Where We Belong

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Where We Belong Page 2

by J. Daniels

  “Fucker. I told him to stay gone until I called him. I’m still sporting a semi.”

  “Aw, babe. Do you know what I would do if I was there?”

  “Mia,” his voice is a warning.

  “I’d drop to my knees and lick . . .”

  The line goes dead.

  Oh, I really, really hope he gets me for that.

  I close my eyes, smiling and welcoming sleep.

  “I’ll be waiting, Officer Kelly.”


  CUTTING OFF THE ENGINE TO my truck, I take the keys out of the ignition and step down, shutting the door and walking up the driveway toward the house.

  At 8:15 A.M., the sky is blooming with bright colors, the sun already warming the air.

  I rub at my neck, squinting a bit to avoid the harsh morning light.

  Fucking night shift. I couldn’t be happier about switching back to days. Going two months without spending any real time with my family has taken its toll. It’s been tough on everyone. The boys don’t understand why I’m not around as much. You can’t really explain it to Chase yet. Not even two years old, he’s still too young to get why I have to work at all. Nolan is used to me leaving him during the day. I’ve been doing it for the past six years, but in his mind, the bad guys should be sleeping when the rest of us are. He thinks the entire world shuts down at night.

  I wish it did. I miss my sons. And Mia, fuck, I miss her so badly I fucking ache. I’m not ashamed to admit my dependency on her. That woman keeps me breathing, and for the past two months, she’s done more for our family than she probably realizes.

  I can’t wait to worship every perfect inch of her.

  Stepping up onto the porch, I hear Nolan’s animated voice somewhere in the house. Chase squeals, probably laughing at his brother. I unlock the door and step inside, moving toward the noise in the kitchen.

  I stand in the entryway, going unnoticed, leaning against the wall and watching my family.

  Nolan is seated at the table, eating pancakes and drawing in his sketch pad. Chase is next to him in his high chair, reaching with both hands for the plate of pancakes on the table and out of his reach. He kicks his feet and whines.

  “Shh, Chasey,” Nolan says, keeping his head down and concentrating on his paper. “You’re messing me up.”

  “Hold on, baby. I’m just getting your milk.”

  That sweet, velvety voice draws my attention across the room. Desire throbs low in my groin. Just hearing her and I’m fucking ready.

  I look at Mia.

  She’s standing at the bar with her back to me, pouring some milk into a cup for Chase. Her dark hair is falling halfway down her back, messy from sleep. She’s wearing one of my shirts by the looks of it. It hangs loose on her body, the sleeves touching her elbows and the hem covering her ass, revealing long, tanned legs and bare feet.

  Christ, I’m a lucky bastard. Still can’t believe that perfection is mine.

  “Daddy!” Nolan jumps from his seat at the table and lunges for me, clinging to my leg. Chase starts chanting, “DaDaDa” over and over like he does when he spots me, and Mia spins around, smiling and biting at her lip, looking like she’s got a million dirty thoughts running through her head as her eyes run up and down the length of me.


  She winks, then turns back to put the milk away, her hips swaying as she walks to the fridge.

  Remembering my boys are in the room, one still stuck to my leg, I will my cock to ignore my wife and her slamming fucking body, which is damn near impossible, and grab Nolan, picking him up, smiling when he runs his finger down my nose. I do the same to him and he giggles.

  “Hey, Buddy. You being good?”

  “Yeah. I made my bed all by myself today. Chasey can’t do that yet.”

  Chuckling under my breath, I carry Nolan over to the table and sit next to Chase, smiling at my other boy. I grab his sticky fist and kiss it.

  “Little man. You hungry?”

  Chase looks down at the plate of pancakes again and reaches for them, making all kinds of grunting noises, his face turning a deep shade of red and his brown eyes round.

  “He’s had a whole pancake already, Daddy. Mommy said he’s going to eat us outta the house. I don’t want that. I like it here.”

  Mia laughs behind me.

  Smiling, I grab the fork and feed Chase a bite. “He’s a growing boy. You ate like this when you were his age. How do you think you got those big muscles?”

