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Page 5

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  I didn’t know what to do. Say something you asshat.

  “You don’t have talk about them. You don’t have talk about anything unless you want to. If you want to just sit in my lap and drown my shirt until you feel better, it’s okay. You can even stomp on my feet me if it would help. Say the word and the boots will go flying.”

  A strangled laugh-turned-hiccup fell from Aria’s mouth. “That’s one of the sweetest offers I’ve ever had. You know, I think you’re pretty sweet under all that metal.”

  I rubbed her back in gentle soothing circles. Or at least I tried to. I’d never comforted a female before. Sweet isn’t a word used to describe me.

  Aria saying it makes my chest grow tight; pride, and some other unnamed emotion, flooded my system. “I do believe it’s only you who thinks I’m sweet.” She lifted her head from my shoulder and peered at me. The whites of her eyes were red from crying as tiny drops of wetness clung to her lashes, a reminder of the heart-wrenching sobs she unleashed against my frame. She cupped my cheeks and kissed me, it was softer and sweeter than the previous ones, but I loved it just the same.

  Dax’s voice interrupted the kiss. “I hate to interrupt you, but Theo is awake and asking for you, Aria.”

  Aria released my cheeks and climbed off my lap. “I’ll be right there.” The communication cut off and she tugged her pants on with a sigh. “Care to do this again? Maybe with less emotional breakdown?”

  “I didn’t mind the emotional breakdown. I’m here for you Aria, however you need me.” I meant it. I wanted more nights like this. More nights of touching and kissing and more nights where she sought comfort and safety in my arms. I was programmed to protect. But with Aria, it went past programming. The need to protect her radiated deep in my core. A living, breathing thing that shifted every circuit and filled the empty space around my heart.

  “You...” she didn’t finish. Instead she launched herself into my arms and squeezed me to her with more force than I thought a human female could possess. “Thank you, Reaper.”

  “For what?”

  She kissed my cheek. “For being you.” She offered another kiss. This time, sealing my mouth to hers in a kiss that practically blew a fuse. Sparks zipped up my spine as I indulged in the feeling of the kiss. She pulled back and licked her lips as if to savor my taste. “I’ve got to go, but I’ll see you soon. “

  “Can’t wait, princess.” She headed out the door, her hips swaying as she moved down the hall. Holy fucking motherboards my female was gorgeous. Inwardly, I released a groan. I knew she was needed by Theo. I can’t keep her. Well, not tonight. In my processors, she’s already mine.

  Chapter Eight


  I tugged on my clothes and made sure they were in place before I walked into my room. The moment Theo saw me, he came flying at me with break-neck speed, hugging me tight.

  “Where were you?” Theo wrinkled his nose. “You smell like the gray one.” His blue eyes narrowed as he stopped hugging me, fisting his hands by his sides. A look of hurt and confusion darkened his small features.

  I dropped down to level my face to his. “I’ll never lie to you, sweets. I smell like Reaper because I was in his room talking with him. We came to an understanding. He’s going to try and be nice, and we are going to try to be nice back. He’s not as bad as we thought he was. You know how sometimes you get so angry you can’t control it? That’s Reaper, too. He is like you. He needs friends even if he’s grouchy about it.”

  Theo crossed his arms over his chest. “He needs friends even if he’s an asshole?”

  Dax let out a laugh followed by a snort behind me. Oh my God. A cyborg who snorts, could my life get any weirder right now? Looking at Theo, I resisted the urge to laugh. “That’s right, sweets. Do you think we can try to be his friend?”

  “You really want to try?” Theo asked his voice barely above a whisper.

  “I do,” I said giving Theo a reassuring smile.

  “Okay. But...only if he knows that you are my human. He looks at you funny when he doesn’t think you are watching. It’s the same look Dash gives Iris. All goofy and stupid. I don’t like it.”

  My heart nearly stopped in my chest. I couldn’t imagine Reaper ever looking at me that way. Then again, I didn’t think what we did tonight would ever happen either.

  Dax came closer, kneeling beside me. “I think Reaper looks at Aria that way because he thinks she’s special.”

