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Hope Falls: Can't Forget Her (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Molly McLain

  “You looking for a morning kiss, beautiful?” His eyes drifted open when her fingers found his lips. She smiled, loving how one glance into those dark blue pools could somehow soothe whatever unease or uncertainty warred inside of her.

  “I wouldn’t turn you away…” She winked playfully. “But I was actually thinking about how nice this is. Just being with you.”

  “It’s because I’m a rockstar cuddler, isn’t it?” Pulling her close, with both of his arms wrapped around her middle, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. His heated breath fanned against her skin and she shivered as goose bumps raced down her body.

  “Definitely a pro when it comes to snuggling, though I’m pretty sure you learned everything you know from me.” She pinched his side and he flinched. A second later, he attacked, rolling her over and pinning her hands above her head. One look at his wide grin and she gasped. “Ryan, don’t you dare!”

  “What’s wrong, Rosie? Scared?” He transferred her wrists to one big hand and skated the other over her shoulder, past her bare breasts, and straight to the sensitive curve between her ribs and her hip. The dance of his fingertips over her skin alone made her squirm. Anything more and she’d be a goner. “Ah…” He chuckled as he loomed above her, his position giving him more control than she cared for at the moment. “Still ticklish, huh?”

  “Who, me? Nope. Not at all.” She shook her head, every muscle in her body on edge, waiting for the inevitable.

  “No? Why are you as stiff as a board then?” One, two, three fingers walked up the side of her stomach.

  “Because you’re heavy. It’s easier to breathe like this.” Or not breathe at all. Whatever.

  One corner of that devious mouth curled into another panty-melting grin. “You are a horrible liar, princess. You know what I think about liars?”

  “Uh huh. I do.” And it wasn’t going to be pretty. “Ryan!” She slammed her eyes shut and screamed when he let go of her wrists, anticipating the worst.

  Only, what she felt were his big hands cupping her face. And his mouth brushing over hers in a slow, sweet glide that lit her on fire, from head to toe.

  He shifted his weight, pressing his hips down on hers, in a way that stirred something deep inside of her. Sure, there was desire laced in there as well. With Ryan, there was always desire. But this was different. This was more.

  She shoved her hands into his hair, giving back just as good as he gave, pouring everything she had into loving him with nothing more than her mouth.

  “I love this, too,” she whispered between kisses. “The way we fit together.”

  “Like a puzzle,” he murmured, his kiss still lingering against her lips. “Tell me it’s not like this with anyone else, baby. Tell me it’s just me.”

  A bone-deep ache began to burn in her chest and she held her breath, trying to ward off the consuming sensation. Of course it didn’t work—wouldn’t—because she’d never been successful in keeping this man out of her heart.

  Slowly, she opened her eyes and let go of the self-protective urge to shield herself. What was the point? If he felt even half of what she was feeling right now, he already knew the power he had over her anyway.

  “You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel this way.” She cupped his face, not caring that her hands shook and that tears had begun to swell in her eyes.

  How was it possible to feel so close to him, so soon? To feel like they’d always been together, despite all the years and miles between them.

  A heavy, knowing warmth fell over his gaze as he lowered his forehead to hers. “How do I make you feel, princess?”

  “Like we were made for each other.”

  Chapter Ten

  “Ryan Daniel Croft, I should kick your ass.”

  Choking on the bite of cheeseburger in his mouth, Ryan shot a glance at the woman who’d just hit him with her purse.

  Janine. A very pissed off Janine, who looked an awful lot like his mother when she was mad.

  “Wow, Neen! Love what you’ve done with your hair.” Best way to diffuse a ticking time bomb? Compliment her.

  “Huh?” His pretty cousin reached up and touched her dark hair. “It’s been like this since— Ugh, you!” Whack! She smacked him again and stomped her foot this time, too.

  “What?” he laughed, sliding the rest of his burger toward the half-eaten panini Rosemary had abandoned for an emergency call. Someone was freaking out about getting caught in a precarious situation…in public.

