Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4)

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Envy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 4) Page 33

by Marnie Cate

  As my eyes moved to the face of the man, I gasped. His dirty blonde hair was longer than it had been when I'd last seen him, and his rugged face was no longer clean-shaven. Instead, he wore a short beard. Still, I easily recognized him.

  “This can't be. Elliott Stone drowned in Sparrow Lake,” a woman behind me cried.

  The man stopped in the center spotlight, and said with a laugh, “Yes, friends and family. I have returned from the dead, just in time to see my daughter, Meg, in a dance that will be talked about for years to come. I know you will all have many questions for me, but first, let me reunite with my dear family.”

  * * *

  After the event, Eliza had stolen Meg from her bed in the middle of the night. As she did, Cedric burned down Sarah Sands house. I found it interesting my son had chosen the main house as the diversion and not the cottage of their past affair.

  Eliza was now hiding the small girl in my home. She kept hounding the child to use her magic, but the small girl promised she had none. Eliza didn't believe her, and remained persistent.

  I watched as the small girl set a table in the nursery for a tea party. I had Hazel dress the child as I would have clothed my own daughter. Meg wore a lavender tea dress with a hot pink ribbon tied around her waist. Her hair was fixed in large curls that framed her soft face. I delighted in the fact that the stuffed animals were dressed in formal attire. I smiled, thinking, she will be happy here.

  “Miles, come here before your tea gets cold,” Meg called out, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Patience, Meg,” I said, entering the room with Miles holding my hand. “He wanted to look his best for you.”

  Miles was dressed in a black suit with a small lavender bow tie that matched her dress. His dark brown hair was styled away from his large green eyes. Both children looked very much like their mother.

  “Isn't your brother handsome?” I asked. As if on cue, the boy did a small turn to show off his outfit. “And you also look pretty. Isn't it nice to finally be dressed up like a reputable young lady with fine clothing?”

  In a cold, rehearsed way, she said, “Yes, Grandmother Drygen. I am very lucky you have taken me away to such a lovely estate, and taught me how finer people live.”

  Miles looked up at me, and softly asked, “Did I present myself right, Grandmother?”

  “Very nice job, Miles. Now, enjoy your tea with Meg,” I said, and left the room.

  I shut the door, leaving enough room to watch them through the crack. Miles looked to Meg for direction. She kindly held out her hand and pointed to the only empty chair.

  “I was saving the best seat for you,” she said.

  Taking a seat amidst the stuffed guests, he sat with a big grin on his face as he sipped his pretend tea. Looking nervous, he whispered, “Grandmother said you have more magic than Mommy inside you, and that you would teach me. She told me it is my job to convince you to stop keeping it a secret.”

  “Miles, I keep telling you, magic is pretend. Mommy is playing a trick on us when she makes fire appear,” Meg said firmly. “But, I can teach you to pretend you have magic, too. Watch me.”

  I chuckled as she whirled around, pretending she had called magic. Meg would be a breath of fresh air in our home. Miles would have a playmate. One who was unafraid to love him as much as he loved her. I would protect her from Eliza. I would not let her destroy another life.

  Chapter 30

  Eight Years Later

  The scent of sweets and the forests of Snowstrum rushed to me. All of the memories of my past had enveloped me. I could almost feel Jameson holding my hand. He smiled sweetly as he showed me the magic I held. His sweet kisses reminded me I was alive.

  “She is not going to tell you anything, Miles,” the voice of a woman said, ripping me from my memories.

  “She's my grandmother…our grandmother. She has to tell us about our family. I need to know the man I killed,” he said, his voice trembling.

  “You didn't kill him. I will take you home. I know you want answers, but sometimes there are no answers,” the woman said.

  “There are answers,” he insisted.

  The Winter magic inside me began to tick. Something was calling it. Turning around, I saw her standing by Miles. I blinked away my tears as I admired the beautiful woman from her crystal gown to the twisted icicles of hair on the top of her head. She turned to me, and her skin shimmered with snowflakes.

