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Imperfect Love: Tied (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 2

by Kim Karr

Heat seemed to pool around us.

  Sparks started to fly.

  After a while, the music changed to something slightly slower, even more sensual if that was possible, but we didn’t stop whatever this was we were doing. Instead, if anything, the slower beat amped up the insane attraction between us.

  Bodies all around us pressed together, the dance floor seeming to become even more packed. It was one giant orgy, and I was right in the middle of it—with this girl I couldn’t keep my eyes or my hands off of.

  I fucking loved it.

  Colors pulsed in time to the music and little by little I moved even closer, until there was no space left between us. My cock pressed against her lower belly and I knew the moment she felt it. We weren’t exactly fucking with our clothes on, but what we were doing was pretty close.

  As if she was thinking the very same thing, and it turned her on as much as it did me, her pink tongue flicked out to lick her lips.

  Lost in the moment, in the beat, in her eyes, I slammed my mouth to hers. I had to taste her. To caress her tongue with mine.

  Her ignited response fueled my fire and I slid one hand from her hip to her ass and splayed my fingers across it, stroking upward to find the smooth bare skin of her back. When her lips parted under my mouth’s assault, I pulled back to look at her. I could see her pulse quicken and I couldn’t stop what I was doing.

  I needed this girl to come apart under my touch more than I needed air to breathe right then. I surveyed my surroundings. The crowd surrounded us and no one cared about anyone but him or herself. I took this opportunity to push the limits.

  With my hand I caressed down her ass and then back up again, moving her body in a way that silently told her I had no doubt we’d be fucking tonight.

  She blinked, and her eyes lit up at the same time she smiled at me.

  I felt all tied up.

  In that moment, everything became just the two of us, and I knew she had to be mine.

  Her fingers went to the scruff behind my head. I’d never wanted my hair to grow back faster than in this moment. Never wished the bar fight I’d recently been in hadn’t caused me to fall. Never wished the stitches on my scalp that required me to have to have my head shaved hadn’t been there. Not until right this minute, because oh, how I wanted to feel her fingers tugging at my hair, demanding I give her more.

  But there was nothing to worry about, she told me in another way. She tossed her head back, exposing the smooth expanse of that long neck. Offering herself to me.

  Without hesitation, I bent to run my lips along her bare skin. She tasted so sweet, I wanted to lick every inch of her. It was then that I pulled her to my body again, and she came to me more than willingly.

  Those hips of hers began to move, slowly, torturously, against my body, forward and back. She was teasing me. I never let anyone tease me, but I let her.

  My other hand slid from her hip upward over her bare midriff right to that gorgeous tit I couldn’t wait to suck on. I thumbed her through the fabric of her top and felt her nipple form the most perfect point.

  The moan that escaped her throat was such a turn-on.

  At this point we were no longer dancing. It was more like pressing, touching, fondling.

  I’m sure she could see the adoration in my eyes; I didn’t try to hide it. She was gorgeous, sexy as hell, and I wanted to worship her from head to toe.

  The words spilled from my lips and into her ear before I could stop them. “I want to watch you come.”

  I wasn’t asking. I was warning her. I was going to make her come right here in this sea of lust, and if she didn’t want me to, this was her warning to walk away.

  She didn’t.

  An urgency I couldn’t understand came over me and I slid my hand inside her tight-fitting but stretchy skirt and just as quickly, I found her sex.

  Teeth bit at my ear.

  Fuck, this girl was the devil.

  With one hand still on her ass, holding her close, I pressed the heel of my other hand against her clit and felt her warmth.

  The crowd was now moving us. Jam-packed and lost in it, no one was the wiser when my fingers moved to push inside the lacy edge of her panties.

  Finding smooth, bare skin, so warm, so luscious, that when I dipped my finger inside her folds, I thought I might come on the spot.

  I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

  Electricity sparked and her body jerked when I circled my finger right around her opening. “Do you feel that?” I whispered in her ear. “Imagine what it’s going to feel like with my cock buried deep inside you.”

