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Taming The Texas Rancher

Page 10

by Rhonda Gibson

  Daniel tried to wrap his mind around Jeb’s advice. If he understood correctly, then there were only 3 things he had to do to make Hannah fall in love with him: take her flowers, buy her small gifts and listen when she talked. He smiled, figuring even he couldn’t mess that up. And with him doing those things, she’d believe he loved her deeply. So both of them would be happy.

  After putting Tornado away, Daniel stood at the barn door and waited for Hannah to come outside. He inhaled the various ranch scents of hay, dirt and livestock.

  Here was where he wanted to remain. His eyes scanned the house, the yard, the corrals, the chicken coop and the vast pastures that stretched in every direction. He’d worked hard to keep his father’s dream alive.

  Everyone called him boss, but Daniel knew who the real boss was. His mother. If he could get Hannah to marry him and they had a baby within the next year, Daniel felt sure the ranch would be his, and then he really would be the boss and owner of the Westland Ranch.

  Hannah stepped out of the kitchen door, seemingly unaware that he watched her. Her cheeks were flushed and she appeared to be deep in thought. She’d almost walked passed him when he said the first thing that came to mind. “A penny for your thoughts.”

  Her head came up and her eyes shone. “I’m not sure they are worth a penny, Daniel.”

  He moved to her side and smiled. “Tell me what they are and I’ll decide the value.” He took her elbow and began strolling in the direction of the schoolhouse.

  She pulled her arm from his grasp but continued walking with him. “I was thinking of all the things I need to do to start school on Monday, and I was wondering what the ranch hands are going to say when your mother announces our engagement on Sunday. The thought entered my mind that falling in love may not be a simple thing for either of us, and I was wondering if I should just go to town and find a job and forget this whole business of being a mail-order bride.”

  So she was having doubts about their future. Daniel didn’t want her to go back to town. It wasn’t because he loved her, but he did care for her. And what would she do there in town? “I’d say your thoughts are worth more than a penny,” he volunteered, as they continued to walk.

  “You think so?” Doubt filled her voice.

  He nodded. “Let’s take them one at a time. Your first thought was about the job ahead of you, preparing for school. Haven’t you taught before?” He knew from her letters that she had, but wanted her to see that she would have no trouble preparing for the job ahead.

  “You know I have.” Her forehead furrowed in thought.

  Daniel stopped under a large oak tree. “Then you will have no trouble getting started on Monday. As for the announcement on Sunday, everyone is going to love you and be pleased that we are planning to marry.” He reached out and ran the back of his hand over her soft cheek. “Opal, Cole and Levi already like you. You have shown them that you are a kind person, Hannah. The others will feel the same.”

  Her eyes turned to pools of blue. He cupped her chin in his hand and looked deeply into their depths. In a softer voice he said, “As for it being hard to fall in love, we won’t know until we give it a try. I’m still willing to work on it. Are you?”

  She nodded. “I just don’t want you to feel I’m being unreasonable.”

  “I won’t lie to you—I am disappointed that we didn’t get married when you arrived. But I also realize that your needs and feelings are important to you. I don’t want you to feel forced into a marriage that you will be unhappy in. So let’s agree to get to know one another and try to make it a happy union.”

  Hannah took a step back from him. He missed the feel of her face in his hand and the sense that she was focused totally on him.

  “All right. But to be fair, let’s agree that if we don’t have some feelings for each other by the end of 6 weeks, then I will return to Granite and you can begin a new search for a bride more suitable to your needs.” She looked up at him, sorrow filling her eyes.

  Daniel took a deep breath and then exhaled. “I can’t agree to that, Hannah. Six weeks isn’t enough time.”

  She started to protest and he stopped her. “No, I’ll only agree to your terms if you make it 6 months.”

  “But Daniel, Levi could marry, and then where will you be? I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. I know you love this ranch and don’t want to lose it.”

  She’d thought about him and his love for the ranch? It both surprised and pleased him that she’d considered his feelings. He stepped forward and took both of her hands in his. “You’re right, he might, but I don’t think that he will.”

