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Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4)

Page 9

by Marnie Cate

  He turned towards me, clasping both of my hands as his sad eyes pleaded. “It can be a real marriage… it will be. I've been a damn fool. Please forgive me. I'll make it up to you. I will repair everything I've broken.”

  His eyes shined with wetness. A strange sense of power filled me. He was desperate for my forgiveness, and I would use it for my advantage.

  I took my hands away from him. “I won't forgive you twice.”

  “Of course,” he said. Sullenly, he sunk back into his seat.

  “And, we won't be doing business with Veracor.” I declared confidently.

  “But, I have commissioned our furniture. It was to be delivered while we were gone,” he argued. “The money I paid to have the wood brought in alone should make you reconsider. It was a small fortune. You can't deny Chester is a skilled artisan.”

  I gave him a stone-cold stare. “I'll think about it. But, I think you should consult me before making any decisions about the household. We have a level of refinement to retain.”

  A hint of anger flashed in his eyes. I had twisted his own words for my benefit.

  “You're correct. I am sorry for my oversight. Will you forgive me, and can we enjoy our honeymoon now?”

  There was something intoxicating about our power play. His submission to my demands excited me. Sliding closer to him, I nibbled softly on his earlobe before asking, “How long until we are alone?”

  Chapter 9

  During the long ride, I had decided newlyweds kissing would not be considered tasteless, and Roger seemed to agree. It wasn't like the driver's opinion mattered. It might be good for him to share with the people of Starten stories of our passionate love. In his arms, I tried to block out all thoughts of anything but him.

  “We are almost there, Mr. Kingston,” the driver called back to us.

  Roger groaned and pulled away from me. “Slight interruption, my love,” he said, straightening up.

  The feelings I had earlier for Roger seemed reignited. Maybe I had been wrong to doubt myself. Could I be falling in love with him? I hoped my first instincts were correct.

  “Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?” I asked, snuggling closer to him.

  “You'll just have to wait and see. I can tell you our first stop is straight ahead,” he smirked, pointing outside.

  Leaning to see out the window, I saw a train. “Are we riding on that? I wish you would have told me to change? I am very overdressed.”

  Images of my one and only train ride made me shudder. Cramped quarters. Loud conversations. Disgusting smells. I had been a child at the time, and the excitement of being on a train had quickly worn off.

  “Wipe the frown off your face, my beauty. I have reserved a luxurious sleeper car. No one but me will even be able to enjoy your daring dress,” he smiled. “You will be amazed how wonderful a train ride can be.”

  Roger had reserved a car at the end of the train, near the caboose. When we boarded, we entered a sitting room. It was surprisingly refined with a burgundy-colored love seat across from a mahogany bar. The porter carried our luggage to the back of the space. He pointed out all the amenities: The table for two where we would dine. The small bathroom with a golden bathtub. And finally, the double bed with a white comforter and sage green pillow cases. Red and white rose petals had been sprinkled on the bed in a heart design.

  The porter uncorked a bottle of champagne and rested it in the ice bucket. “The arrangements you have requested have all been made, Mr. Kingston. I'll leave you to enjoy your `home away from home',” he said with a flourish.

  “Welcome to our first business venture,” Roger beamed. “All of this is ours, and there will be more. For the next three days, this will be our paradise.”

  “I am going to go slip into something a bit more comfortable,” I said seductively. “Can you help me with the zipper?”

  Roger began to kiss my neck as he took his time assisting me.

  “I won't be long,” I promised, slipping away from him.

  My mother had selected a white silk nightgown with a matching robe for me to wear. I let my hair cascade down my shoulders, and even spent a few minutes to retouch my make-up. The thought of my night with Jameson crossed my mind. Roger touching me and holding me the same way made me feel ashamed. Jameson promised he would always be there for me, but would he change his mind?

  You must forget him. You cannot juggle two men, I scolded myself.