  “She is special. She is my mom. No other cyborg ever had a mom before. Just me. She saved me from that awful place even after I tried to bite her.” Theo beamed proudly at Dax.

  Dax swung his head my direction. “He tried to bite you?”

  “It’s a long story. It wasn’t Theo’s fault, he didn’t know I wasn’t going to hurt him. He was only trying to protect himself.”

  Dax nodded, understanding dawning across his features. “Well, I think Aria is special and you think Aria is special. So maybe it would be okay if Reaper thinks she’s special too, don’t you think, Mr. Theo?”

  Theo thought hard, his blue eyes flashing, before he nodded.

  Dax stood up smiling and clapped his hands together. “Well, the problem appears to be solved. I will go.”

  “Thank you, Dax, for everything. You really are the best.”

  Dax walked to the door and paused, his nose twitching. “I’m glad you and Reaper are having relations. Maybe now he won’t be such an asshole all the time.”

  My cheeks went from pale to bright red as my jaw fell. That green idiot gave me a huge grin before slipping out the door.

  “What does relations mean?” Theo asked curiously.

  I could slap that green cyborg.

  “It means Reaper and I are now friends.”

  Theo gave a shrug. “Okay. Would you sing me back to sleep?”

  Pulling Theo close, I hugged him to my chest. “Of course.”

  Theo ducked out of my hold, running to his bed to toss the covers back so he could climb in. I sat in the chair next to his bed and didn’t stop the smile wanting to break free. That seed of hope was back, awakening in my chest like a flower seeking the sun.

  ONE WEEK. IT HAD BEEN one whole week since that night with Reaper. I was about ready start punching holes in the walls, myself. Since meeting Dax, Theo seemed to find other cyborgs not so scary and was now on a mission to meet every single one. He raced down the halls greeting everyone, and I chased after him, my heart bursting with joy. I’d wanted him to feel like he fit in—to find somewhere he felt safe, a place to call home.

  As Theo started embracing this place as home, I found myself starting to feel the same way. Being in a room filled with cyborgs didn’t send me into a panic. I laughed a little more. I didn’t hide in my quarters. I was pretty sure a certain badass, annoying cyborg had something to do with that. We saw each other every day but finding time to be alone together was proving to be impossible.

  Being the leader of the cyborg rebellion demanded a lot. A tip had come in that some cyborgs might be in storage. Reaper was planning a mission to retrieve them. I didn’t let on that the thought of something happing to him was keeping me awake at night. At least Brone was going with. That cyborg was a walking tank.

  A laugh burst through the common room, shaking the walls. A child’s squeal followed. Mr. Walking Tank was currently on all fours letting Theo ride him like a horse. Iris and Dash sat at the table with me, watching Theo play with Brone. Every minute or two they would touch, like they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.

  It was ridiculously cute. Despite the fact I was kidnapped to force Dash and Iris to turn themselves in, I wasn’t angry. Her heart is bigger than the cyborg headquarters and Dash is her perfect match. If Iris had never found Dash, I wouldn’t have Theo or been the girl to give Reaper his first kiss. Cyborgs are part of my life now. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine my life without them.

  Iris stuck an elbow in my side. “So, a little bird told me you made friends with Reaper,” she said wi
ggling her eyebrows.

  A blush started creeping up my cheeks. “Would that little bird happen to be green?” Did the whole place know Reaper and I had “relations”? The blush flushed darker.

  A grin broke out on Dash’s face. “You are turning red like Iris does.” He got the same elbow treatment from Iris that I did.

  Iris gave my hand a squeeze. “If you don’t want to talk about it, it’s okay. What you do or don’t do with Reaper is none of our business. But I do really hope I can start talking to him again. I miss the gray lug.”

  Something flickered low in my belly. No, I can’t be. Was I jealous? I was! I totally was jealous of my best friend. I didn’t like her missing him.

  Iris’s eyebrow rose. “Did you just glare at me? Holy shit! If looks could kill. You are totally giving me the ‘don’t fuck with my man’ look! Well I guess I won’t be talking to Reaper after all.” Iris laughed.