  “But what if he does?” Her hands felt cold in his.

  What would he do? Daniel stared into her pretty blue eyes. He’d have to make Hannah Young fall in love with him as fast as possible, and to do so, he’d start by kissing her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hannah felt Daniel’s warm breath upon her lips before his mouth descended. The smells of leather, outdoors and sweet coffee blended and filled her senses. His hands released hers and he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. Her heartbeat quickened and her mind went blank.

  When he pulled back, Daniel looked as confused as she felt. He cleared his throat. “We should get you back to the school. We’ll worry about Levi and his potential bride when the time comes.”

  Hannah nodded, afraid to speak. Her voice might crack, and then what would he think of her?

  How had one little kiss affected her so? Weakness had entered her knees and the rest of her limbs. How could that be so? Was she coming down with a sickness? Surely it couldn’t have been the kiss. She’d been kissed before and hadn’t felt this way afterward.

  She felt his hand grasp hers, and walked beside him, curious as to why he was holding her hand. Was he trying to court her the right way? A smile played across her face at the thought. The next 6 months might not be so bad after all.

  When the schoolhouse came into view, Daniel said, “Tomorrow, I’ll need to be gone. We have to brand the calves and I have to be there to oversee the work. I’m afraid we’ll have to postpone our outing a few more days.” He pushed his hat back off his forehead.

  Disappointment filled her. She’d been looking forward to spending more time with him. “I understand. I’ll be busy myself, getting the schoolroom ready and creating lessons for the children.”

  He stopped at the stairs and released her hand. “Hannah, with the fences being cut, I’d appreciate it if you’d stick close to the schoolhouse until we catch whoever is doing it.”

  “Daniel, I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

  She didn’t like the idea of having to stay at the schoolhouse all the time.

  A handsome smile spread his lips. “I’m sure you can.”

  She nodded.

  “Well, do you need anything to make your stay here any more comfortable?” His green eyes held hers.

  “No. Thanks to Levi’s thoughtfulness I think I have everything I need now. He brought me a table and 2 chairs for meals and lesson planning at night, and he also gave me a beautiful rocker. He said they were his wedding present to us. Would you like to come in and see them?” Hannah turned to lead the way inside. She could tell Daniel wasn’t happy that Levi had brought the furniture. Maybe showing him would make him feel better.

  His words stopped her. “No, thanks. I have to get back to work.” He turned on his boot heels and headed back toward the barn, where Tornado waited. His voice gentled. “Maybe I can look at them later.”

  Hannah nodded. She expelled the air in her lungs as she watched him ride away. Hannah didn’t know what to think of Daniel’s mood swings. One moment he was Mr. Romantic and the next Mr. Grumpy.

  That evening and the next day she prepared the classroom for students. On Saturday morning Hannah woke up and decided it was time to start doing work around the ranch. She pulled on her boots and headed to the barn.

  As a little girl she’d mucked stalls, collected eggs and fed the
chickens. She could do that now, too, if no one else had already done so. The dew on the grass soon had her boots damp. She smiled up into the heavens and thanked the Lord for such a beautiful morning.

  She crossed the barnyard, where Jeb came out to meet her. “Good morning, Mr. Jeb.”

  “Howdy. What can I do for you this morning, Miss Hannah?” he asked around a piece of hay.

  Hannah grinned. She’d met Jeb the day of her riding lesson and found she liked his quiet ways. “I was hoping I could do something for you.”

  Jeb frowned. “What did ya have in mind?”

  “I thought maybe I could help clean out the stalls, feed the chickens or maybe collect their eggs. I’ll do just about anything to help out.”

  He shifted the straw from one side of his mouth to the other. “Does the boss know you’re down here?”

  Hannah wasn’t sure if he meant Daniel or his mother. She didn’t relish the idea of having to ask either of them if she could to do a few chores. “No, I didn’t think I needed to ask permission to work. On our farm back home, people just did what needed to be done.”

  Jeb chuckled. “I like your way of thinkin’. Come with me.” He led her into the barn.