  “I’m gonna be as big as you. Look.” Nolan flexes his arms, the sleeves of his T-shirt coming up to reveal his tiny biceps. “See? And I’m gonna have tattoos like you too. Just on this arm. A big dragon.” He runs his hand over his right shoulder and down to his elbow.

  Mia walks up to the table, setting Chase’s cup on the highchair. “And what about your girlfriend’s name? Aren’t you going to get that on you somewhere too?”

  Nolan sighs, his shoulders sagging as he drops his head. He tugs at the buttons on my uniform. “I don’t have a girlfriend. I told you that. I can’t find one I like.” He looks up at me. “But I will, Daddy. I’m going to have her name just like you have. The first girl I get.”

  Smiling, my chest swelling with pride, I glance up at Mia, then look back at my son. “You got plenty of time, Nolan. Don’t worry about getting any girl’s name tattooed on you until you know you’re marrying her, okay?”

  He slides off my lap. “First girl I like, I’m marrying,” he mumbles, climbing back into his seat and resuming his drawing. Another castle, by the looks of it.

  Jesus. I hope that isn’t the case. How many fucking mistakes did I make before I wised up and went after what was in front of me most of my life? Angie being the biggest slip-up, though I’ll never regret what resulted from our one drunken night together. I wouldn’t have Nolan if it wasn’t for that massive error in judgement.

  It’s a strange thing, hating someone but living for what they gave you. Having Nolan changed my life. I’d never take it back. That doesn’t change or lessen my feelings toward his mother. In my opinion, she doesn’t deserve to live. I don’t care how harsh that is. I’ll die hating that bitch. She nearly took my entire world away from me.

  Mia bumps her hip against my arm. “He’s just like you,” she whispers, her eyes falling over my shoulder. “He loves with every part of him.”

  I grab Mia’s waist and pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her and tucking her as close to my body as I can get her. I bury my face into her neck and breathe.

  Just. Fucking. Breathe.

  I close my eyes, moaning when she runs her fingers along my scalp.

  “You tired, babe?”

  “Mm.” I nod a bit, rubbing her back.

  Truth is, I’m fucking exhausted. The muscles in my back and shoulders feel tight. My head is pounding, courtesy of the last call we got, and the woman who yelled in my ear for twenty fucking minutes about her ex stealing money out of her safe and threatening to hit her. Luke handled him while I tried to calm her down. Didn’t work. She was still screaming to no one in particular when we pulled away from the house.

  I just want to sleep. I need it after the night I’ve had, but fuck, I want this more.

  Turns out, Mia plans on deciding for me.

  She stands and tugs my arm, getting me out of the chair. “Nolan, watch your brother for a minute. If he drops his cup, pick it up for him, okay? I’ll be right back.”

  Nolan nods, leaning on the table and coloring in his drawing.

  I’m led down the hallway and pulled into our bedroom. Mia walks around the bed to the window, closing the blinds and drawing the curtains.

  “Long night?” she asks, going to the bed. She pulls down the comforter and sheet on my side.

  I step further into the room. “Yeah,” I answer, rubbing at my face. “Fuck, though, I don’t want to sleep, Mia. I don’t need it.”

  Sleep or her? My choice is incredibly simple.

  She looks up at me, those big brow
n eyes going soft. “Come here,” she whispers.

  I start unbuttoning my shirt as I round the bed to get to her.

  “Don’t. Let me do it.”

  She brushes my hands away and takes over, starting at my collar and working her way down to my belt. She looks up at me and untucks my shirt, then sucks on her fat bottom lip as she pushes it off of my shoulders.

  I start breathing heavy, my need for her sparking in my gut like a live wire, my hands clenching and unclenching at my sides.

  She grabs the hem of my white T-shirt and lifts it up my ribs. I take over and reach behind me, pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor. Then her hands are on me, rubbing my abs, my chest, wrapping around my biceps and squeezing.

  I watch her stare at me, the way Mia has always stared at my body. Her eyes wide and absorbing, taking in every inch of me, lingering on the ink covering my arm, her name above my hip, and the muscles cut into my skin, looking like she’s never seen anything more beautiful before. It makes me feel conceited as fuck. I’m not an arrogant guy. I never gave a shit about what women thought of my body, even though I’ve always busted my ass staying in shape.