  Cringing, I ducked my head. “Sorry Iris. I know you and Reaper are just friends. I don’t know what came over me,” I said, shaking my head.

  Iris put an arm around my shoulder. “It’s okay. All I want is for you to be happy. If Reaper helps with that, I’m glad. If he doesn’t, that’s okay too.”

  “Thank you.” Wrapping an arm around her shoulder in return, I gave her a squeeze. “And don’t stay away from Reaper. He is your friend. As for me, let’s just say he’s not on my hit list anymore. We have things worked out. I’ve even managed to convince Theo to give him a chance. He did save us, all of us.” Tears began to burn behind my eyes. Quickly, I turned my attention to Theo. My emotions always so close to the surface no matter how I tried pushing them down. Was I destined to be a weepy mess for the rest of my life? Dash. Iris. Theo. All of them had been tortured at the hands of that sadistic bitch. They weren’t crying at the mere mention of anything to do with that place. I took two steps forward only to take three steps back.

  Iris saw my face. She knew. Being best friends for years had left us unable to hide anything from each other. “You can talk to me, Aria. I’m here.”

  “I know.” I leaned down and put my head on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about me. I’m doing better. I promise.”

  “Okay, but I am here. Dash, too.” The blue cyborg nodded sweetly as if to confirm Iris’s words.

  At that exact moment, Reaper waltzed into the common room. All my attention went to him like a big gray magnet; I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He noticed me staring, and the corners of his mouth tipped up before he caught himself. His face returned to the ever-present grim reaper look as he walked towards Brone.

  Brone leaned down, lowering himself closer to the ground to allow Theo to climb off his back safely. Theo gave a grumble but slid off Brone’s back without being asked. Once upright, Brone cast Theo and Reaper in his large shadow.

  “My human said I’m supposed to be nice to you.” Theo informed Reaper matter-of-factly. His little hands on his hips, he tipped his head to stare up at his larger counterpart.

  One single pale gray eyebrow rose. “She did, did she?”

  Theo gave a nod. “My mom said even assholes need friends.”

  Reaper’s jaw fell open. Brone let out a laugh.

  Jumping from the table, I got between the three of them. “Theo, sweets, we have talked about using that word.” Iris’s and Dash’s laughter echoed in the room. I took Theo’s hand and offered Reaper an apologetic shrug.

  Reaper dropped to his knees, now face-to-face with Theo. “Well, I can’t speak for all assholes, but this asshole would love to be friends.” Reaper put out his hand. It hung in the air waiting for Theo to take it. Theo suddenly grinned, grabbing Reaper’s hand, shaking it hard.

  “See mom? He uses the word asshole too!”

  Frowning, I shot a glare at Reaper. “Great! Now I’ll never get him to stop saying it. Thanks, Reaper.”

  Reaper’s big shoulders rose and fell. “There are worse words he could be saying.”

  Theo’s eyes widened. “Like what?”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “You’re no fun.” Theo scowled.

  Watching the exchange with amusement in his eyes, Reaper winked at me. He then returned to his previous serious state and directed his attention to Brone. “Be ready, we leave tonight.” Brone gave Reaper a nod.

  Theo released my hand and grabbed Brone’s, his tiny hand dwarfed by Brone’s enormous one. “Do you still have time to play with me?”

  Brone beamed at Theo. “Of course, small one.”

  Reaper looked at Brone holding Theo’s hand, then he was gone out the door before I could blink. I wanted to follow him. “Brone will you keep an eye on Theo? I need to talk to Reaper for a minute.”

  Brone clasped a fist to his chest. “I will guard him with my life.”

  “I hope that isn’t necessary but thank you!” I directed a look to Theo. “Be good for Brone. Dash and Iris are here if you need them. I’ll only be gone a moment. We can talk about getting pancakes when I get back, okay?”

  Anticipation sparkled in Theo’s eyes. “Brone, have you tried pancakes?” He smacked his lips together. “They are delicious.”