  A moan of pure desire tore from her throat. “I want you,” she whispered back in my ear.

  Oh, she didn’t have to worry about that.

  She was going to get me.

  I kept my hand where it was, going no farther than caressing my fingers over every inch of her spectacular pussy.

  I wanted more, so much more. Yet, right now, oddly enough, dragging her pleasure out was somehow satisfactory. Sure, I wanted my dick inside her, pounding, banging, screaming for release. And I knew I could take her in the bathroom and do just that. I’d done it a million times before with other chicks. But I didn’t want that. Not with her.

  When her eyes grew heavy lidded, I knew she was ready for more.

  I slid a finger inside her. “So wet,” I murmured.

  Her hands were at the base of my skull and she slid them down to my shoulders. Her fingers pressed into my skin—hard. Just the way I liked it.

  Every stroke I made, her grip tightened. Small stroke after small stroke, I circled her tight nub. Her reaction was pure, unadulterated bliss.

  Breathless and arching, she buried her head in my neck and begged, “Please.”

  “James, call me James,” I commanded.

  “James, please,” she breathed.

  My smug smile couldn’t be contained. I liked it when a girl begged. More than liked it—I loved it. Sadistic, masochistic, or whatever you want to call it, I thrived on women getting off from my touch. I could bring them to the edge and over, and it was all under my control.

  So unlike me, I didn’t make her wait for what she wanted. I gave it to her right then. Circled faster, pressed harder, plunged my fingers deeper inside her.

  She shattered in my hold. With her body trembling, I pulled her to me and held her. I didn’t even know this woman and yet I felt this odd need to take care of her, to feel her body heat against mine and make sure she knew the warmth was one of comfort and want. So much want. When her breathing had calmed, I placed my hands on her face and pulled back to look at her.


  So fucking gorgeous.

  I looked up. We were under those damn wings.

  She’s not a devil, she’s an angel.

  Pleasure covered her face and I felt oddly satisfied.

  It wasn’t until her hands caressed down my back and landed on my ass that I thought I might have a problem waiting for more. “What do you say we—” Before I could finish my sentence, a tap on my shoulder had my neck twisting in annoyance.

  It was Avery. “Come on. It’s time to go,” she shouted.

  I shook my head. “Go on without me.”

  “No way.” She scowled, and with a tug of my arm she had me moving.

  “Follow me,” I told Lindsay and quickly grabbed her hand.

  Avery was determined and didn’t stop until we reached the booth.

  “What the fuck?” I said to her.

  She gathered her things. “The limo is out front. Everyone is already inside. We have to hurry—the jet is fueled and ready for takeoff.” Her eyes slid to Lindsay’s.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  I swore Avery stomped her foot. “Don’t you ever listen? Vegas, James. We’re going to Vegas.”

  “For how long?” I had to ask, because I had a family obligation tomorrow that my mother would cut my balls off if I missed.

  Still annoyed that I hadn’t paid atte
ntion during her announcement, she answered, “Just for the night. We’ll head back tomorrow afternoon.”

  My gaze slid toward the girl whose hand I held in mine, and I thought fuck it. I’ll text my mother and tell her I can’t be there.

  Lindsay smiled at me and for a minute my world stopped. That’s when I did something I never, ever did, and practically begged, “Come with me.” Contemplation gleamed in her eyes.

  “We’ll have fun, I promise.”

  She nodded, and I felt triumph flare through my body.

  It didn’t make sense to me why I wanted this girl so much, but then again, I wasn’t thinking too hard about it.

  Of course my mind was on other things…like her full lips, her perfect tits, her hot body, and those long legs.

  Yes, especially those long legs and how I wanted them wrapped around me.

  Chapter 2

  The Mile High Club

  Lindsay Mills

  It wasn’t the craziest thing I’d ever done.

  Or maybe it was.

  Still, for better or worse, I was on a very luxurious private jet headed to Las Vegas for a night of fun with a man I’d just met. But I mean, come on, who wouldn’t have jumped at an opportunity like this. And with the most gorgeous, handsome man you’d ever seen.