  But Mia? Fuck, yeah, I want to be beautiful for her. I want her to always look at me like this.

  She presses her lips to my chest.

  My blood runs warm, warmer when her hands tug at my belt.

  “I missed you,” she says, coming up on her toes and kissing my jaw. “So much, babe.”

  I grab her face, guiding her mouth to mine, kissing her as my pants hit the floor. “Baby,” I moan, my breath hitching when she squeezes my hips, so close to my throbbing cock that’s pressing against her stomach.

  She pushes against my chest. “On the bed.”

  Fuck, yes. Finally.

  I sit on the edge, ready to sink back onto the mattress for the ride of my life when she climbs behind me and wraps her arms around my front.

  She sighs, kissing my neck and shoulder where the tiny scar mars my skin from when I was shot. Her hands spread across my chest. “The boys and I are going to the store in a bit so you’ll have some quiet. Try and sleep as much as you can.”

  I look down at my cock tenting my boxers. “Angel, you just got me real fucking hard, and you expect me to sleep?”

  “How?” she giggles. “From undressing you?”

  I shake my head. “Living, Mia. Just you being here, loving me, fucking walking around this house wearing my ring and being mine . . . Jesus, yeah, I’m tired baby, but I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Not now. Not when I can be with you.”

  She presses her front to my back, squeezing me tighter and moving her lips to my ear. “You, Benjamin Kelly, can be so sweet when you want to be.”

  I grunt. “I’m sweet to you all the time.”

  “Sometimes you’re just dirty.”

  I turn my head. Our eyes lock. “You want dirty now?”

  She purses her lips, fighting a smile. “No.”


  “I want you to get some rest.”

  Leaning in, she seals our lips together, sucking on my tongue when I force it into her mouth, moaning a little and pressing her heavy tits against my back.

  “You’re going to need it, Ben,” she whispers. “I’m going to ride you so fucking hard, you’re not gonna be able to walk tomorrow. And not just your cock, babe. I’m riding this sweet fuck-me mouth too.”

  Jesus FUCK.

  Groaning, I palm my dick, feeling like I could come right now just from the filth spilling past those perfect fucking lips.

  “But only if you sleep.”

  Kissing me one last time, she slips off the bed and scurries to the door.


  “Damn it, Mia,” I growl, falling back onto the bed, turning my head and watching her lean against the door frame and blow me a kiss. My body goes lax, sinking into the mattress. Fuck, it feels good to lay down. “I don’t need sleep,” I tell her, yawning at the end of my protest, rubbing at my face again and rolling over. “Not tired, Angel.”

  I am so fucking tired.

  My eyes close. I reach blindly for the pillow Mia used last night and press it against my nose.

  Berries and cream. Fucking heaven right here.

  “I love you.”

  Mia’s soft voice and the latch of the door closing is the last thing I hear before sleep easily pulls me under.

  I RUB A TOWEL OVER my head and down my arms, absorbing the water from my skin as I stand in the bathroom.

  I’ve slept for close to ten hours. I feel reenergized and ready to fuck my wife into next week.

  God, she has no idea what she’s in for, baiting me like that. Telling me she was going to ride my cock and my face before slipping out of reach. She’ll be lucky if I let her control any of this. Maybe after I’ve taken her bent over the bed and pounded her into the mattress I’ll let her grind that sweet, wet pussy against my face while she laps at my cock.


  I just want to take and take and take tonight, fuck Mia until my body burns with exhaustion. Until there’s no space between us, no separation.

  Nothing. Just us.

  The boys are still awake. I can hear them tramping down the hallway as I pull on a pair of loose shorts and a T-shirt. I open the bedroom door and step out, scooping up both of my sons and hauling them over my shoulder, growling at them while they squeal and squirm in my arms.



  Mia moves toward us, shaking her head through a smile, those tight jeans on her hips looking like a damn second skin. Her shirt dipping low in the front.


  She motions at Chase’s bedroom door. “Bed time. Come on, Daddy.”

