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Holding You

Page 2

by Kelly Elliott

  Oh. My. Glitter. Swoon alert! We have a major swoon alert. My legs gave out, and Colt grabbed a hold of me. “Lauren, are you okay?” Colt asked as concern swept over his face.

  “You waited for me? I mean, you’re . . . a . . . um? Wait, someone you love?”

  Colt pulled me closer as he nodded. I felt his desire pushing into my stomach. Something washed over me, and I found my senses. Grabbing onto his arms again, I smiled. “I’ve waited for you too, Colt. Every time I dreamed of being with someone, I dreamt it was you.”

  Taking a few steps back, Colt winked at me as a wicked grin grew across his face. “Follow my lead.”

  Turning quickly, he walked off. As if nothing amazing had just happened between us. He just said he loved me. Well wait. Did he say he loved me? He didn’t come right out and say it, but he implied it. Didn’t he?

  Looking back, Colt motioned for me to come on. Snapping out of my stupor, I quickly followed Colt. He was headed over to Gunner and Ellie. Grinning, Gunner looked at Colt, then me. I wondered if my face looked like it felt. Hot and on fire.

  “Hey, buddy, enjoying yourself?” Gunner asked as he reached out his hand for Colt.

  Shaking his father’s hand, Colt answered, “Yes, sir, I am.”

  Ellie turned toward me and gave me the sweetest smile. “Lauren, sweetheart, how is school going?”

  As much as I would have liked standing there and chitchatting with Gunner and Ellie, I really wanted Colt to take me home and make me his. “Good. It’s going good. Busy, but I’m really enjoying my second year.”

  “That’s wonderful. Your daddy was talking about you the other night. He’s so proud of you.”

  Ellie mentioning my father right then was kind of putting a damper on things. Nodding, I gave her a weak smile in return.

  “Dad, I’m going to head back to A&M and bring Lauren. There is a project she’s never done before, and she needs my help.”

  Snapping my head over to Colt, I felt my face turn red. Gunner glanced at me and then back to Colt and gave Colt a wink. “Y’all aren’t going to kill each other on the way there, are you?”

  Colt and I both let out an awkward laugh. “We’re gonna try not to,” I said as I peeked over to Colt.

  Feeling them before I saw them, I turned to my parents who had walked up and stood before me. “Hey, sweetheart. Are you coming back to the house with us or staying with the girls?” my mother asked as she reached over and pushed one of my blonde curls from my eye. I looked just like my mother. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Everyone said I was a mini version of my mother on the outside, but inside I was all my dad.

  “I’m actually going to head back to A&M with Colt. I’ve got a . . . um . . . a project I’ve got to get done.”

  Nodding, my father looked over to Colt. “Y’all have to leave now? You don’t want to wait until tomorrow morning?”

  Remembering I had a class first thing Monday morning, I quickly said, “No! No, I can’t because I’ve got a test first Monday morning, and I missed Thursday’s class for the wedding.”

  “All right, well let me have a kiss and a hug. We’ll see you in a month for spring break, right?” my father asked as he pulled me into his arms.

  Giving my father a hug and kiss good-bye, I turned to my mother and repeated the process. “Yep, as of now, I’m still planning on spring break at home,” I said with a smile.

  Daddy reached for Colt’s hand and shook it as he said, “Be careful driving, Colt; that’s a long drive back.”

  Nodding his head and giving that damn smile of his, Colt said, “Always, sir.” Turning to his parents, Colt kissed his mother good-bye on the cheek and told her how much he loved her, as he shook his father’s hand. Glancing over at me, Colt asked, “Shall we, Lauren?” as he began leading me away from our parents.

  Oh my glitter. Oh my glitter. Oh my glitter. I’m leaving with Colt. I’m heading back to A&M with Colt. Breathe in through the mouth. Out through the nose. Looking down at my hands as I wrung them together, I took a deep breath. What am I, in junior high? This was insane. I needed to chill the hell out.

  Colt placed his hand on the small of my back and butterflies ignited in my stomach. “We need to find Luke and Libby and . . .”

  “No we don’t,” I practically shouted, “we need to get out of here, now.”

  Colt leaned over and asked, “Lauren, are you okay?”