  The smell of hay and dust filled her nose and she sneezed. Clover nickered in her stall. Hannah walked up to the little mare and rubbed her muzzle. “What’s wrong, ole gal? Did they leave you behind today?”

  The mare bobbed her head as if to say yes.

  “Can ya paint?” Jeb asked from behind her.

  Hannah turned to see him holding a bucket of whitewash and a brush. “Sure can.”

  “Follow me.”

  He led her down the fence line to a large chicken coop. “When you get the henhouse done, work your way down the fence thataway.” Jeb set the bucket down, handed her the brush and walked off, whistling a happy tune.

  Hannah picked up the paint and carried it inside the chicken yard. She pulled the gate closed behind her. Chickens scattered and squawked at her. She ignored them and dipped the brush into the whitewash.

  “Well, at least I’m not cooped up in the schoolhouse today.” She giggled at her own joke.

  As she painted, Hannah noticed that the chicken coop had seen better days. It needed more than just paint; it needed new boards in some places, and she could tell the inside needed a good cleaning. She finished painting, and then moved into the henhouse.

  It was big, with 2 rows of nests. They were dirty and the hay had seen better days. Spiderwebs hung up high where the chickens couldn’t get to them. She decided to clean it all up. As she worked, Hannah hummed. The hens that were trying to nest eyed her suspiciously.

  Once the place was a little more livable for its occupants, Hannah headed to the barn for fresh hay. The coolness there surprised her. She hadn’t realized how hot she was until that moment.

  An old brown hat hung on a nail and she plucked it down and plopped it on her overheated head. Then she grabbed as much hay as she could carry and headed back to the chicken coop.

  The sweet smell of hay filled the air. Hannah worked quickly, filling boxes and fighting off pecking hens. She collected the eggs and set them outside the gate. Her hair felt plastered to her head and her cheeks were hot, so she stood in the shade of an oak tree, attempting to cool off.

  The water trough could use a good cleaning, too, she thought, enjoying a soft breeze. Hannah wondered whose job it was to take care of the chickens. Whoever it was, they were sorely neglectful, in her opinion.

  Her gaze moved across the yard to the green pastures that stretched out for miles. Where was Daniel today? Were they still branding calves? Hannah wished she could go and see him. She took the big hat off and wiped her forehead. Well, since she couldn’t, she decided to continue working.

  How were she and Daniel going to fall in love if they didn’t see each other for days? She dumped the water from the trough and proceeded to scrub off the algae with handfuls of sand.

  A plan began to form as she worked. If he couldn’t stop farming to spend time with her, maybe she could spend time with him. She finished the trough and then refilled it with fresh water from the well.

  “You’ve done a really good job out here.”

  Hannah spun around on her heels. Opal stood beside the gate. “Thank you. I only planned to paint the henhouse but then saw where it needed a bit more work.”

  Opal held an egg basket in her hands. “Thanks for collecting these. I’ve had a slow start this morning. Why don’t you come on up to the house for a spot of tea?”

  “I’d love to.” Hannah looked down at her dirty dress and boots. “But I’m a mess.”

  “Nonsense, you’ve been working. You’re expected to be a tad dirty. Dust yourself off and come along.” The housekeeper walked away, leaving her to follow.

  Hannah hurried to catch up with her. “Thank you. Tea sounds lovely.” She immediately wished she had one of her friend Eliza’s sticky buns. Her stomach growled at the thought.

  Opal laughed. “Sounds like you could use lunch, also.”

  She felt her face flush. “Oh, no, I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  “No trouble at all. Wash up and come on inside,” the woman instructed, and then went into the kitchen.

  Hannah hurried to do as she was asked. She hung the brown hat on a nail by the door and then dipped her hands into the basin. The water felt wonderful on her palms, so she splashed it on her neck and face, also. She dried off and hurried inside to find Opal sitting at the table with a pot of tea, 2 cups and a plate of food.

  The housekeeper looked up. “I hope you are in the mood for a chicken salad sandwich. I’ve added a couple of pickles and sliced tomatoes.”

