to forgive, but she couldn’t. Harper swallowed the tight emotional knot in her throat, and looked away. Her heart raced, spurred on by his need and her own desire.

  “You didn’t tell me. I had to find out from her, of all people,” Harper said, folding her arms over her chest.

  “Let me explain, Harper, please,” Nathaniel pleaded. “I know how you feel.”

  His outstretched hand grazed her elbow, but failed to secure it. Still, ripples of warmth rushed through her, making her yearn to lean into his embrace. There was no way she was going to allow herself to do that, but the want was still there.

  “Oh, you do?” Harper snapped. How could you possibly know, because if you did, you wouldn’t put me through this shit.


  “That can’t be right. Because if you gave a damn about how I feel, you would’ve told me about your little trip.”

  His face fell.

  Serves him right. Bastard. She blinked back bitter tears, which stung her eyes. Those pearls of pain weren’t going to fall. Not where he could see them. Hell no.

  “I know all about it. Tara gave me quite the earful,” she continued, wanting to hurt him as much as his omission had injured her. Let him feel the way she felt in front of his ex-wife.

  Nathaniel swore. He ran a punishing hand through his hair, bunched up his fists and growled.

  Anger made his skin flush, but Harper held her ground. If he was mad, so be it. He should’ve told her up front. It wasn’t like she went behind his back and dug up information. Damn him. He wasn’t the only one running hot.

  “I’m sorry! I’m an idiot, but I—”


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