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Reaper Page 7

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  Reaper’s body went rigid under my fingers. “It’s not a pretty story.”

  “Neither is mine.” I walked back to the couch and fell into it, tucking my legs under me.

  Reaper joined me on the couch; his large body became a buffer between me and the rest of the world. Next to his frame, I felt small and safe. When I turned my body toward his, I noticed every line of his frame was rigid with tension.

  Running a hand over his face, he tried smoothing some of the worry. “There was a cyborg in my batch who had a defect.” Reaper’s voice came out no louder than a whisper. “He was a Military Model, but he hated fighting. All of us in our batch tried to cover for him. The Global Allegiance suspected something was off but had no real proof. Then came the day I fucked up during a training session. It was something minor, but it didn’t matter. It was perceived as failure, and I was to be punished. They handed a whip to the cyborg we had been protecting. They ordered him to whip me until the synthetic flesh peeled from my frame. The poor cyborg was terrified. He couldn’t stand hurting anyone, especially another cyborg from his batch. So, instead of following the order, he refused.”

  I took his hand in mine, lending him my strength; the soft pink hue of my skin blending with his gray. An odd combination, but it felt right. Normal. Where I belonged. I brushed over the back of his palm with the pad of my thumb.

  He gripped my hand like a lifeline and focused all his attention on the sight of our entwined hands. “They dismantled him, piece by piece, ripping him apart as he screamed. I was forced to watch. They wanted me to witness the consequence of my failure. After he was terminated, they ordered another cyborg in my batch to deliver my punishment. This time, the cyborg complied. He whipped me until my synthetic skin hung from my frame. Crudely, they stitched my torn flesh back together and ordered me to return to the training field. On the first exercise, my back spilt open, so they soldered my flesh closed, fusing the skin. I was left with permanent scars to wear as a reminder of my failure.” His whole body shuddered, the pain in his voice caused my heart to seize inside my chest.

  “Oh, Reaper.” I pulled his frame to mine, hugging him so tight I thought my arms might break. His arms went around my waist, and he clung to me. “No matter what they said, it was not your fault Reaper.” Whispering the words into his ear, I ran my palms over his back, caressing every scar I could reach. “They used your friend as an example. A tool to reinforce what would happen if you didn’t do what they wanted. You could have done everything right and it wouldn’t have mattered, Reaper.” I put my mouth against his ear. “Listen to me. You are not a failure. You are the strongest man I have ever met.” I kissed the shell of his ear. “Brave. Fierce.” I slid a hand down to find the steady thump of his heart beneath his frame. “You are worthy.”

  Reaper put his hand over mine. “I have never been something of value.”

  “You are, now. You matter, Reaper. To the cyborgs you lead,” I rested my head on his shoulder, “and to me.” I could totally fall in love with Reaper. If I was honest, my heart was already half-way there.


  Aria saw me as worthy. I could hardly believe it. I had been a nameless Military Model. The only identifying feature was the number they had called me. 825-397. Once free, I gave myself a name. Still, it hadn’t helped me feel any more like I mattered. I was simply the leader of the cyborg rebellion. If I fell, another cyborg would take my place. Now, I wasn’t so sure. The female in my arms began to alter my programming as effectively as a Global Allegiance technician. I stroked her hair.

  She sighed. “I guess it’s my turn.”

  My fingers froze in her hair. “I won’t let go,” I promised, holding her tight to my chest.

  She kissed my cheek. “Good.” Her head went back to resting on my shoulder. “After you left with Dash and Iris, the Global Allegiance showed up on my doorstep. They accused me of harboring a cyborg and being part of the cyborg rebellion. I denied the charges, of course, but they already knew about Dash and the cyborg rebellion. It was no use. They took me and tossed me into a cell. For three days I sat there, not knowing what was going to happen to me. Then I met Dr. Rosenfield. Right away, warning bells went off in my head. Something felt wrong. Still, I tried pleading my case, telling her it was a big mistake. She simply laughed at me.” Warm drops splashed on my shoulder. My frame tensed. Her tears were my worst enemy.