  “Who are you?” I tried to make sense of everything.

  “I am Meg Stone, Goddess of Winter,” she said in a regal voice.

  “You're just a child. You died,” I said softly.

  “Your reports are wrong. I lived, and I have been given the blessing of Winter,” she said as she grabbed my hand. Then, sweetly, she added, “You have such strong Winter magic inside you.”

  “Please, don't take it,” I pleaded

  “I have no intentions of taking anything from you.” Her eyes filled with pity and she released my hand. “Why won't you tell my brother what he wants to know?”

  “I can't answer his questions,” I answered sadly. “I don't know why the world turned out the way it did. My mother was tricked by Snowystra, and as a result, I have lived my entire life in fear of losing everything I loved. Every decision I've made was to protect it. To protect Cedric, Miles, and even you, Meg. I know you are my granddaughter.”

  Her eyes filled with a flurry of snow. It was as if a snowstorm grew inside her.

  “I know I am not Mae Silver. I was not the grandmother Miles deserved, but I did what I could to save him. I truly did my best. The only thing I can, honestly, say is that I loved Jameson, and I know he would not blame you for his death. He was a good man, just confused. A darkness grew stronger in him the day your sister became the Vizier.”

  Snowflakes filled the air and Meg's eyes blazed in anger, “She had no choice. She was held captive by that monster.”

  I reached out my hand to her but she did not take it. Sighing, I said, “Watching Marina and Cole take our place, our destiny, was painful. Can I be honest? As much as I envied her position, I pitied her. I knew the cruelty she would endure and the struggle she would have to see the Vetur suffer. Snowystra tarnished Jameson, and he never quite figured out what was important. Still, he had no choice, Meg. None of us did.”

  Miles knelt beside me, and took my hand. “Thank you, Grandmother. Maybe I'll come back another day and you can tell me about him.”

  “I would like to see you again. I would like a second chance to be your grandmother. I am no longer frightened to love you,” I said, squeezing his hand.

  Miles kissed me on the cheek, and turned to Meg. “Please, take me home.”

  Meg looked at me with pity in her eyes. “I'll bring Miles to see you again, but I am aware of your dark dealings with the Mrak. With Amaro. If my brother is in danger because of this allegiance, I will not be kind.”

  “I have never chosen that path,” I told her. “If I had, Snowystra would have been gone many years ago, and quite possibly, you would not be here today.”

  “What do you mean by that?” she asked. Her eyes glowed with power.

  “My son would never have been born. I turned down Amaro's promises for freedom before I married Roger Kingston,” I explained quickly.

  Meg stared at me for the longest time as if she wanted to say something to me. Instead, she turned, and grabbed Miles by the hand. The room filled with the cool breeze of her magic. I inhaled, and let it renew me. I had to tell Cedric the truth. He needed to know Eliza had left him with two children who needed him.

  * * *

  Renewed, I walked down the hallway. I was going to tell my son the truth.

  Thwack. Thwack.

  The sound of groaning came from Cedric's room. I opened the door to find Amaro beating my son senseless.

  “You failed again, Cedric. You have given me no choice.”

  The glow of the candlelight flickered on a god's blue-black hair as he loomed over Cedric. He raised fists ad
orned with gold rings, bands intended for pain, not adornment. The cracking sound of flesh hitting bone echoed as he struck my son, again and again.

  “No, please. Give me another chance. Please, tell him I deserve another chance, Mother,” Cedric begged as he saw me. His broken and bruised face dripped with blood.

  I stepped out of the shadows and glared at my son. I traced my long nails along the side Amaro's ruggedly handsome face. Being close to him, the feeling of desire filled me, but I forced myself to see what he really was.

  “My son has always been a fool, Amaro,” I said coldly. “Still, my impulsive offspring's mistakes have resulted in a delightful surprise. You want Marina Stone? You think her power is the answer? Circumstances have changed. I am told sweet Eliza has been keeping a secret from Cedric all these years.”

  Cedric's eyes widened in anger. “You lie. How dare you speak about Eliza! You don't know her. You have always been jealous of her,” he sneered.