  Stopping, I looked into Colt’s eyes. They were breathtaking. Blue like the sky behind him. “I don’t think I can wait until we get back to A&M, Colt.” Shaking my head, I whispered, “I want to feel you inside me.”

  Colt’s face beamed as a wide grin appeared and my heart began to race with excitement. “Luke and Libby know we love them; we’ll chip in and buy them a great gift.”

  Nodding my head quickly, I said, “Perfect!”

  Reaching for my hand, Colt pulled me toward his truck. “Colt, all my stuff is at Josh and Heather’s house.”

  Colt practically pulled my arm out of its socket. Looking back over my shoulder, no one even paid attention to us as we quickly left the reception. No one that is, but Grace. Lifting her hand and giving me a wave, I waved back and smiled. Shaking her head, she turned on her heels and walked off.

  Colt stopped and opened his truck door as he took my hand and helped me up and into his truck. Leaning into the truck, his eyes captured mine. They were on fire as I sucked in a breath. “Where we’re going, Lauren, you’re not going to need your purse, or clothes.”

  My eyes widened as I simply said, “Oh.” Swallowing, I cleared my throat and said, “What about my cell phone? Or money?”

  “I have a phone and I have money.”

  Slowly nodding, I whispered, “Clean panties for tomorrow?”

  Colt lifted his eyebrows as he attempted not to laugh. “Do you want your bag, sweetheart?”

  “I’d feel better knowing I had my stuff. If that’s okay?”

  Reaching in further, he kissed me on the nose and my stomach dropped at the sweet gesture. “Of course it is.”

  Moving quickly, he buckled me in, shut the door and made his way over to the driver’s side of his truck.

  I wasn’t sure how Colt and I went from totally avoiding each other, to fighting like cats and dogs, to leaving our best friends’ wedding to go somewhere so we could be alone. Smiling, I shook my head because I didn’t care. I wanted this. I’d wanted it for so long. I was just too stupid and stubborn to admit it to myself. Libby and Alex had found love and happiness. I wanted that too, and I knew Colt was the only one who would be able to give me both.

  Ten minutes later, I was running up the stairs to Josh and Heather’s house. I used the key I had and ran as fast as I could in my heels and dress up the stairs and to Libby’s room. Gathering up my things, I shoved it all into my overnight bag. Turning, I looked around for Alex’s bag. Seeing it on the floor, I smiled as I reached down and picked it up. Overhearing Alex early this morning, I heard her tell Grace she had packed two outfits for Will, but she wasn’t sure she would get to use them if the parents didn’t all stay in one house.

  Something blue caught my eye as I reached in and pulled out a beautiful blue satin, barely there, piece of lingerie. Clutching it to my chest, I whispered, “Perfect.”

  Shoving the lingerie in my bag, I skipped down the stairs and out to Colt’s truck. Finally, Colt was going to make me his.

  SITTING IN MY truck, I tapped the steering wheel to calm my nerves. What had happened in the last hour? I went from observing Lauren from across the room, to asking her to let me make love to her.

  What if I fuck this up? What if I don’t make it special enough for her? My father’s words from three years ago invaded my mind.

  “Colt, make sure it’s something you both want. Be gentle and think about her one hundred percent of the time. Show her how much she means to you above all. Remind her how much you love her. The moment can never be repeated.”

  The door to Josh and Heather’s beach house opened, and
Lauren came bouncing out. Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but smile. Lauren was so full of life. She made sure to live each day with as much zest as she could.

  As she moved closer to the truck, my heartbeat increased. I wanted to take her back to A&M, but when Lauren said she couldn’t wait, I knew I had better check us into a hotel. The last thing I wanted to do was end up taking her in my truck.

  The door opened and Lauren threw her bag onto the back seat. Hopping up into the truck, she shut the door and turned to me with a look of sheer panic on her face.

  “I’m scared shitless, Colt.”

  Laughing, I nodded my head. “Me too, Lauren.”

  Her smile would have knocked me off my feet had I been standing. “I know you want to wait until we get back to A&M . . . but I don’t think I can.” Her eyes glanced down. “Colt, I’ve wanted you for so long, and I’m tired of fighting it.”