  For the past three hours we’d been sitting across from each other in the midsection of the jet, talking like we’d known each other our whole lives.

  There were a few lounging sections scattered around the jet and some other couples had occupied them. Our seats were isolated from the crowd, who were mostly congregating toward the front around the bar and TV area.

  My chair was large and comfortable and with my shoes kicked off, my legs beneath me, I felt so at ease that I’d nearly forgotten we were midair. Sipping on my wine, I couldn’t help but stare at the man seated with his leg crossed over his knee, casual, comfortable, yet so powerful. There was another word that kept popping into my mind—beautiful. He was just so beautiful. It was in his eyes, the way they practically twinkled with each word that passed through his lips.

  His fingers curled around the crystal of his whiskey glass. “Tell me more,” he insisted.

  Everything about him screamed domination. If he were any other man I would have run, far and fast. But I felt this odd attraction toward him I couldn’t dispel.

  I’d grown up with a mother who had habitually allowed domineering men into our lives. The way they would look at her like she was nothing more than a beautiful plaything for their gratification used to make me sick. The telltale sign was always in their eyes—eyes that bled greed, hunger, self-satisfaction.

  Each boyfriend would use my mother up until he was finished with her and then toss what was left aside. Sometimes it was within mere weeks, sometimes months, and on one occasion it was years. But the end was always the same. They’d leave us, and it had become my job to pick up the pieces that were left of my mother and somehow glue them back together.

  My childhood was exhausting and I wasn’t looking for a redo, in any way. I’d been cautious about the men I dated. Always opting for the tamer ones, the less demanding ones, the docile ones. As is in life, there was always a trade-off. With my choice of men came boredom. Every relationship I’d ever had lacked excitement. There was no thrill in the ride. I’d come to accept that. Like I said, I didn’t want to end up like my mother.

  But James Greyson Ashton, as I’d come to learn was his full name, was different. He looked at me with eyes of adoration, eyes I couldn’t seem to turn away from. It was a look that drew me in from the moment our gazes first met. Made me want to get to know him. Even as crazy as it sounds, to obey him.

  It would be one reckless night with a man who made me feel dizzy and more alive than I’d ever felt. A man who I still couldn’t believe I’d not only let touch me intimately within the first thirty minutes of meeting him but encouraged him to do so. A man who I wanted and was going to have before the night was through. There was no doubt about it.

  Nervous for no reason at all, I shifted in my seat and dug my bare toes into the plush carpet. “There’s really not much more to tell.” I’d already told him more than I told most people. I’d not only told him the simple truths, like that I’d grown up in Los Angeles and that my mother was an actress who never seemed to land a role, but also the hard truths, like that I started modeling when I was sixteen so that we didn’t wind up living on the street. Not wanting to be sucked into the vortex of my past, I pushed all those bad times aside and tossed him a rueful smile. “Honestly, my life is pretty boring.”

  His foot slid forward and nudged mine. “Come on, I doubt that’s true.”

  I gave a small, shy laugh so very unlike me. “Being a model isn’t as exciting as everybody thinks. Sure, sometimes I get to travel to fun, exotic places, but more often than not there’s no time for exploring.”

  “What about life outside of your job?”

  “Sadly, it’s pretty much the same. I rarely go out. Tonight was an exception because it was my roommate’s birthday. Mostly I go to work and then go home. I’ve only lived in New York City for a year, so I still like to explore the city on my weekends and shop. That’s about it. Not much more to it.”

  He set his drink down on the small table beside him, leaned forward, and in the huskiest, sexiest voice I’d ever heard, he asked, “So you’re a good girl?”

  James was long and lean, and he had the most beautiful eyes that sparkled with flecks of silver in the light. He was wearing simple black slacks, tailored and fit perfectly to his narrow waist, and a white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with the first two buttons undone, exposing his smooth chest. His head had recently been shaved and was growing back, but I could tell he had light brown hair, possibly the color of caramel.