  Lifting her head from my shoulder, she swiped angrily at the tears now dotting her cheeks. “The Global Allegiance needed new cyborgs. Ones that would never question their programming. Ones that would grow up believing they were nothing but expendable pieces of technology.” Her breathing grew ragged. “Children.” She curled her hands into fists. “That was her solution. She grabbed my arm and dragged me from the cell and down the hall to another room, shoving me inside.” Her body began to tremble on my lap, her eyes darting around the room as if she was back there, reliving the horror. “They were so small. Helpless.” She trembled violently. “I didn’t think. Rushing in, I picked up the first one I came to, cradling him to my chest. His eyes opened, and I smiled, rocking him gently. He blinked at me a few times and then his eyes flickered once, twice and then nothing.” She stared down at her hands like they had somehow failed her. “He died. Right there in my arms. Why couldn’t I have saved him, too? Why couldn’t I have saved them all, Reaper?”

  Burying her face into my chest, she started to sob. Her tiny form shook in my lap, her pain was so sharp I could smell the scent of it. My heart convulsed behind my assembled rib cage. Fix her, my processors ordered. I don’t know how! I shouted at my circuits.

  “Look at me, Aria.” She sniffled and raised her head, wiping her face on her sleeve. Her nose dripped as the flesh under her eyes puffed, inflamed by her tears. She had never looked more beautiful. The heart that beat inside her chest was far bigger than her frame. “Those few seconds that small cyborg spent in your arms were the best in his whole life. In your arms, even though it was brief, he knew love. That is something most cyborgs never experience. You gave him a precious gift. Don’t let Dr. Rosenfield continue to torture you through guilt. If you could have found a way, you would have saved them all. You are a tiny warrior. Small, but formidable. You gave us the gift of Theo. He is a miracle.” I kissed away her tears. “And he is so blessed to have you to love him. Because of you, he will have a life filled with light and hope instead of pain and darkness. He is the luckiest cyborg because he has you.”

  Her cheeks darkened, a ghost of a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. “Thank you, Reaper.” Her head nestled against my chest. “You know you’re pretty good at this.”

  I scoffed. “Hardly. I’m much better at swinging my battle axe than trying to comfort someone. Warm and cuddly aren’t my things.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t sell yourself short. You refused to give up on me. You gave me a piece of your past despite how it hurt you.” A kiss landed on my chest. “You listened. Gave me a safe place to fall apart. That matters, Reaper. More than you know.”

  Pride and a sense of warmth caused my frame to expand. I didn’t think I fixed her. She didn’t need me to. She needed me to be there. I was honored she chose me.

  She tilted her head up and looked at me. “Do you think, since Dax is with Theo, I could stay with you tonight?”

  Shock rolled through my system. I had never had a female share my quarters or my bed. Then again, I did have a two-bedroom suite maybe Aria was simply asking to spend the night in my spare room. Maybe she felt better knowing I was right next door. Answer her, you fool. “Of course. I have an extra bedroom. You are more than welcome to use it.”

  “Oh, okay. I guess that will work.” Her shoulders slumped, disappointment clear in her voice.

  “Or you can stay with me in my room. It would be an honor to have you in my bed.” I quickly amended.

  Aria blushed a darker shade of pink, her cheeks blossoming with color. “I just want to sleep...with you. I mean...not like that. I
mean sex is on the table, just not tonight. Holy hell why is this so freaking awkward right now? You’ve had your hands on my girly bits for goodness sake. Ugh!”

  I leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. “Trust me, that experience has been permanently burned into my processors.” I chucked softly. “Relax, Aria. Just sleeping next to you would be another wonderful memory to add to my memory banks. No other female has ever shared my bed. I only suggested the extra room because I didn’t want to assume. I wanted you to have the choice.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot. I know our relationship hasn’t exactly been easy. Maybe I should find it weird that now I like your face instead of feeling like I want to punch it. Or, that when I’m with you, I feel truly safe for the first time in forever. The truth’s too short to waste it worrying. I like the Reaper ride. I plan to stay on it.”

  “You are the first.” I rose from couch, taking Aria with me, cradling her against my chest. She let out a small gasp but then snuggled closer to me as I crossed the short distance to my bedroom.