  * * *

  By the time I stepped into the bedroom, Roger had lit several candles and turned the lights down low. “You are a sight to behold, Blanche,” he said with a boyish grin.

  “Sit, allow me to pour you a drink,” I said.

  “I would rather have a taste of you,” he replied, pulling me close and kissing me.

  His kiss was gentle as he pressed his soft lips against mine. If this would have been my first intimate engagement with Roger, I might have initially felt different about our pending union. However, the first time he kissed me had been forward and lustful. Then, the car ride had been passionate. Now, this was different, tender.

  Carefully, I broke away. I felt nervous and unsure. Bringing my finger to my mouth, I observed him thoughtfully.

  “You don't want to damage your perfect manicure, my dear.” He took my hand again, kissing the top. “You have nothing to fear. You will always be protected in my arms. I will keep you safe.”

  I will keep you safe. An image of Jameson popped into my mind as his voice echoed those exact words. I was suddenly confused. One minute of kindness didn't change reality. I loved Jameson. I couldn't love both men, could I? Perhaps I don't really know what love is?

  “Please, let's have a drink and talk,” I requested softly. “I think it will help relax me.”

  “Ok, what would you like me to make for you?” he asked, moving towards the bar.

  “Please sit. We have champagne already for us,” I smiled. “You have to get used to being taken care of. You will be a very busy man soon with our business merger, and I will be here to take care of you and our children.”

  He beamed at my words before sitting down. Pouring a small glass of the bubbly liquid for us, I carried the drinks by the stem in one hand and the bottle in the other. I walked slowly towards him, taking extra care to not spill a drop.

  “You are too good to me already, Blanche,” he said, accepting the drink.

  “To a long and prosperous marriage,” I toasted. When I extended my cup into the air, Roger mirrored my actions.

  “Cheers to my bride,” he added, and then took a large gulp of his drink. “Mmmm, it tastes even better when it is made by a beautiful woman.”

  “Well, we have to test your theory and see if the second glass is as good,” I purred and refilled our cups. I put the bottle back into the ice bucket and took a small sip of my drink.

  Panic filled me. I couldn't be his wife. I loved Jameson. Roger married me for my money. A plan formed in my mind. If I can distract him by talking about the trains and work while offering him enough alcohol, he might pass out. If I could do that, then I wouldn't betray Jameson.

  “I think we should talk about this new business venture you're considering. Back in Starten, there is so much to do with the existing companies, but the opportunities could multiply if we showed a stronger hand. Will this venture take you away from our established businesses, and if so, for how long? You mentioned the trains could be beneficial. How will they be useful to us? Tell me more.”

  Roger excitedly explained how the cannery could increase production and distribute products further. Before I knew it, I was engage in the conversation. His excitement was contagious. He encouraged my ideas about the future of our companies, and even suggested I take a more active role. It was invigorating to be taken seriously by him.

  Roger's wealth was new, unlike my family's long legacy. His way of addressing business and incorporating my ideas were more innovative as well. Thoughts of a life with Jameson began to diminish as the reality of what
Roger and I could grow together bloomed. The prospects were intoxicating.

  “I think you are relaxed now,” he said, finishing the last of his drink. Roger took my glass, still half-full of champagne, from me. “I have waited for a very long time for you, darling.”

  * * *

  The next three days were pure bliss. So much so I had almost forgotten about Jameson. That is, until we passed a snowcapped mountain range. The thought of him immediately soured my mood. Will it always be like this or will I let myself love Roger and only him? I hoped I could. After all, it wasn't like Jameson had tried to contact me, even though I knew he could have, if he had wanted.

  Sensing my mood change, Roger tried to distract me with more dreams about our future. “We are almost to our first stop.”

  He handed me a pair of sunglasses. “What are these for?”

  “Look out there. See the beauty of Brighid's Landing. This will be our home for the next few weeks,” Roger answered.