  “Thank you.” Hannah slipped into her chair and said a quick blessing over her lunch. When she finished, she looked up to find Opal studying her.

  Dark circles rested below the woman’s eyes. “Thank you for taking care of the chicken house. I’ve been meaning to get out there, but my daughter is having a rough time carrying this newest baby and, well, between helping her and my inside chores, I just haven’t had time to get to the henhouse.”

  Hannah liked the older woman and wanted to help. “It was my pleasure. I wouldn’t mind lending a hand around here, if you’ll let me.” She began eating as she waited for her to answer.

  “You wouldn’t mind?” Opal asked.

  Hannah took a sip of tea. “I would enjoy it. I’ll be honest with you—I’m bored at the schoolhouse.” She reached for the sugar bowl and added a teaspoon into her cup.

  Opal’s face brightened. “It would be nice to have some help. Would you mind tending the chickens and collecting the eggs in the mornings?”

  Those were chores Hannah had done on her father’s farm. She smiled. “I’ll be glad to.”

  Opal frowned briefly. “Will it interfere with teaching the children?” She took a sip of tea.

  “Not at all. I’m going to start classes midmorning and carry on through the heat of the day. Mid-afternoon the children will be released to go home and help with chores.” She pushed her empty plate back. “I will be happy to help you with your morning tasks.”

  “Thank you. And I’ll make sure that you have a proper breakfast and lunch.” Opal grinned from ear to ear.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Mrs. Westland might object.” Hannah folded her hands in her lap. She needed to find a way to befriend Daniel’s mother, and eating her food probably wasn’t the way to do that.

  “Oh, pish posh! Bonnie isn’t going to care if you eat a few vittles in exchange for helping me get the chores done around here.” She picked up her teacup and carried it to the sink. “Besides, I’m looking forward to having another female around to talk to.” Opal returned for Hannah’s plate and cup.

  Hannah liked her spunk. “If you’re sure, then it’s a deal.” She held out her hand for Opal to shake.

  The older woman surprised her by ignoring her hand and grabbing her in a swift hug. “I’m so glad our Daniel f
ound you.”

  The sound of the front door slamming and Daniel’s voice bellowing, “Opal! Ma! Have either of you seen Hannah!” pulled the 2 women apart.

  Was that fear she heard in Daniel’s voice? If so, what did he think had happened to her? Did the emotion in his voice mean he cared about her? So many questions raced through Hannah’s mind as she hurried to assure him she was there.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Daniel’s breath came hard and heavy. He couldn’t believe Hannah was gone. He stood in the middle of his mother’s living room, waiting for her or Opal to appear. He’d told Hannah not to leave the schoolhouse. How long had she been gone?

  Guilt ate at him as he realized he should have gone to see her yesterday or sent someone else to check on her. Daniel jerked his hat off and slapped it against his leg. His other hand moved to rub the back of his neck. Had she gone back to town? Given up on him loving her? He inhaled another deep breath, and just as he planned to yell for his mother again, he heard Hannah’s voice.

  “I’m here, Daniel. What are you yelling about?”

  His gaze swung to the dining area. Hannah stood in the doorway with Opal behind her. Her hair was sticking out in all directions and straw and dust clung to it. The dress she wore was covered in mud and muck. He gasped. What had the poor woman gone through to put her in such a state?

  “What’s all the yelling about?” Bonnie Westland came down the stairs at a run. She saw the direction Daniel was staring, and turned to look, too.

  Daniel ignored his mother and hurried to Hannah. A smudge of dirt marred one creamy cheek. Her nose and cheeks had been sunburned. “Are you all right?” he asked, reaching up to wipe away the dirt.

  “I’m fine. I was having lunch with Opal.” Her blue eyes stared up at him in confusion.

  He said the first thing that came to mind. “Are you sure? You don’t look so good.”

  Hannah gasped.

  Bonnie laughed.

  And Opal scolded, “You wouldn’t look so great yourself if you’d cleaned and painted the chicken house this morning. Where are your manners, Daniel?”


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