  Swallowing hard, I started the truck and made my way to the ferry. Luke had told me about a new hotel in Rockport that he had looked into for their wedding night, but something fell through and they weren’t going to be able to stay there. It would be perfect for Lauren and me.

  “Do you know where you’re going?” Lauren asked.

  Reaching over, I grabbed her hand as I nodded. “Yep, if we can’t be home, I think I’ve got the next-best place.”

  PULLING DOWN A long driveway, I stopped in front of a giant white plantation-style house. Lauren leaned over and let out a gasp. “Colt, this is beautiful.” Turning back to me, she wore a radiant glow as she looked in my eyes. “It’s perfect,” she whispered.

  Placing my hand behind her neck, I pulled her to me as I gently kissed her lips. The driver’s side door opened and I heard someone clear his throat. Lauren smiled against my lips and said, “I think they’re waiting for us.”

  “Let them wait.” Kissing her again, I sucked her lower lip into my mouth as Lauren let out a soft moan. When our kiss finally broke, Lauren turned and stepped out of the truck. With my heart racing, I followed.

  “Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to the St. Claire. How many nights will you be staying with us?”

  “One,” I said as I opened the back door and reached in for my backpack that I always carried in my truck, and Lauren’s bag.

  Turning to the valet, I reached for his arm. “Dude, take care of her. She’s my life.”

  Glancing to the truck and back to me, the valet nodded his head and gave me an understanding smile. “I’ll be sure to keep her in a safe spot for you, sir.”

  Giving him a quick handshake, I said, “Perfect. I appreciate that.”

  Walking up to Lauren, I placed my hand on her lower back and gently guided her into the hotel. Seeing my father do this to my mother all the time, I knew women must like it from the reaction my mother always had.

  As we walked up to the front desk, Lauren turned and gave me the sexiest look I’d ever seen. My dick jumped in my pants and I prayed to God I didn’t come the moment I saw her naked. My hands shook as I reached for my wallet in my back pocket.

  “Good afternoon. Welcome to the St. Claire. Do you have a reservation?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled. “Yes, I called not too long ago. Colt Mathews.” After pulling up their website, I had called and booked the reservation as we rode over on the ferry and Lauren watched the dolphins.

  “Yes, I have it here. I see y’all are celebrating a special occasion.”

  Lauren’s head jerked up as she looked between the desk agent and me as excitement danced in her eyes. My hands began to sweat as my heart pounded in my chest. Lauren and I were finally going to be together. “Yes we are, indeed. Tonight is a very special night for us.”

  The desk agent gave me a tender smile as she typed away on her keyboard. “Looks like I have the perfect room for you.”

  After giving her my credit card and getting our key, Lauren and I headed up to the third floor. As we stepped off the elevator, we stood before one door. “Is this the only room on this floor?” Lauren asked. Shrugging, I looked around. “I guess so.”

  Lauren jumped as she clapped her hands. “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see it.”

  Smiling, I handed her the key and watched as she rushed to the door, inserting the key card, Lauren let out a gasp as she walked into the room. Following behind her, I almost let out a gasp myself. We were in the St. Charles room. I’d seen it on their website. It occupied the entire third floor of the hotel and had a view of the bay.

  Lauren turned and looked at me, her mouth parted slightly open. “This is beautiful,” she whispered.

  Fist pumping internally, I walked over and pulled her to me. “Not as beautiful as you, Lauren.”

  Closing her eyes tightly, she opened them. They were filled with tears and my breath left my lungs. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” I asked as I dropped the bags I was carrying and cupped her face.

  “I’m so sorry, Colt.”

  Looking at her with a confused look, I asked, “Sorry for what, Lauren?”

  Placing her hands on my arms, she was barely able to speak. “I’m so sorry for pushing you away, for hurting you with the things I said and did, and for Roger.”

  Roger. Oh God. She slept with Roger. I felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to take a step away, but I didn’t.

  “Roger?” I asked as my voice cracked.

  Her eyes widened in horror. “No. Oh God no, Colt. I never slept with him. I knew it would drive you crazy if I dated him and that’s why I did. He tried a few times to get me to sleep with him, but . . .”

  My heart slammed in my chest, and I made plans to beat the fuck out of that asshole when I saw him again.