  “You know what.” Janine flicked a glance out the window, where Rose sat in his rental car, presumably talking her client off the ledge. “I can’t believe you’ve been in town for three days and already you’re up to no good. She’s not one of your little playthings, Ryan. Jeez.”

  What the hell? “You and I haven’t seen each other in four years, so I’m pretty sure you don’t know the first thing about my personal life.”

  “I know that you stayed over last night.”

  “And? Rose and I are adults. We did nothing wrong.”

  Janine grimaced and made a sour face. “Again, you’ve been in town for three days.”

  “And she and I dated for three years.” He thought he’d marry the girl, for God’s sake. This was hardly a random hook-up.

  “Don’t hurt her.” Janine stabbed a finger across the table, which caught the attention of the older couple seated nearby. “So help me God, Ryan. She’s a good person and she doesn’t deserve to be shit on like that.”

  Wow. Just…wow. He sucked in a deep breath and lowered his voice, hoping she’d get the hint. “You think I don’t know that?”

  Janine lifted her hands. “You’ve just come back into her life. It’s hard to say.”

  Okay, this was ridiculous. He understood her wanting to protect her friend, but this was his Rosemary they were talking about. “What’s her favorite color?”

  “What?” Janine scowled again.

  “Her favorite color.” He rolled his hand impatiently and she rattled off a rushed pink. “Wrong. It’s light blue. How about her favorite movie?”

  “That’s easy—300. It’s full of hot guys.”

  “Cinderella. The actual people version. It was the first and last movie she watched with her grandmother before she passed away. What else would you like to know, Janine, huh? Try me.”

  His cousin stared for several long beats before shaking her head and glancing outside again. Rose stood beside the car now, smiling.

  “I didn’t come here hoping to run into her. Hell, I didn’t even want to come to Hope Falls in the first place, but my mother was on my ass about seeing you, and Will wanted to help Vaughn with the run-through at Kyle’s. Seeing her there? Finding out she was your roommate? Blew my friggin’ mind.”

  Janine lifted an eyebrow. “You honestly didn’t know she was here?”

  He shook his head. “Nope. Seriously, Janine, shit like this doesn’t just happen.” He hated to admit his mother might have been onto something, but…maybe she was.

  His cousin pushed a hand through her hair and blew out a breath. “So what are the two of you doing exactly? Enjoying what you can of each other?”

  “Yes. I know it’s not the smartest idea, but…” Outside, Rose closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sun. She looked so happy. And beautiful. Like everything that had been missing from his life for the past nine years. “I don’t want to walk away from her.”

  “But you have to.”

  “I know that, damn it.”

  “Or maybe you could change your mind.” Janine lifted her shoulders innocently and he frowned. “You know, change your mind and stay.”

  Yeah, right. “My life is in River Bend.”

  “Define life,” she challenged.

  “My job. My house. My mother.”

  “You could get a job here. You could find a place to live here. Not my place though, because I refuse to deal with your man funk. And Aunt Bea…come on, Ryan. She’s the most independent woman I know. She doesn’t need
you to stick around and take care of her.”

  Where in the hell was this coming from? “Are you not the same woman who just hit me with her purse?”

  She made a wrinkled-nose face and waved a hand at him. “Eh, I was just feeling you out.”

  Hmm. He stirred the straw around in his soda and sighed. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “I can try. Maybe.”

  He swallowed hard, wishing he didn’t have to ask. “Keep an eye on her when I’m gone. Don’t let her get screwed over and, by all means, break out that purse if you need it.”

  Janine snorted as Rosemary lowered her phone and started toward Sue Ann’s front entrance again. “No problem there.”


  “Take it easy on him, Mrs. Swan. He’s from Nebraska.” Rosemary winked at Ryan, seated beside frisky Mrs. Swan across the rec room table. The Monopoly board sat between them and, if the look on Ryan’s face was any indication, Mrs. Swan had her hand on his thigh.

  “Ohh,” the silver-haired woman cooed. “A country boy, huh? I noticed the muscles. Do you work on a farm, sweetheart?”