  I give her a look. “Daddy? You calling me that tonight?”

  She smiles, her cheeks tinting with color. She wets her lips. “Maybe.”

  Moving with purpose, ready to get these boys down and get on my woman, I follow Mia into Chase’s bedroom and let Nolan slide down to the floor so he can go play with his train set we keep in here.

  He runs to it, banging the pieces together on the tracks, immediately making the noise his brother needs to fall asleep.

  I shift Chase in my arms and kiss his head. I look up at Mia. “You want me to put him down?”

  Chase reaches for her. “MaMaMa.”

  Stepping closer, Mia rubs his back. “Sorry,” she whispers, looking up at me with soft eyes. “I think he’s gotten a little attached to me since you’ve been gone. I’ll do it tonight.” She takes him from my arms and carries him to the crib, sitting down in the chair beside it and rocking him against her chest.

  I move to the wall and lean against it, arms crossed, just watching her as Nolan continues to play, making all kinds of noise no one should be able to fall asleep hearing, but Chase is like that. The louder the better for him.

  He had colic when he was younger and wouldn’t sleep for anything. He was so miserable. We tried the normal stuff, but even Nolan banging around in here wouldn’t put him down. On the brink of losing my mind, I grabbed the vacuum and ran it next to his crib for thirty seconds.

  Put him right out.

  After a few minutes, Mia stands and moves to the crib. Chase is out cold, already snoring a little.

  “Nolan, come on. Bed time.”

  Nolan leaves his trains and dashes out of the room. I follow behind. As I’m entering his bedroom, he grabs his stuffed dragon off the windowsill and carries him to the bed.

  “What’s he doing over there?” I ask, tucking Nolan in and sitting on the edge beside him.

  He usually carries that thing around with him everywhere.

  Nolan squeezes the dragon to his chest. “Keeping watch for bad guys. You weren’t home last night.” He shrugs a little, turning on his side and facing me, his big gray eyes blinking heavily. “Mommy says I’m the man of the house when you aren’t here. My dragon was helping me protect us.”

  Grinning, feeling so much pride for my son and lovi
ng how honest he has always been about everything, sparing nobody’s feelings in the process, I bend down and kiss his head. “Love you, Buddy,” I whisper, watching him slip the ear of the dragon into his mouth, his eyes falling closed and his deep, even breathing settling him.

  I step out into the hallway and pull the door shut.

  Looking up, I spot Mia standing by our bedroom door, her top unbuttoned, hanging open and revealing most of her bare tits, stripped of her jeans already and standing in nothing else except the tiniest pair of white panties, looking like no more than a few pieces of dental floss strung together.


  My voice sounds hoarse, need filling every fiber of my body as I move toward her, my eyes raking over her tiny frame, from her toes to those big eyes holding onto me, up and down again until I can’t fucking see her ‘cause she’s pressing against me, crawling up my body, her legs wrapping around my waist and her fingers gripping my hair.

  “Bedroom,” she whispers, sucking and biting my neck. “Hurry, Ben.”

  I get us through the doorway, and that’s about as far as I make it before she’s sliding down my body and hitting the ground with her knees, tugging my shorts down to my mid-thigh and gasping when my cock springs free.

  No boxers.

  “Mia,” I moan, my head rolling back as she licks the underside of my shaft, cupping my balls in her hand and squeezing gently. I close my eyes, fisting some of her hair. “Fuck.”

  “You taste so good.” She sucks at the head, making little mewling noises in the back of her throat like she’s fucking starved for me, tonguing my balls and pumping my shaft. “You’re so beautiful, Ben. Even this.”

  I look down with heavy eyes, staring at my wife. My angel, my sweet fucking angel on her knees worshipping my cock, sucking me into the back of her throat and bobbing with vigor, her small hands squeezing my thighs, tensing every time she gags.

  Her lips wet. Her eyes watering.

  That familiar pull drags through my groin and pricks low in my spine. The threat of release.

  I don’t want to come yet, not before Mia. Not before I do everything I’ve been dying to do to her since I stepped inside the house ten hours ago.


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