  “I always knew my heart belonged to you. As much as I tried to fight it . . . it only grew stronger. I’m so scared of my feelings for you and then everything with my father and the ranch. I thought it was easier to push you away than admit you were everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  Her words flowed through my mind as I let them soak in. My heart felt like it might explode with Lauren saying I was all she’s ever wanted.

  You were everything I’ve ever wanted.

  Leaning in to her, I brushed my lips against hers. “Tell me, Lauren. Tell me what you want, baby.”

  Closing her eyes, she held onto me tighter. “You, Colt. I want you.”

  Reaching behind Lauren’s back, I began to unzip the dress she wore. She had looked beautiful today and I was pretty sure my pants grew ten times too small when I watched her walk down the aisle. Her beauty was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

  “Lauren, are you nervous?”

  Nodding her head, she whispered, “Yes.”

  Taking a step back, I looked into her eyes. “I used to dream about being with you, Lauren. I had everything planned out in my mind on how I wanted it to be for us.” Closing my eyes, I thought back to my dreams. Opening them, I reached up and pushed the dress off of her body and watched as it pooled on the floor.

  Lauren stood before me, dressed in a white strapless bra and matching lace panties. Her body was beyond anything I could have dreamed of. Lauren appeared to be confident, yet shy. I could see she wanted to look away, but she held her gaze. “And how do I compare to your dreams?”

  Taking a step closer, I kissed her neck as she let out whimper. Between each kiss, I spoke. “Oh, Lauren.” Kissing along her neck, I moved down. “My dreams could never have prepared me for your perfection.”

  Reaching behind her, I unclasped her bra and watched it fall to the ground. Letting out a moan, I took her breasts into my hands. They fit perfectly. I rubbed my thumbs across her nipples as she dropped her head back and moaned. My body felt as if it was on fire. “Colt, your touch is amazing. My body feels like it is on fire.” Smiling, I kissed her lips quickly.

  Dropping to my knees, I kissed around her belly button. Slipping my fingers into the top of her lace panties, I slowly took them off of her as she lifted each leg to remove them.

  Taking a l
ook at her, I fought like hell not to come in my pants. Jesus H. Christ. She was perfect. Lifting my eyes back up to hers, I could see she was nervous. I wanted to ask her how far she had gone with Roger, but I also didn’t want to ruin the mood.

  Lifting her leg, I placed it over my shoulder as I watched her eyes widen in anticipation of what I was going to do. My body tingled all over at the idea of being so intimate with Lauren. It was as if she could read my mind. Wetting her lips, she whispered, “I’ve never . . . I mean no one has ever . . .”

  Smiling, I moved in closer and gently blew on her sensitive skin. “Never, Lauren?”

  Frantically shaking her head, Lauren closed her eyes and said, “Never. It never felt right.”

  I placed my lips above her clit and gently kissed her as she sucked in a breath of air. Knowing I would be the first to do this made me happier than I thought. I was dying to taste her. Moving her leg off of me, I quickly stood up, and scooped Lauren into my arms. She let out a playful scream as I carried her across the room. “I need to know what you taste like, Lauren.”

  “Oh, God,” Lauren whispered as I gently placed her down on the king-sized bed.

  Looking at Lauren laid out on the bed, I let out a moan. I quickly undressed myself as Lauren watched. Pushing my pants down, I watched her eyes as they landed on my hard dick, hidden behind my boxer briefs. Lauren sat up and quickly moved to the edge of the bed.

  “Wait,” she said as she knelt before me. “I want to remove them,” she said as her voice cracked. As she lifted her hands, I couldn’t help but notice they were shaking. I knew she was nervous, and I’m sure she was scared out of her mind. Hell, I was scared out of my mind.

  Placing her hands on my stomach, she smiled. “Your body, Colt . . . it’s amazing.”

  Closing my eyes briefly before opening them again, I held my breath as Lauren bit down on her lip as she stared at my dick. Slowly pushing my briefs down, she never stopped staring. I was beginning to have a complex. Surely she’d seen a dick before. I couldn’t imagine with her dating she had never gotten a guy off with her hand.

  Fuck. Why am I thinking of Lauren being with other guys? What the hell is wrong with me? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I kicked my briefs off to the side. My body jumped when Lauren took me in her hand.


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