  Ignoring him, I pressed closer to Amaro. He touched my face, and moved his mouth towards mine.

  “Eliza lied. The girl is not Stone's daughter. Meg Stone is a Drygen. My granddaughter is the Winter.”

  Amaro's expression grew dark. A cruel smile spread across his face. “This information might be very useful. Yes, very useful, indeed. This may be the key to bringing Marina to me. How I have grown to love my fiery beauty.”

  “There is nothing special about Marina.”

  “Don't be jealous, my treasure. Remember, you rejected me for love.”

  “She will never follow you,” I hissed.

  “Oh, you are wrong,” Amaro said. “She responds to me. The Shah always ignited her passion, and a small taste of her desire is what I need. I could feel how much she craves the strength and power I have when I occupied her pitiful husband. Marina will be mine again. We will use her sister to bring her to me.”

  “We?” I asked.

  “You will deliver her to me,” he replied. “She holds the key to my rising.”

  “You once thought I held the key. Have you forgotten this? Do you no longer want me, Amaro? I will go with you,” I said.

  “No, Mother,” Cedric cried.

  He grabbed me roughly, and pulled me towards him. “My beauty, how old you have grown. Your beauty does not shine as bright as it once did.”

  The room began to spin, and I instantly knew where he had taken me. I could hear the cries as his dark dance began again

  “No, no more,” I cried, breaking away from him.

  “Where will you go? This time, I will not return you. I will never return you to that world,” he laughed. “You promised to go with me. To spare your son's life, you gave up your own. I have claimed you. I will make you young and beautiful again. You will have an immortal life.”

  “You vow that you will leave my son alone if I stay here until my life is through?” I asked, grasping the reality of my situation. I would be bound to the Darkness forever. Like my mother, I could not undo what I had chosen.

  “Yes,” he said. “I will make this promise.”

  “How do I know you will honor it?' I asked.

  Facing his tormented, they cowered as if he would cause them harm. With a flourish, he said, “Before you, I promise Blanche Kingston Drygen's son will no longer be in debt to the Mrak. He is freed from his life oath, and will be for his eternity.”

  “And his children,” I pressed.

  “And his children, if you demand it,” he growled.

  “And his children. Now, say it,” I glared.

  “Very smart, my beauty. Do you have any more demands?”

  “You can only take Marina if she comes willingly. She cannot be forced,” I said, hoping my last request would free them all.

  “But that is already a rule,” he said, mischievously.

  “Say it anyway,” I demanded.

  Sighing, he once again faced the spectators, and with continued flourish said, “I, Amaro, leader of the Mrak, promise that Cedric Drygen and his offspring will be free from me and my children. As an act of good faith, I promise I will not entice Marina Stone or her family. I will only accept their loyalty when it comes to me willingly.”

  “Why would you promise this?” I asked when he faced me again.

  “Give me your hand, Blanche. I fear you do not realize how much power you hold. You will rule by my side. It would have been so much easier if you would have submitted so long ago.”

  He took my hand and sliced it with a sharp dagger. My blood dripped on the ground, and the black tendrils on my dress began to absorb it. He, then, cut his own hand and placed his in mine. His essence slithered through me, cruel and searching. I shivered at the horrible invasion. I could see his desires as his evil intentions rushed through me. He wanted to destroy everything and everyone to feed his Mrak.

  Again, he began to twirl us around. I laughed. He mistook my laughter for pleasure, and he spun me faster. I had freed my son. I had won. He was wrong. I would not rule by his side. I would never be part of such cruelty. As he spun me, I broke away.

  “Where are you going, my beloved. With your blood, I have bound you to me. You will never escape me. There is nowhere for you to go, Blanche. Come back to me. You don't want to anger me,” he shouted.

  Without another thought, I ran and leapt from the balcony. I could hear Amaro's shrieks, but it was too late. I had made my decision. Everything whirled past me. The building. The darkness. Then, I landed with a thud, but I felt no pain. I had jumped to my own death, and I had never felt freer.