  I didn’t bother with the light, simply striding to the bed and tossing back the covers. Cyborgs didn’t require sleep, but I enjoyed having a bed of my own. It helped to remind me I was free, that I had a room of my own, no longer tied to processing vats and rows of sterile holes in the walls where they stored us.

  I gently placed her in my bed, she scooted over to make room for my larger frame. As soon as my weight hit the bed, she rolled over to press herself to my form, her head resting against my shoulder. One arm snaked across my chest to hold me close. My breath stilled. My heart stuttered, my processors unable to keep a steady rhythm.

  “This okay?” she asked.

  I swallowed, needing extra lubricant to form words. “Yes.” I only managed one word.

  “Good night, Reaper.”

  “Good night, Aria.” Warm breath fanned over my skin, her breathing becoming even and deep. My frame relaxed as sleep started to claim the female tucked beside me. This was far different from the nights I laid here staring at my celling as battle maneuvers, weapon check-lists, and the daily issues that arise from being the leader of the rebellion swirled through my processors. Now my circuits spun round and round, contemplating the lovely creature in bed with me. I trailed a finger along her cheek. “You are the most fascinating female I have ever met.” I whispered softly.

  She snuggled in deeper against my frame. “You fascinate me too, Reaper.” Aria mumbled sleepily.

  The fabricated heart inside my chest stopped dead...and then restarted.

  I may have underestimated my opponent.

  This Military Model was beginning to fall.

  Chapter Twelve


  Nestled next to Reaper, I got the best night of sleep since I arrived here. I felt lighter—better than I had in months. His warm body hadn’t moved one inch from mine all night long. Mine, on the other hand had gotten closer. When I awakened, I discovered I had partially climbed on top of him in my sleep. My lower half now rested over his lap. Currently, I was straddling him, something substantial and firm cradled between my thighs.

  I gave a tentative rock of my hips. Hello there, my brain whispered.

  Reaper shifted his hips, sucking in a breath. “I’m trying to ignore that I’m resting between your thighs. Not helping, princess.”

  I rocked my hips again, enjoying the feeling of his length against my core. “What if I don’t want you to ignore it?” I sat up, straddling his lap. I leaned down; my tongue darted out to taste him, taking lazy licks along his chest. He inhaled sharply. The taste of metal clung to my lips as I lifted my head to meet Reaper’s wide eyes. “Do you think I’m ready to play with your battle axe now?” I teased.

  “ haven’t had any training.” Reaper’s voice was low as he struggled to find the right words.

  Guess I needed to show him. I slid a hand down to cup him through his pants. “I wasn’t talking about the one you carry on your back, sexy.” Kissing my way down his chest, I stopped to tug a charcoal-dusted nipple into my mouth, sucking softly.

  Reaper’s hands fisted in my hair, clutching the blonde strands like a lifeline. “Aria,” he groaned.

  I swirled my tongue around the hard tip, lapping at Reaper’s unique taste. The metallic taste of his frame was clearly there, but his skin carried a hint of spice. It reminded me of cinnamon, warm and dark and utterly delicious. I let his nipple pop free with a wet pop. “Mmm. I love the way you taste.”

  Reaper let out another groan, “Are you attempting to fry my circuits, princess?”

  I grinned. “If I wanted to do that I’d do this, instead.”

  Crawling down his body, I stopped when I came face to face with the massive bulge in his pants. I gripped the elastic band and tugged them down over his hips, freeing his cock. I couldn’t help but stare. Long and thick, it was a deeper shade of gray then the rest of him. He was completely hairless downstairs with a set of balls in a size that matched his cock. “Holy hell, Reaper. I think I need a moment. This baby is beautiful.”

  Seriously who the hell am I right now?

  Me. The fun side of your personality. The girl who isn’t going to let what happened to her stop her from living or keep her from enjoying the feast of this gray cyborg whose beautiful cock is staring at us. Don’t stop now we are getting to the good part.

  On that, we agree.

  The blue of Reaper’s eyes had expanded, taking up almost every bit of his sockets. It was like drowning in a beautiful ocean. So much beauty in a man designed to kill. Leaning down, I blew a warm breath over the head of his cock. “Do you think you can keep that CPU of yours from overheating?”