  The mountains were gone, and from the window, I could see a vast ocean of blue. Gigantic foamy waves crashed against the rocky shoreline, and then quickly disappeared back into the ocean. It was mesmerizing. I had never seen the sea in person. I had only read books on the subject. As we approached the small train station, my excitement grew.

  At the station, we were greeted by a horse drawn carriage. The white and gold transport held a driver in a formal black and white outfit. He was even wearing a top hat. The black horses were a gorgeous contrast. The princess books of my youth were coming to life.

  “Roger, this is just so wonderful,” I exclaimed as he assisted me into the carriage.

  This time, instead of champagne, there was a bucket with bottles of water. Roger offered me one. “I would have had the bubbly chilling, but the day has just begun. Drink up, love. Dehydration sneaks up on you here.” Throwing his hand in the air, he cried, “Onwards, driver.”

  I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. As a young girl, I had dreamed of a white knight sweeping me away from Starten to his castle, but those dreams had died. I no longer hoped for a future of my own once I realized what was expected of me. I was a Drygen. No prince would save me. But, he did come. Roger Kingston was slowly chiseling away the ice that surrounded my heart.

  The transport delivered us to a gray stone house. It had two small towers that gave the impression it was a castle. The horses' hooves clicked on the cobblestone, which called attention to our arrival. When we came to a stop, we were greeted by a full staff.

  “Welcome home, Mr. Kingston,” a cheery man said. “Everything has been readied as you specified in the letter.” Turning to me, the man added, “And you must be the new Mrs. Kingston. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am John, your loyal butler.” He grinned at his joke.

  “Nice to meet you, John,” I replied.

  “I can take care of the tour and introductions,” Roger said as he patted him on the shoulder. His eyes roved over the building. “It looks like you have taken great care of my home.”

  “I do what I can, sir.”

  John gave a slight bow. Roger guided me past the butler towards the line of staff members patiently waiting. “This is Mrs. Radcliff,” he said, beginning introductions. “She is our cook and head of household.”

  The grey-haired woman nodded curtly. “We can discuss your likes and dislikes after you are settled, Mrs. Kingston.”

  I returned her nod in acknowledgement.

  “Mary and Joanna are our wonderful maids,” Roger said in a flirty tone. Both girls giggled at the compliment. “And last, but not least, Jakob Radcliff, the groundskeeper. As you can see, we have a full staff of dedicated workers. If there's anything you need or want, just ask.”

  “Thank you,” I replied with a smile.

  With introductions concluded, Roger led me through the house. It was surprisingly warm and welcoming. The golden wood floors and light walls were a sharp contrast to the cold mansion I had been raised in. I wondered how I'd feel when we returned home after being here.

  “Your home is lovely,” I said.

  “Our home. You have made me so happy, Blanche. We will spend our summers here. I mean…we can if you want to… And, this is our bedroom,” he announced. Roger opened the double doors. The blinds of a huge window showed the ocean just beyond. It looked as if I could reach out and touch the crashing waves.

  Before I could respond, Roger scooped me up. He lifted me over the threshold and carried me into the room. He twirled me around before setting me down next to the king size bed.

  “Can you show me the grounds before we retire to our room?” I asked. “I would love to go to the ocean now. I have read so much about it, but have never seen it

  “I suspected you might want to go there first. I have had a picnic basket prepared, and if you open your present,” he smirked as he pulled a box, wrapped in red ribbon, out from under the bed, “you will have what you need for a day on the beach.”

  I carefully opened the gift. Inside was a burgundy two-piece bathing suit, a cover up and a note. It read: For my beautiful bride, may we have many years of sun-filled bliss.

  “Go get dressed and we can spend the day basking in the sun,” Roger said.

  My heart skipped a beat. Happiness seemed reachable. Roger may be the answer to breaking the Drygen curse after all.

  * * *

  Roger changed into swim trunks while I changed into my bathing suit. Then, he led me down a path to the beach. My heart was pulsing. I was convinced it would beat out of my chest from the excitement.