  Blackness shrouded me. I saw nothing and heard nothing. Not even the sound of my own breathing.

  If I screamed, would I hear my agony? Or, would I call something even darker than the monster I jumped away from? Had my life meant a death of sorrow and punishment, too? Would the mistakes I made cost me for eternity? How would I endure the silence?

  My own dark thoughts and memories played over in my mind. This was my retribution. The horrible feeling when you realize you will never love or be loved again.

  A speck of silver floated in front of me, and disappeared. Had I wanted to see so desperately that I had imagined it? Waiting and watching, I prayed to see it again. This time, I didn't see it, but I could sense it. It?

  I didn't know what I was feeling, but it was warm and inviting. Finally, it appeared. It glowed so brightly. I wanted to go to it, but I didn't need to move. It was reaching out to me. Slender tendrils of light twisted and turned as they drifted towards me. I stood still, afraid I would chase it away. Afraid I would be alone if I scared it.

  The strings of light retreated. My heart nearly broke. They had realized I was not worthy and were leaving. I was going to be cursed in death as I had been in life.

  I choked back a sob as I realized they were joining together, not abandoning me. As they twisted and turned, they formed a ball, which grew and grew, until it filled the space before me. With a gentle pop, it scattered into thousands of pin-sized dots, illuminating the room.

  I fell to my knees and began to weep uncontrollably. Every emotion I ever felt had been contained in this one ball of light, and now, they were rushing through me. The sweet and the sour memories melded. Closing my eyes, I relived the pain and the pleasure. When the last feeling left me, I collapse to the ground.

  “My child, come to me,” the powerful voice of Danu commanded.

  I opened my eyes to see her slender fingers reaching out to me through the darkness. I stretched my hand towards her, and the tips of our nails touched. An electricity flashed through me, followed by the elements. First, I felt a calming wind and an unimaginable sense of knowledge. Second, a heat grew in the pit of my stomach, and an intense feeling of determination. Third, the calming waves of the ocean lapped at me, and the soft sound of children's laughter rang in my ears. Fourth, the scent of a field of flowers and my mother holding me, embraced me. Finally, I felt her tug me, my spirit, from my body.

  As I felt myself being released from t
he shell I had called my home, I breathed in the sweet scent of lavender that surrounded me. I was nothing more than air, at first, as I twisted and turned. Ripples ran through my new form and I was solid again.

  I held out my hands. They were young and the spots of time were gone. Something tickled my neck. I tried to swipe it away, and my fingers caught it. I grinned as I held black strands in front of me. My hair was long and beautiful. I looked down at the body of the woman I had wanted to always remain.

  The air around me began to blow, and a bright lavender light shined before me. The shimmery image of the Danu slowly came into view. Her iridescent white hair was braided into an intricate silver crown. Her silver gown whipped in the breeze.

  “Am I dead?” I asked.

  She smiled softly. Her eyes were filled with such warmth and love.

  “Your mortal life has ended, but your soul is free. You have nothing to fear anymore, Blanche. It is time for you to find your joy.”

  My joy? My life had been about surviving. I didn't know what made me happy? The Winter. I always felt alive and free in the wintery forests of magic. As if my thoughts were heard, the world I craved began to build around me.

  Thick trees, heavy with snow, and inches of the cold powder under my feet appeared. I watched white rabbits, hopping through the brush, and blue birds, flying above in the azure sky. And, the magic ran through my veins. Pure and beautiful.

  “It seems you do know what you want,” Danu laughed. “But, there is something missing?”

  “I do need a home to live in,” I said, thinking of a cabin.

  “Yes, shelter would be nice,” she said, pointing to the stone cottage in the distance. Taking my hand, we walked towards it.

  As we grew closer, I could see the fairytale home I had dreamed of. It was a small house with a triangle window on the second floor. Behind the colored window, I knew there was an exquisite loft bedroom. The small stones covering the house would have flecks of color. So many, I would count endlessly, and never know exactly how many shades there were.


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