  “I’ll do my best,” Reaper choked out, his gray hands fisting the sheets.

  I licked my lips. “Good. Let me know if it gets to be too much. Can’t I have the cyborg I like combusting on me.”

  I clasped his cock in my hand, my fingers couldn’t close around it completely. I gave a slow stroke up and down his length, marveling at how glorious he felt in my fingers. I tightened my grip and found barely any give. It was like stroking a steel rod; if a steel rod had been coated in something warm and soft and looked completely fucking delicious.

  I had to have a taste. Licking Reaper from base to tip, I swirled my tongue around the head, once, twice.

  Reaper let out a groan. “Feels so good. Fuck, princess.”

  His taste, and his words, had my pussy dampening. I resisted the urge to shove a hand between my thighs and take care of the building ache. This was all about Reaper.

  His big, gray body was locked to the bed, the lines of his frame drawn tight as his fists gripped the sheets so hard his fingers were tearing through the fabric. My eyes settled on his cock. A glistening drop of precum spilled free from his slit, clearly appreciating my attention.

  It deserved a reward. My tongue laved his slit, Reaper’s taste erupting on my tongue like fireworks. If I thought his skin tasted good, his cum was even better. Pressing my tongue in a little deeper to capture more, it was like shooting a shot of spiced rum without the burn.

  Reaper’s hips jerked upward without warning. I yanked my head back at the last second, narrowly missing getting thumped in the chin by his cock. “Sorr...sorry. Couldn’t help it.” Reaper managed to choke out between clenched teeth.

  “I can’t say I don’t enjoy the enthusiasm big guy, but you might break a girl’s jaw if the cock attached to that metal frame of yours hits it with enough force.” I curled my fingers around his base giving his cock another slow stroke with my hand. “I really want to suck that beautiful gray cock of yours until you cum but you’re going to have watch the thrusting, sexy. Think you can do that?” I parted my lips wide over the head of his cock, more than ready to take as much of it as I could into my waiting mouth. I only needed his answer. “Reaper! Look at me.” His head snapped up, his blue eyes locking with mine.

  “Order me,” he growled.

  “What?” Confusion caused
my brow to wrinkle.

  Reaper’s gaze bored into mine. “Order me to not thrust. Command me, Aria.”

  Wetness spilled between my thighs. My damp pussy became a flood at his words. When a Military Model, the leader of the cyborg rebellion, wants you to command him? Do it. It’s hot. Panty-melting, thigh-clenching hot. “I order you to keep your hips glued to the mattress as I suck your cock. Do you hear me, Reaper?”

  “Yes,” he hissed between clenched teeth. “I will follow your order even if it kills me.”

  I smiled. “Let’s not go that far. I happen to like you and your cock alive and well.”

  A smile teased the corners of his lips. “Then I’ll make sure they both stay that way.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Aria’s mouth hovered over my cock and I locked my ass to the mattress. Her command ringing through my processors like a song, zipping through every circuit from the tip of my steel toes to the top of my reinforced skull. I’d blurted out what I wanted from her without thought. It didn’t make sense. I swore that once I was free, I would never follow anyone’s orders except my own. Then Aria tore into my life like a tornado, sending my circuits spinning and causing numerous malfunctions. I should hate it, but with every manufactured bone in my frame, I craved it.

  I craved her. I would follow my warrior’s orders without hesitation. Aria gave me the order then teased me, her smile awakening mine.

  She was commanding and playful. Not ruthless nor unkind.

  I would follow her orders simply because it pleased me. I couldn’t deny I would be rewarded handsomely for complying.

  Aria didn’t wait, she wrapped her lips around my cock, pulling it into her mouth, sucking sweetly; every thought in my processors fled. My hips tried disobeying, lifting from the mattress a tiny fraction before I caught myself, pressing them in deeper.

  I had no doubt the imprint of my ass would be forever gracing my mattress. It was worth it. Especially when Aria’s hands found the neglected bit of cock she couldn’t fit between her lips and started stroking it in time with her mouth.


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