  “Uh, nope.” He shook his head, his face an adorable shade of hit-on-by-a-cougar pink. “I build things. Houses, commercial buildings, that type of thing.”

  “I see.” Mrs Swan leaned in close—was she sniffing him?—and Rose held back a laugh. He was never going to forgive her for this. “I bet you’re good with a hammer.”

  Oh, dear God. Rosemary bit her lips together and took the dice from Mr. Roberts after he’d finished his turn. “John, you used to be a carpenter, right?”

  The older man leaned back in his chair, scratching his belly through his sweater vest. “Sure did. Passed the business down to my son, though. Got to be too much for me.”

  She smiled softly. “Happens to the best of us.”

  “Eh.” He shrugged his thin shoulders and worked on reorganizing his pile of money. “Vaughn’s not doing so hot himself these days either. Had a heart attack awhile back.”

  Ah. So Kyle’s contractor was John’s son. She’d guessed there was a connection there, but she hadn’t been sure. She nodded toward Ryan, whose head dipped toward Mrs. Swan’s whispering mouth. “Ryan actually knows Vaughn. Don’t you, Ry?”

  He held up a finger, the color on his face darkening by the second. “Um, I’m not sure, Mrs. S. I think that any renovations to your room probably have to go through some kind of committee for approval.”

  “Oh, but you should at least come by and check it out. I even have a nice loaf of banana bread stashed away for special company.” She winked up at him and Ryan stood up and slid his chair over a few inches.

  Mr. Roberts grumbled. “Leave him alone, you old bat. He’s more interested in Rosie’s banana bread than he’ll ever be yours.”

  Mrs. Swan picked up her token—the silver car—and threw it at John, hitting him in the chest. “You’re just jealous, Johnny boy. Don’t think I don’t see how you look at me.”

  Ryan mouthed a silent help me from across the table and Rose laughed harder, her shoulders shaking. “So, as I was saying, Ryan knows your son.”

  “That’s what I hear. Do you work for Falls Contracting, son?” the older man asked.

  “No, no. I’m just visiting the area. I’m actually a friend of Will Snyder’s. He introduced me to Vaughn.”

  “Will is from Vaughn’s wife’s side of the family. I’ve heard chatter about him wanting to take over my company. Gotta be honest—I’m not sure what I think about someone other than a Roberts stepping in.”

  Ryan nodded. “Understandable, sir. You and Vaughn have put a lot of work into building the company. You’ve raised your families on it. Built a legacy.”

  John cast his eyes toward the table, fussing with his money again. “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  Rose met Ryan’s sympathetic gaze with one of her own. Poor man. “John, if I recall correctly, you have some amazing photos in your room. Of all the construction projects you’ve worked on over the years.”

  The older man lifted his head, his eyes a little brighter. “I’ve got albums full of them.”

  “Can I take a look?” Ryan asked eagerly. “I’d love to see your handiwork.”

  “Nothing you haven’t done yourself, I’m sure.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Doubtful. I rely a lot on computers and heavy machinery to help me get the job done. Your work is all blood, sweat, and tears. Completely different beasts.”

  A grin twitched at John’s mouth. “You got that right, kid.”

  “So can I see?” Ryan asked again and John pushed slowly to his feet, his age showing in every jerky movement.

  “Eh, why not? I’m schooling you all in this game anyway.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Vaughn just called. The actor’s requested a meeting with us this afternoon.” Will strolled into the chalet’s kitchen, rocking the bedhead like a champ.

  Ryan arched an eyebrow, coffee cup halfway to his mouth. “Why? I thought our work was done.”

  “Guess not.” His friend shrugged and poured a glass of orange juice.

  Hmm. “I met the older Mr. Roberts yesterday. Had a nice chat about Falls Contracting.”

  “The old man’s in a nursing home.” Will shot a curious glance over his shoulder. “What the hell were you doing there?”

  “How about you tell me what you and Vaughn are up to first?”