  Rushing out the door, hoping to catch up to Reaper, I caught the expanse of his back turning a corner, so I broke into a jog. “Reaper! Wait.” He halted his steps and let me catch up to him. I looked around and noticed a door marked supply. I didn’t think, grabbing Reaper by the arm, I tugged him with me into the supply closet.

  The look of confusion on his handsome gray face was adorable. “Why are we in a supply closet?”

  I didn’t answer, plastering my lips to his, my fingers sliding up his chest to fist into the fabric of his shirt. Groaning against my lips, his hands grabbed my hips to pull my body to his. I pressed against his frame and released a sigh. Everything faded except him and his kiss.

  I buried my head against his chest, the emotion of that one kiss threatened to overtake me. A thousand things sat perched on the tip on my tongue.

  The most urgent was the worry about his mission. What if he didn’t come back? What if he got hurt? “Please tell me you’ll be careful, Reaper.”

  “I’m not planning on going anywhere, princess.” He lifted me off my feet; I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. Reaper brushed his lips over the shell of my ear and sent shivers racing up my spine. “You and I have unfinished business.” His lips trailed down my neck, kissing my sensitive flesh and I trembled. His hand slid down to cup the spot between my legs. “My cock and I refuse to die without knowing what it feels like to be inside that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Dirty, filthy cyborg. I rubbed my body along his. “Ever heard of a quickie?”

  “The first time I take you won’t be in a supply closet. I may not have any experience, but I do know this isn’t an appropriate place.” Withdrawing his hand, he kissed me hard. “I plan to take you in my bed so that after you’re gone my sheets will still smell like you.”

  Groaning in frustration, I blew out a breath, “Now I really want your pants off.”

  He chuckled. “I should only be gone for a night. Keep that thought until then.” A kiss landed on my cheek. “I know it will definitely expedite my return.”

  Releasing my grip on his waist, I let my feet touch back down on the floor, immediately regretting the loss of contact.

  He cupped my cheeks and gently tilted my head back, so I could look into his eyes. “One more kiss for good luck?” He didn’t need to ask twice, fusing my lips to his, I prayed that my kiss really did bring him good luck.

  And that it brought Reaper safely home.

  Chapter Nine


  I crouched low, my body hidden by the darkness as I waited for the truck carrying our brothers to come along. Brone, Viper, and Acer joined me in the hunt. The yellow cyborg briefly coming out of his self-imposed exile to join us. Acer hated The Global Allegiance even more than I did. I didn’t ask why. All of us were entitled to our secrets.

  I consi
dered myself lucky to be leading three of the deadliest cyborgs I had ever met. I had seen firsthand Global Allegiance informants piss themselves at the sight of Acer, be crushed by one blow from Brone’s massive fists, but it was Viper they really needed to watch out for. The dark purple Technology Model didn’t seem much like a threat, but he was deadly and so fast the enemy wouldn’t even see him coming. He was simply a blur of purple before heads rolled.

  The Global Allegiance didn’t haul cyborgs, preferring to dispose of them on the spot. Only one person who would order cyborgs to their location. That crazy fucked-up doctor must need new cyborgs to experiment on. I burned her last lab to the ground but in the chaos, she managed to escape. It appeared she was starting up her twisted house of horrors once again.

  If we were caught...we’d become four more test subjects. I asked Dax to implant me with the same type of untraceable tracker he had given Dash. Unfortunately, I didn’t have Iris to talk me through the pain. I threatened the green cyborg’s life more in those twenty minutes than I ever had in the two years I’d known him. I also got called a record number of assholes in those twenty minutes. Dax muttered if it wasn’t for Aria, he would let the blade slip and rewire me to tap dance instead of walk the rest of my life. Maybe there truly was a badass hiding in Dax, somewhere.

  A lone set of headlights shone through the darkness. Singling the others to be ready, three nods met my eyes, the dark no match for our superior eyesight. Usually, I loved the seconds before a fight, the anticipation of violence, and the thrilling taste of battle. This time, I longed for it to be over. I desired to rescue my brothers and get everyone back safely so I could lock Aria in my room until we both were sated and spent.


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