  The first thing I noticed was a large umbrella with a blanket beneath it. Overstuffed pillows and a picnic basket waited for us. I knew it was ours because a heart had been drawn in the front of it with the words, Mr. & Mrs. Kingston. Someone had taken the time to make it perfect.

  “Let me put some lotion on your fair skin. My mother's secret ingredients will keep you from burning.” Roger warmed the cream in his hands before smoothing it along my arms and legs. “My turn,” he said, handing me the lotion.

  As I rubbed the sweet-smelling cream onto his skin, I realized, for the first time, how attractive he really was. The time on the train had been in close quarters, but the light had been dim compared to the bright sun shining above. I had known he was in shape, but I hadn't been able to admire how fit he really was. His body was toned and tan. His chestnut hair glinted with silver highlights under the brilliant rays of light.

  Even though he was a grown man, we splashed in the water like teenagers. The ocean was cold, but I didn't want to leave the sensation of the waves. I enjoyed the way they crashed into me and pulled back. It was so calming.

  “I'm freezing, Blanche. Let's go eat our lunch,” Roger suggested, coaxing me out of the water.

  Watching him make a sandwich from the ingredients in the basket, I realized I had been wrong to think our marriage would be a misery. I needed to stop expecting the worst from everyone.

  “No pickles, right?” he asked, handing me the turkey sandwich.

  “No pickles,” I smiled.

  “Is it ok for me to eat them?” he grinned.

  “Not if you plan on kissing me,” I smirked.

  Roger took my sandwich and set it on a plate. “We better get the kissing out of the way then.”

  Alone on our isolated beach, I let myself block out the world and melt into Roger's kisses. Breathless from our lovemaking, I laid in Roger's arms, listening to the sound of the ocean, and then to his soft breathing. The rest of the day, we ate, splashed in the water and then basked in the sun to warm up.

  As the sun began to set, we walked hand-in-hand down the shoreline towards our home. I noticed he had a small mark on the side of his foot. I stopped and he followed suite. Bending down, I inspected my find closer.

  “Why do you have a sun on your foot?” I asked, tracing the inky design.

  “This represents the Goddess Brighid and her calming balance. She has always been important to my family,” he answered.

��I have never heard of her,” I lied. Is he talking about the goddess who had blessed Jameson's mother?

  “Have you heard the stories of the triple goddesses?” he asked.

  “No,” I said emphatically.

  “The story says the Goddess Arianolwyn gave birth to three girls. One was of the elemental magic of life, one was the coldness of winter and the last one born was the calming balance of the two. Brighid's Landing was named after the third. Ahead of us is a statue honoring Brighid.”

  “What are the names of the other goddesses?” I asked, nervously staring at the copper figure in the distance.

  “Danu and Snowystra,” he said. My heartbeat quickened. Did she know he was from a place that honored her sister? Why did I not know of this third goddess? Maybe she could help us.

  “We should go light a candle and ask for her blessing on our marriage,” he said, passing the path back to the house.

  “No,” I said, more emphatically than I meant too. “I am tired. The day in the sun has exhausted me.”

  Roger frowned. “It is important to me that we do this.”

  I pulled him to me and kissed him. Breaking away from him, I ran towards the house. Stopping, I called back. “Can't it wait until tomorrow? I want to save my energy for something a bit naughtier.”

  His eyes locked with mine and I knew his thoughts of honoring the Goddess had quickly turned to worshipping me. I kept my lead until I reached the cobblestone. When Roger reached me, he threw down the picnic basket and scooped me up in his arms.

  “Caught you,” he laughed, kissing my neck.

  “Roger, I hope the world lets us be this happy forever,” I said. I wished for the world to stop, and to protect us from the whim of the gods.

  Murmuring in my ear, he said, “ `It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves'.”

  Shakespeare had no idea what Snowystra was capable of or he would never have written those words.


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