  Everything about him made my pulse thunder, especially the way he spoke. Like the color of his hair, his voice oozed of soft, dripping caramel. Feeling a little naughty, I eased forward so our faces were less than a hand’s length apart. “I think we both know that’s not true,” I whispered seductively.

  He smiled. It might be clichéd to say, but that smile took my breath away. His full, soft lips quirked up on one side and bled right into the lustful look in his eyes. A look that was languid—lazy, slow, knowing. Easing back in his chair, he used his finger to stir his drink and brought it to his mouth, inserting it, and then slowly pulling it out. It was the same finger that had been inside me just hours ago.

  I blushed.

  I never blushed.

  “And you still taste so good.” His voice was slow and deep.

  I blushed even harder with the heat rising up my throat.

  “I want to do that again, and more.” This time when he spoke, all the humor was gone. A slow ache pulsed between my legs and I shifted in my seat. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  Shocked at his directness even though I shouldn’t have been, my gaze shifted to my surroundings, but no one was paying any attention to us. “What if I don’t—want you to fuck me?”

  A smile, this time slow and easy, spread across his face. “Don’t play games, Lindsay. I know you do.”

  “Do you?” I was being coy, flirtatious. It was fun.

  His gaze traced my face as if he were studying me. Perhaps with uncertainty, but that only lasted for a moment. Then, in a low voice, he said, “Keep it up and I’ll take you right here. Or is that what you want? For me to throw you back on the seat and fuck you now?”

  Overcome with desire, so turned on I couldn’t stand it, I submitted and said, “Yes, I want you to fuck me, but not out here.”

  Gaze brighter, hungrier with my admission, he slowly eased forward and placed both his palms on my knees and let his thumbs slip under my hem. “Good. Then it’s settled. So we both want the same thing.”

  “Yes,” I said, because it was all I could say with the blood rushing to my ears.

  He swiped his thumb back and forth, and my skin tingled under his touc
h. Then he glanced at his watch. “We have more than two hours until we land, and then it will be another hour after that before we get to the hotel.”

  I nodded in agreement.

  When his fingers followed his thumbs under the hem of my skirt, he wrapped his hands around my bare thighs and pulled me closer to him.

  My body jerked, as if it had been sleeping and he’d woken it up.

  His breath, now deliciously whiskey-scented, washed over me. “Do you want to wait until I can get us a room?”

  I shook my head. With each passing second I was getting wetter and wetter between my thighs. Desire had overtaken me long ago and over the past few hours every time I’d crossed and uncrossed my legs, even the slight friction of my panties against my clit was almost unbearable.

  “Good,” he practically growled. “Go to the last door on the left toward the back of the jet. It should be unlocked—let yourself in.” The wetness of his tongue caressed my earlobe, making my nipples pebble and me shiver. When he pulled back and stood, his eyes met mine, and the look alone made me shiver again.

  I gave him a nod to let him know I understood. There was just something about him. Something that made me want him so much. Made me want to do as he said. Made me want to please him. To be his. And it wasn’t the intoxication of alcohol. I was drunk—on him.

  James pointed to his group of friends. “I’m going to grab another drink. Since you decided to misbehave, you’re going to go ahead of me. Once you get inside, get yourself naked and wait for me. Think about me. Think about how good I’m going to make you feel, but don’t touch yourself. Do you understand?”

  My heart hammered in my chest. I wanted to say something, something flirty, something quick-witted, but the hoarseness of my voice wouldn’t allow for anything but another, “Yes.”

  Turning, he walked toward the crowd. He could pretend he wanted to “punish” me, but I could see in his eyes he wanted to be certain this was what I wanted. He was giving me a choice. I could stay or I could go into the room and wait for the pleasure I knew he was going to bring me.

  Standing on wobbly knees, I straightened my skirt and made certain my top was in place, and then I headed to the last door on the left. I passed two other doors on my way and wondered what they were. Bathrooms? Bedrooms? Where was I headed?


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