  His buddy grunted. “Don’t get your panties in a bundle, Ryan. It’s just talk.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but you conveniently failed to mention your interest in the company when you invited us along the other day. Now Kyle Reed wants a meeting?” He set his cup on the counter and eyed the other man carefully.

  “Look, man…” Will turned with a sigh, leaning back against the counter, ankles crossed in front of him. “Cory and I have talked a lot about expanding the past couple of years. Granted, California is a hell of a long way from Nebraska, but even you have to admit the set-up out here is pretty sweet. Vaughn’s talking about making a change soon. Real soon. Like, this movie star job? It could be mine, man.”

  No. Something about all of this felt off. Ryan hesitated, scratching the back of his neck. “Where do Jason and I come into this?”

  “You don’t really. The timing was just right. We were here and Vaughn asked for a hand.”

  “So you more or less wanted to flaunt this opportunity? Is that what I’m hearing?”

  Will huffed out a breath, then shook his head. “No. I mean, yeah, maybe the prospect of landing a job this big blows my mind a little. But it’s not only about working for Kyle Austen Reed.”

  “What else is about then?”

  “Family. Vaughn needs help and it just so happens I can offer that.”

  Ryan kicked back on the barstool and crossed his arms over his chest. “I can respect that, but the problem is…Falls Contracting isn’t just Vaughn’s. His father is still half-owner.”

  “I’m not worried about the old man.”

  A wry laugh rolled in Ryan’s chest. “You should be. John technically owns fifty-one percent of the company.”

  Will’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Yep. I take it Vaughn didn’t mention that part.”

  His friend was silent for a long moment. “The guy’s in a nursing home. What could his interest in the company possibly be at this point?”

  “Maybe you should talk to him about that, huh? Hear what he has to say before you get too ahead of yourself.”

  Will’s brow pinched and he cast his gaze out the chalet’s tall windows.

  Sometimes life wasn’t about money and status and having nice things. Sometimes it truly was about family and happiness, and doing what was right.

  A concept Ryan was becoming all too familiar with himself.


  “I miss you.”

  Rosemary ducked in and closed the door to Kyle’s guest bathroom. “I miss you, too. I wish I could take vacation for the rest of the week and spend i
t in Tahoe with you.”

  Ryan chuckled. “Skiing was fun, wasn’t it?”

  “I was actually thinking about that big bed of yours.” She bit her lip and smiled at the reflection in the mirror. For late January, she had an awful lot of color in her cheeks.

  “Oh yeah? What about my big bed?”

  “Mostly how comfy it looked. Maybe a little about what you’d look like on it naked.”

  A low groan rippled through the line. “Woman, that is not the kind of thing to say to a man when he can’t see you for six more hours.”

  “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

  “It also makes my dick throb.”

  “You are so bad.”

  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  She snorted. “I don’t?”

  “I’ve got some of my own ideas for that bed, you know.”

  I just bet. “Care to share?”

  He gave a soft, sexy sigh. “One of them involves you hanging onto the headboard.”

  A full body shudder slid down her spine, settling torturously between her legs. “So it sounds like I’m coming to Tahoe tonight?”

  “I guess it does,” Ryan laughed. “See you then?”

  “Not soon enough.”


  “Can you take care of this, please?” Kyle handed Rose a tabloid rag magazine with his picture plastered on the cover. His and Angel’s picture, to be specific. The headline below read: Reed Reunites with Illegitimate Child.

  Rose groaned. “Where do they come up with this stuff?”

  “At least I’m not gay this week.”

  “Hey, you and Channing Tatum would make an adorable couple. I think they were onto something.”

  Kyle grinned. “Speaking of couples, rumor has it you spent the weekend getting friendly with the ex.”

  “I’d prefer to keep my personal life out of our professional relationship, Mr. Reed.”

  Her boss leaned back in his chair, still smiling. “You just took a five-minute call from him in my bathroom and you came out blushing like you’d drank half a bottle of champagne by yourself. In all the time you’ve worked for me, I’ve never seen you so worked up by a man.”


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